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Everything posted by Tyger

  1. Glad you've finally taken the TT Plunge!! I hope to see LOTSA posts from you!!
  2. Was this a long-lasting lube? Did it leave a residue (sticky or other)? Did it wash off easily?
  3. A thief was watching a house out in the country just after dark. He waited until the unsuspecting family pulled away from the house and left, and made his way to the side of the house. He carefully opened a window and slid into the house. He was creeping through the dining room when from out of the darkness a voice said, "I can see you, and so can Jesus." Startled the thief pressed up against the wall and did a quick look through the dining room and front room. Seeing no one, he began to move again stealthfully. Again a voice said, "I can see you, and so can Jesus." The voice was really close to him, but his eyes had adjusted to the light, and there was clearly no one in the room. He looked up and noticed there was a parrot in a cage in the corner on top of a buffet. The thief walked over and said "You stupid bird, you scared the cr-p out of me. What's your name bird?" The bird replied "My name is Hank, I can see you, and so can Jesus." The thief said "What a stupid name for a bird, so, you think you can stop me Hank?" The bird replied "No I can't, but just so you know, they named the rottweiler Jesus."
  4. I'm glad y'all like this topic. I think it's important to realize that, even though our exes are no longer in our lives, each relationship teaches us something good, that we can use in life later on.
  5. My ex & I tried a couple different balls on it, that were suppose to be like french ticklers, but, in all honesty, since he really wasn't overly talented in that department, I didn't notice much difference.
  6. Well, if the semen you swallowed tasted like that, that man must've been sick, or into some gross food combos! LOL Sorry to hear that!
  7. It can also depend on the man's general health too. Or, as mentioned, how tired he is. Again, please don't base anything in a real-life relationship on porn. Porn stars are more, well, everything, just because they're in "show biz" and are pumped up in places, sometimes on the obscene side, for show, to accentuate their sex (women with big boobs, super long nails, and wearing almost impossible high heels, men with huge pecks, larger than normal dicks, and balls that would make a bull moose jealous!) for the camera. Sometimes men can be a bit on the flacid side because he may not feel well, but be rock hard a few days later. It happens. Best wishes!!
  8. Oral dildo? No, can't say that there's anything like that on TT that I'm aware of. The only thing I can think of, is maybe a flavored dildo, for people to practice their oral skills on when a real penis isn't available. Are you asking for advice on male toys, or toys to add to the toybox you share with your GF?
  9. Tyger

    We Vibe!

    I'm sorry this toy didn't work for you. When a toy fails for me, I try it 3 seperate times before calling it a bomb. I hope your next tries are more successful. I tried a toy similar to this one, and didn't care for it at all.
  10. Hi!! I'm sorry to read that it didn't go so well. But this is something that you really DO need to work your way up too, and 14 days isn't a lot of time at all, especially if your man is wide. You first posted 14 days ago and, though you're trying, you need more time, IMHO. You may THINK you're relaxed, but your body is probably tensing up anyway. Use lots of lube, and use a toy at first. There are a few anal kits here, with progressively larger toys, so your body can adjust to the sensation. After all, the anus is use to pushing things OUT, not allowing things UP. It takes a lot of time, lube, and patience, but if you like the sensations, and really want to try, then keep at it. Slow but surely! Good luck!
  11. My mom makes a FANTASTIC peanut butter cheezecake (made with Phil. Brand cream cheeze)! I don't like a lot of peanut butter stuff, but I LOVE this cheezecake. Then she swirls fudge on the top too. YUMMY!!
  12. Tyger

    Oh Jeeze..

    Well, let's see, I've steered a bunch of friends on here, like Valntyn (and her hubby followed suit), Krazikris, and Froggystyle. So, yes, I do steer people I'm close too, to this site. I have told my ex SIL, and a few other friends, plus it's right there, for all to see, on my MySpace page too.
  13. There are a few I would LOVE to have..... Esse I'd want it in purple (BIIIIIG shocker there, I know). Monkey Rocker Fucking Machine (not sold here). There's a few more, but that's a start!
  14. So, the holidays are coming up (fast & furious), and it got me a'thinkin'...."what would the members of TT want for their ultimate sex toy"? Money would be no object! Dream big! Doesn't have to be on here either. What's your dream toy?
  15. Irish Boy's Confession 'Bless me Father, for I have sinned. I have been with a loose girl'. The priest asks, 'Is that you, Dicky?' 'Yes, Father, it is.' 'And who was the girl you were with?' 'I can't tell you, Father, I don't want to ruin her reputation.' 'Well, Dicky, I'm sure to find out her name sooner or later, so you may as well tell me now. Was it Mary Walsh?' 'I cannot say.' 'Was it Teresa Brown?' 'I'll never tell.' 'Was it Margaret Doyle?' 'I'm sorry, but I cannot name her.' 'Was it Anne O' Neil?' 'My lips are sealed.' 'Was it Catherine 0'Toole, then?' 'Please, Father, I cannot tell you.' The priest sighs in frustration.. 'You're very tight lipped Dicky, and I admire that. But you have sinned and have to atone. You cannot be an altar boy now for 4 months. Now you go and behave yourself.' Dicky walks back to his pew, and his friend Tommy slides over and whispers, 'What'd you get?' '4 Months holiday and five good leads.'
  16. Welsome to TT!! I hope you have a lot of fun here!!
  17. Pleasure Skin, Cyber Skin, UR3, are all basically the same thing, with probably an ingredient here and there a tad different. All those names are the company that makes them title of their own version of the life-like feeling silicone material. They all have the basic care: keep clean, use talc to keep them soft and supple, never EVER use silicone based lubes with them (or they'll melt), and if they get a tear or big hole in them, dispose of it and get a new one.
  18. Meatloaf's "I would do anything for Love, but I won't do that" song is a big fave of mine! It features a female vocalist who was credited only as "Mrs. Loud" in the album notes. She was later identified as Lorraine Crosby, a performer from North East England who regularly performs at holiday camps and social clubs. She does not, however, appear in the video, in which her vocals are lipsynched by Dana Patrick. Meat Loaf promoted the single with American vocalist Patti Russo performing the live female vocals. ~Source: Wikipedia.com So, basically, he did wat C&C Music Factory did (in their "Gonna Make You Sweat" video). Had a fantastic vocalist, but, for whatever reason, had another female lip sync the song for the video.
  19. Tyger

