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Everything posted by Tyger

  1. I would also ask her. Granted, she wants to be the sub, but, if you've never done this sort of thing before, ask her what she is expecting, and how submissive she feels comfortable with. The SUB is actually the one in control (for safety reasons). As for dressing up, that's also something that she needs to explain too. She may be the Sub, but, she has to teach you what she wants. Good luck!
  2. I'm so sorry for your friend's death. Sometimes people go thru some stuff, and they try to do it by themselves so as not to upset or disappoint anyone. Don't feel too bad, he had stuff he had to deal with. You would've been there if you knew, I'm sure.
  3. My hubby's almost 3 mos older than I am, so I always pick on him "for getting there first". Usually, I am the younger one, but there have been times where I was the older one. The biggest age difference in someone I was intimate with was 8 yrs, and the youngest I was was 5 yrs than my BF.
  4. Thanks Pappy! LOL I was unclear, and for that I apologize. As far as it's known, the baby is probably the Friend's, and not some other guy's, but, there's been rumors that she's cheated. But you know how rumors go! LOL So, we're not sure. If Friend was smart (and he's obviously not), he'll insist on a DNA test.
  5. OK, so, we have a friend, who's been in an off again, on again relationship for over 3 yrs now. They make each other miserable, and everyone around them too. They have a 2 yr old boy together. He has a DD from a previous relationship that went bad too, and he never gets to see his DD (because he's too damn lazy to go 2 states over to see DD). Anyway, basically, this couple stays together because of the convenience factor. He's cheated on her, she knows it. He *thinks* she's cheated, though not sure. He started really pulling away from her about 3 mos ago, stringing along a new woman, to which his live-in found out, and called the new love-interest several times and insulted the new one. Well, the New One is like 3 states away, so he hasn't physically cheated. Lo and behold, the Live-in is now pregnant, and, OMG, she's as far along as the same time when they had broken up briefly, and then got back together (cuz this man's lazy and is very convenience oriented). All of us, including the New One, (who knows that he's with this other woman, and has basically told him either leave her or leave me alone), that the Live-In would probably wind up pregnant if HE didn't take precautions. Of course, she was just on The Pill, so that's really easy to "OOPS" forget. Yeah. He KNEW that she was like this, and didn't wear condoms, again, because he's lazy!!! WTF is wrong with some of these people??? First, why entrap a man with having a baby? Many men would just walk off and say to hell with her. But, a lot of southern men, try to stick it out and stay with the woman, especially when there's a baby involved, cuz that's the Right Thing To Do. And the women KNOW it, so they do this, not only keeping someone leashed to them by trapping them, but screwing up the upcoming child's life too. WTF is wrong here??? Maybe I'm too independent or mature, but, if my DH was cheating on me, openly, first, I wouldn't be sleeping with him. If, for some freak reason, we DID sleep together, CONDOMS would be a MUST. Then, there's my whole philosophy of "If you don't want to be with me, then freakin' leave". Yeah, it may hurt, and the ego may be shot to hell, but I want someone that's with me for ME, not because I had a baby brewin'. In fact, before I got married, each man I'd been with knew that if, for some reason, I got pregnant, I would NOT marry them until much, much later. I like to know a man is with me for ME, not what I have monetarily, or because of a baby. He tried whining to DH, which is his Best Friend, and my hubby told him that he was a lazy SOB, and that he should've seen this coming, and it was his own damn fault. DH actually came home and THANKED me for being a woman that hated to be a part of drama. I admit, I love hearing about it (it's a woman thing), and am big enough to admit that, but, as far as causing, or encouraging personal drama, I say FUCK THAT!!! It was so uncharacteristic of DH to say something like that that I looked at him and said "You're drunk, aren't you." DH laughed!! I have noticed that the majority of women that do this are very controlling, have low self-esteems, and/or are very young. My lesson I wish to pass on to women that think that helping to keep a man by getting pregnant is this: DON'T!!! 9.99999999 times out of 10, if the relationship is sooo bad, that he is thinking of leaving, let him, don't try to hang onto someone that wants out. It's sooo not worth it!!! You can find someone even BETTER. Why hurt another innocent life to try and keep someone that doesn't really want to be with you, and will probably end up resenting the hell out of you, and with good reason. Men: If you're thinking of leaving, and your SO is controlling, young, has a low self-esteem, immature, or all of the above, for gawd's sakes, either stop sleeping with her, or insist on using condoms if you MUST have sex. A little bit of extra safety for a few minutes can save you, her, and an innocent baby a lifetime of trouble and heartache!!
