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  • Briefly Describe your last sexual encounter:
    Used a vibrator on my wife while sucking her nipples, she was using one on her clit.
  • My Favorite Toy
    My wife
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  • What is your age & gender?
    53 Male

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  1. I haven’t been on here in a long time since they took down the good pics but I must say, Lady, that is one sexy ass right there! Miss your pics but this makes me smile!
  2. Something that neither my first wife or second seemed to understand. I love those deep, passionate kisses!
  3. If he doesn’t change within 30 days he’s not going to. Next, if he does change it probably won’t last. Just my opinion. I hope things work out for you with or without him.
  4. So, reading through this it seems that playing with a sibling is not taboo. I’m curious as I am now older and have fantasies of playing with one of my sisters. Since we were raised separately due to divorce, I never thought about it but now that we talk more often, thoughts have started. Bad thing?
  5. It’s ok by me! Beautiful, thanks for sharing.
  6. Classy, sexy and gorgeous as always!
  7. Beautiful as always Lady!
  8. Hey, sometimes folks just wear shirts from their favorite school. North Texas here, UNT area.
  9. You a Texas gal? Huge ring there, sexy nips too!
  10. Panties and heels, nothing better! Thanks for sharing with us Lady!
  11. Would love to enjoy a cup of coffee with you sometime. Thanks for sharing your beauty with us!
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