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Everything posted by Tyger

  1. Glad you got up the courage to post. The first few are the hardest for many people! I love the toys offered here too, and can't wait to hear about your experiences! Welcome!
  2. We're waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay out on the country, and there are no such ordinences, though it's common courtesy to not do so. I think it's a riot that they blew a hole in the big pool. I hope it's unfixable, and the warranty that they said they got on it, doesn't cover dumbass accidents!! LOL DH didn't go over there because he didn't want to get into a fight. Which is a big step for him since he's been itchin' to fight (hey, if you're a guy that's use to doing this, you KWIM). So, he was very restrained indeed. I didn't like to call the cops, since I'm not one to just to try not to handle things, but at 12:45 a.m, I am not at my polite best (to say the least). LMAO So, they're gone for the day (I believe at the lake). I can just hope that they're so hung over that they get seasick, toss their cookies, and have one helluva headache! Oh, and maybe a hook thru the finger too...is that wrong of me?
  3. So, we had new neighbors move in behind us. I believe they're renting to own. Oh, lookie, they have a child, this could be fun for Sami, until I see the bitch that really hates me over there helping them move in (a man, woman, and the little boy), and, well, hopes are dashed cuz that girl's not only foolish and immature, she is plain stupid too. I refuse to be over there and be uncomfortable. She's with DH's friend, and is the one I ranted about a few weeks ago (the one that got preggo to keep her man). Yes, that one. Last Saturday was their first day here, and they started setting off fireworks, and since it's legal to do so in TX, not really a big deal, but still irritating. And they only did it for an hour, which happened to be when I put Sami to bed. Thankfully, it didn't bother her. OK, well, whatever. They do this 2 more times during the week, starting around 9:30, and only lasting about an hour. Frustrating, but tolerable. I really got pissed when they shot one off and it went over our house, and I heard the debris fall on the shed. I introduced myself (DH knew them) on Thursday and everything was cool. Whatever. Still waiting for them to impress me as good neighbors. Fast-forward to the 4th. Everyone, including us, sets off fireworks. They started about 8 pm, which, IMO, is a waste since it was still light out. Whatever. So we go out at 9 to set ours off, everyone in the neighborhood's doing so. When we're done, we go inside. Fireworks still going off, and I notice that they are SHOOTING FIREWORKS AT EACH OTHER!! Yes, this is why you shouldn't light fireworks AND get totally hammered! And the reason WHY people get hurt. Not really caring but ever-watchful, they are still doing this at midnight. All thru the night, there were a couple of shots that were right over our house. And I heard a BANG, like when something hits metal, and swear if they hit our shed or cars, there'd be hell to pay. At 12:30, my dog's going nuts due to all the noise, they're shooting fireworks off, and I can't sleep. DH gets up, goes outside and says "Hey, it's almost one o'clock, don't you think enough's enough?" The responded with a birage of fireworks going off. I ask DH if he wants me to call the Sheriff, and he says yes, that he asked them to stop, and the fuckers wouldn't. So, I call, not sure when they would get here cuz they had a lot of calls (of course). DH asks them again to stop, and gets the same response (more fireworks going off). Not expecting anything to be done, the Sheriff arrives a short 15 min. later (impressed). They come over here and I told him that they must've ran out cuz it just stopped like 2 min. before he got here. Sheriff went over and spoke to them, and we saw DH's friend with his son and his stupid GF leave. I walk around the house this morning taking my dog out, and, lucky for them, there's no damage on our property. Though, last night, DH swore he heard them say that they burnt a hole in a big air-blown pool (awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww). Guess what goes around comes around.
  4. It definitely sounds like you were stimulating the g-spot, because there's no way you were inside her uterus only a couple of inches in (which is exactly where the g-spot is), it can be 2" in, or up to 4" in. It feels kind of spongy, and a bit different from the rest of her vagina. And, yes, the uterine muscles can definitely contract when having an orgasm. Good for you for trying it, and kuddos for succeeding!! Your wife is very lucky, indeed!
  5. My hubby's the same way, he does stuff on a smoker pit. We have a small one with a side smoker, and a friend of ours has a HUGE dual pit on a trailer, which we borrow for big parties.
  6. I remember seeing this topic kinda be touched in the Cut or Uncut post a week or so ago. Anyway, I think that if a man wants to show off something that's important to him, and, let's face it, the penis is one of the most prized of body parts, then, he should do so if the outlet is appropriate. And if that's how he wants to introduce himself, then that's great! To have the self-esteem to do so, IMO, is amazing. Some men (and women) may think that, because this is a sex toy site, that it's a hookup site as well, and so they want to put their, um, best asset forward? Whether it's pride, a misconception of the site, or whatever, I think the key is to be respectful of everyone's posts & pics. If they post somewhere that they're looking to hook up, meet someone, or has a definite tone that says they think this is a place to hook up and have sex, then, by all means, politely tell them that this is a sex toy site, where adults talk about sex, toys, and other stuff, but it's not a dating site.
