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Everything posted by Tyger

  1. Why would he do this to her? Was it deliberate or accidental? I guess I'm missing something here....
  2. WELCOME GSK!! Hail to you and I love your avatar and signature!! LMAO
  3. BTW, I too think smoking's a turn off. No, not getting ready to go on vacation either. LOL TPBM has had kids walk in on them while they were masturbating.
  4. The Honorable Tom Harkin 731 Hart Senate Office Building Phone (202) 224 3254 Washington DC, 20510 Dear Senator Harkin, As a Texan and excellent customer of the Internal Revenue Service, I am writing to ask for your assistance. I have contacted the Department of Homeland Security in an effort to determine the process for becoming an illegal alien and they referred me to you. My primary reason for wishing to change my status from U.S. Citizen to illegal alien stems from the bill which was recently passed by the Senate and for which you voted. If my understanding of this bill's provisions is accurate, as an illegal alien who has been in the United States for five years, all I need to do to become a citizen is to pay a $2,000 fine and income taxes for three of the last five years. I know a good deal when I see one and I am anxious to get the process started before everyone figures i t out. Simply put, those of us who have been here legally have had to pay taxes every year so I'm excited about the prospect of avoiding two years of taxes in return for paying a $2,000 fine. Is there any way that I can apply to be illegal retroactively? This would yield an excellent result for me and my family because we paid heavy taxes in 2004 and 2005. Additionally, as an illegal alien I could begin using the local emergency room as my primary health care provider. Once I have stopped paying premiums for medical insurance, my accountant figures I could save almost $10,000 a year. Another benefit in gaining illegal status would be that my daughter would receive preferential treatment relative to her law school applications, as well as "in-state" tuition rates for many colleges throughout the United States for my son. Lastly, I understand that illegal status would relieve me of the burden of renewing my driver's license and making those burdensome car insurance premiums. This is very important to me given that I still have college age children driving my car. If you would provide me with an outline of the process to become illegal (retroactively if possible) and copies of the necessary forms, I would be most appreciative. Thank you for your assistance. Your Loyal Constituent, A hopeful soon-to-be-not-a-citizen Get your Forms (NOW)!! Call your Internal Revenue Service 1-800-289-1040. Please pass this onto your friends so they can save on this great offer!!!!
  5. Grrr!! I wrote a response, and it got lost!!! I HATE that!! LMAO OK, so, thank you for your detailed response back. Let me first off say that you're doubts & fear of disappointing your GF in bed are totally normal, whether you're a virgin or not. Men have these fears of disappointing a new lover due to not knowing what she likes. It takes time for lovers to discover what works for their SOs. True, she uses toys. She's been sexually active, and her body craves that release, just like you crave the release when you masturbate, right? But, as a woman who has a VARIETY of small, medium, large, and OMFG toys, I would MUCH rather have my husband make love to me, than play with my toys. NOTHING, I repeat, NOTHING replaces a real live lover. You have said you have the girl of your dreams, worked hard to win her over, and now aren't sure what to do. If she's as wonderful as you're claiming, and you can talk to her about anything, then you need to tell her that you are a virgin, and want to please her, and are eager to learn how to do so. Trust me, that kind of honesty will NOT be a negative thing, or cause her to laugh at you. If she truly, and I MEAN TRULY cares for you, she will appreciate the open and honest statement, not laugh, and appriate how hard that was. IF she laughs at you, she's a shallow, heartless person that you should walk away from. Best wishes!
  6. I think I went about 4 months......
  7. Why not get some of the educational sex DVDs? There are some really good ones here.
  8. I am SOOOO BAD!!! I just saw that Mikayla did a review on this one too, and I posted it as NEW. I suck. I'm sorry. I'm a dork, made a mistake, and, well, there it is. LMAO Here's the link to Mikayla's review for this toy as well: Mikayla's Review on The Crystal Flex
  9. Crystal Flex Triple Action It’s pretty “clear” what this clear toy can do! It stimulates you, & how! This waterproof, jelly toy has dual bullets for optimum power, and the main shaft bends too! The clit stimulator has its very own bullet, plus you have the pliable anal jelly stimulating “branch” that is narrow and ribbed (for your pleasure). All of this is controlled with 3 AAA batteries that go in the easy to twist off base, follow the insertion directions, twist back on, and then turn the dial. Low to medium vibes run thru the shaft, the clit’s bullet runs at the same speed as the shafts, but is much more concentrated being that it’s in a smaller area, so these vibes feel a lot stronger, & you can feel some slight vibrations in the anal branch too. I LOVE the clit stimulator because it has that special little “tip” to it that kind of reminds me of a little mini-tongue. Great for more direct stimulation! The shaft is about 4.5” (insertable length). Total length of this toy is 7”, with a diameter of 1.25”, it’s also “bumpy” too, which really feels good. So, gathering up the freshly cleaned toy, water-based lube, and going to my comfy bed, I prop up some pillows and get ready for some self-love. Lubing up the anal branch, I was surprised at how easy this part went up inside of me, along with the main shaft up inside my vagina. I’m still not overly confident with anal play, but this toy made it easy & comfortable. Plus, it’s pliable enough where, if you didn’t want to try it one night, you can bend it down and it’s still comfortable. All of the bumps were soooo stimulating, and the smoothness was divine, I was in heaven. Add the highest vibes, and oh, yes, we have one “clearly” happy Tyger! I felt full, in both holes, and my clit was getting the strong, direct stimulation that it simply CRAVES! Simple & comfortable to use & care for, this toy is great for beginners on up to advanced toy users alike. It’s a “clear” cut case of “YOU GOTTA GET IT! 4 (out of 4) Tyger Paws WAAAAY up! It's a Clear choice x3!
