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Everything posted by torinasia

  1. Well seems good to have you back. And one do get interested in visiting your site. But I am afraid it does not work- You find the link, but when you click on it, the link is dead. Curious Tor
  2. I totally agree with Happily Married 2. My childhood-experience was almost the same as hers. BUT, I can see the problem for the man posing the original question. So just for his sake, she would cover up. Tor
  3. Oh Jen Life really goes on, doesn´t it? Well sorry about your mother but congratualtions to the baby. And don´t get overworked, the people on this site seem to get along quite well, even when you have to take a break Tor
  4. There is nothing wrong in that! In fact watching a adult-movie together could really enhance your sexlife, not just for that evening. First of all, it can of course get you horny. But what is even better you can try to study your partner while he is watchng it and see, and maybe feel(!) what really turns him on. And the you could talk about it like " would you want me to do that" And you an also tell him what turns you on. And, I know I have said it before on this site, but I think it can be said again. Funny thing in our society is that watching a good action-movie means that you see about a dozen people being shot, blown to pieces, or beaten up real bad. Thats entertainment and no one says that it is a bad thing, But watching pepole making love and giving each other joy - that is regarded as filthy, perverted and unmoral. Now where is the logic? But be sure to pick a good, nice movie for couples. And if possible, watch it on your own first. You dont want to start with gangbangs or people in hoods and whips performing dp:s for hours. (At least I dont think so ) Look for something by Andrew Blake for example. Good luck Tor
  5. Oh yes. hotel rooms are so sexy. Me and my wife have stayed in many and we have had some hot nights in them. And when I travel alone, getting into a hotel room I always miss my wife in a special way. So OK I admit, there have been all by myself handjobs in hotel-rooms as well... Funny thing is that for me it is not the luxury- thing that gets me going. Of course a jaccuzi or eating a room-service-snack in bed can be very special. But what really gets me hard are shabby hotels in kind of run-down parts in big cities. It feels so naughty that as if you are really there only for some steamy, forbidden sex. I still remember one evening in Copenhagen, it must have been 15 years ago, when we stayed in this cheap kind of crappy hotel near the railway station. We could hear the people in the station square and almost see them through half-broken blinds. The room was really small. I leaned on to the thin door to the corridor and could hear the guests coming and going just behind my back, shouting at each other while my wife kneeled in front of me and gave me one of her not-of-this-world blowjobs. Wonderful Copenhagen, still makes me hard just to think about it. So Catlove, a hotel-room is a very,very good suggestion. Staying there could almost turn out to be a little like a role-play. And that coud make you dare to do something extra. Good luck
  6. Well I have not seen Cathouse but I think she will be tye very same. She is blonde and very sexy. And do try to get that mive, director Michale Ninn. It has some real hot scenes. And some good corsets, if I remember correctly Tor
  7. So. this is subject for a novel... Guess that a lot of man would answer, lingerie, high-heels, maid-uniforms and a lot of stuff like that. But let me give you three rather small things that for some reasons, makes me real horny. 1. Choker, and I mean like tight velvet och leather necklace. So sexy. 2. Blindfolds, like the ones that you get on airlines for night-flights. I can not figure out why I find them so arousing, because a womans eyes are really one of the sexiest parts of her body, I mean to really look at a womans eyes as she is about to climax is fantastic. But the blindfold is maybe a kind of bondage-touch, although I am not into S/M. Anyway having sex, and especially giving a woman with a blindfold like that a facial, is a major turn-on. I know it may seem like a nasty thing, but the reptile-brain in me send very distinctive signals about that item 3. Gloves. They can be extremely sexy. And alwyas have been. Just think of the actress Rita Hayworth, maybe one of the most beautiful and sexy ladies ever to hit the silver screen. Well, in her movie Gilda, known as an almost dangerously arousing film of its times, she does a famous strip-scene. But the only thing she actutally does is slowly removing a pair of long satin-gloves, but that part was the nourish for millions of wet dreams in the fourties. Later and much tougher is the pornmovie Latex, one of the most famous in its genre. It starts with Sunset Thomas playing away with herself in a kitchen. She puts on, and makes very good use of, a pair of yellow ordinary rubber-gloves. It is mindblowing. Guess a lot of men who saw that scene made their first ever visit to a very specific supermarket-shelf. I did. Something interesting for your little research, Mikayla? By the way corsets with laceup is not a bad choice. So shop till you drop, lol Tor
  8. Hello Catlove Hope you trust me, even if there is a dog in my profile-picture... I do hope that you don´t chicken out. The absolute key-word here is step by step. The main thing here is not what you do but that you do something. That is true especially since you seem to have such an understanding boyfriend. Any "progress" you do will make him happy. And when you feel confident with what you do and feel that you make him happy, toghether you will dare to try more. That is the wonderful magic about it. So please just do something for that birthday, as said, some sexy lingerie, licking cream from his body, taking a bath together, with using oil on each other, anything that is just a little extra will make him happy. And then you can go on from there. And you and him can have many more birthdays in one year Tor