  7. I would say that you should send it back, and use the new one when you get back. If it looks like it may tear, it may. Better to be safe than sorry. I wouldn't risk it. Plus, you spend all that $$ on a toy, you want it to be in good as condition as it can be for you. Trust me, forgo the toy, send it back, and bring a replacement on your trip.
  8. The TT Pleasure gel is water-based, so it's not that doing it. Chances are, the pouring of that particular batch of dildos was bad, and you got a defective one. You will have to call or e-mail Meaghan to let her know. You will need to send it back to her, and get a new one. Hopefully you have the orginal packaging and packing slip? As for the next time, be sure that there are no visible defects or what looks to be where air bubbles were. Air bubbles happen, and are common, and a few are fine, but if there are too many of them, the toy's structural integrity won't last long at all. Plus, I do believe the BB is made of a silicone based material. Usually, anything that feels pliable and "realistic" is made some sort of "cyberskin" material. I remember you saying that you were bringing it on a trip. Please remember, these toys can't stand the heat at all, literally. Heat WILL make them melt!! So, please be sure that they stay nice and cool at all times. It doesn't take long for the heat to start melting them. Best wishes.
  9. I've seen it...neener neeener neeeeeeeeeeeeener!! LOL See, now you gotta put a dragonfly on it (with cat's eyes or a tiger striped body) for me!! I'll get something green put on for you! LOL OH!! How about we get pennies!!!? You get a black and orange one, I'll get a green or purple one!! LOL
  10. I hope you have a great time!! I've been asked if Mik's coming here...and, no, she's not (damnit!!). Besides, I don't have cows or a farm of my own. LOL.
  11. Reading the first review for this item that Froggy wrote, I HAD to get this Devinn Lane's Magnetic Massager! I LOVE strong, intense vibes, and I am thrilled to report that this massager really has them! Pretty in purple, this hard plastic, 6” massager has but one setting, and that’s HIGH! Powered by 2 AA batteries (not incl.), and easy to use, what’s not to like? Twist off the bottom part (it comes apart in the middle), insert the batteries, + side down, and twist back on, then twist a bit more to turn it on, and that’s all it takes! Now, I did see a rubber gasket in between the 2 halves, but there is a warning NOT to immerse in water, so the gasket's probably there as a sound insulater. And it works, this toy isn't overly loud at all. There’s a magnetic ball at the very top that rotates, though my ball had to be rolled a few times to loosen it up. There’s a cap that goes over the top after too, to protect the ball, but I would make sure that it’s thoroughly dry before you put it on. Just a warning: the massager is not a medical device, not recommended for use during pregnancy, around pacemakers, insulin pumps, & transdermal drug patches due to the magnetic ball. This toy was fantastic! I am a hard woman to please when it comes to vibes. I do like low vibes for relaxation, and easing my aches & pains, but, when it comes to my sex toys, the higher the vibe, the more I’m probably gonna like it. I used this massager along with a favorite glass dildo of mine, and started to tease my nipples and then slowly down to my labia, barely teasing around the clit, but not hitting the mark yet. I wanted to enjoy this. Using the dildo for that full feeling, I eased the strong, powerful massager onto my clit, then off, then back on again. Yes, the vibes are strong, and the metal had warmed up to my body temp, so it was all good, and I was one screamin’ kitty by the end! I give this massager 4 out of 4 Tyger Paws, plus a back arch, poofed out tail, and claws waaaaay out!!!
  12. Thanks for adding my sexy story Sun_Flower. I appreciate it, and I hope others enjoy reading it too.
  13. Every woman, at one time or another, experiences vaginal dryness. Let’s face it, if you think about it, a woman’s innards really go thru a lot. It’s affected by stress, periods, childbirth, sex, pokes, cleansing, douching, prods, masturbation, infections, hormones, menopause….there’s a lot goin’ on up there! If it’s a persistent problem, please go see your OB/GYN. However, usually, if it’s just happening every once in a while, or your doctor’s told you that what you’re experiencing is normal, KY has made a wonderful product called Silk-E Vaginal Moisturizer that can help make sex more comfortable. I often suffer from vaginal dryness, especially after the birth of our daughter. I just don’t seem to lubricate as much as I use too. So, lubes are very much a part of our sex life. Silk-E contains water, propylene glycol, sorbitol, polysorbate 60, hydroxyethylcellulose, benzoic acid, methylparaben, tocopherol, & aloe barbadensis leaf juice. Please note that this product does NOT have any spermicide in it, so therefore it is NOT a method of birth control. And, it’s safe to use every day. It’s water-based, non-sticky, & hormone-free. It has soothing aloe and vitamin E in it to help give safe, immediate relief from vaginal dryness. This particular bottle is a lot like a lube bottle, with a flip top cap, and a small hole at the top, so you can squeeze out as much or little as you want, it can come out kind of fast, so be careful. There is an ever-so-slight odor to it, that reminds me a bit of diaper rash ointment (like Desitin), but it wasn’t overly noticeable. It’s also clear, and I am happy to report, it didn’t stain my sheets. I decided to use it with a glass toy of mine, and I dropped just a couple of drops on the toy, and then a tad on my labia. A little definitely goes a long way with this stuff. I loved how silky smooth this moisturizer is. I couldn’t smell the lube over the smell of the toy, so that’s good. It really helped lube me up and it lasted pretty long. Clean up was very simple, and I felt no residue after either. So, between my own lubrication, and the aide of Silk-E, I was a very wet Tyger, was able to enjoy myself and relax, and I like it that way!
