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Everything posted by Tyger

  1. Also, because Wal*Mart's everywhere, almost literally, it's easy to pull them up (researching) and see. Whereas malls and smaller retailers usually have different names. However, I was watching the news just a few minutes ago, and some Wal*Mart here in TX had a stabbing last night. Some customer (16 yr old boy) started argueing with an employee about his (customer's) GF, and the EMPLOYEE stabbed the kid about 7 times!!! WTF!!! Jeez!! Welcome to Wal*Mart, how may I stab you?
  2. Aw, sorry this flower wilted for you. Sounds like it needed more fertilizer to grow stronger.....
  3. I HATE chiggers!!! I'm from ME, and we have black flies up there, and they are just as bad as chiggers. I hate them BOTH!!! I always forget about them when taking the dogs out and end up with huge bites on my calves. I just hate bugs.....LOL Don't you hate it when your SO leaves an empty container of whatever on the counter, instead of throwing it away??
  4. ZIP Lock (for that added protection)! Too funny!!! I would try the Magnum XLs from Trojan. If those are too snug, research more by googling "large size condoms". That is what I did when you brought it up in Chat, and got the Trojan site for you. There were many many more sites, but I know the Trojan brand from personal experience, so that's why I recommended that one. I hope the XLs work! Good luck!!
  5. You're such a cutie!!

  6. If you are allergic to latex, then most rubber toys, and jelly toys, even cyberskin (they have talc on them, which you also may be allergic too), you will need to stay away from. I would suggest silicone or glass toys. All of which may be a bit more on the pricey side, but not by much, and they have shapes out there that I KNOW you will like!
  7. Top Cat’s Magic Touch Cockring So, we decide to try out this new purple one-time use cockring the other night. It came in a little package that reminds me of a condom wrapper. Very hygienic. On the back of the wrapper, there are instructions on how to place it, and how to activate it, because it comes with batteries, so you just pull out the cock ring, pull the clear plastic piece on one end that prevents the battery from wearing out, and you are ready to go. The wrapper does say not to wear it for more than 30 min. & that the battery-life is about 30 min. long, coincidence? I think not! Seriously though, wearing a cockring any longer may possibly damage some nerves on your lil’ soldier, so do be careful. The clit stimulator reminds me of a small sea anemone, and when it’s pushed, the vibes, which feel strong on the fingers, goes off. Once pressure’s gone, no more vibes. After some oral attention, and experimentation with some new bondage stuff, I decide to put a little lube on hubby’s cock, and slid the cockring over his erectness, with the use of some water-based lube. It stretched around his girth very well, and hugged him tight, which he said was very pleasing. I climb on top, and start riding my hubby like the cowboy he is. However, try as my ass might, I couldn’t get the clit stimulator to go off. Hmmm. So, I release my “prisoner”, and flip over on my back. He starts pounding into me like there’s no tomorrow, and the first time it went off, I was like, “was that air coming out, or was that the vibe?” He said it was the vibe, so off we went some more, but, the vibes, which felt kinda good for him, were more of a buzzing irritant to me. Our battery lasted the entire time, however, since it was only an off/on kinda thing, it wasn’t a big deal. The cockring did its job well, and we commensed to dispose of it afterwards, with only some slight regrets. I give it 1.5 Tyger Paws out of 4. My hubby gives it 3 Tyger Paws out of 4. Do you believe in Magic?
  8. I would say that it is a mix of you and the lube. You know how some people can wear a certain perfume and smell divine, and others try the perfume, and smell like a "French Whore"? Same same. It may be that your specific chemistry doesn't combine well with that lube. And, with the hormonal changes of a baby (even though it's 2 yrs ago), things are going to react differently to your body now. For example, I never use to get facial blemishes (ok zits), but after I had our DD, I do. I never had to worry about dryness when engaging in sex, now I rarely DON'T need to use lube! Every so often, I get a "dry patch" up inside of me, even WITH lube, and I can't remember the name of it, but it's common in white women after childbirth. Yay me. So, you see, it can change you inside AND out! So, you aren't a "freak" or something is wrong with you. These things happen.
