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So I have an Ob I regularly see and things are great. But I have been putting off the ever dreaded decision of going on birth control or not. As some of you ladies/gents know, I'm a serious athlete who pretty much gets paid to dance and look a certain way [which is fine with me]. I have had TERRIBLE cramps and heaviness for years, and I just have ignored the pain and dealt with it until now. It's getting to be unbearable. I've had an ultrasound and everything is normal, so I just have really heavy periods. So I'm getting ready to go back and discuss a birth control option to regulate and help with the flow [i'm not sexually active so it's strictly woman issues]. Before going in, I just wanted your opinions on whether or not two things: DOES birth control make you gain weight [i've heard yes and no but I wanted to ask you guys :)] and second, from your own experience which works the best with the least/no weight gain?

I just want some ideas when I go into the visit so I know what to rule out and keep away from. Sorry to bother you guys, but it's so important I know this! I unfortunately, cannot afford the weight gain.

:] thanks! lil miss

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Hi LM!

So, have you tried some of the other options for help with this? Heating pads / heating patches (very successful for some persons), hot tubs, yoga and meditation? These may help, they may not.

As far as the BC pills, most of the pills do cause a modicum of weight gain, but usually nothing too terrible. There are a few lower dose ones that have less of a possibility of this happening, and there is one that actually causes weight loss in many people (but I can't remember the name).

I think for you, because of your schedule of dancing and moving, the weight should not be an issue. I realize that even 5 pounds on a small dancer such as yourself is horrendous (not my opinion, btw) but being without pain is worth a little sacrifice, isn't it?

Let us know what you decide!

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As with any medication, the side-effects of birth control are going to vary person-to-person as our bodies react differently to it. I think the key is finding a brand that works for you... if you try something and it DOES cause weight gain, get your doctor to switch you to something else, keeping in mind that it takes at least a couple of months for your body to really get used to each new brand of birth control. Yasmin is the one that has been reported to cause weight loss in a lot of cases... maybe you could start from there in your search for BC that is right for you :)

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Guest eminatic

the side effects of birth control are pretty much the same, whether or not you personally experience them just depends on how you react to the different progestins/progesterons. alot of times the doctor tries to push whatever the newest one is on you so if you have something in mind, speak up. also tell your doctor what kind of cycle you want. do you want a regular cycle? few periods a year? no period? there is a class of "super low" dose which includes levlite/lutera/alesse, Loestrin 24 FE and Mircette. the next group after that the dose is slightly increased but is still a low dose.

it usually takes your body 3 months to get used to a birth control, so if you are having some minor side effects initially, they may go away in a few months. if they persist or you feel they are a major problem then it is probably time to switch.

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I would say that the risk of side-effects would be worth it for you, espcially if your gyn agrees.

I have been on a variety of birth control pills since I was 16 yrs old. I was really active, like you are now, and I never had an issue with weight gain. Since you ARE so active, I don't really see this as a problem for you.

However, please check with your GYN to see which one they recommend for you, because, as it's been said already, each person reacts to the hormones in b.c. pills differently. It's the same like with drugs to help with manic depression, you really need to try the combination/Rx that works best for your specific chemistry. Your GYN will probably put you on something medium strength since your periods are so miserable for you.

I was on one type of Pill for 4 yrs and started getting migraines. A blood test later revealled that I had to much testosterone in my system, and viola'!! They changed the Rx, and no more migraines!

Also remember, that, in b.c. pills, a lot of women tend to have an increase in breast size, since the hormones fool the body into being pregnant (I increased a cup size), which does cause the scale to go up a bit.

Talk with your GYN though. Best wishes sweetie!!!

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Guest eminatic

Also remember, that, in b.c. pills, a lot of women tend to have an increase in breast size, since the hormones fool the body into being pregnant (I increased a cup size), which does cause the scale to go up a bit.

omg this is probably the only side effect i did NOT get lol. i swear the only times i ever see it happen is to women who already had breasts to start with. :lol:

although im not sure if severe periods require a higher dosage...i used to have REALLY bad cramps and wound up in the emergency room and they told me to take birth control....the lowest dose available. i remember thinking "this tiny little thing isn't going to do ANYTHING" i was a day 1 starter so i took it the first day of my period and noticed dramatic results by the next day. after that my cycles were like clockwork and never gave me any trouble again.

