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Everything posted by Tyger

  1. Yes, I LOVE the smell of jelly toy in the morning!!
  2. There are very few toys that I get that I don’t give a few tries, or, at the very least, try to keep an open mind, even if the skeptic in me is saying, “don’t even bother”. Unfortunately, with this toy, the Skeptic was correct. The first thing my hubby said when he saw this toy, was that it reminded him of those pop-up gelatinous air fresheners. And he was right! The black casing has a plastic label on it, with its name and maker on it, which you peel off, then it has a seam near the middle, which pops up, and with a good tug, comes off. But, if you don’t tug on it, and just leave it together, it really does look like a cool “art deco” type air freshener. Although, I will say that this case is a good storage unit for this sort of toy. Designed to keep it away from other toys AND keep its shape. The thought was great. Anyway, there are no instructions on it, so it took us a few minutes of figuring it out (hubby got frustrated & tossed it to me to figure out, saying I was the “pro” at figuring out sex toys). I don’t like tugging or pulling on stuff I’m unsure of, but, seeing that the hard plastic base had a cylinder going up inside, I figured that just could NOT be the hole to put his penis in, so I yanked the 2 pieces of hard plastic apart, and with a sliding POP, it came apart. Hmmm, ok. Well, interesting. Now what? OK, well, the jelly masturbator needed to come off, so, I slide my fingers inside, and pry it out off of the cylinder. Yay, success! When I pulled it off, I really noticed how, um, short it is….about 3.5” or so. Um, yikes. I toss it to hubby, and he looks at it, then me, and said “That’s it?” Yep, ‘fraid so. He notices that it looks like it may be ribbed on the inside, but is kind of skeptical that this may just be from being stored on a cylinder. I wash it, and we take it to the bedroom. Grabbing some lube, I give hubby some oral attention first, then apply some lube on his hard member, and then some in the masturbator as well. My hubby’s rather well-endowed, and some masturbators are a very tight fit, & can cause some discomfort putting them on. The jelly on this was very accommodating, and slid over him easily. However, that’s about the best part of the toy. Where it’s so short, even when I squeezed for added pressure, hubby was not impressed. He didn’t even give it 5 minutes before he just looked at me and said it wasn’t doing a thing for him at all. So, we gave up. I asked him if he wanted me to try it again, and he declined, rather profusely, in fact. After cleaning it up, I put a drop of water-based lube on the can's cylinder, and slid it back on it to store it. Sorry to say that this masturbator was a falling star and crash-landed into nothing. Try it for yourself
  3. No, not watching now. Hubby decided on a more masculine show on the NatGeo channel about Airforce One. I've already seen it, so I am puttering around the house, and catching up on 3 boards I belong too.
  4. You don't know how many times that I think of that song when I see a new toy here that's pink! LOL Great/warped minds think alike!!! Glad you liked the toy too!!
  5. No clue......just thought it was interesting. I have no desire to find out. I hate sneezing!! LOL Although, I was told a long time ago, that when you sneeze, your heart skips a beat. Not sure how true that is either.
  6. OK, it's Baja, California!!!!
  7. OK, so, hubby was doing his norm, just a few minutes ago.....flipping thru the channels. When he stumbled across "House Hunters". This one couple was looking at an adobe style home (totally gorgeous), great view of the ocean, gardens, yet kinda small bedrooms. I gawked and stuff. DH said "NO!" LOL Anyway, I was like "Hey, that's gotta be like in New Mexico or Arizona, somewhere like that." Yeah, I know, Arizona doesn't have oceanic views.......hence why I am such a DORK!!!!LMAO Anyway, thought I'd share my duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh moment!!!
