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Everything posted by Tyger

  1. LMAO!! What a wonderfully funny and informative review! Thanks for that!
  2. Sounds like something I'd like! *Click* goes the Wish List! Thanks for the honest review!!
  3. As one of the "Old Timers" (LOL), I think we're pretty good at keeping a spark there. Adding personal experiences, humor, as well as honesty and sometimes blatant opinions, is really beneficial to our readers, and potential toy buyers. True, we can sometimes get into a rut, but, that's just part of being human. For me, I may have to wait a few days before tackling a review for a bit more "inspiration". Some toys, that may just be "ok", may not inspire much creativity. After all, it's not easy writing a review on items that you may not care for. But, that's our job, and I think that we do really well with that. Everyone has a style, and I think the diversity here is fabulous! I've seen other sites that have reviews, and I can honestly say that this one is the best I've read. All I can say is: DAMN, WE'RE GOOD! LMAO
  4. Whoo-hoo! I keep forgetting to go on there, to be honest. I'll try to get back there soon. And, BTW, you have NOTHING to be shy about darlin'! I'm sure many would agree: there's nothin' sexier than a confident Momma!
  5. I LOVE this joke everytime I read it!! LMAO
  6. Don't feel bad, it takes time for women to find their g-spot. The best thing I can recommend, and I know it will be tough, but just keep practicing! Great review!
  7. I put 7-9", AND that I am more of a "girth" person. I've had small and I've had larger. I like feeling full, but it's not like I broke out the tape measure everytime I met a potential lover. LOL
  8. Two sisters, one blonde and one brunette, inherit the family ranch. Unfortunately, after just a few years, they are in financial trouble. In order to keep the bank from repossessing the ranch, they need to purchase a bull from the stockyard in Ft Worth so that they can breed their own stock. They only have $600 left. Upon leaving, the brunette tells her sister, 'When I get there, if I decide to buy a bull, I'll contact you to drive out after me and haul it home.' The brunette arrives at the stockyard, inspects a bull, and decides she wants to buy it. The man tells her that he will sell it for $599, no less. After paying him, she drives to the nearest town to send her sister a telegram to tell her the news. She walks into the telegraph office, and says, ..... 'I want to send a telegram to my sister telling her that I've bought a bull for our ranch. I need her to hitch the trailer to our pickup truck and drive out here so we can haul it home.' The telegraph operator explains that he'll be glad to help her, then adds, 'It's just 99 cents a word'. Well, after paying for the bull, the brunette only has $1.00 left. She realizes that she'll only be able to send her sister one word. After a few minutes of thinking, she nods and says,... 'I want you to send her the word 'comfortable''. The operator shakes his head. 'How is she ever going to know that you want her to hitch the trailer to your pickup truck and drive out here to haul that bull back to your ranch if you send her just the word 'comfortable?' The brunette explains, 'My sister's blonde. The word's big. She'll read it very slowly ... com-for-da-bull
  9. Definitely lookin' gooooooooooood!
  10. ^Ditto! Put a lock on the door, and if she says anything, tell her that you just want to feel that much more safer. You deserve privacy. She wants to use a computer so bad, she can get one for herself. Snooping is a pet peeve of mine. Hell, my hubby gets TONS of privacy from me, and I expect a certain amount of privacy (which is NOT the same as hiding something) too.
  11. If you can't turn the sleeve inside out (or don't want to risk possibly tearing it), then run warm water and use soap, wiggling your finger all over the inside of it. Hey, it's your cum, and you had to clean up the other ejaculation wherever it landed, so this shouldn't be so bad. Make sure to really clean it well, and rinse it thoroughly. You really should keep it stored in its original packaging. Keep it away from too much heat (even if your bedroom gets hot, you should keep this in a cool, dry place).
  12. Well, never knowing anyone that's fucked the Grand Canyon before, I guess I'll have to take your word.......uhhhhh......... Anyway, great review! I almost heard the cheerleaders screaming "MASTURBATE!" When are you gonna do it? "NOW!" LOL
  13. With all of the sweating I'm doing lately with this heat, I can be your boobacious salt lick! LOL
  14. This looks like the Sportsheet set I got, except this one has an added bonus of blindfolds and candles.
  15. I would recommend starting off small, with toys, and working her comfort and relaxation levels up. The body's natural response to an intrusion "up there" is to clench and push. This can cause pain. If she really wants your cock up inside of her, use plenty of lube (you can never have too much), and either let her back up onto you in doggie style, or even reverse cowgirl, where she is on top of you, but with her butt facing your face. Let her be in total control, allow her to put you in her as slow as she wants, do NOT thrust. That way, she knows she's in control, and she will probably be able to relax her rectum a lot easier. Good luck!
  16. I would contact Meaghan, get a replacement, and re-review the item to be fair, since the toy was obviously defective, which happens from time to time. I bought this toy a while ago, and I didn't care for it that much, because, for me, the head was a bit too soft, and I need a more sturdy and strong toy to get my g-spot.
  17. Wow! What great reviews with totally different sides. Just goes to show you, dear readers, that what may work for one person may totally bomb for another. It really helps to know what you like before exploring with, er, odder toys!
  18. Glad you all like 'em. I'm "plant stupid" , so I have no clue as far as names go, but I think that the rose there IS a Tropicana.....
  19. LOL On the banner on the forehead! I still think that it's BS for a doctor to tell anyone that they shouldn't disclose an STD status to a potential partner. Everyone SHOULD have the choice to take the risk or not. Especially where some strains can cause cancer, and can reek havoc on some other diseases....
