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Everything posted by Tyger

  1. Some ingredients can cause allergic reactions, whether it's in the toy, or possibly the lube you use. If you have allergies to latex, then the cyberskin toys aren't for you. You should ALWAYS clean your toys right after use. If you know you're forgetful, wash them BEFORE you use them. Though, usually, any sort of bacterial needs some warm, wet place to cultivate itself, the lack of hygeine when using sex toys is a concern. ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS clean your toys when they first arrive (even though they're NEW, you don't know who's handled what, and it's a good habit to get into), always clean them after using, and make sure you follow any tips or instructions some toys have on the packaging as to their care. It's not good to store toys after using them, unless they've been cleaned first. Some lubes can break down the toy, even if it's water-based. So can body chemistry. Some people have more acid secretions as others, and can really damage sex toys. Many toys are porous, such as the lifelike (UR3, Cyber-Skin and so on), as are jelly, to name a couple. These can harbor bacteria in the bumps, crevices, holes, and creases in these toys. You wouldn't allow your lover to put his cock in you, after he's been out working in manure would you? OK, harsh example, but still, the cleaner the toys, the better. It's all as simple as warm water and antibacterial soap. Liquid soap is the best, since it spreads and rinses off easier than bar soap. Using sex toys in the bedroom (or where ever) is great, but it comes with a certain amount of responsibility and care as well. Being forgetful is not an excuse when it comes to the care of sex toys and your health. You must try harder to remember. I seriously doubt that, just a few forgetful moments would require some sort of biopsy however.
  2. Tyger


    I agree with iha. All you can do is reach out, offer your love and support to him. You've e-mailed him letting him know how you feel. So, if he does get together with you, though I'm not really seeing that happen unfortunately, then don't harp on it. Just enjoy the time together. It's unfortunate that some women, such as his wife, are so insecure in their marriages/relationships, that they feel that need to control their lover/spouse/SO. But, that's what it is, insecurity. Yes, she may be the CAUSE of his abandoning you, however, he is an individual, and he could stand up for himself and let her know that you are his sister, you're close and tough shit if she doesn't like it. So, he is just as much to blame for not being around, if not more. I wish you the best in whatever you decide to try.
  3. I saw that it was waterproof after I posted it, right there in the title....ddddddddddduuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! LOL Thanks!
  4. Congrats!! With HARD work, lots of ENERGY, and THRUSTING forward, y'all have had some great success!!! Wishing you continued success!!
  5. Check out pellet stoves too. My cousin has one, and LOVES it. Though, I believe you have to have a chimney for it as well, I believe it's more energy efficient, and you can get those and the pellets at places like Lowe's & Home Depot.
  6. I tried a triple pleaser thing a while back, nipples AND clit. It is VERY hard to manuever!!
  7. Is this toy waterproof? Loud? Strong? Are the vibes pretty strong in the tip?
  8. The Bathtub Test During a visit to the mental asylum, a visitor asked the doctor how do you Determine whether or not a patient should be institutionalized. "Well," said the doctor, "we fill up a bathtub, and then we offer a Teaspoon, a teacup and a bucket to the patient and ask him or her to empty The bathtub." "Oh, I understand," said the visitor. "A normal person would use the bucket Because it's bigger than the spoon or the teacup." "No." said the doctor, "A normal person would pull the plug. Do you want a Bed near the window?"
  9. I HAVE tattoos, and I totally agree with you there!! Plus, there are certain types of tattoos that just gross me out, and turn me right off. BTW, I have scars, and my MOST proudest one I have is the small one from my c-section!!
  10. AW!! What a cute idea, "eikoops". I LOVE it!! I have a 16 yr old sick cat too, and so I know what you're going thru. Any tattoo that has special meaning to you, is always the best kind!!
  11. A Texas cowboy walks into a bar and takes a seat next to a very attractive woman. He gives her a quick glance then causally looks at his watch for a moment. The woman notices this and asks, 'Is your date running late?' 'No', he replies, 'I just got this state-of the-art watch, and I was just testing it.' The intrigued woman says, 'a state-of-the-art watch?' 'What's so special about it?' The cowboy explains, 'It uses alpha waves to talk to me telepathically.' The lady says, 'What's it telling you now? 'Well, it says you're not wearing any panties. 'The woman giggles and replies 'Well it must be broken because I am wearing panties!' The cowboy smiles, taps his watch and says, 'Damn thing's an hour fast.'
