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Everything posted by Tyger

  1. When I worked at Sears, I never worried about gas prices, and I had a 40 min. commute (and a Firebird to boot!) each way. Now, even with my wonderfully gas-saving car I have, I don't go into town unless I absolutely have too. It's ridiculous. If the "stimulus checks" are suppose to stimulate the economy, I would think that most people would probably put it in their tanks!!!
  2. I'm in the same boat as Val and Thur. I have health issues that sometimes prevent us from having sex. And, DH works every-other week away from home at on oil rig. So, sometimes we may be together, but can't. I wouldn't mind helping him out with mouth and hands, but, he's of the thought that if I can't enjoy myself, then he can wait. LOL So, sometimes it's once a week (when he's home). Masturbation is whenever we feel like it. I think that, as long as each partner is willing and able to have sex, then so long as everyone's happy, there's no such thing as too much or too little.
  3. One of my neighbors waved me down yesterday. He told me he had a "Slow, Children at Play" sign that he had gotten for me, and did I want it? I was so shocked and pleased. I said absolutely!! He said that he'd put it up for us too. I was so happy. He put it up for us this morning, before the storms hit, right infront of my property! I am sooooo thrilled for that. I may live on a short dirt road, but people fly by here like it's a runway! So, I hope that it makes people slow down & think.
  4. I got gas yesterday morning, and requested some Vaseline, when only putting $15 in (which barely gave me over a quarter of a tank). When I went back into town to get my daughter from school, it went up 10 whole cents!!
  5. Your mother is right. There are NO easy answers when it comes to rearing children. You just do whatever you think is appropriate. Everyone has different styles and POVs as to what's "appropriate" for what age group. I had friends that were totally SHOCKED, when our daughter was 3 and my SIL died. I took DD to the funeral (open casket). She didn't know her aunt much (only met her once), but, it was a good lesson, and DD handled it beautifully. Some of my friends thought that that was just too much for a 3 yr old to handle. Maybe for some, yes, but DD is pretty good about those things. Some kids couldn't have handled that sort of situation. Had she been a terror, we'd have left. This is a great lesson for anyone that is seriously dating, married, or even living with an SO that has kids from a previous relationship. If your SO has kids with someone else, keep in mind that things happen, accidents, custody disputes, situations such as yours, where you may actually get the kids for more than just a weekend. Being with someone with kids is a bigger commitment than many people think, and should be in your mind that it IS possible that the kids will be living with you and the other parent, at some point in their lives. Read some books, do some research, go with your SO to pediatrician appointments, and counselling sessions if the child is going to them. Ask questions. Listen and learn. It's never easy whether you're the biological parent, or a step-parent. Trust me!! Making the child pick what she wants to call you is a good idea. My step-daughter tried calling me Mom one time, and knowing how vindictive her mother would be if she heard that, I discouraged her from doing so, but told her she could call me something else, but that I didn't want her or her Mom to think I was replacing anyone. Again, there are n easy answers, just do your best. No parent's perfect. So long as you do things that you and your SO believe to be in the best interest of your family, then that's all you can do! Best wishes!
  6. An Irish woman of advanced age visited her doctor to ask his advise in reviving her husband's libido. 'What about trying Viagra?' asked the doctor. 'Not a chance', she said. 'He won't even take an aspirin.' 'Not a problem,' replied the doctor. 'Give him an 'Irish Viagra'. It's when you drop the Viagra tablet into his coffee. He won't even taste it. Give it a try and call me in a week to let me know how things went.' It wasn't a week later when she called the doctor, who directly inquired as to her progress. The poor dear exclaimed, 'Oh, faith, bejaysus and begorrah! T'was horrid! Just terrible, doctor!' 'Really? What happened?' asked the doctor. 'Well, I did as you advised and slipped it in his coffee and the effect was almost immediate. He jumped straight up, with a twinkle in his eye and with his pants a-bulging fiercely! With one swoop of his arm, he sent me cups and tablecloth flying, ripped me clothes to tatters and took me there and then, passionately on the tabletop! It was a nightmare, I tell you, an absolute nightmare!' 'Why so terrible?' asked the doctor, 'Do you mean the sex your husband provided wasn't good?' 'Twas the best sex I've had in 25 years! But sure as I'm sittin here, I'll never be able to show me face in Starbucks again.