    Anal And Gas.

    This is normal. It happens when there's air pushed up inside your anal cavaty when the dildo's thrusting in and out of you (like it does with a woman and why she "queefs"). If the air isn't expelled, it can cause cramping (in both cases). Use lots of lube when inserting, and try gently pushing out the air afterwards. If you're sticking your ass in the air during insertion, this can aggrevate it more, try standing up while inserting. It may help. Best wishes!
  20. We'd love to help, but what specifically are you looking for, as far as input? Do you have a specific question? Also, if there are reviews on a toy, not only check out the shopping site reviews, but look it up here in the forum, in the Sex Toy Review section. We are limited to 2000 characters on the shopping site, but can put in WAAAAAAAAAAAAAY more here on the forum, so there may be more detailed reviews there.
  21. I guess on what type of "awkward" & uncomfortable you're talking about. Most people are nervous going on the first few dates. This is normal. However, if he was doing something to MAKE you feel this way, like just staring at your breasts the entire night while trying to have a conversation with him, and you tried getting him to focus on YOU, then that's a bit different. Or if y'all ran into an ex. Most of the time, that can't be avoided (unless it's set up that way). Or if they only talked about their ex, no matter how much you tried to deflect and change the situation. The great things about first dates is that you can be YOU, and let them know ahead of time. Like, IF he was staring at your breasts, (which I know isn't what you said he did, just using a for instance), you can joke around, with a hint of seriousness, and say "Yeah, I've been trying for YEARS to do so, but no matter how much I try, my breasts won't talk back". This may make him rethink his behavior. If not, and it gets annoying tell him that show's over, speak to your face, or talk to the hand cuz that's enough. YOU have to let them know if they're doing something that bothers you. Which can be done nicely, and with a sense of humor, but still get your point across. If you go out with them again, and they do it regardless of how/what you say, then it's time to end the date, or not see them again. I guess what it boils down to, really, is if you had FUN and enjoyed your date's company and want to do it again. If not, then you don't need to go out on another date with this person. Dating is about fun, and trying to connect with someone, not waste time. Good luck!!
  22. This is a good reason why to ALWAYS get a reciept for fuel, and keep it for a month or so.
  23. Travel Teaser “G” This is a cute idea! Pleasure on a keychain! I was thrilled to get this pink lil’ cutie, and see how much this toy would actually work. A few facts: It’s waterproof (always a plus!). With the metal on the chain/ring, it’s also nickel free, which I was impressed with. Not having metal allergies, I never think of those sorts of things, but was glad that they’d called attention to it. This toy can’t go off accidentally! You have to pull it up in the middle, where the larger silver band is, to turn it on. Then, the dial at the bottom turns for different vibe speeds. This toy is quiet! There’s an indicator sleeve inside, to show where the batteries go, AND the batteries are included-plus you get 3 extra ones! It's very small (4" long), and discreet. You could hang it on your purse, or even on your key chain if you dared. It’s a pretty shimmery pink color. The tip has a few functions, direct clit stimulation, or the cupped side where you can surround your clit/hood for optimum stimulation. Plus, you can insert it, and it’s curved up to reach the g-spot. With all these great things, you’d think I’d be in 7th heaven, right? Unfortunately, no. The power is ok, but I am the gal that LOVES the strong vibes. This one was eh, so-so. I would say just low to med. Vibe strength. It felt good, don’t get me wrong, but I like ‘em a little stronger. As for the g-spot stimulation, there just wasn’t enough of the toy for me to comfortably hang on too to get the spot well enough for a g-spot orgasm. I put the keyring around my finger, so the toy wouldn’t vibrate it, and it was very quiet, and a nice teaser, which is what the name says it is, but as far as allowing me to travel to Orgasm Land, it just ran short of my expectations. It helped warm me up, but I had to go to my sports models for my "trip completion"! LOL I give this toy one Tyger Paw up, for a rating. Wanna be teased?
  24. *If your gut tells you something's amiss, trust it. *There ARE trustworthy men out there, though they're sometimes hard to find. *You don't need to have a partner to feel "complete". *Stand up for yourself. Men can take it. *Many abusive men are bullies. If you stand up and give them a taste of their own medicine, they will sometimes cower back. *It's not all about who's right, or who's wrong, it's about what's RIGHT. *Dealing with an ex wife/mother of the child they share, is HARD, but necessary. *You need to stand by your spouse, even if your parent(s) hate it.
  25. Please share with us something POSITIVE that you've learned from an ex. Could be the last one, or 3 exes ago. Whether it's about yourself, or about human nature.
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