  6. From what I pulled up, Desogen is NOT the generic form of the Ortho Novum brand, it's its own brand. Now, it may contain similar medicines in it, but here's the link I pulled up since I was curious.... Desogen site Please understand that I am NOT a healthcare professional, so, you really should speak with your prescriber to be sure.
  7. Yep, that's a queef, and it happens to everyone, condoms or not. It's just air that gets pushed up into the vagina, and it needs to come out.
  8. Yep, that's the "Insatiable Rose" alright! I'm glad you found it. Searching this site is easy as well. You can search by keywords, using even descriptions instead of names, like "g-spot, dual action, clit stimulators, dildos, vibrators" and so on.
  9. Wow....I love the response about EuroDisney!! LMAO You know, some of these are funny, and I am all for women having multiple partners if that's what they choose to do, SAFELY and RESPONSIBLY. But also, it's sad that some women have NO idea who the father is......it's mostly sad for the child.
  10. I agree!! You hafta let us know what it is!!! Tease!!!!
  11. At least you had fun trying!
  12. If you don't have a male friend that you feel comfortable giving it too, I'd either keep it for later on when there is a man in your life (friend or romantic) that you could give it too, or just throw it out. Where it's not sealed, selling it on an auction site just wouldn't be recommended.
  13. See!!? Even us Reviewers need help every so often!! Anyway, I would check out the little "kits" that we have here. I know that there was a Weekender Kit of sorts on here at one time. Or see what's available for a fun, simple kit. Have fun!!
  14. You're not alone. There have been a few toys that I would LOVE even more if their clit stimulators was just thaaaaaaaaaat much more longer!!
  15. How pretty!! Bling for da boinkin'!! LOL
  16. Woot!!! This sounds like a great toy!!
  17. Looks like a tube of metallic lipstick. Very simple & interesting!
  18. 80-85% of all women need clitoral stimulation to get off. Some need the use of a higher vibrations to do so. So, what's the big deal? I mean, it's totally normal. Relax, enjoy, and have fun!!
  19. You did exactly the right and safest thing!!
  20. I have to agree, if they were uncomfortable or causing pain, it wouldn't be so popular. However, your question is really overly general. It really depends on several things, like the man's penis shape, thw woman's shape, where/what the piercing is. My ex had one, and a small penis, but I didn't find his piercing (at the head) overly stimulating or painful. I could feel it, but it was just, um, there, if that makes sense.
  21. Just remember, most glass dildos are made of "pyrex", so whatever's safe for pyrex dishware, *should* be safe for your glass toys. I wouldn't recommend fully freezing a toy, cuz the severe temperature change from cold to warm may indeed crack it. They are usually safe to boil (for sterilization/cleaning), putting in the dishwasher, or putting in the freezer for a short amount of time. Again, check the instructions on the packaging to make sure that a particular toy is up to those things.
  22. Remember, to get notification of the freebies, plus all the other new stuff (articles, new reviews), you have to sign up for the weekly newsletter. Plus, sometimes they offer discount codes for any orders you may place. Always nice to save a little extra!!
  23. Tyger


    Where there are so many strains, it is very difficult to cover all the bases. For those of us with specific STDs, it's usually something that we want to inform people about in depth. So, where Mikayla's article is an over-all coverage, of course, she couldn't get into the specifics of every single STD out there. HPV & genital herpes is similar in many different ways. Sometimes unseen, sores/warts, can be passed on without any symptoms, and seem to disappate after a time (though with herpes, it just doesn't flare up as much over time), and you should be SURE to get PAPs done, to make sure cancer hasn't developed. Many people go thru the run of HPV, and after about 10 yrs or so, the virus seems to die off, with no other symptoms. But, again, not everyone. It IS a great idea to learn all you can about what you're exposing your body too, whether it's the foods you eat, clothes you wear, where you live, and yes, what can happen when you have sex, protected or not. Unfortunately, people usually do research AFTER something bad happens to them. I will say that your doctor was EXTREMELY out of line when she told you not to even bother telling people you have it. Common or not, it should be disclosed, and kuddos to you for doing so!! As a doctor, she should absolutely be aware that some protection is better than none! Some states would hold her criminally negligent for advising her patients such blatant disregards for other's health. Knowing that you have this, and are learning all you can, shows some wonderful maturity, and concern for others, as well as yourself. WTG!
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