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Have You Hugged Someone Today?


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Hugging is good medicine. It transfers energy and gives the person hugged an emotional lift.

You need four hugs a day for survival, eight for maintenance, and twelve for growth.

Scientists say that hugging is a form of communication because it can say things you don’t have words for.

And the nicest thing about a hug is that you usually can’t give one without getting one.

Hugging is healthy. It helps the body’s immune system.

It cures depression.

It reduces stress.

It induces sleep.

It’s invigorating.

It’s rejuvenating.

It has no unpleasant side effects.

Have you hugged somebody today?

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Not to take from your OP Tyger, but I am curious! How many of us hug our friends, same sex or otherwise? My friends are very special to me, and held in the same regard as family!

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I am not a hugger. My family, that is, parents, siblings, sibling-in-laws, aunts, uncles, grandparents, and such, are not huggers. My wife and her family are huggers. My wife's hugs have worn off a little bit onto my family, so that now there is a little bit of hugging amongst them when saying goodbye from family gatherings.

Still, I am not much of a hugger. My wife is usually the one who instigates them. She has said she wished I hugged her more. I rarely hug other guys; mostly brothers-in-law (from wife's huggy family), and not every visit. I'll hug my kids, though.

I do not feel like I need more hugs. Maybe I'll try hugging the wife more and see if it makes a difference in how I feel.

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I am a hugger.

I hug the guy several times a day.

I hug my kids, stepkids, grandkind, co workers and my family.

Anybody who looks sad or is crying gets a hug.

Yep, I'm 'touchy'.

The stepson told me the first time I grabbed him and hugged him, he was really startled.

Guess mom wasn't a spontaneous hugger.

If he says something really funny (or sassy) I hug him and tell him I love him. :D

He has the best sense of humor.

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I've also heard that not only hugs are good but that HEART hugs are even better! That is, hugging on the side where the hearts will be right over each other, touching. It helps with the transfer of the happy, healthy, loved, and loving energy! :kiss: (Which I think would be hugging to the RIGHT instead of to the LEFT)

I'm from deep South. We're kind of all huggers. ;)

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Guest eminatic

i'm not a hugger and i can't really remember ever hugging someone although i'm sure i have at some point. the closest i can remember is someone hugging me and me politely sort of putting my arm around them but not really hugging them :huh:

i hug my doggie alot though

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Hugging is good medicine. It transfers energy and gives the person hugged an emotional lift.

You need four hugs a day for survival, eight for maintenance, and twelve for growth.

Scientists say that hugging is a form of communication because it can say things you don’t have words for.

And the nicest thing about a hug is that you usually can’t give one without getting one.

Hugging is healthy. It helps the body’s immune system.

It cures depression.

It reduces stress.

It induces sleep.

It’s invigorating.

It’s rejuvenating.

It has no unpleasant side effects.

Have you hugged somebody today?

I really do love this post and I'm glad you posted it up! :) I believe the same thing. Every time I hug my mother or my boyfriend, those are the two people I hug a lot. I'll always feel both of there energies. :) He always told me how he loves giving a big hugs first before I go cause he wants to remember my smell and loves having me close to his body. My other boyfriends hugged me but not as much as Chris ever has. I always thought kisses were wonderful but now I always find myself hugging him a lot more. :wub:

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