  10. Wikipedia has some good info, but not all of it's up-to-date and some of it is biased. Don't base "everything" you learn on WP to be factual. Just because it sounds similar to "encylopedia", doesn't make it like one. What I would also like to point out, is that once either a man OR a woman find a way to a pleasurable, quick, and successful orgasm, they tend to use the way that they got there, and sometimes, they get frustrated if nothing else works, and revert back to what does. See what I am saying? If you have it in your mind that you are NOT going to cum any other way, then you won't. Masturbation is usually for the quick "O". For the quick release, whether it's for a man or for a woman. You also need to learn how to take time, and find out what ELSE you like. For a virgin, this is more self-exploration. With a lover, it's practice. A real live woman feels a lot different then the mattress, trust me. I have a feeling you may like being on top, due to the pressure you seem to prefer. However, let your GF (once you're ready to do so) know that you're unsure what to do, or what you like. I'm assuming she knows you're a virgin? Great lovers are made, not born, so she should know this. Men don't automatically KNOW how to please a woman, or know what will please them until they try. So, just relax, let her do her thing, and let her know when she's doing something that feels good, and when she's doing something you just don't like. Best wishes.
  11. The guys have given some fantastic tips (true too). The one thing i want to address is the enima issue. Most people that find anal sex arousing get use to the idea of some slight residue on toys that needs to be cleaned up. Enimas are fine, however, even like vaginal douching, they should be used sparingly, so your body's natural "flow" & balance isn't interupted. If any sort of residue is an issue, use condoms over your fingers or toys. Clean up is as easy as slipping it off your finger/toy!
  12. We are in trouble the population of this country is 300 million. 160 million are retired. That leaves 140 million to do the work. There are 85 million in school. Which leaves 55 million to do the work. Of this there are 35 million employed by the federal government. Leaving 15 million to do the work. 2.8 million are in the armed forces preoccupied with killing Osama Bin-Laden. Which leaves 12.2 million to do the work. Take from that total the 10.8 million people who work for state and city Governments. And that leaves 1.4 million to do the work. At any given time there are 188,000 people in hospitals. Leaving 1,212,000 to do the work. Now, there are 1,211,998 people in prisons. That leaves just two people to do the work. You and me. And there you are, Sitting on your ass, At your computer, reading jokes. Nice. Real nice.
  13. She should go to her boss, show him/her, then ask where their company doctor is, so, in case it's burning, they can neutralize it ASAP, and correctly. It depends on WHAT is causing the burn, and if so and so says it's one thing, when it's not, you could do more harm than good. Since it happened at work, it'll be covered under the company's worker's comp. I hope she's better soon!
  14. I hate you. LMAO Congrats on the time alone, and I hope you have a fantastic time!!
  15. If you call in your order, they may be able to pull up the last card # that you used (I was able too, when I did catalog phone orders at another company, not sure if TT can or not). However, they probably don't keep that info available on the site, just in case someone else on your computer orders. It's security for YOU. It's not for inconvenience, but a deterrant for online fraud/theft. Plus, in almost any place you live, it's probably not safe to leave any personal stuff like a credit card, driver's license, checks, debit cards, whatever, in cars. Even way out where I live, it's not safe. People break into cars looking exactly for what you leave in there. Food for thought.
  16. I have to agree here. Shallow, self-centered girls may consider pick up lines ego boosts, cute, and fun. But smart, secure women will find it a bit insulting (at least I did). Yeah, I will admit that they felt good with the attention, however, they're so overused, I considered the guy too "common", and simple to try and stand out from the crowd, and I blew the pick up liners off. One man started flirting with me by asking about my tattoo, nicely, not crudely, and got me engaged in conversations about cars (I love old muscle cars). I had another guy (Junior) come up to me, give me his cell number, asked for mine, and said "I am GOING to call you". And he did. I've never been overly shy, and I've hit on men just by saying "Wow, you're tall!", which caught one man's attention, and passing my business card onto another, saying "If you're single, call me." My now husband and I talked as friends first, then, one day, out of the blue, he said that there was nothing preventing me from going on a date with him, so why not go on one? Well there now! LOL THAT one got my attention. What can I say? I like a direct approach that says "I am real, and I am interested in YOU." But, if the pick up lines are an easy start, or a woman just doesn't seem interested, THEN that opens the door, and you can go from there. Say if a woman just rolls her eyes at a pickup line, you could cover it up by, sincerely, telling her "Yes, I know, that was bad, I'm sorry, I just don't know how to start a conversation with you yet." It's honest, sincere, and it opens a door that many women will respond too.
