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Hey, Sunny, My Sweetguy is the same age as MOHD, and it is the best I ever had !! :wub:

older men are more skilled in the art of making love......... :)

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older men are more skilled in the art of making love......... :)

I definitely agree with that one. They are more into taking there time and enjoying it all. My SO has 14 years on me. Total difference from the one I was with before.

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Hey, Sunny, My Sweetguy is the same age as MOHD, and it is the best I ever had !! :wub:

Hahaha I was teasing him as in I would give him a heart attack... He's NOT old!

My H is 4 years younger than me!

...and well yeah, I think you all know how that is going!

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Hahaha I was teasing him as in I would give him a heart attack... He's NOT old!

My H is 4 years younger than me!

...and well yeah, I think you all know how that is going!

Not old, but older that 20, and in less of a hurry....... just sayin'

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Why do I continue to torture myself???

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Why do I continue to torture myself???

If you figure that out, let me know, maybe it is the same reason I do. <sigh>

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Going shopping today for me for a change. I need a new digital camera and who knows what else I might find. I need time to myself.

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Anyone have any ideas on how we can spice up the board? We seem to have slowed way down again....

Come up w/ a topic or 2... I did that poll... What about some new contests. it's been awhile!

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My stepson is 23 today!! Our baby boy.......growing up!!

I blew up balloons and stuff for when he gets up. (works nights)

When sweetguy gets home, were going to have lasagna for supper

and then cake.

DSS acts like he hates it, but he ends up smiling when he tries to grumble!

Nothing from his mom, no card, no call............. <_<

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I am starting to think that parts of life are one big total joke. Just seems to always end up the same way and is it really worth it. Doubtful.

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I am starting to think that parts of life are one big total joke. Just seems to always end up the same way and is it really worth it. Doubtful.

Oh, honey, keep trying. It took me 46 years to get it right.

You need a hug.

Keep going, it is going to be worth it.

We love ya :kiss:

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Oh, honey, keep trying. It took me 46 years to get it right.

You need a hug.

Keep going, it is going to be worth it.

We love ya :kiss:

Actually I am just having a reality check of some things around me. I will be fine and even stronger. Thank you.

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Dear daughter~ in~ law just informed us she is pregnant again!!

They have twin boys who just turned five.

A summer baby!! :wub:

I NEVER get tired of babies of any kind!

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Life is full of lessons. We just have to make sure we are smart enough to learn from them.

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At times I tend to overthink things...

Don't we all.

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Don't we all.


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My favorite all-time movie is the Wizard of Oz and my favorite line in it is when the Wizard tells the tinman, "A heart will never be practical until it can be made unbreakable."

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One of my favorites comes from Hope Floats: "Childhood is something we spend the rest of our lives trying to get over."

I didn't feel valued as a child.

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I didn't feel valued as a child.

Me too, Shelly. I did within my family but not by my peers. 12 years of that crap takes a lot of getting over, if ever.

See i was the opposite. My friends and teachers and stuff adored me, but i couldn't get it at home. In fact none of us kids really ever got the attention we deserved not just me.

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Had a nice relaxing night which was nice. Relaxed, took a bubble bath and watching tv. It was needed.

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