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Everything posted by Tyger

  1. *Insert wolf howl here for WhiteFang!!*
  2. Yes, you can make a wishlist. You first have to sign on to the shopping site (like you would if you were doing a review on it), and you can create several wish lists. Like, for me, I have one for toys, one for DVDs. Name the new wish list, then you can add things to whatever wish list you want. It's a bit more complicated than before, but once you get use to it, it's not so bad.
  3. Awesome!! How much do they "hurry" to get to their meal?
  4. So, I thought that the pics Snakeman share were awesome. So, y'all probably kinda remember that I have A LOT of cats. The majority of which, 4, to be exact, happen to be black. Not an "on purpose" thing, but still. In this pic, we had one extra, but she found a home a few days after I took this. I have 3 of the cats that are mostly outdoor cats, and they're brownish tigers. They were outside when I was feeding inside....
  5. I wonder if the mattress is "hard" too? LMAO
  6. Well, Pappy, as much as I like to give BJs, inflating that sucker by mouth would be a bit too much! LOL
  7. I'm so sorry to hear that you're going thru all of that. Plus, I bet those storms didn't help much either! *HUGS* It's hard, when you see your babies growing up, and know that, even if you're done having them, that this times go by so fast, and you feel like you may miss something important. Everyone's feeling the crunch too! We had DH's oldest come down, and, because her plane ticket was almost $1k, we couldn't really afford to do anything with her as far as family outtings and such. His ex is suppose to reimburse us half, and last time did so rather quickly, but she's going on a trip as soon as the DD gets back, so I'm not holding my breath! I have a plan for that if she doesn't come up with the $$ within 6 months though..... It's really sad, because I want to go and get a job after our DD goes to school, but, with only being able to work"Mother's Hours", I think I'd be paying for the gas to get back & forth with my paycheck from that job! It's very frustrating, to be sure. So, you are definitely NOT alone with your worries & frustrations!!!
  8. I'm glad you liked it. I was really glad that their wasn't that "new plastic" smell to it, even when deflating (that seemed to take FOREVER, but that could be cuz I was tired when I was doing that). The big difference between this and say, the Esse & Liberator sex furniture, is that this one is filled with air, those other ones are more "permanent". So, storing this one away is easier. And, since we have a small house, is a great thing!
  9. Suzy, just speak to them, and let them know that they're being rude. It really doesn't take much, just a few words. Come up with something that makes them KNOW they're being stupid, but in a nice way. Trust me, it works 99% of the time. For the pervo that says something back to you, you can just tell them to grow up and go jack off somewhere, out of your vicinity. I have a friend that is really big busted (well more than one, but this friend hates it with a passion). She's always been "large". She has back & shoulder issues due to it. Is having to go thru the insurance BS that's taken over 2 yrs, and a lot of $$ (when the reduction she wants/needs would cost less than everything she's had to endure). She's lost like 100lbs on her body. Maybe lost a cup size. She wears baggie shirts. I had NO idea how big she was, until, the other day, when I told her that she looks smaller to me, then she tightened her shirt, and OMG, those baggie shirts really covered up her chest! She hates feeling uncomfortable all the time, and she hates the fact that men oggle her breasts, and ignore her, as a person. She told me that sometimes, the way men look at her, she feels like a life-support system for her breasts. She works at a prison too, as a nurse, so you can imagine the comments she gets too. Though, there, she can write people up and they loose privelages! LOL She's come up with some fantastic retorts!! So, you're not alone at all darlin'.
