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Tsunami Stimulator


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I never had a g spot stimulator before, but reading some reviews I thought I would give it a try. I picked this one, because it looked nice, and I liked the sparkles.

It looks way better than the picture on the site. It's a very nice shade of blue, with silver sparkles. I put the batteries in, and gave it a shot.

I moved it around, not knowing if I even *HAD* a g spot. Maybe it was a myth, maybe mine was asleep... But after about 6 minutes, I hit a spot and felt a tingle. I held it there, and turned up the vibration. WOW. I had a sensation like when your foot falls asleep, only in my whole body. I felt all my muscles tense and then BAM! I could barely muster the strength to turn it off. So yes, RIDE THE TSUNAMI. I'm so glad I did.

Tsunami Stimulator

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You have got to admit, that is a great name for a G-Spot stimulator - the Tsunami - like you are gushing so much from the orgasm!

I have been eyeing this one on the site, but have not tried it yet - thinking, "Do I really need another G-Spot vibrator" - I think I might. You know I am a sucker for those pretty things, and this one does look pretty, and you did say it was prettier in person....

I laughed outloud when I read that you thought your G-Spot was asleep. Girl, many women's G-Spots are asleep - we need to wake them all UP!

Mikayla :rolleyes:

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  • 5 years later...
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Tsunami Stimulator

When I received this toy I was impressed with the packaging. Most I have received are in the plastic packaging that could have been easily opened and closed back up with no one noticing. This one has that same packaging but when you open it up the toy is then wrapped an additional time in plastic so that you know it hasn't been tampered with. I then peeled off the plastic and noticed it did have a slight new-toy smell, but nothing overpowering. The toy is actually a dark blue but very pretty with the sparkles going through the inside. It measures about 6.5 inches long and .75 in diameter with the tip curved up to help in hitting the oh so sweet g-spot. It is phthalate free. This jelly toy is also waterproof which is something I love.

I then gave the toy a nice warm bath with anti-bacterial soap and let it dry. The batteries can be easily inserted in the bottom of the toy by unscrewing the cap. It takes 2 AAA batteries. Once they are inserted please be sure that the cap is tightened all the way as the worst thing would be for water to get inside and kill your precious friend.

I figured first I would test it some before inserting the toy. It is easily turned on by the dial on the base. I would say the vibes feel low to medium at most. If you are someone that prefers a strong or high vibe this wouldn't be for you. Also you can feel the vibes through most of the toy, but not at the curve which is in my opinion where I would want it most.

It is now playtime so let's see if this pretty boy can deliver as I am a gal that loves her g-spot orgasms. I started by warming myself up some. I slowly inserted the toy and my first thing is I wish that it had a little more girth but that is just my feeling. In playing I notice the tip isn't firm enough for me to get the orgasm I so love from my g spot. Some don't have a preference but I need something more solid hitting my g spot. It was curved properly and of the right length which is a plus as there are some toys out there that to me are not made true to where they need to hit. It did give me a nice feeling but did not put me over the edge.

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LMAO at the name! Sorry it didn't do it for you but ... tsunami .... OMG, love that, and will use that term in the future! Thanks for the review!

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