  20. I'm not exactly SURE as to why shipping's gone up, unless it reflects the increase in postage. Remember, that fee not only pays for postage, but the packaging your toy comes in too. Everything's going up, mostly due to gas.
  21. You're welcome iha. You are correct, Sun, it is safe to use silicone lubes with LATEX condoms. It's the NON-LATEX ones that are not compatible with silicone lubes. Unless you are paying special attention to your condoms (which you SHOULD do anyway), or if you're not really sure, then I would recommend using water-based lubes if you aren't sure. Better to be safe then icky! LOL Thanks for pointing that out, and I did edit the first post to reflect that. Though silicone lubes are slicker, longer, I will stress that we have NEVER had a problem using the Astroglide Shooters, and when I say slick, I mean it's sliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiick! LOL
  22. I wrote iha's requested topic, maybe you should check it out sun! My first anal time was gross too, (at least I felt that way) but you live and learn. And this forum is a GREAT way of learning the right way to do it!
  23. So, your SO wants you to have anal sex with them, but they want YOU to do the inserting! "WHAT?? Are you kidding me? NO WAY!! Does "EXIT ONLY mean anything to you???" for some people, especially women who think of DIRTY & feces when thinking of this, this is a common reaction. How does one get by on this? After all, the anus IS made for disposing of one thing: waste. But, also, the rectal area has some of the most concentrated and sensitive nerves in the body, and, when done correctly, this can be an extremely great & yes, erotic, pleasure center too. I will admit, I don't like messes. I deal with them on a daily basis. Hey, I have a child, dogs, cats, horses, and a rabbit. I know the meaning of Poo! But, when engaging in anal sex with my hubby, I don't feel this way. Why? Let me break it down for you: What my hubby did, since he's a very clean person anyway (the man spends more time in the shower than *I* do when I do a Total Shave!!), was he took a long shower, making sure to soap and wash up as much of his anus as possible. He uses the removable shower head to really get up in there. He/she could also soak in the tub, and really pay extra attention to cleaning the rectum. Be sure that your lover's had a recent bowel movement, this makes sure that there's less in the anal cavity. If your lover is willing to do this, they can do a rectal douching too (enima). These can be purchased at any pharmacy. We've never used them, but I think that my hubby would if I asked him to do so. Be realistic. There probably will be some sort of residue. If this bothers you (it bothers me), have some wet wipes or a warm washcloth handy to wipe yourself off with. You can also play in the shower. Remember, NEVER put a toy or finger into a vagina AFTER it's been in the anus until it's been thoroughly washed with warm, soapy water. Anal sex is rarely so direct (at least in my house) as it is in porn. There are towels laying about for clean up. In porn, you don't see a lot of the, um, behind the scenes aftermath. If this isn't enough, you can always put a condom or use rubber gloves over your finger for inserting fingers up inside. Use condoms on toys too. This way, clean up is a breeze! If you are using condoms, be sure NOT to use silicone lubricants, water-based ones only. If you're sure you've got latex condoms, then silicone lubes are OK. If you're not sure, best to stick with the water-based lubes. That brings me to an extremely important part of anal play: LUBES!!! If you have silicone toys and/or condoms, please only use water-based lubes. Now, silicone lubes are more slick, and may provide easier anal fun. But silicone lubes break down silicone toys and condoms, which can really turn the toys to mush, which would not only feel gross, but it's messy too. There are specially designed anal lubes out there, many of which are water based, such as Astroglide's Anal Shooters. Lubes make the experience much more easier, comfortable, and can be helpful in keeping stuff OFF of the toy/fingers too. I'm a woman, and I can be (pardon the pun) anal when it comes to cleaning my sex toys. After all, hubby, for now, only has a masturbator sleeve. Other than that, the toys are mine, and I use most of them, especially the ones he's used too. So, unless he uses it in the shower (even then I usually go and clean it) I like to do the cleaning afterward. Go slow, be patient, and most of all, be open-minded. Let me repeat it: you don't HAVE to have anal sex to have a fulfilling sex life. Many people don't like it, and if you've tried it a few times, and just don't like it, well, you just don't like it. But, you have to try something to say if you like it or not (do you hear your mother lecturing you about eatting new foods here?). Good luck and best wishes!
  24. If you're curious, you could try a small anal toy, like a plug, either solo or with your SO. Starting off small is the best idea. If youdon't like it, well, you've tried it. I would recommend trying it more than once, cuz the first time can be a bit daunting. There's nothing to say that you HAVE to engage in anal sex to have a totally fulfilling sex life either. Some people just DON'T like it. It's just an activity that has gained more and more popularity, so it's getting a lot more attention. I will write that if you want me too iha. I'm working on it now....
  25. Just my input, but I had a new dual action sent, and it had a fruity smell to it, and was a little slick too (it was made out of jelly). It was in a baggie, that wasn't sealed, in a box. Not ALL sex toys come in sealed boxes or bags. In fact, some sex toy sellers will TEST the toy out, as in just put batteries in to make sure that the mechanics work, before selling a toy, especially the more expensive ones. Meaghan has done this for me with a few testers she's sent to replace one that hasn't worked before. Not that I think Meaghan is nasty (LMAO), but when it gets here, I wash it anyway. In fact, I make sure to wash all of my toys first, even if they're in sealed bages/boxes, just to be on the safe side. Some companies change the names of the toys, and therefore take out the inserts until they're printed up correctly, but will still sell the item. And it's only been recently that companies have started to bother putting in battery instructions. California Exotics are getting REALLY good about that. I've been dealing with TooTimid for a little over 2 yrs now, and have NEVER had a problem with getting "reused" stuff, and I believe what Meaghan says about disposing of stuff when it's returned.
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