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Everything posted by Tyger

  1. ^Ditto to Mandie's response. You can also file a complaint with the state for Worker's Rights. There should be an address posted somewhere at your job (by law, they HAVE to post where you can find help, like near where the minimum wage posting is). Best wishes.
  2. Welcome to all the Newbies on this thread!! HOWDY Y'ALL!!! Please also join us in the Live Chat too sometime!! We're lots of fun, and don't always talk about sex. Just everyday stuff there too!
  3. That's a cool looking one, I may hafta try that out sometime!!!
  4. So, in your opinion, which is the best rabbit/dual action that you've ever had? And why?
  5. Go slow, ask her what she wants, lots of oral, and tell her how much you love & appreciate her, and mean it. Nothing better than love & sincerity.
  6. OMG!! LMAO Well, I hope he appreciates it!!
  7. Many couples get into a rut, where, the sex is well, just routine, so it's not as exciting. Efforts aren't being made, orgasms losts, and then, roll over and go to sleep. It happens. The thing is to try and get past it. Kuddos to you for getting your "groove back", and masturbating. Exploring your body and learning what pleases and excites you is a great first step in recapturing your sex life!! And, BTW, tastes can change. For example, I use to LOVE to have my breasts touched, teased and so on. After our DD came (I breast fed for a year), I now really can't stand having them touched. I tolerate it for hubby, cuz he's a boob man. Thankfully, he's really into pleasing me with oral, so it's a give and take situation there. Relearning your body is great! Now, depending on what you're masturbating with, sex after so long without it, may feel a bit, for lack of a better word, weird, if you're not using a dildo/vibrator while masturbating, because your body has gotten use to being pleased how you're doing it. But, when your hubby comes home, have some lube handy, just in case, relax, and have fun with him! Show him where to touch you, he won't mind, and it'll be loads of fun!!! Best wishes!
  8. I hope you have a wondiferous birthday!!!
  9. I too wish the directions were better. I almost had to beat the crap out of my arm to get it out, and, well, that's not overly romantic, beating your lover with a puff!! LMAO Anyway, I loved the KS minty tingling gel. I can't remember what exactly it was called, but that stuff ROCKED!!
  10. *Saunters in, wearing a tight tank top over her 38 C's, tight jeans, cowgirl boots, and a hat, dusty from riding horses.* Howdy. What'd I miss?
  11. No, they don't automatically just send you stuff when you signed up to be a product tester. IF they need more, Meaghan will contact you via e-mail. That way, she knows you're still interested, and get some more personal information. I would reset your SPAM settings to be sure that all your TT stuff gets to you.
  12. A cop stops a Harley for traveling faster than the posted speed limit, so he asks the biker his name. "Fred," he replies. "Fred what?" the officer asks. "Just Fred," the man responds. The officer is in a good mood and thinks he might just give the biker a break and write him out a warning instead of a ticket. The officer then presses him for the last name. The man tells him that he used to have a last name but lost it. The officer thinks that he has a nut case on his hands but plays along with it. "Tell me Fred, how did you lose your last name?" The biker replies, "It's a long story, so stay with me. I was born Fred Dingaling. I know - a&nb sp; funny last name. The kids used to tease me all the time, so I stayed to myself, studied hard and got good grades. When I got older I realized that I wanted to be a doctor. I went through college, medical school, internship, residency, and finally got my degree, so I was Fred Dingaling, MD. "After a while I got bored being a doctor, so I decided to go back to school. Dentistry was my dream! Got all the way through school, got my degree, so then I was Fred Dingaling, MD, DDS. Got bored doing dentistry, so I started fooling around with my assistant and she gave me VD, so now I was Fred Dingaling, MD, DDS, with VD. "Well, the ADA found out about the VD, so they took away my DDS. Then I was Fred Dingaling, MD, with VD. Then the AMA found out about the ADA taking away my DDS because of the VD, so they took away my MD leaving me as Fred Dingaling with VD. Then the VD took away my Dingaling, so now I am Just Fred." The officer walked away in tears, laughing.
