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Everything posted by Tyger

  1. I love having my long hair. But, I've seen women that are super hot with short hair too. OMG!! Reba McEntire....she's a hottie with long or short hair.
  2. Hello there, my name is Doctor Tyger, and I will be your love doctor today. What seems to be the problem? Needing a little more excitement in the bedroom, as well as some good lube? OK, I know just the thing. Let me get out my prescription pad, and I will write you out a 'script for the cure for your ills! Where to get it? Go to TooTimid.com, and you can get this filled with NO problems. Our "pharmisist", Meaghan, will be happy to fill your order for you. She is good & accurate. However, I must warn you, health insurance won't cover this, but the cost is minimal, and the benefits will be very worth it. I LOVE mint, lubes, & Doc Johnson has always done me right with their products, literally. So, I was very confident & excited about this lube. This bottle of lube is not only cute & funny, but this stuff works very well! Bottled similarly to a real Rx bottle, you have the 2 oz. orange-y brown, with white flip-top lid, & a white label, complete with a yellow highlighted top realistic looking Rx label, for added effect. Hypoallergenic, glycerin, paraben, & preservative free, this water-based lube has vitamin E & andiroba oil in it for softness. It doesn’t stain, and you don’t need to wash after using it since it won’t leave a sticky residue. Directions: squeeze a quarter-sized drop into hand, and rub to liquefy. Though, when I took the safety seal off the outside of the bottle, and flipped the top, liquid came out, and I just had to rub it onto my hubby’s member to spread it out. Be careful, you don’t need to squeeze the bottle hard at all. The hole in the cap is about the same as one on a bottle of shampoo, so it’s rather large in comparison to the size of the bottle. There ARE side effects to be wary of, however. The major one is orgasmic tendencies, so, please, follow the warning label, & don’t use while operating heavy machinery. Yes, it really does say that under the label! LOL A little goes a long way, & the mint offers a nice cool, yet tingly feeling to wherever you rub it in. Plus, it smells clean & fresh as well. Hubby loved how it felt on him, & it felt great inside & out on me as well. If you want a funny way to show a friend, lover, or yourself, how great a lube can be, this lube is just what the doctor ordered! Doctor Tyger that is!! Just what the doctor ordered
  3. THANK YOU!!! THIS is what I've been saying I had right before & after I had DD. I spoke with my OB/GYN about it, and she gave me some cream to help it out. It felt like a dry "patch" of dryness, that felt like it ripped each time we had sex, no matter what we used. Plus, it was always in the SAME spot. Most common in white women too. The cream my Dr. gave me took care of it, and I haven't had to use anymore of the Rx....but still have some.....just in case! Thanks for the article!
  4. My mom had a gastric bypass, and, assuming that it's about the same, you are allowed a small amount of "food" at a sitting. Now, cum is more like a liquid, and it's only about 2 TBSP per ejaculation, so I think you should be just fine.
  5. How intriguing! I may have to get the whole series! Thanks!!
  6. Yes, Pirates is VERY good!! Island Fever 4 is even better though, IMO. Though Pirates has a plot, and I.F.4 is more of a fantasy sort of porn. I put EQUAL. I love love love to read, and have a vivid imagination, so it's almost like seeing a porn in my head, when I read a sexual scene!
  7. This is an issue we battle on & off. Lately, he hasn't said a word about it....for about 2 mos. or so now, actually. Maybe he's finally getting it???
  8. Aw how cute!! I'm not really a "bird-type" person. But those are pretty. When we were in HS, Valntyn had 2 birds, I still can't remember their names, but, I spent the night over her house once and re-named them Shake & Bake...... They were SOOO loud (and I wasn't use to the constant chirping)! But, they were very pretty.
  9. OMG!!! Em, that's a GUY??? He's prettier than a lot of women I've seen!! LMAO Although, his hair is about as long as mine is........
  10. This year is really tight, so there won't be a lot of giving, which makes me feel bad, but we hafta prioritize more this year. However, with my close friends & family, every year, I try to give something I've made, and pix of our DD. I've been told I'm pretty talented, and I've given hand-painted ceramics, handmade/painted/crafted ornaments, and this year, jewelry. I like giving things that I've made specifically for someone. It lets them know I was thinking of them. This year, I've also picked up some pine cones (which don't compare to the ones in ME, but they are great for making stuff with). I'm thinking of making some Texas cone ornaments, and trying to get enough to possibly make a wreath for us too. Before I had a child, I'd always make sure to be at a friend's child's school/church function. I'd take pix and give them copies. Now, I am the one looking forward to taking pix and seeing MY daughter do stuff and love it!!!