  12. Hey there. I want to start by saying that I am soo sorry that you were abused in such a manner (or any manner). Does your husband KNOW about the abuse? IF he DOES know about the abuse, then he needs to stop asking about it. It's insensitive, uncaring, and disrespectful! And you need to tell him that, and stand by it. You should tell him that it bothers you. Fantasies are one thing, however, he isn't trying to be thoughtful about it, he's being a childish ass about it. If he knows, and keeps bringing it up, then he's also being UBER selfish! Who needs that??? If he DOES NOT know about the abuse, then you NEED to tell him ASAP. Explain to him WHY you feel how you feel, and that you just aren't willing to do it. Either way, if you don't want to do it, then you have that RIGHT to say NO. In most cases, I would say that you should at least TRY stuff to please a lover (so long as it doesn't hurt you, morally repugnant to you, or illegal), however, not in this one, with the history you have. There are lines that people can & cannot cross for whatever reason. If he knows about your feelings, and keeps bringing it up, then, I hafta agree with the other posters: he's an insensitive ass and you deserve better and kick him the curb. This may sound harsh, however, his behavior doesn't show that he respects you at all (if he knows). Do you REALLY want a marriage like that? Do you want to go thru life feeling guilty or manipulated into not doing stuff you just DON'T want to do? Think about it. Best Wishes!
  13. I guess it would have to depend on the X. I trust my hubby, cuz he's of the mind that once it's over, that's it. If it was me and my ex husband, yeah, nothing would happen. There are 2 exes that I would have a HARD time resisting though, in all honesty. My hubby would be pissed if anything happened. Me, I really don't think it'd bother me too much!!! That sounds bad, but that's how I feel. Like Val & Thur said, I know where he'd be at the end of it all anyway!
  14. Thanks all! My FIL told me a bunch of remedies a couple of years ago. Thankfully, the stinging went away rather quickly. I have some of that Sting Away stuff (for kids though), and that works really well. LMAO!!! I'm trying to picture Meg getting a baking soda paste smeared on her ass......
  15. I have to get my daughter from school! It's cloudy, but hot. I gotta unplug the computer cuz I hear thunder. My pinky is throbbing. BBL!
  16. Thankfully, I have no allergies to buggies, that I know of (yet). While going out to mail a letter, I opened up my box, put the letter in, shut the door, and WHACK!! A red wasp tagged my pinky and my ankle at almost the same time (same bug, opposite sides). The red bastard!!! The pinky hurts, but it's not swelling, and the ankle just itches. Got some cream on it, and had taken allergy meds earlier today. I am just thankfull that it wasn't my DD. She's terrified of bugs, and these suckers HURT!! Considering I've been down here in TX a total of almost 6 yrs, and this is the first for red wasp stings, I guess I can't complain!! LOL They do fly in and have tried to hit my head (they sting on the fly), but I have soooo much hair, I don't feel it!! Thanks for letting me bitch/whine!
  17. Wow!! Quite a informational post there. First, what bugs me, as a mother, is that you said that your baby is perfect, but you sometimes resent HER for making you stay with your hubby. Let me set the record straight: SHE had no "input" as far as you staying with her Daddy. YOU did that, all on your own. There are PLENTY of single parents out there that do just fine, even if they have to get state aide, ask for family help, are alone, or have a network of friends to help. YOU chose to say. Please try to get that thought out of your head cuz it's NOT her fault for staying, own it. If your husband was a "man's man" as people told you he is, he would've stood up to his family for taking advantage of him, and not paying him for the work he did, and for not repaying y'all for the loan. His father sounds like a manipulator, and that he passed on to his son as well. I've found that family & neighbors will screw you over the worst...until you take a stand for what's duly yours. You can only only tolerate someone so long calling you worthless, stupid, and whatnot. So, yes, I don't blame you for getting sick and tired of it. You hear that long enough, you believe it. That's really not a great environment for any child, girl or boy, to grow up in. It either makes them think that their mother is a waste, stupid, or that THEY are. Maybe both. BTW, if a man is a TRUE man, he wouldn't WANT you to idolize him, kiss the ground he walks on, or worship him. TRUE marriages, soul mates, lovers, partners want you to LOVE them for who they are, respect them, and be there for them, AND do the same for you too!!! NO MAN is worthy of a woman grovelling at his feet......NONE! A true man knows this, and will respect you for that. In a TRUE relationship, you don't LOOSE yourself as a person, but grow, learn, and love. If your husband only changes when he knows your pregnant, I'm doubting that he will stay all nicey nice, but probably revert back to his old habits after a while, without some serious counselling. I've seen waaaaaaaaaay too many couples go thru this kind of stuff, and then it turns violent (especially with control freaks for spouses). Staying with someone JUST because you have children rarely works out. People build up resentment, end up hating themselves, their spouses, and yes, as you've found out, even their kids. However, you have a child with him, and a new one on the way. And you telling him that if he doesn't change his attitude, where it's good for YOU, the man does have rights, as the father, which, if you threaten him & his parental rights, can turn a seperation/divorce very, very nasty. Sure, stand up for yourself, but, using kids as leverage, well, again, it's my opinion, such as it is, and it's just NOT the greatest idea. Throw in your adultery, and you've definitely thrown another problem into the mix. It sounds like, from your post, that you are not use to saying NO to men in general. You have always seemed to give in. There is NOTHING wrong with telling a man to go to hell, trust me. If this "roommate" was any sort of a decent man, knowing that you're vulnerable...I'm sorry, but he's just someone else taking advantage of you, IMHO. You should tell him to get the hell out of the house. He is NOT helping you at all. He just wants an easy BJ/lay. I can't say I'm sorry that this comes across as blunt, because I'm a person that prefers the direct approach. Again, these are soley statements based on MY personal views AND experiences. I wish you and your kids the best.