  9. Hi telecom69 First of all, I have read most of your posts here, and I must say I am impressed with your love for your girlfriend and the patience you show and all the effforts your are willing to do to make it work for you. Does she understand how muchyou put in to the relationship? Anyway, I will not go in to all of that, guess a lot of good things have already been said, by Howard, Mikkayla and whole bunch of other sensible people. But just about this last thing , being the tough guy and just "have your way" Well, guess it can by dynamite. It could work as something that breaks the, what you call, shell. But it could also shock her and take you back to square one or worse even long behind that square. So I guess it could be kind of the last effort, kind of it is now or never. But have you tried to make it a play, kind of a role play? If she would understand and like that, maybe that could take the sex-thing, out of her own personality? Maybe dress up in a special way, talking in a special way or just building up a special scene? If she could pretend to be someone else, maybe she would dare more and that woluld open her up. If you could be the tough guy, or she the tough lady, in that scene, maybe it would work? Just an idea, Good luck Tor
  10. I am so sorry to hear that there are som jerks out there bothering the ladies. But I guess thatr is the the other side of the medallion with the internet, it is free and you can be anonymous and very honest. And with that combination there are always people who misuse this qualities. Lets just hope that this will not stop people from using the site. So many nice people here sharing experiences and helping each other Ignore the bastards, dont let them ruin our fun Tor
  11. I would say that one-night stands is lika having a burger on the town instead of a decent meal at home. If you are hungy and really need to satisfy your needs, well maybe you choose the fast food. Bu exactly as with burgers you very sonn feel hungry agiain and fell likae you havn´t eaten. Because you have not got what you really need in the long run. Working on relationship and exploring another person sexually, and in all other fields, is something very different. And much more satisfying. And I am afraid tha there ends the similarity with the burger vs the homecocked meal. Cause a burger on the town will not destroy or poison your ability to make a good meal at home. But a one night stand can ruin a lot, somtimes everything, in a relationship Tor
  12. Well Mikayla, you seem to be an expert. I agree with you, lubrication is what it is all about, size is not that big issue. My wife have quite ordinary breasts but she uses them very skilfully. And about Mikaylas two techniques, my advice is to skip number 1. Seems like a lot of work to drool all over the place. We use ordinary babyoil, and my wife starts to lubricate my cock real good, as a matter of fact it becames a slow and very nice handjob. And then she takes real good time to work the oil in to her celavage and breasts. I just love to see them getting shiny and slippery. I just watch her working away with her tits while I slowly wank. Next thing is to chose position for the fuck. Some men like the woman to lie down in bed, straddle her and then literally fuck her , as she can hardly move. We dont like that, risk is you can became a heavy burden on the lady. Better to let the woman fuck the man. So our favourite is me sitting in a rather high chair and my wife kneeling in front of me, taking the cock deep into the cleavage and squeeze togehther with both hands. Then she does the moving up and down, decides the pressure and the pace, after my recommendation, lol. And if you decide to go all the way, it is good for the man to press against the womas body as climax builds up, that gets some extra rubbing on the balls, which rockets the man over the top. And it is so good to be able to give her some extra lubrication and moisture - skincare is so important Good luck
  13. Ok. it seems that you have been trying a lot ... Few hints from my horizon: what about some hot porn-movies, not only can they get you aroused but maybe you can pck up some new things from there.. Or decide to just skip sex for a period, an keep that promise. Maybe you get back to the original feelings, instead of losing yourself in too much technical things. Cause if you dont find that one, or it is completely gone, no new technique will do the thing. Once again the brain is the biggest erogen zone Good luck Tor
  14. Good story there. A woman in business-suit can be so damn sexy. I think it has with power to do. She seems to be so in control, being able to boss the man around. I would probably make the same choice as your ex. The leather and Harley-stuff is like more show-off but the business could be for real, if you understand what I mean. And that is why it is so sexy. Yeah, use that one tonight Tor
  15. Oh crazy1, you are not crazy at all. Hope we dont go to the same party because we would pobably be fighting over the same girls, lol Fun to hear someone mentioning gloves, because they are such killers, but it seems few uses them and even fewer talk about them Tor
  16. Hi Mikayla, And thanks for those kind lines. Yes, sexuality is a great resource in different situation. And good luck with your coming "performance". Wish I could be a fly on the wall in that very room Tor