  11. Liberal Holiday Greeting: Best wishes for an environmentally conscious, socially responsible, low-stress, non-addictive, gender-neutral, winter solstice holiday, practiced within the most joyous traditions of the religious persuasion of your individual and/or corporately-affiliated choice, but with respect and deference for those persons who choose to celebrate non-religious spirituality, those who are politically restrained from celebrating certain religious holidays, as well as those free-thinking persons of the persuasion not to practice or celebrate any religion or spirituality at all. Additionally, a fiscally successful, personally fulfilling and medically uncomplicated recognition of the generally accepted calendar year 2009, but not without due respect for the calendars of choice of other cultures, whose contributions have helped achieve this, our wonderful, diversely inclusive and border less global community, without regard to age, race, nationality, gender, creed, color, religion, political affiliation, socio-economic background, physical or mental disability, familial association, marital status or sexual orientation. (Disclaimer: This greeting is subject to clarification or withdrawal. It implies no promise by the wisher to actually implement any of the wishes for her/himself or others, and no responsibility for any unintended emotional stress these greetings may inadvertently bring to those not in a holiday mood or who may be offended by the unsolicited or concise nature of this holiday greeting.)
  12. Aw, thanks iha!!! LOL I'm intimidated by their size too, Meg, so don't feel bad. I'm still kinda nervous around them, but try really hard not to put that out there, cuz they DO pick it up. With MY horse, I'm not scare of him at all. He's protected me, and wants me all to himself, and has never been "mean" or vindictive, and I really do trust him. Though I will probably get hurt sometime, so far, in almost 3 yrs of ownership with him, 4 with horses, I've only fallen off once and it was on someone else's horse. And, I had blacked out due to being very very sick, and the horse's owner pestering me to get up on her horse. So, when I did, I blacked out. Don't think I ever even touched the saddle! I'm learning, and getting more confident. I've even learned how to give paste meds to horses....even a horse that doesn't like to be caught to be worked with. Though, she isn't mean, she just is a PITA to catch! She plays the "See my butt, here's my butt, see my butt? Can't touch this!" She has never kicked or bit, she just will run off if you try and catch her. I'm the only one that can catch her, and has the patience to do so at this point. DH, who's been around horses all his life, will CALL me to catch her for the farrier or if she needs meds. LMAO I can saddle them, brush them, pick up all their feet & clean their feet, put lotion on their feet, take ticks off, administer meds when they get hurt (salve), clean their eyes, and catch them. Not bad for a Yankee city gal! LMAO I'm pretty proud of myself, honestly. Next I want to learn how to give them shots. Sometimes, the best sort of medicine for them is an injection. DH has a FEAR of needles, so he can't do it at all. A couple of things to keep in mind when around horses. Don't walk up behind them. They can almost see completely around them, but they do have an hourglass blind spot that triangulates from their heads, thins out at their backs, and then, expands to their butts. They don't like surprises, so walking up to them on the side is best. They're still a "prey animal", and so they will fight or flight. Startling them, even as a joke is NOT a good idea. Watch their ears. Like dogs and cats, if their ears are flat back, leave them alone, they are angry or scared. If you have to go up to them, try to sound calm and assurring. If their ears are flat back AND nostrils are flaring and they're stomping their back feet, back away and let them calm down. Go up to them thinking and posturing that YOU are the boss. Even if you're scared, try hard to fake as much confidence as possible. I had a horse, he was like 16 yrs old. He was "barn spoiled" meaning he liked to be at his barn, and not out riding. If he saw where he "lives", he'd try and rush it. If he knew you were absolutely in control, then he didn't push it. At 17 hands, he was a MOOSE! He was huge and powerful. He also only had one eye! He was very sweet, but would test you. My niece got on him, and he hopped his butt a bit cuz he knew she was scared, and he wanted to see if he could get HIS way. She screamed and got down. I got on him, rode him, he was fine. DH got on him, no hopping either. Niece got back on him, and another hop! Not even a buck. He just literally, hopped!! He got rode very hard and long after that, as a punishment (and no, that's not sexual LMAO), and he didn't do that again!! LMAO
  13. I want to add a NEW favorite, just in time for the holidays, good for that picky person on your list!!! I just posted the review on this set too, it's called The Eden Tropical Fantasy Massage Kit. This is one of the most wonderful massage oil kits I have EVER gotten to date!!!!
