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Everything posted by Tyger

  1. Nope, we didn't consumate our marriage the night of the wedding. We did immediately the following morning though. Our wedding day was July 4th, and due to lack of money, we had our wedding & reception at my Mom's house, which was also kinda nostalgic, since it was at the house I grew up at. Grass was really green, and it was super HOT & HUMID that day! We had to do our own set up, take down, and putting stuff away (people didn't want to help at all), so, by the time we got checked in at a local motel, we didn't even have the energy to go see the fireworks! We crashed!!! LOL Plus, I was pregnant too (not the reason we got married at all), so I was super tired anyway!
  2. Tyger


    Welcome to the forum! I hope you and your "Captain" find a lot of useful stuff here!
  3. Awesome! Thanks for sharing!
  4. Don't you hate it when you have new neighbors, only to find out they're extremely inconsiderate and have yet to introduce themselves?
  5. Not me, I don't like whiskey. I'm a major bitch with a whiskey-hangover. Even so, I would choose Mikayla!!!!
  6. Thanks for the follow up and the link! I got distracted by my DD and had to stop looking for it temporarily!
  7. Unfortunately, Pinky's experience and feelings are very, very common. Some people take great offense to sex toys, seeing them as a replacement in the bedroom, instead of an enhancement in the bedroom. One of the major obstacles is to get over that way of thinking. I don't know of too many people that would rather have a toy to have sex with, for that quick O, or to make love with their SO. I agree with the advice already given. The intro was great! But, to have a toy be successful for her, she needs to be more open and willing to explore her body. She needs to find out what she really likes stimulated, and find a toy that will do that for her. As you can see from reviews, what one toy may work for one woman, may totally bomb for another. The key to choosing what toy you think you will like according to what turns your crank! For example, Froggy just did a review on a magnetic clit stimulator. She didn't like it because the vibes were too strong. I purchased this toy based on her review because I LOVE strong vibes! In a few days, I will add my review for this toy too. That's one great thing about the reviews on here, there's sometimes more than one POV, which can be uber helpful to potential buyers! For the next purchase, peruse the site together, read what the toys do, and, if the reviews are there, read them. Remembering that there is usually a longer review on the Sex Toy Review section here on the forum. We're only allowed 2000 characters on the shopping site, and I know of a couple of Reviewers (I being one of them) that have to cut down our reviews a lot for that site, but putting the more detailed one here in the Talk forum. Good luck!!
  8. Fantastic review! I loved your tip on being careful with playing with temperature changes with such a toy! Great tip! Hail to the Princess!!
  9. I agree with Val and the others. At least you have it a shot, gave him another chance, and not only learned that he was a selfish and pushy man, but that your instincts are spot on, and you can really heed them next time. Dating is hard! Especially if you're out of the loop/practice, or just don't do it that much. Expectations are so different for everyone, it's hell. Thank goodness I don't hafta do that anymore! Though, if I did, I've got, what Whiskywoman says is a "low bullshit tolerance level", so weeding out the bad ones would be quick! LOL Best wishes for the next one!
  10. I also reviewed some games. The only way to tell which ones have been reviewed, is to check either the Sex Toy Review link at the top, or to check the shopping area, type in Games in the product search box, and go thru them to see if they have been reviewed. The reviews are near the bottom of the item's page. I can't seem to find the application that they had up to fill out for reviewer interest. I'll look some more and post it if I can find it. I would go with Aiden's suggestion and email Meaghan (NOT Private Message her). They may have taken it off until they need more, I dunno. She may send you the link/app if they're looking for more reviewers. Usually, they put out an APB on the forum if there is a need for more too. If they need more reviewers, they will contact you soon. However, I believe that there are many right now.
  11. LMAO!! That's too funny. See what a man will do when he's determined enough?
  12. You have to be really careful with these sorts of things too. Like, for me, I can't use anything with l-argenine and have to be careful of potassium intake due to my herpes. And, that goes for what hubby ingests too, because, again, his cum can affect me that way too. Before using herbals and supplements, PLEASE check with your doctor and/or pharmacist, to make sure that any of those ingredients won't interfere or have conflicts with any medications that you are taking, or can aggrivate a condition you may have. I loved Mikayla's response "to get over the hump". So, to hump, you had to get over the hump!! Sorry! I just couldn't resist.
  13. Being a Wiccan myself, I can understand and appreciate the symbolism of the triple moons, but I also understand that it doesn't JUST mean "witchcraft", and I hope that, whether or not you are Wiccan, you can explain YOUR PERSONAL reason for the triple moons to people. Of course, it is a fairly common symbol for Wicca, so for people to jump to that conclusion will sometimes possibly get on your nerves. Nicely explain to them what the moons mean to YOU, and remember that you are helping others understand different POVs. Whatever you decide to get, & why, I hope you wear it with pride!