  17. OK Silvia, that was some tough accusation. Here is the story of my best boot-fuck, which was actually much more than just that. Me, and Jessica, she is now my wife, had just met and was thinking about maybe moving together. Apart from that my life was a mess. My business was virtually going down the drain and my parents were sick. I felt a great deal of stress and that a lot of things depended on just me. Our sexlife was lousy. Some people say that when a man is under stress he needs a lot of sex to ease his tension and maybe that was the problem. I felt that our relation was a bit fragile and since all I wanted was bang-on-sex, it was no use. I wanted to give her more than that but I did not have the strength because I was really exhausted. One night Jessica and I had decided to have a dinner in my apartment, but things got so hectic I work I just had to call it off. And when I got back to my apartment in the wee hours, Jessica was sleeping in my bed. She had a very sexy black night-dress on, so obviously she had been waiting for me but fallen asleep I felt like an ass-hole and sat down on the couch had some beers, felt sorry for myself and passed out to a silly late-night show on TV. In the morning Jessica woke me up with a cup of coffee and asked me, very frank, if I was tired of her and wanted to end it all. I was terrified, yelled “no” and told her everything about the stress, how I felt for her, not wanting to just “use her” kind of absent-minded. - I see, was all she said, we had breakfast and she went off to work. The following night I was of course working late again and I did not hadany appointment with Jessica. At ten o´clock in the evening, when I was alone in the building, there was a knock on the door. And there she was, in long black coat of mine, which she took off, showing her wonderful body in just black lingerie and some real fuck-me-boots: lace up, knee-high, stiletto-heels, all in black patent-leather with red trimmings. She closed the door, walked right up to my desk, put one of her boots in my lap. - I just want you to lick it. Real good and clean. Besides from that, don´t touch me. I was totally confused. There was an harsh, dominant tone in her voice. I just stirred a her, mouth open. - Don´t just sit there, do it, she said So I did. And she started to play with herself, folding her breasts and rubbing her pussy. I was completely absorbed with her. And it all ended by me fucking her like a ragdoll on my desk, the supersexy boots on my shoulders. Afterwards we lay on the carpet, hugging each other and I was so relieved I nearly cried. And I asked her: How did this come in to your mind? She sad that when you are under a lot of stress and feel that you have to take all the difficult decisions by yourself, what you need is to experience something the other way around. Being told what to do and totally lose control. - And I knew from before that you liked high-heels. So I was pretty sure that this would work. Jessica, not only a wonderful lover, fantastic friend and successful business-woman, also my best therapist! So Siliva, Jessica was the one in the coat, not me. Tor
  18. So sandra, what dp you want to know more, givve me some hints, I love to talk about this topic Tor
  19. By the way, I was kind of thrilled by Silvias story about bootsex. Does any other lady have some hot experience to share with us? Tor
  20. Well Stefan Congratulations, seems to me that this forum gave you a lot oh help. The message from two of the girls here is clear, go for the thigh-highs. We are still waiting for Silvias answer though. But I have a feeling that she wouldn´t disagree on the thigh-highs, especially if they were a gift My fayourites, well I am sure your girlfriend will be a knockout in any of them. So I would say listen to the girls. And good luck, Stefan. Need I say that we we would love to hear the next chapter: have you given them to her and what happened??!!!
  21. Hi Sandra Wonderful topic. How long list do you want? But first of all, a woman that feels sexy and wants sex looks hot in just anything, or of course nothing. So make no mistakes, guys, except a few weirdos, want to have sex with girls, not the clothes. But certain things works as strong signals, no doubt about it. Here are some classic items, in no spcific order High heels of course. Maybe becuse the shape is kind of dangerous and because they makes the womans leg longer and because the way the women walk with them makes their bodiesmove in a very sexy way Stockings, which leaves the top of the thigh bare, that means no pantyhoses, are very, very sexy. Long gloves are absolute killers. Maybe it is this combination of female elegance when a fragile hand and armed is stressed by a glove and the fact that a gloved hand is a symbol of strength och domination. Business-dresses like short skirt, white blouse in silky matrial and a jacket is very hot. I think the reason is the same as with the gloves A pearl necklace or a choker are small things but also very hot. I think the reason is that they draw the attention to the neckline which is very invitiing and of course to the chest. Well thats a start for the time being. If you want more I will be glad to get back to you, sexy Sandra Tor
  22. Hi there Mikayla Good to have a female view on things. Maybe your way is right, maybe not or maybe it depends. We can only hope that poor Stefan tries one of our suggestions and keeps us posted, lol When it comes to the broken relation with my "boot-hating"ex , I honestly dont believe my capabilities in the sack was the main issue there. We found out that we had so many different opinions and how to live a good life, and lets say I was more in to exploring, playing and fulfilling fantasies regarding sex than she was. Of course you could always say that it was an incapability of mine that I did not made it work out, but maybe some folks just dont fit together and it takes two to tango. And who said I lost her... But it seems to me that some woman always slaps that into a man´s face - if it does not work out it is always because the man is not capable. There is one saying that a man must understand the first rule of marriage " It is all your fault" But I dont think you are that type of female Mikayla, you seem like a nice women to me ;-) Tor
  23. Oh Silvia, you sexy thing! So good to hear your story! Incredible hot with this inaugurate thing... Since boots comes in pairs I hope he did it twice, lol And how could this relationship with mister Shoe-shine end? I would walk an extra mile to keep it going Kisses Tor
  24. But Mikayla, I like your style and I can just say that I wish many more ladies had your attitude. And I do hope you man gives you lot of sexy footwear. I think you deserve it and I would if I was him :-) What would you prefer?, lol Tor
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