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omg this is probably the only side effect i did NOT get lol. i swear the only times i ever see it happen is to women who already had breasts to start with. :lol:

although im not sure if severe periods require a higher dosage...i used to have REALLY bad cramps and wound up in the emergency room and they told me to take birth control....the lowest dose available. i remember thinking "this tiny little thing isn't going to do ANYTHING" i was a day 1 starter so i took it the first day of my period and noticed dramatic results by the next day. after that my cycles were like clockwork and never gave me any trouble again.

I was kinda shocked that I went up, but, yep, I did. I was a 32c all thru high school. One of my friends swore I got a boob job (til he got to fondle them LOL).

I'm glad that you had such a great result with your b.c. pills. That's great!! :D

I think that the side effects also depends on your age, especially since they say "If you're over the age of 35, you shouldn't smoke on The Pill....." sort of thing. But that's not an issue here anyway.

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Guest eminatic

i've been pretty much a solid 34 A all my life. aesthetically i think its fine, they look proportionate to the rest of my body....its just that most of the big lingerie companies start at B cup for the cute styles :<

oh, also if you don't have good insurance or you are on a pill that has no generic...there are usually an array of promotions for birth control...most likely your doctor may know of some. when i switched to my current pill, i got a coupon for $35 (my prescription was exactly $35) so it was free, then when i brought the receipt back to my doctor they gave me a six month trial pack for free.

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I know what you mean Em, I'm a 32 A and have been for years... good luck finding any cute bras :(. They certainly never got any bigger from BC.

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I suffer from the same thing. I'll wake up in the middle of the night with cramps so bad, I can't even walk; then the next day ..well let's say it would seem I have the flu... I need to go see my gyn and have an ultra sound as u. I want to start the pill again (they have a new pill that u only have ur lady time 3 times a year!!); but I need to give up the butts for that.

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I have been on yasmin 28 for YEARS...its the only pill that does not cause me to gain weight..I have tried others, only to have them make me wacky or even worse issues with my cycle

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Guest eminatic

i originally started out on Levlite (and its generic, Lutera) while it did regulate my periods like clockwork and made them FAR less severe, it also caused RAPID weight gain, which was scary at the time because i was gaining so much weight so fast and i didn't know if it was going to stop or not. it eventually stopped but it took me over a year to get rid of most of the weight. it also caused CYSTIC acne and severe, inexplicable depression. i did not make the connection at the time that those two things were from the birth control. i didn't realize that the old birth control was the cause until i switched about 6 months ago to Loestrin, and the cystic acne and depression immediately stopped...like a light switch. in its place now is more visible but less severe acne (which is fine, at least i can smile and move my face now without pain) and i (& others around me) noticed an EXTREME increase in aggression/anger...like i would suddenly fly into a blind rage over seemingly nothing the way i used to withdraw into inexplicable depression for no apparent reason. again i think the trade off was worth it, because i don't continuously cry and constantly dwell on or fantasize about killing myself (anger is depression projected outwards, right? :lol: ). plus the anger thing seems to have leveled out a bit by now and no matter how bad things get i never have that complete consuming sense of hopelessness the way i used to. so i guess the switch was for the better (except for the $40 a month price the new one carries <_< )

i originally switched because i thought that the birth control might have had something to do with my lack of sex drive, but the switch has not made any difference (i was prescribed birth control when i was young so i don't know if it was being suppressed by the birth control or if i just never had a sex drive to begin with...im starting to think its the latter). i think i've pretty much given up on trying to search for my long lost sex drive XD

i was not having normal periods on Loestrin until last month.

but every birth control has a different progestin (synthetic progesterone) and that is the biggest factor in how you will individually react to it.

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