  14. Have you been looking for a new & sensual massaging kit that would be either a nice addition to your own bedroom, or a really nice gift for anyone? I have found JUST the perfect thing! Adam & Eve’s Eden line has designed this wonderful kit, of 4, yes 4, very wonderful fragrant, yet not perfume-y, scents in 1 fl. oz. glass bottles. Each bottle has a milky cap, and each one has a colorful label: green for the Sugar Cane Seduction, hot pink for the Rain Forest Fantasy, yellow for the Whispering White Lotus, and a beautiful blue for the Midnight Ocean Mist. All in a nice, neat clear plastic box that’s perfect for wrapping, & easy to get into. These bottles can be displayed anywhere since they’re very pretty, and a lot like many regular fragrances are bottled and decorated. All made in the U.S.A, each scent is very distinguishable, and just as yummy as the next! All of the ingredients are listed as the same: Mineral Oil, Androstadienone, & Fragrance. I’m sure each “fragrance” is a bit different, but that’s what’s listed on the bottle. We tried each one, on separate nights, massaging my arms, back, neck, breasts. The scents are fairly feminine, however the Midnight Ocean Mist does have a bit more of a masculine scent to it, so it could be used on a man without him smelling too girlie. The spritzer nozzles are like perfume spritzing caps, and it spurts out a nice amount. Since this is mineral oil, a little goes a looooong way. It gets absorbed into the skin very nicely, isn’t greasy or slick feeling like some oil-based products can feel. Plus the scent lasts a long time, several hours in fact. But it’s not strong or obnoxious either. You can even use this like a perfume too. Just spritz & rub into your skin. You’ll feel fresh, clean, and if you’ve used this with your lover, it can also be a wonderful reminder of the time you shared using it. Smell is one of the major memory triggers, so go make some memories! I love them all!! If I had to choose, my favorite would have to be the Sugar Cane Seduction, with the Rain Forest Fantasy in close second!! If there was such a rating, I'd give it 20 outta 20 Tyger Paws WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY up!!!! Yes, it's THAT good!!! Fulfill your aromatherapy fantasy!!
  15. OK, that AT&T commercial advertising those cool texting phones (text it how you'd say LOL) is kinda creepy with those talking thumbs with faces on them........
  16. If you're not sure what to name him, think of a "dragon" name. Easy, but I like Draco, even though it's a "male" dragon in the movie, it means dragon, so either way, you're covered!! LOL Or, if you read sci-fi books with dragons in them, choose a favorite character. I've named many of my critters from Disney characters, and there's one little infamous dragon that comes to mind: Mushu! LOL In fact, DH has officially made me the Critter Namer here. I even named HIS dog!! LOL Your reptile's very cute!
  17. When I was back in Maine, I ran into a couple of exes, but it was no biggie. I'm still friends with my old FWB, and have been since I was 14, so we have always been on good terms. I DID get back in touch with my ex hubby's sister and mother! LOL That went very well. In East TX, I haven't run into anyone from my past, and don't expect too. Maybe if we ever moved back to the Austin area, but there were only 3 there, & it's a BIG city! LOL But I'd still be nice.
  18. Filly is a female colt (baby horse). He's gelded, meaning he's "fixed"-no balls, so he doesn't have the desire to mate. So, I don't know why he ran. The other mare that was in the pasture with him is pregnant, by a friend's stud, and Wrangler's very protective of her. I like the way you think ladylove!! LOL Now, with the "horse injury" and the nail injury from the barn, I'm progressively becoming more and more "cowgirl"! LOL And because I'm toughing it out, I am doing what they call "Cowgirl Up". LOL Go me!!
