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Dealing With Penis Envy?


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Yes, it really does exsist! Have you ever had to deal with it, or, for the men, have you ever felt it?

For example, my exhusband was my FIRST waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay back in high school. We broke up for a long time, while I remained very close with his little sister. I had some serious relationships thru the years, before I got back together with my ex.

The last BF before I got back with the ex, was, well, very well-endowed. When I got back with my ex, his little sister ran her mouth, and divulged that my last BF was extremely hung (she found out thru our girl talk, c'mon! We all do that!! LOL).

Thru our entire 4 yr relationship, my now-ex, kept saying how hung my last BF was, and made it well known how jealous he was, no matter HOW much I told him that size doesn't matter, and how that, if I had wanted to stay with him, I would have. It was very tiring.

So, have you ever dealt with something similar? Have you felt this way men? Has it killed a relationship? Damaged one? Let us know!

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Yes. My husband is insecure about his size which is actually a good average size. I have never complained nor have I felt like I wished he was bigger. Yet he will make these comments. Like if the Enzyte commercial comes on. "One of these days I am going to order some of that". To which I tell him to shut up! He knows I have been "around" and in the past he would get jealous if I mentioned a certain EX who was well endowed. I don't get it I tell him how he is the best sex I have ever had and sometimes he still has a hard time believing me. I guess it's like when he tells me I am beautiful and I have a hard time believing him because of my insecurity... :rolleyes:

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The first couple of times I took my boy to a sex shop he as kind of intimidated by the size of the toys there. Now, though, I think he realizes that's not the norm... and even if it were, we have amazing sex and I make sure he knows it! He has told me that I'm the best partner he has ever had, and he's definitely the best I've had, so I mean really... what's to worry about? :)

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My husband is on the larger side of average, but seems to think he's on the small side. I have no Idea who he's comparing himself to but he measures up. Saying that, I'll also say I have a very petite bone structure and love the larger toys. He's very inhibited by the larger toys and sometimes jokes that the larger toys will break me......not yet :rolleyes:

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Any guy who went through the high school locker room mill knows about penis envy unless they were one of the (perceived) lucky

ones. A teenager who isn't particularly well endowed, or is a late bloomer as I was, gets told often how inadequate they are.

Even though I've been told that I matured quite nicely the trauma of those remarks has lingered for years.

Besides, a mans view of his own penis is from the worst possible angle. Either he is looking at the thing falling away from him or

he can only see the end of it.

Yes, penis envy is alive and well.

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OKay, along the lines of this, what do you do when a smalled guy asks you about his size? Do you lie or tell the truth. I give a simple "sure" or some other kind of positive remark and change teh subject. Is it rude to lie or would it be better for me to be like "No, your kinda on the small side actually."

I bring this up because I recently had a guy that I hooked up with eons ago ask f he "filled" me, quite honestly it was closer to not really touching me a) he was wasted and I only brought him home so that eh wouldnt try and drive drunk to me B) I'm gonna hope it was just cold in teh room. But I said "yeah" and immediately changed the subject to avoid having to give details.

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I can't say that I've ever had penis envy. The thought has crossed my mind about Val's past lovers but in all honesty, I put ALL the tools at my disposal to their best use and I haven't had any complaints yet. Frankly, a man can do more with his tongue than his penis will ever be capable of and from the yells of pleasure Val emits, well...I have nothing to worry about with my average self.


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I can't say that I've ever had penis envy. The thought has crossed my mind about Val's past lovers but in all honesty, I put ALL the tools at my disposal to their best use and I haven't had any complaints yet. Frankly, a man can do more with his tongue than his penis will ever be capable of and from the yells of pleasure Val emits, well...I have nothing to worry about with my average self.


I don't think there's much about you that's "average" Mr. Randy! :)

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I don't think there's much about you that's "average" Mr. Randy! :)

I have to agree Thur, nothing average about you at all.

I don't know about envy as in envious of size, but I always wanted a penis for a day just to see what fun things I could do with it. Does that count as envy? :lol:

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