  13. LOL I call 'em like I see 'em!! There's just waaaaaaaaaaaaay too many to mention, KWIM?
  14. Anytime you do a home improvement, please find someone that either does it professionally, or ask a home improvement center, like Lowe's or Home Depot. There are soooo many ways to do stuff, and they're all different. Everyone has their own style, yet there are but a few ways that generally work all the time. And, again, it depends on what you're working with. Do what YOU feel is right, since YOU'RE the one doing the work. If you had taken wallpaper off the wall prior to painting, and the paper wasn't peeling off the surface it was on, then paint should have stuck to it, with no problems. With bubbling paint, I would also recommend using Kilz too, prior to doing more with the paint. Especially if your mom's dryer is putting some much moisture in the house! If you are going to repaint, ask her to hault on the laundry for a few days, if there's a window in the bathroom, crack it, and have a fan blow INTO the bathroom to vent and to dry it for a couple of days. And, yes, you wait until the paint's dry to remove the tape, otherwise, the wet paint can run onto what you were trying to prevent getting that color on, smudge, or sections of it will just come off (as you found out). As far as the laundry goes, unless she is venting the dryer in the house (not vented outside), then doing laundry should really have nothing to do with peeling the paint. The dryer's vent, being vented outside, is designed to keep most of the moisture OUT of the house. If she's not venting outside, then, she's asking for more than peeling paint. Think mold & access lint everywhere. The former can cause hell in and on walls, fabrics, not to mention allergies, and wrecking havoc on the insurance premium when you have to get it taken care of (usually well over $5K for mold removal, depending on how bad it is). Some people don't want to cut a hole in their house to vent a dryer (if one's not present or conveniently located). But, the newer vent systems are easy, fairly inexpensive, and will help prevent issues later on. Plus, it's less of a fire hazard.
  15. I'm going to go out on a limb, and say that you didn't get it here? Though, TT does sell this one: Kong The Realisitic It doesn't give the specs on the site though, so it's probably hard to tell. Anyway, yes, as far as the name goes, you may want to be careful, especially first time buyers, or beginners. Anything that even HINTS that a toy may be large, well, you may want to build yourself up to that level. Plus, some women, the way that their insides are shaped and designed, they have a bit of difficulty in taking something larger than what they're use too. It's not impossible to build yourself up to that point, but, if a woman gets nervous, or it really hurts her, even once, it can cause problems later on. I'm not trying to make you feel silly, but to point out these things to other readers that may be curious, so that they will learn. Thanks for the information though! I'm sure many will find it very helpful.
  16. Unfortunately, it's a common misconception that this place is for "freaks" or sex-crazed lunatics. After all, who's ever really heard of an adult site that is really all about adults having basic discussions about sex, without trying to hook up? It's great that you're trying to figure out a way to solve this problem. Many people would just go off and pout, or refuse to do anything about it, remaining miserable and unsatisfied. So, you definitely get kuddos for that. Now, if she's talking to YOU about her sexual fantasies, what is wrong with you asking her to prolong the oral? If she doesn't want to to that, then, my dear, you either need to just let it go on with the way that is is, or you need to shorten up YOUR oral giving. After all, if she wants some lovin', she should be willing and able to give it right back to you. Fair's fair in love and lust! But, first you need to let her know that you have some requests, before you just STOP. Tell her a few times. If it doesn't work, try the shortening it up. That may be the last lick that broke the pussy's back. Best wishes!
  17. I remember that post!! It was a post responding to my "tramp stamp". Others got offended for me. Which was kinda sweet, being defended and all. Personally, I don't care either way. It's my tattoo and I'm proud of it, damnit. Even if I was laying in my friend's lap whining like a baby! And, hey, I learned something new that day. Call it what you want!! If you want the tattoo, and you know it's for you, go for it darlin'!
  18. Why not order an toy for anal? Start off small. I love the E-Glass Petite Plug which is cute, easy to use and care for, and small. There's also the Julie Ashton's Beginner's Anal Kit has everything you need, with toys ranging from small to larger, plus some fantastic lube AND a vibrator too! Let him know that you want to try it, but pulling out the toy, and just asking him to help you with that, and to go slow. Use lots of lube.
  19. That's awesome! How'd I miss this post? It's great you found stuff that works for you! Even BETTER that it was on SALE!! Gotta love sales!! Thanks for the update.