  19. The other day, I go to feed, and I notice that my horse, Wrangler, isn't anywhere near his pasture buddy. Hmmm, where the hell is he? Then I see him, in another section, not even fenced in, on the other side of our fence!! WTF!!!! So, I had to slip thru the barbed wire fence (careful of the boobies!!!), get my DD over with me, and put his halter on him, which he let me do, and walk around the whole property, to get back where there's an opening. I didn't have time to walk the fenceline to probably discover that he jumped it. LOL We walked about a mile. We had to walk on the edge of the road a few times, and DD was really good, and so was Wrangler. He even nuzzled my hand/arm a few times for comfort. Though, we had to jump a few small natural culverts, and with one, he jumped at an angle and accidently clipped my left ankle bone, which is now bruised slightly, and has a nice surface "hoof burn" on it. With both feet hurt, I don't know which way to limp!! LMAO But, we got him back all safe & sound, and in another fully fenced pasture. Not sure if he was being chased by something, chasing a dog or deer, or what. DH is going to check the fence tomorrow probably. BTW, horses are a lot of hoofed-trouble!! LOL
  20. You are absolutely correct. If you keep stuff plugged in, even if they're OFF, there is still power to it (hence why it goes ON right away). I also unplug things. It irritates hubby, but since he's clueless when it comes to the little things that I do to try & save us $$$, he can deal with it!! LOL As far as laundry, you are also correct that dryers do wear on clothes. I only dry DH's stuff cuz he insists (he's spoiled), though with DD's and my stuff I use extra fabric softner. I dry towels and socks, and some sheets (if I need them ASAP that is). I don't know what your "major" disadvantages are for front loaders (except maybe the bending), but they do a lot better job, and are MUCH gentler on clothes. But, we all have our own little "quirks" as far as what we prefer, so you do your laundry the way you want and feel that is best for your clothes. I use warm water with whites that aren't bad at all, and on the bad whites, I do "splurge" and do the hot water....in my front loader. LOL I forgot to mention that I water down my cleaners. Hey, they clean about the same anyway, and I'm not an "antibacterial freak", like some people I know. So long as stuff gets clean, I'm happy. Plus, I do use disinfectant spray too, so yes, we are clean AND frugal!! LOL
  21. Jill Kelly Productions gives us this over 90 minute film, with 5 scenes. Starring Cindy Crawford (no, not the supermodel LOL), Katie Morgan, Eva Angelina, Kayla Marie, and a variety of man-flesh. We don’t even get into a plot in the first scene. We just have Cindy come up on some guy in a woods set, that “created her from his imagination” as is very hungry, though I think he really meant to say HORNY! Then comes another guy who is checking out all of the flora in the woods, yet just happens to miss the naked woman that is crouching behind the rock he sits down on and removes his shirt from. All of a sudden, wow, there she is! Hello there, my lovely. 2 girls give new meaning to the word “swinging”, in their cute baby doll nighties, with more of a feminine scene, with lots of lace & licking, toys & tittillation. Here comes a MFF 3-some, in the woods set again. And the girls almost seem like they’re competing to see who gives the best oral, and I must say that I do like to see some well-meaning competition! There’s a blooper at the end of this scene, where you can hear the director yell “Attention, we’re rolling now!” LOL The last scene is a snow bunny in a fur coat and a thong, with 2 guys. I don’t think they’re cold, because they seem to be heating the set up all by themselves! All the scenes basically start the same, oral for her, oral for him, sex in a couple of positions, and all so you can see what’s going on, some porno music, lots of expletives, then the cum shots, with the scene fading out after zooming in on the cum. There’s a photo gallery, trailers for other films, and behind the scenes for this film as well. My favorite scenes were the 3rd & 4th ones. I'd give this film 2.5 out of 5 Tyger Paws up. I would say that all of the women in this film have proven that they all hold the title of Sex Goddess! Sex Goddess DECEMBER 2008 DVD of the Month
  22. Jill Kelly Productions gives us this over 90 minute film, with 5 scenes. Starring Cindy Crawford (no, not the supermodel LOL), Katie Morgan, Eva Angelina, Kayla Marie, and a variety of man-flesh. We don’t even get into a plot in the first scene. We just have Cindy come up on some guy in a woods set, that “created her from his imagination” as is very hungry, though I think he really meant to say HORNY! Then comes another guy who is checking out all of the flora in the woods, yet just happens to miss the naked woman that is crouching behind the rock he sits down on and removes his shirt from. All of a sudden, wow, there she is! Hello there, my lovely. 2 girls give new meaning to the word “swinging”, in their cute baby doll nighties, with more of a feminine scene, with lots of lace & licking, toys & tittillation. Here comes a MFF 3-some, in the woods set again. And the girls almost seem like they’re competing to see who gives the best oral, and I must say that I do like to see some well-meaning competition! There’s a blooper at the end of this scene, where you can hear the director yell “Attention, we’re rolling now!” LOL The last scene is a snow bunny in a fur coat and a thong, with 2 guys. I don’t think they’re cold, because they seem to be heating the set up all by themselves! All the scenes basically start the same, oral for her, oral for him, sex in a couple of positions, and all so you can see what’s going on, some porno music, lots of expletives, then the cum shots, with the scene fading out after zooming in on the cum. There’s a photo gallery, trailers for other films, and behind the scenes for this film as well. My favorite scenes were the 3rd & 4th ones. I'd give this film 2.5 out of 5 Tyger Paws up. I would say that all of the women in this film have proven that they all hold the title of Sex Goddess! Sex Goddess DECEMBER 2008 DVD of the Month
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