  8. If so, who, what, where, when, and how did you deal with it?
  9. I missed it too....*pouts*
  10. OK, due to a recent thread that, again, is going astray, please people, let's remember a few things here. First off, though many of us are close, and consider us "friends", however, please let's be respectful and courteous in our answers, even to those that we may not care for as much. And, if a poster happens to be one that you don't particularly care for as much, then really think about what you want to say FIRST. Don't let your feelings for the poster get in the way of the topic. If you've made your point in a response, fine, maybe a follow up after, then move on. Most of us, including myself, have let some posts really dig into us more than it really should've. You may not like what one person has to say, and that's totally normal. Nobody gets along with EVERYONE they meet. There's going to be a differences of opinions. You have a few choices when you come across a post that irritates you: 1. Respond to it, make your point, but please don't insult anyone. 2. DON'T respond. 3. PM the person and ask them to explain what they meant, or how it made you feel. However, if you do this, most rules of a forum are off, since a PM means PRIVATE Message. One may speak more bluntly, and sometimes more rudely, in a PM. I've had this happen a few times. However, I have found that a more direct approach not only clears things up, but adds less arguing on the forums. 4. If someone has personally offended you (directed rude/mean comments to YOU as a person), then you may report them. I know that I can come across as blunt, and have had to explain what I've meant, a bit more in detail. I don't use "flowery" adjectives to make a point, and it can come across wrong. However, in VERY few of my posts have I directly insulted someone. The last one was a long time ago, and I grew from that experience as well, and don't do it anymore. Adding something like WADR (with all due respect), or "I mean this as nicely as possible/kindly as possible", or even "please don't take this the wrong way" can be a great diffuser. There are several members on here that have, either gone thru a bad relationship experience recently, or are pretty direct, and sometimes rude in their responses. They may strike us as raw. However, if someone asks a question, or comments, please, try and keep responses directed to the orginal topic. Let's not take what they're asking personally. It's hard to do at times, but, it can be done. If something really bugs you about a post, don't comment on it right away. Think it over. Take some time, reread it after a long break. I've done this a few times, and so have some of the other members. I've discussed a few posts with them, on the phone, and then respond. What do you REALLY want to say? Don't let your first reaction, which could be over-emotional, be the one on the forum if you may think you will regret it later on, ok? Sometimes putting some thought into a post can be more helpful. I know I've posted similar threads before, but, I don't want the New Year to be all about drama. This post isn't directed at one person, but all of the members here. We need to ensure that new members, as well as the "old timers" alike, feel comfortable posting on here, no matter what the topic or question, and not like they're going to be judged harshly. Much love to you all! Respectfully, Tyger
  11. So, to update..... I got my reimbursement check for my deductable on Monday, yes, that's right this last MONDAY!! FINALLY. $500 back to me. However, I have to submit a request to get reimbursed for the $110 for the rental part I had out of pocket that my car insurance didn't cover. So, there'll be MORE waiting. If the insurance company denies it, I will have to contact the store about it, and get reimbursed from them directly, or, I will take his ass to court. This is ridiculous! The car's running really well, and I'm getting great gas mileage. I go to that store just for soda and snacks. NO GAS!! In fact, I won't get gas at any of the Valero stations around the area, cuz, I was told by a Valero rep., that it's the same fuel distributor for the entire area. No thanks!!! LOL
  12. Oh, I forgot to mention that wedding cakes (which can be very expensive), can be ordered and paid for with the food stamp card as well.
  13. I was wondering about this odd looking toy. Did it stimulate your g-spot at all? I noticed the head is curved a bit. What about the triple stimulation? Strong enough?
  14. I have dial up still, and so the loading time is about the same for me. But, I haven't noticed any issues on my end either.
  15. Hell, I'm in a tank top and workout pants, working outside! And I am a'sweatin'!! I'm one DIRTY TYGER! I'm just taking a drink break!
  16. I just viewed the 3 disc set of the Better Sex Series. This isn't a porn, but it does show loving (heterosexual) couples making love, enjoying eatch other, and also teaches you how to do some stuff to & for your lover. It also will stir up some conversations too. BONUS!
  17. What a cute review!!! And I love the new siggie pics!! RUNNNN PINKY!!!! RUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUN!!!!!