  14. As I am writing this, I am sitting gingerly upon my desk chair, the satisfying soreness reminding me WHY there’s a warning about truly understanding how big the toy is before purchasing it! I love Tera Patrick as an adult film star, and most things with her name on it, intrigue me immensely. So, I was super excited to get to try The Big Cherry Vibro Dong! To say, “it’s big”, is a complete understatement! A better reaction would be, “OMG, it’s freakin’ HUGE!” Or even “Holy sweet mother!” would be more appropriate. At 9” long, and 2.5” in diameter, this Dong is nothing to pass off as just a vibrator. It has 2, count ‘em, 2 bullets in the dong, since the Crystalessence jelly is so thick, and this sucker is so long, you can really feel the power of the bullets. 1 bullet at the bottom, & 1 near the top, just 1 just wouldn’t have covered the land-mass of this puppy! It only takes 2 AA batteries (not incl.) to power this honkin’ thing. One battery up, one down, twist the cap back on, and feel the low to medium vibes run thru the entire shaft. This toy comes complete with balls, veins, & also curves downward, similar to a well-endowed man. Although, I’ve never seen a real man this RED before, or smelling slightly of cherries either. The cherry scent is there, but the jelly material’s smell cuts thru that, even with a couple of washings. I will admit that I requested this bad-boy, and read the review that was already there. Reading that review gave me some several great hints. And, Katrina, the first person to review this toy, was so right, this toy is NOT for the faint of heart. Also, not for beginners, this toy is for advanced players that REALLY love a long toy that has a lot of GIRTH to it too. Remember, you can’t return or exchange Mr. Cherry Dong unless it’s defective, and only for an even exchange. Grabbing a strong bullet, the dong, & water-based lube, I settled in with a good porn magazine, bullet on my clit, and the dong waiting his turn. I got nice & wet & very excited before attempting insertion. I slathered up the dong with the lube, extra wet, turned on the vibes with the dial controller at the bottom. Being as thick as it is, the vibes weren’t as strong as I normally like them, but you could definitely feel them, and they were quiet too. With all that insulating jelly, it’s no wonder! Slowly inserting this toy, I could really feel my labia & vagina stretching & stretching to accommodate this toy. It’s wide pretty much all the way from tip to base, so there is no gradually getting use to it. As long as you use a lot of lube, it’s possible to do. The jelly is also firm, yet supple at the same time, so that was helpful too. At first I tried it balls down, but not only was that uncomfortable, due to the curvature downward, it was awkward to hang onto too. This dong is heavy! I’d say a couple of pounds at least! So, again, using Katrina’s advise, I turn it “upside-down” so the balls were up, and they made a great handle, plus extra stimulation on my clit…and who doesn’t love extra stimulation? Having the dong curving up may not stimulate the g-spot, but it was definitely much more pleasurable. And, full? Oh yes! Very, very much so! Soon I was happily having my very intense orgasm. I could feel my vaginal muscles clamping down on the dong, and I swear, I could feel the veins and everything! Oh yes, the Tyger likes! After coming down from my Cherry-O, I had to allow my muscles to fully relax because my muscles were twitching & clamping around the dong, and so I had to fully relax before being able to slide it out of me comfortably. The only thing I will say that they could’ve made better with this toy is making it waterproof, and, again, agreeing with Katrina, a suction cup base would ROCK! Either way, for the advanced toy user, I would give this toy 4 Tyger Paws outstretched, the tail straight up in the air, purring, and a back arch!
  15. Tucked amongst the packing peanuts of my last box, I found the Velvet Touch Bullet, hiding. I got a purple one, but colors are sent randomly so I guess they know my likes! And, I just love bullets, so, we’re 2 for 2 here! 2" long, and slightly less than an inch in diameter, this little cutie is great for tucking into a purse, pocket, or even in your change holder in your car (for waiting for the traffic to clear up). Wrapped tight in plastic, there is no instructions or anything with it, but, seeing the little tab, I knew I had to peel off the plastic, unscrew the cap, & pull the tab out so I could get the already installed batteries to give power to the little critter. These sorts of batteries don't have a long life-span, but it's great for a quickie here and there. I also noticed the little rubber gasket, making this toy waterproof. The one push button on one end gives just one level of vibes, which, to me, were medium high. It’s not overly loud either. I decided to use this little critter on my clit, while thrusting away with another recently acquired dildo. Narrow enough for me to have more direct clit stimulation, the soft, velvety coating helped send me over the edge in due time. I like a bit stronger vibes usually, but, with just a little more time & patience, this little bullet did its job nicely. You can also use this as a replacement bullet for many of the toys that come with similar small bullets, since this one is about the same size (just a little longer). Plus, it’s so inexpensive, you could get several & keep one everywhere you may be! Every level of toy user will love this little bullet. I give it 3 out of 4 Tyger Paws.
  16. This is the beauty of having different opinions!! Nobody's wrong. The ONLY time I would let a tattoo influence my feelings for someone, if they were of something I found abhorent, like the Nazi symbol, and the like.
  17. Let me also say that your "mutual friends", if they are watching your MySpace, then they are HIS friends. If you became friends with them BECAUSE they were his friends first, they're still his friends, and I would delete them. Obviously, they've chosen sides if they're "spying on you".
  18. Hey, if you could, would you put the link to it? I'm glad that you enjoyed it and the TT shipping experience.
  19. I would also like to add that now you've posted a few more, and we are getting to know your relationship with your husband better, with his violent streak, and his blatant disrespect for you, that you NOT participate in this sort of fetish. Practicing fetishes require TRUST, and please take my word for it, from your past posts, he can't be trusted. Best wishes!
  20. I'm sorry I've been slackin' on intros!! Thanks for the compliment, and I hope you enjoy the site and all we have to offer here!
  21. Welcome to the forum! I hope you like us/it here!
  22. Welcome to the forum as an "active" member now!! BTW, love your avatar!!! LOL
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