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Semen Cookbook


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Someone posted this on another forum and I just had to share, it was too funny. I already ordered my copy, haha!

Natural Harvest - A Collection of Semen-Based Recipes

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OMG! Too funny!

Who is going to tell sweetguy I'm giving up swollowing??

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Guest eminatic

jesus christ, have you seen some of the stories in the reviews?

"This book has really helped the cuisines that I make for me and my family. Now when I want a blowjob my mother has no reason not to help because she knows that the flan will be all the sweeter with my cum."

"I just made all the kids a honey cum-slurpie with some rancid leftover sperm that my wife had forgotten to put in the fridge. They made a bit of a face because of the musty odor, but my father in-law, that old spanker, came to the rescue and quickly topped off the slurpies with some fresh strings of cock slime and now they all love it!"

i think im going to be sick, i hope they are joking... also, if i remember correctly, semen tastes like bleach mixed with vomit.

lol why did i click that link, :o

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i think im going to be sick, i hope they are joking... also, if i remember correctly, semen tastes like bleach mixed with vomit.

lol why did i click that link, :o

Well, if the semen you swallowed tasted like that, that man must've been sick, or into some gross food combos! LOL Sorry to hear that!

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The reviews sound like people just BSing.

Its a joke, guys!

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Haha, yeah, I love how so many people went along with the joke in the reviews. The book obviously isn't serious but claims to be, and the reviews took the same approach!

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Guest eminatic
Well, if the semen you swallowed tasted like that, that man must've been sick, or into some gross food combos! LOL Sorry to hear that!

he insisted that i was just being overly dramatic about it, and that the taste was the same as any other guy. i wouldn't know since i have nothing to compare it to, and i dont intend to find out.

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LOL so funny I think there was a member who put it on her oatmeal and cheerios! Remember her!

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got a glazed donut recipe for them, lol

EWWW nice!

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I tried to fry some last night just for kicks, but the pan hadn't heated up enough and it spread out too much before it started cooking so it burnt. I'm sure we'll try again, I'll keep you posted! :P

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I tried to fry some last night just for kicks, but the pan hadn't heated up enough and it spread out too much before it started cooking so it burnt. I'm sure we'll try again, I'll keep you posted! :P

Sounds tricky! Did you get it perfected yet?? :D:D

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I tried to fry some last night just for kicks, but the pan hadn't heated up enough and it spread out too much before it started cooking so it burnt. I'm sure we'll try again, I'll keep you posted! :P

Blech! Now i love me some semen but I'd have to throw out the pan, my kitchen (well kitchenette right now) is scared! I'm down with sex everywhere BUT my kitchen. When I have a reall kitchen and I'm strolling around teh house naked (it's a habit) I always get dressed before going in there.

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LOL Suzy... admittedly trying to fry semen may be going a little far, but the boy regularly ends up cooking bacon while naked, so eh. :P (I keep telling him not to... seems dangerous to me!)

I got my book, and it's HILARIOUS!! We'll be trying some of the recipes as soon as we're both motivated enough to do so, haha.

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LOL Suzy... admittedly trying to fry semen may be going a little far, but the boy regularly ends up cooking bacon while naked, so eh. :P (I keep telling him not to... seems dangerous to me!)

OH THE BURNS!!! Buy him an apron for christmas (festivus), for safety reasons at least! OH the hygene! Remind me to NOT invite you guys over for bacon....... lol

If you do try any of the recipes, please, go buy a second set of cheap cookware! OH THE HUMANITY! :lol:

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I suppose it would make you absolutely squirm to know we made eggs immediately afterwards? :P

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ugheck! Actually it's okay. I hate eggs any way! :) At least tell me you washed the pan, cooked semen must be gross, but burnt sperm have to be vile!

I'll stick to mine being fresh and raw but it taste best in a smoothie


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It's not sushi, but it's the same idea! :wub:

I guess on a bed of vinager rice and a dab of wasabi wouldn't hurt


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