  18. I think that they do very well, personally. Of course, when YOU feel the package, knowing what you ordered, you're going to know what is in it, and how it should feel. Anyone else just picking it up, maybe "squishing" it a bit, won't know what it is at all, since they have no idea what is in it. It's not like it advertises "HEY LOOK!!!! THIS ENVELOPE CAME FROM A SEX TOY SHOPPING SITE!!!!". Also, think of it this way, cost wise, if they "boxed" everything up, the S&H charges would have to go up, because it costs more to purchase & ship boxes. I've never had a problem (and I get REGULAR shipments!!), nobody's ever said anything, and it's really nobody else's business anyway. LOL
  19. Do you have trouble reaching orgasm? With 80-85% of women needing clit stimulation to reach orgasm, it’s not surprising that there’s a growing demand for clit stimulating products. One of the popular sex toy companies has been creating several products to do just that, & California Exotics happens to be one of my top 5 brand names I love getting products from. This pump is another success in my book. If you have trouble with clit stimulation, reaching orgasm, not knowing HOW to stimulate your clit, or all of the above, then a clitoral pump is a very helpful, simple toy to try. Being the miniaturized version of a penis pump, it works by gently (or not so gently, depending on your own preference) sucking your clit/hood, which engorges your clit with blood, making it more sensitive. The more sensitive your clit becomes, the higher the chance of a earth shattering orgasm can occur. Pretty in purple, it comes with 2 clear, interchangeable silicone caps. One has 4 nodes (aka nubbies) for lots of stimulation, & the other has just 1 node. There are also 2 cubes of foam that they put in there, to sort of soften the suction, filtering it to make it a bit gentler at first, so you can get use to how the pump/suction works. My personal preference is without the foam, because I like STRONG vibes, & STRONG suction. The head, where the caps go, is curved a bit, so you won’t have to have your wrists at an odd angle, if you’re flying solo. It’s very comfortable. It takes 2 AAA batteries, which you put in from the bottom of the case, 1 up, 1 down, twist the cap just a bit, to put it back on, & a bit more to turn it one its 1 speed: HIGH!! With the foam in, the vibes are fairly quiet. Without the foam in it, it’s a bit on the loud side. But, Jimmy crack corn, and I don't care! Especially when it's all about MY clit!! The bulb that you squeeze to get the suction has hearts all over it, which not only is aesthetically pleasing, but also allows you to have a better grip. There is also a heart-shaped release button at the top of the bulb, at the end where the thick, flexible tubing is, so that if you get too much suction, or just want it to let go, press the button, & it lets the air out. First, I tried using it without any of the caps. It is possible, but, it’s a lot more work to keep the “mouth” on your clit without them, even with lube, so I opted to use the one with the single node/nubbie first, with the foam cube. Tried it with the vibes too. I loved the strength of the vibes! I am a gal that LOVES direct clit stimulation, and with the sucking of the cap engorging my clit with blood, making it more sensitive, I decided to take out the foam, to get even MORE suction, & THAT was wonderful!!! So, wanting even MORE fun, I took that cap off, & put the one on with the 4 nubs, no foam. Hey, that almost sounded like a coffee order: “Yeah, gimme a purple high octane, with 4 lumps, NO FOAM!” LOL Anyway, I get the 4 nodes one on, and discover that that’s my favorite cap! With all those nodes, the strong vibes I love, AND the sucking goin’ on down there, my clit was sooo sensitive, & soooo stimulated, I barely added a favorite dildo for a full feeling, & I was having a very intense orgasm! The Tyger likey very much! I give it all 4 Tyger paws up in the air, tail too, loud purr, and back arching!!! Yep, it was that effective!!! Pump yourself to Orgasm!
  20. Kids ARE funny!! Gawd!! Lemme show you where your uvula is!! LMAO Guess she missed the "if you touch it, you will gag" part of understanding what it is!! LOL!! My daughter's 5, and, right now, her favorite thing to say is "When I'm a Mom I will......(fill in the blanks)". I can almost hear DH's gray hairs screeching thru his scalp each time she says it!! The other funny thing she said was one night, she was trying to spend the night at my Mom's travel trailer, and she asked my Mom why her boobs were like "that". Meaning kinda droopy, and my Mom almost pissed herself, she was laughing so hard! Kids say the darnest thing! As far as her nightmares go, hopefully, time will heal that, and they'll get less frequent. *hugs*
  21. Welcome to the forums! Did you know that even the freebies are covered under their guarantee? Yes, it's true!! That said, I will say that some people may say "it's quiet", while others think the same toy is loud, depending on how private they are, the toy, and people's personal preferences. Now, if the toy gets HOT while it's running, and I don't mean warm, cuz many of them do, but HOT, then you probably DO have a defective one. Call Meaghan, she is FANTASTIC, and she'll be able to help you out![/size]
  22. The Duchovny Files: Treating Sex Addiction article from Newsweek
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