  18. That's what I thought too, but, I got this information at the Wal*Mart bakery!! Now, temporarily, food stamp recipients were able to buy the hot, ready made food, right after Hurricake Ike, due to necessity, and I saw the point to that, since most of us didn't get our power back for weeks, how were we to store food, let alone cook it. So I understood that part, and it ended about 2 mos. after. But, yes, the cakes at the grocery store and Wal*Mart, can, indeed, be covered with Food Stamps.
  19. I found out the other day that Food Stamps will cover the cost of a birthday cake at a bakery! We're purchasing a cake for our daughter's b-day. Half a sheet, Hannah Montana (oh yippee), for $25. OK, so we have the money for that (and aren't on food stamps). Our very own Froggystyle makes GORGEOUS cakes for her family and the kids, with regular cake mix and frosting. With the toys she puts on them, it MAY cost her about $10 for the cake, which she pays out of pocket. Not only does she do this to save some money, the kids LOVE her cakes & look forward to getting one from her. They LOVE 'autie's' cakes. They are specially made just for them, by a beloved family member. She's made a Barbie cake, train, racecar, hunting scene, WWE wrestling ring, a butterfly cake, and more. If I was talented in the kitchen, I'd do this. I am cullinarily challenged, and would probable frost everything BUT the cake! If we HAD too, I would get some tips and tricks (help) from my friend over the phone. Anyway, I don't think that food stamps should cover the cost of a birthday cake.They can even purchase donuts and kolaches at donut shops and many other shops... And we wonder why our economy is going down the drain... People need to learn how to budget better, and make do with what they can. Including getting a bit more creative. Hey, instead of one person getting the child a gift, have them buy them a cake, using their own CASH instead! My Godmother did this for our daughter's first 3 yrs, to help out. She said that she'd sent $25 anyway, and if there was any $$ left over, get her a little toy or something. You can get some GREAT ideas from books, magazines (and if you can't buy magazines, go look stuff up at the library), and the internet, on how to cut costs, make things, and still have a great party! IMO, people are waaaaaaaaaaaaay too dependant on an already over-stressed system. (BTW I've been on food stamps, and Medicaide, and we got off it when we got back on our feet.) This is just MY opinion. What do you think?
  20. Darlin', it sounds like you're trying to get someone to say that, YES, this will definitely work out, no matter what. Well, honey, nobody can guarantee that a relationship will work out. Time & effort will be the only way to prove if this will work out. One guy I dated, only for a month though, that I fell for completely hard. I even admitted to him that my attraction to him scared the shit outta me. And that, although I had deep, strong feelings for, he had the power to really hurt me. And, for those that know me, know that's a HUGE confession for me. I did everything he wanted, when he wanted, and where. The sex wasn't spectacular for me, but, I knew, that, with time and training, he could do it. Then, he went back to his ex. I had NO clue that he was even speaking with her. I took the risk, and got my heart broken. I even lost 15 lbs in 7 days (depression and lack of eating will do that). But, now, looking back, I'm glad it happened. It made me stronger. So long as you have learned from your past mistakes, and try not to repeat them, that's really all you can do. Plus, each relationship is different. What irritated you about one man, may make a new man that much more endearing, and vice versa. There are no guarantees in life. You gotta take the risk to see if it's worth it.