  20. Since I talk with Froggy everyday, her rant does sound a lot worst than it is. The child in question, is heathy, bathed, and well fed, according to Froggy. The mother just seems to think that everyone else is going to watch her DD when she's outside. To which, I agree that Froggy should go over and have a direct discussion and put this parent on notice that she needs to pay more attention. They are in a culdesac, which is rather safe, and up in Maine, you don't have to watch for dangerous bugs (except ticks), stinging critters (for the most part), or poisonous snakes. But the woman needs to smarten up, cuz that doesn't mean that there can't be accidents. Culdesac does NOT mean DAYCARE. As for the vehicle situation, unless the van dies, there's really not much that she can do. It was less than $100 to try to take care of it (I believe), and court costs are probably higher than that. The woman has admitted to being in financial trouble (which isn't Froggy's fault of course). So, getting anything out of this woman would be like trying to bleed a rock. The van is an older model, though that's not Froggy's fault, it would probably be held against her in court as well. Though, during the discussion that she should have with this mother, she should bring up that she should've at least paid for half the damage, since her DD was caught pouring the sand into the van, with expressed disappointment. I will say that I am very proud of her for trying to be calm about the whole thing, and trying to keep the peace in her new neighborhood. If she was in the city, she'd have gone off like a rocket! LMAO
  21. I love the South. People down here really are a bit more polite in general. I hate being honked at or whistled at. If you like what you see, just say so, tactfully.
  22. Just remember, The One will love you no matter what you have pierced, tattooed, or what color hair you choose to have. It may scare some guys off, but, any man that is willing to see past stuff, is "worth" more.
  23. It all depends on the guy really. My Mom HATED the fact that I got a tattoo, and when I got my second one, I hid it for over a year (and I was 28!!). Now, yes, some people go TOO far and have too many, for my personal tastes anyway. Some men don't care, some do. Will it be impossible? Not hardly. Plus, what you're describing, can be hid by hair and a shirt. What people should try to keep in mind when debating a tattoo, and yes, you should debate it, is: Is this something I'm going to like a long time? Don't do names of BF's or SO's, or fads. All those things can disappear, and you will regret it. Make sure that this is something that is a personal preference, love, or something really close to your heart, something that sybolizes YOU, not a fad. IMHO, the only names that people normally don't regret tattooing on their body are their own, nicknames that they've had forever, names of those who have passed on, or their kid's names. Plus, at 70 yrs old, are you REALLY gonna want that tattoo of a Care Bear on you? Probably not. Will the placement of the tattoo hinder my ability to find a job? Let's face it, when you are applying for a job, you are selling yourself and are going to be a representative of that company. Many won't hire people with facial piercings and/or visible tattoos. If your tattoos are placed in areas that are easily covered, then you should have no worries. Just remember not to wear clothes that expose the tat until you're SURE that it's ok with the business (usually, that issue's covered in a company handbook. If not, ask). How will I handle the inevidible questions and comments? The more positive you stay on explaining your choice, the better accepting people will be. Yes, I usually say "who cares what others think?", but, let's face it, people WILL comment. You should be ready for it, and, again, don't feel like you have to defend yourself, but, you can turn it around to be a positive. For example, my friend's daughter (who's 22) got a BIG tattoo of a fairy and flower on her back. Her mother hated the idea. Now, this girl's tat was easily hidden under a shirt, or shown off with a tank top. Her mom, my friend, was like "can you BELIEVE she did that??" I told her that, yes, I could. And that I had 2 tats too. She was dumbfounded that *I* had a tattoo, and I showed it to her. For some reason, she took comfort in that. And, I make a joke about it. I have a Firebird on the small of my back. I tell ppl that, when I flip up my shirt, I can flip people the bird from behind!!! Your mother may or not like tattoos. It sounds like she doesn't. Well, it's not her decision to make. And, you shouldn't base your personal choices on how a man may or may not take it. Whatever YOU decide to do with YOUR body is YOUR decision, not anyone else's. And, yes, I finally DID explain that to my mother when she caught a peek of the tattoo I was hiding from her. It was several years ago, and the more she sees it now, she now asks questions, instead of critiquing.
  24. Sounds like lots of fun!! Great review!
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