  9. Well, if she'd really read your questions, she would see that you were just trying to gain insight, not gossiping about how BAD she is being. She may not have liked our responses, but we were open & honest. And sometimes the truth hurts more. I will also stress that if you are in a relationship with someone, you NEVER, EVER bring up hurtful things that you KNOW to be a sore spot for them. NEVER. She needs to grow up and learn to take responsibility for that. And, you are right, too much complimenting sounds insincere, and sarcastic. Especially if you KNOW it to be pumped up too much. I hope you continue to post here. If need be, just change your SN here, so she doesn't know that you're still posting, if you like it here so much. Best wishes & good luck!
  10. Well, we don't want it to be called MS, maybe MSGS (Mikayla Sex Goddess Status)? Anyway, if she divorced your ass (which I highly doubt), then she's coming down to TX to become my model! LOL
  11. Yay!! I do that too. If there is a toy that did nothing, or slightly something, I wait a few nights, and try it again. Sometimes you DO get a second (or third) chance at a first impression.
  12. It's not just Wal*Mart. Anywhere where people go is having a raise in crimes. Like malls, and other retailers, clubs, even parks! Wal*Mart has a bigger crime rate cuz it's right out there, and almost everyone goes there!! I worked there for 2 yrs, and I heard of lots of shoplifting (go figure), prostitution in the parking lot (you can get EVERYTHING at Wal*Mart LMAO), bomb scares, vandalism, car theft, and so on. It's just something to be aware of, and make sure you protect yourself and family.
  13. My hubby is 9" too. And it took me a while to be able to accomodate him comfortably, but it is possible. Are you too big? No, maybe for some women, but not over all.
  14. Gives new meaning to the term "Giving Head". LOL
  15. Now see, with my mouth, and lack of patience for rude behavior, I would've told her in no uncertain terms that it was HER job to check the insurance, and to kindly hand me my chart nicer. Trust me, sometimes people don't even realize they do that sort of thing, until you point it out. I had words with a short ER doctor. Long story short, he kept ordering tests for my DD, without consulting me. I never use my height to intimidate. In fact, I steer clear of heels, and platforms. But, this time, I told the nurse that I wished to speak to him, and why. She was shocked that a mere patient would question the dr. but he came in, and I stood to my full 5'9" frame, and to his maybe 5'-ness, I clearly told him he would respect me as her mother, and that he would clear and explain the why's and how's BEFORE anymore tests were run. He was shocked, but he did so. And, a year later, I took my little sister there, and that doctor was there (my little sister is 23), and when HER test results came in, he explained them to ME!! LMAO My point being, many medical offices and professionals forget that they are actually YOUR worker, not the other way around, and that there are more and more medical places to go, so, if they don't play nice, they will loose patients. I have no problem telling them that too.
  16. The Lucid Dream #14 is excellent. I did a review on that, and The Blue Swirl glass dildo (which gave me my first g-spot O). I would look again, because I know of several g-spot toys that have been reviewed. I hope this helps!
  17. LMAO!!!! Too funny!!! Dickhead!!!! Now he needs to change his avatar to that!! LMAO
  18. OMG!!! Jeez!! I am a moron!! I thought a squirrel, cuz those suckers are quiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiick!
  19. So the results for the male masturbator sleeve were good huh? I was curious how many people ordered one.
  20. Several "rabbits" have been reviewed. It all boils down to personal preferences. Some are better than others, of course, but each person has different likes and dislikes. As far as the "best", for me, let's see...... I have 2 faves. This one's on clearance (I don't know why it didn't sell well, this thing ROCKED my world!!). The Japenese Tiger was awesome, but it's not quiet, or waterproof. But the head is simply amazing! This one is kinda expensive, but, for what it does, this thing is SOOOOO worth the money!! High Octane Magic Fingers. This thing thrusts, rotates, and vibrates!!
  21. I totally know what you mean!! I feel the loss of a favorite toy (a bullet), and nothing can replace it, but it'll be fun trying too!!
  22. (He can stick to this cuz his wife is GORGEOUS AND a sweetie too!!!)
  23. That doesn't mean that you don't need to wash after (like a protectant on a car)! LMAO But mabye the scratches won't show much!!
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