  21. Ever wonder if your sex life could be a bit better? Bored in the bedroom? Wanting to learn about some new/different sexual techniques, yet not sure how to go about it? Don’t care for porn? Have I found a fantastic, educational set! The Better Sex Series 3 Disc Set with music CD. Quite a lot for the price! You can buy each DVD separately on TooTimid, but, you can save almost $13 by getting this complete set. Plus, in the 3 disc set, there’s a soundtrack CD too, which you don’t get with the separate DVDs. This is not to be confused for a “get it on” type of DVD (aka porn), this is more educational, and yet, entertaining as well. Plus it's very stimulating, both sexually as well as intellectually. Although there are scenes of adults lovemaking, exploring, and performing sexual acts, some of which is erotic, other scenes are informative, yet still retaining the eroticism. As we know, the brain is the BIGGEST sexual organ that anyone can possess, and, with knowledge, comes the potential to be a fantastic lover. Watch it alone, and then watch it with your lover, to not only learn some interesting tidbits & tips, but also maybe stir up some conversations that either/both of you were too shy to bring up before. Disc 1-Advanced Sexual Techniques & Positions (1 hr 21 min) Disc 2-22 Sex Secrets, Tips, & Turn-Ons (1 hr 15 min) Disc 3-Erotic Sex Play & Beyond (1 hr 7 min) You get a total of 12 attractive, loving, real life couples (ok, 11 “real life” couples, one couple do professional porn LOL but they ARE a couple!), doing real life sexual situations, learning, & demonstrating each subject in each DVD. Each DVD is broken down into Chapters, which can help direct you into the areas you want to explore better. Many of the subjects covered in these have been extensively explored in our forums. However, having something as a visual aide is always beneficial (to me at least). It also is nice to hear similar advice given by our members! There are 4 doctors/professors on this DVD giving their expertise, which gives the DVDs more authenticity & legitimacy. There are also other bonuses with this set, such as bonus short films, behind the scenes, sexual health information, tips, Better Sex Comedy Club, & more. Then, take what you learned from the DVDs into the bedroom, and play the music CD to accentuate & remember the lessons learned. I had already reviewed the 3rd one seperately, however, I really learned a lot from the other 2 DVDs too. I round it very nice to have all the information right there in one, complete set. Throughout all of the DVDs, they stress that sex should be fun, and communication between lovers should always be open. With this set, no matter how long you’ve been with your lover, or even making love in general, you will learn that there is always something NEW/DIFFERENT to learn about your sexual repertoire! This set is a MUST for those that would love to learn more about sex & how to be a better lover. Get it for yourself, or even as a gift, this set will teach you for many nights to come! I give this set 4 out of 4 Tyger Paws, a tail poofing and swish, plus a back arch, as a rating!!! Now, if you're interested in only one or 2 of the DVDs, below are the links for each, individual purchase: Link to Review of Volume ONE Link to Review of Volume TWO Link to Review of Volume THREE
  22. I don't want to sound pessimistic, however, IMHO, love can't conquer all, unless BOTH people are deeply in love, not just lust, and are also willing to put forth some serious effort. In most relationships, I've given 200%, and well, they don't work out because the other one in the relationship thinks that I am making all the effort, so why should they? Even though they claimed to love me with all their soul. There are somethings that can come between couples, that, even with all the love in the world, can't help. BTDT, have the t-shirt AND the mug! BOTH people have to be committed to the relationship and willing to give as well as take. For the person bringing IN the issues into the relationship, sometimes it's minimized, they don't want to confront it, or take care of it, and it can, and usually does, fester into the new relationship. Sometimes the issues are the same ones that killed the last relationship. The key to a good relationship, besides communication, is TRUST. Many times, us women try TOO hard to please our men, and loose ourselves in the relationship. Minimizing the issues in the relationship, and then, when we finally realize that our trust really has been, well, um, shit on, we are emotionally too deep to not be devestated. This is a downer, and I am sorry. However, real solid relationships take time, effort, and trust. It also takes compromises that you are truly COMFORTABLE making. If there is something that truly bugs you, and you don't see a way to get over that, be honest with him, so that he can try and help fix the issue. Many men will tell you that if you don't come right out and tell it like it is to them, they will remain oblivious. Even if you have a problem with something that he's bringing into the relationship, if he knows that it IS an issue, hopefully, he can help heal it better. This doesn't mean that a relationship can't be had. But, realistically, EVERY relationship has it's issues. Harlequin Romance Novels don't do true relationships justice, and are not a realistic view of what it is to be with someone day in & day out. It all depends on the severity of the issue, the honesty between the couple, and if you both are willing to fully address it. Best wishes!
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