  14. Well, I have to agree. There is SOMETHING going on there. Nobody just changes their minds like that overnight. She may feel a tad guilty for depending on her toys so much while you were gone, and fears that she had replaced you with the toys, maybe making her feel like she cheated on you in some way, and feels guilty about that. She could've gotten more religious, and, well, we all know that religious people DON'T masturbate, and it's a BAD thing . Of course I am being sarcastic, but many people DO feel that way. The dream may have affected her severely as well, or, and I HOPE not, but she may have had something violent happen to her, that she doesn't feel comfortable sharing with you (many rape victims don't). Which may explain the whole "no more bondage/control" thoughts now. I hope I am wrong. And, just asking her may not be successful. I would keep asking her questions, here and there. Ask if she is still open to the idea of toys, and that you feel they're an enhancement, not replacements, and that you were glad she had something to help her physical needs while you were away, and that you didn't feel threatened by them at all. Best wishes to you both.
  15. LMAO You could hang it on your bedroom door, as a door-knocker....
  16. So, I take it, it gets tongues down from you?
  17. Mmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmmm looks good!!!
  18. Thanks for the review! It's definitely interesting looking!
  19. I know you're bummed, and I hope that you're able to do something soon with him while he's not sleepy! Luv ya!
  20. It IS sad that all this is going on, so recently after it supposedly being resolved. I hate all this drama too. I also don't often go to the movies. When I do, it's even more rare that I go to the full-priced one (which is about an hour away). I go to the local theater, that offers discounted prices. It's not the greatest place in the world, but it's got a big screen! LOL I usually end up buying a DVD of a movie that I seem interested in.
  21. We'd never laugh at questions. I have this toy, and did a review on it. My review give some great details on how it works: Instant Activation Vibe Review Yes, you leave the plastic thing in, it's so the batteries don't rattle. I believe that the batteries go in positive side down. My review should help. Good luck!
  22. The name sounds almost obscene, but, what these toys do, is not! Quality, fun, and power, await you with this new line. Seeing that there are 3 in this line (so far): Twist N’ Shout, Jumpin’ Jack, & Rockin’ Roll, I got the first one. The Twist N’ Shout is phthalates free, its sleeves are made out of 100% surgical grade silicone, and it’s an interesting shape. The shaft is large with “humps” in it, topped with a bulbous head. The clit stimulator is almost like the back of a dragon, with a bullet right inside it. Plus you have a lot of choices with this toy. Its bonuses include 4 AA INCLUDED batteries (yay!!!), 12 preset vibe patterns, 12 preset spin patterns, waterproof, & it’s programmable! Did you see that? Yes, PROGRAMMABLE! You can program up to 10 minutes of different combos for your pleasure. The base of this pink pleasurer reminds me a bit of a light saber, especially the screw on cap. There are a total of 5 buttons for controlling all the mentioned power. The big one has 3 different colors to it, during different stages. The 2 below that are the Play/Program buttons to either set & save a particular program of vibes, or, to play the programmed set for you. The 3 below that control the 3 separate vibes, with 12 settings each, counting up/down of each vibe pattern 12 preset settings worth for the Top Vibe, the Middle (which rotates the shaft in circular motions), & the Clit Stimulator. Yes, there ARE paper instructions for this, as well as on the box. The backside of the base has ribs in the handle, to help grip it better. Insertable length is about 5”, diameter of 1.5” at the widest part (the head), and the clit stimulator is about 3”, with a total length of almost 12”, this toy’s nothing to sniff at! So, grabbing my water-based lube, I head off to the bedroom. Maybe it’s the “geek” in me, but I LOVE techno-gadgets, including sex toys. Though, I will say that this toy is a lot to handle as far as options go, so this toy would be a better fit for the experienced Toy User. Inserting was easy & smooth, and this toy gave me that full feeling I do so love. Playing with the buttons, it took me a while to find out what I like with this toy, which happens to be a slow vibe in the shaft, with a low rotation, and HIGH on the clit stimulator. Yes, the vibes range from low to HIGH on all counts, which I LOVE. But, for tonight, it was low, slow, and steady! I really just lay back, got the settings how I want, and the flexible based clit stimulator positioned juuuuuuuust right, and let the rotating humped shaft do its massage magic in my pussy. Being relaxed AND stimulated, can’t get much better than that! Oh, wait, yes you can, lest I forget the comfortable rolling orgasm that this toy helped bring out in me….oh yes, this toy gets 4 satisfyingly lazy Tyger Paws in the air, and a back roll (out of 4 Tyger Paws)! Shake It Up Baby Now
  23. Yeah, sometimes the measurements on the site are a bit off, but, hey, that's another reason we're here! LOL Glad to see you made it thru the initiations, and are now a member of The College Stud Fraternity! Or would that be Sorority?
  24. OMG! He DOES look like Tom Cruise!!
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