  10. I was sooo excited to finally get a piece of “Sex Furniture” from Fetish. The chair comes in a very sturdy box, has a blindfold as a freebie, plus comes with a good patch kit (matching material, and good glue), just in case you spring a leak! So, easy with the spiked collars, stilletos, and/or long nails out there! I pull it out, and notice that it’s velvety black, and heavy! There are even handles attached to the chair. And the way that they’re attached, remind me of those thick inner tubes that can either be used as slides on snow, or towed behind a boat, so they’re very sturdy, and great for gripping! The box says that it can handle 300 lbs as well. Grabbing my large hand air pump (that you should have on hand if you have kids!), it only took a couple of minutes of pumping to inflate this chair. Once I got it filled up, I sat in it to see how it felt. Once fully inflated, this item looks kind of like a crescent moon, with a “bump” on the bottom, to help stabilize the seat a bit. The black material is very pretty, and still velvety. It’s also almost 3’ wide (87” without the handles). From back to bottom edge, is about 26”. It’s a lot wider than I thought it’d be, especially from the pic on the box. Lots of room to play and experiment, that's for sure! I take the seat, put it on the floor, then, um, I take a seat! LOL This baby’s curved, so it feels like you’re being held in the palm of a hand. It’s not something that you would want to sit and rock in to relax with, because it is so round, it doesn’t offer full back support, and there’s nothing much stopping you from going all the way back….however, that’s where your lover comes in. Getting ready, we started some foreplay, getting a kick out of how tippy this chair is. It adds a fun degree of difficulty, but with practice, this will be a lot of fun! My hubby was having a good time letting the chair do the work for him, using the handles to rock me back and forth on his cock. This was a lot of fun, and we laughed a lot! And it was pretty comfortable too. Hey!! No more rug burns on the back, when we play on the floor! Bonus for ME! We also flipped it over, and used it as a big wedge for doggie style, which worked SUPER!!! There really wasn’t a strong vinyl odor when it came out, nor when it was inflated, and, clean up was really easy, I just used a warm washcloth, soap, and wiped it down in the spots that needed it. You can also use a lint brush on it too, in case you're like us, and have a lot of furry friends running around the house. I give this item 4 out of 4 Tyger Paws. I'd give some claws out too, but I don't wanna pop it! OK, add in a nice long purr instead! Get Rockin'!
  11. Thanks for the update!! I hope you post more!!
  12. Did you know that: *I should be sleeping? *I am watching Diary of a Call Girl right now? *I love love love candles? *That I love the scent of vanilla? *PURPLE is also my favorite color too? *That vanilla scented candles are the BEST (IMO)? *We have an extensive collection of DVDs (not just porn)? *I LOVE photography? *I have no interest in sports or the Olympics whatsoever?
  13. It's true, there are some colors that I steer clear from when I buy. I really don't care for yellow, though I haven't seen a lot of yellow sex toys. I don't like pink, but that would be cutting down my options severely, so I usually let that slide....a bit. Or that neon green color. Don't care for that much either.
  14. AWW! There are NO lowly members here, darlin'! We love you all!
  15. Hey, they're YOUR preferences. And you have a right to be as picky as you want to be with your sex toys!! Good luck in your search!
  16. Similar to the Random Thoughts, you can write tidbits of random or updating information in this thread. It was very popular on another forum me & Froggy are Admins are, so I thought I'd share: Did you know that I hate my allergy meds, and they make me geeky? Did you know that I am super tired? Did you kow that we're having record heat temps here in TX this year? Did you know I HATE being tickled? Did you know I LOVE watching HOUSE? Did you know that I LOVE House is crude, flip, and clever all at the same time? Did you know that one of my favorite movies is Labyrinth?
  17. Good thing she WAS knocked out!! Gawd!! I love my sex toys, but, in a case where I wasn't the one telling someone that I'm using one, I would be embarrassed, especially in that situation. OMG!! Hopefully, she was orgasming or at least relaxed, so she didn't get AS bruised up! LOL I wonder if SHE was one of those mythical smiling joggers........
  18. Maybe Rob should run an "app" to see who would like to be the Contest Moderator? Or maybe putting it to a vote?? Just a thought.
  19. We just got in a new item, Belladona's Magic Hand, The Big Cherry Vibro Dong, and John Holmes Realistic DildoI hope that these suggestions help. Good luck! .
  20. I guess my ornery hubby's rubbing off on me (no pun intended), cuz when a man, young or old, stares at me with blatant rudeness, I look at them square in the eyes and tell them to keep staring. I may do a trick. And I keep walking. I even had one man staring at "The Twins" one day, and told him with a straight face "Yeah, as much attention as they get, they still won't talk to strangers". He blushed and walked off.
  21. So, you have MILITARY ISSUED BALLS? Is that what you're saying? (You know I love you!) I'm curious, are they army green? Or cammo, so she doesn't see you cumming?
  22. No it doesn't sound disgusting, you like what you like. You do realize too, that the diameter measurement is half of the circumference of the toy right? So, if a toys' 2.5" in diameter, it's actually like 5" all the way around. If you're new to the wonderful world of toys, all this info can be confusing and overwhelming at times. Also, if you're into really big toys, check out the "big boy" section of the shopping area.
  23. You know, this is a great and informative question here! I never even thought of this issue....
  24. Bubbles is right. If you go slow, and start off small, anal sex can be very pleasurable. In fact, my hubby (a MAN'S man type of guy), admits to being totally shocked but totally loving anal sex! I'm still awed by the fact that he was willing to try it. But, again, if you have an open mind, as she said, anything's possible!
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