  17. Yes, I'm what they call a Damn Yankee, cuz I keep comin' back! LOL I didn't mind driving in Austin. I lived right outside of it for almost 3 yrs, and it wasn't that bad. It was like they knew what they were doing! West Virginians are TERRIBLE (sorry, but you are if you're from there) about needing to exit, and literally cutting off 4 lanes of traffic to get there, like you don't KNOW you gotta get to that exit!! C'mon! Houston's worse than anywhere I've driven before. They simply DON'T CARE. Especially in the Woodlands area, cuz that's where all the offices, lawyers, doctors, and big-money makers are, so what do they care if it inconveniences you with an insurance claim, if they even bother to stop. Hell, all they usually hafta do is say "someone hit me while in the parking lot", and they're all set. A friend of mine got slammed a couple of weeks ago by this teenager, just backing out of the driveway, really fast, not even looking! My friend was just driving along on the street, minding his business, enjoying his new bike. Just rammed right into him, oh, and my friend was on his '08, still had temp plates, Kawasaki motorcycle. He's a Metro P.O. too, but was off-duty, and didn't want to totally terrify the kid. He's fighting the kid's parent's insurance company right now. After all, THEY weren't driving, and he's 18, so why should THEY be responsible? That's like that everywhere. This is why I keep a pad of paper in my car at all times, to write down plates just in case they hit & run. In Mass, yeah, they speed, but at least they're not overly recklace about it. Smart enough to know when their exit's coming up at least!
  18. Trust me, Sun, I've driven in Mass, several times. I would rather drive THERE than in Houston any day!!! Even rush hour!!!
  19. The first thing I think of when I see this smooth, bulbous, anal toy is “OMG, It’s HUGE!! But it’s also kinda cute. It kind of reminds me of a super huge ring-pop-type thing. Or a monsterous adult pacifier! It’s a more wide, bulbous design for a classic anal plug. Made of non-toxic TPR material, phthalate free, and is compatible with silicone lubes, The Lollipopper Anal Toy is NOT waterproof. It takes but 2 AAA batteries from your private stock pile of batteries to power this toy, and the vibes range from low to medium high with the twist of the little ring-handle. I also noticed that this toy had a slight cherry scent to it, even though it’s not advertised as such. Maybe it’s the combination of the materials, but it’s quite pleasant, and the “new toy” smell does dwindle down some with a thorough washing, cherry scent remaining. With a length of about 4” and a diameter of 1.5” at the widest part, this toy is for a more advanced anal toy/sex player than I am. So, I turn to my hubby. We tried this toy out with a lot of lube, and, even with his level of anal play, he said that the widest part of the bulb was a bit uncomfortable. It does have the indent at the base, which is suppose to make it easier to stay up inside of you, but hubby didn’t care for it. I will say that my hubby doesn’t care for regular butt plugs either, so this may be why he didn’t like this one. Washing it off thoroughly, and allowing it to dry, I tried it vaginally, and, even though it’s small, it was pleasurable enough to use, easy to hang onto with the ring, anally or vaginally inserted, and really quiet. Remember to always wash your toys before you switch them from the anus to the vagina, so you will cut down the risks of passing on bacterial infections! So, maybe when I work my way up to more advanced anal play, I will dare try this again, but for now, I will be using this toy vaginally only. So, I give it about 1 and a half Tyger Paws up.
  20. Not really a rant, more like an observation. Side story: My "cuck" needs to be looked at, some electrical issues like the speedometer going off and on-which affects the cruise controle, driver's side speakers going in and out (passenger's side is fine), and then the Check Engine light came on. Thank goodness I got the extended warranty! I'm still 100% covered!!! WHOO-HOO!! Those things happen, and thankfully, I'm not overly inconvenienced (part of my extended warranty covers a rental too). To get to the Subaru dealership closest to me, is about an hour away, off of I-45, which is a major highway here in TX. People!! Why in the hell do you have to drive like idiots? Does it REALLY matter that much, if you get to where you're going 5 minutes sooner??? And what's up with cutting me off? Just because most everyone has full coverage on their insurance (as do I), it doesn't mean that I would really like to make a claim because someone else's dumbass needs to get over a lane, and they can't negotiate lanes well. Learn to drive!! Drive courteous. Cuz, I am telling you, if someone hits me, due to a stupid act, lack of care, or just because they're in a rush, I will have NO problem with getting everything I can, and you'd better PRAY that my daughter is unharmed, with not a hair out of place......cuz there's nothing worse than a pissed off Yankee mother.
  21. United States Redneck Special Forces....Yes Siree, Bob. They can do the job...Git-er done! The Pentagon announced TODAY the formation of a new 500-man elite fighting unit called the United States Redneck Special Forces (USRSF) This is one of 500 country boys who will be dropped off into Iraq. They have been given only the following facts about terrorists : 1. The season opened today. 2. There is no limit. 3. They don't like beer, pickups, country music or Jesus. 4. They are directly responsible for the death of Dale Earnhardt. The Pentagon expects the problem in Iraq to be over by Friday.
  22. I hope that those that have ordered these, will let us know how they worked for them (size, functionality, material, and such).
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