  7. They kinda look like cartoon lips from the side! LOL
  8. I do my ratings 4 out of 4 paws (since tigers only have 4). LOL So, where this wasn't an uber great DVD, it was really close.
  9. I'd read the review that Mikayla wrote, since she's the one that tried it. Other than that, I'm not sure who else may have tried it. I would post this question in General Sex Toy Discussions. In this particular forum, is usually for toy reviews. So, it's probably being missed.
  10. Search for the Snow Leopard, Eve of the Hunt Asia Carrera is known for doing “porn with a plot” and on the sci-fi-ish side, and this DVD is no exception. If you like porn that just gets down to business, well, the DVD is not for you. But if you like porn that has a plot, and you like sci-fi/fantasy/paranormal films, this one may be to your liking. Asia is “Eve”, and she’s trying to follow in her deceased father’s footsteps in protecting the endangered species of the elusive snow leopard. She receives her university’s grant to go to Bardot, for research to this awesome creature. Her goal was to capture one, and bring it back alive to study, just as her father had tried to do, years before. But, as her father had done, she had a change of heart, once reaching Bardot, land of mystery, magic, sex, and wild cats. She decided that the protection of the species came first. Eve embarks on a personal, soul-searching, sexual journey, with a fellow professor, “Sarah”, to not only find a snow leopard, but to delve into the Bardot customs. The way to conquer the visions and fantasies that Eve is experiencing is to go with them, and to have fun doing so! Will Eve learn to love again, and will her father’s mission ever be completed? Scenes range from orgy, to couples, to an orgy of women, this film will please, tantalize, and be a sure to please one! There’s some wonderful scenery, great costumes, and of course, HOT bodies, this film has the stars that really know how to PLEASE!! The plot is well-stayed within, and, if you like a little mystery, then go on the hunt, and capture this film! Stars also include: Ashton Moore, Temptress, James Bonn, Gina Ryder, Mark Davis, Cheyenne Silver, and many, many more. 132 minutes long, this Ultimate Pictures DVD is a great addition to any adult film collection! This film gets 3.5 out of 4 Tyger paws up! http://shop.tootimid.com/index.asp?PageAct...amp;ProdID=3834
  11. She should ask herself the question, that if she caught her husband doing what she's thinking of doing, would she consider it cheating? The answer is probably yes. Cheating is cheating. Morally, ethically, and legally, if she does something intimate with someone other than her husband, it is cheating. Some would say that cheating helps relationships, making the couple aware of how good they really have it with their spouses. Others say if you don't get caught, what's the harm? A surprise STD/pregnancy would be a bit difficult to explain away. She's got to be able to look herself in the mirror and be comfortable with whatever she decides. If your friend is THAT miserable then she should think about other ways to get satisfaction, including counselling and/or seperation. Being married is a give & take relationship. If her husband's taking, and not giving, and they've been together for 25 yrs, the chances of him changing are slim, not impossible, but slim. After all, it's been this long, and he'd probably think "why change now?" Changing takes time, patience, and a willingness to do so. If he's not willing to even contemplate the thought, then, she either needs to be willing to change her situation, or stay put.
  12. Well, Astroglide Shooters is great for anal play, but, you do have to be careful, cuz the stuff is SLICK!!! I got some anal lube with a kit I got, called, ironically enough Doc Johnson's Anal Lube, which we don't sell seperately (yet), though you may be able to find it online or an adult store in person. The consistency is like petroleum jelly (very thick and very slick), safe to use with any toy since it IS water-based, and works very, very well!
  13. Great job Randy!! Love the humor. It's also great that you mentioned that this was your first purchase, and that you were a little "inept" with it. That lets people know that even some of our regulars may have troubles too. It's totally normal! Great review!!
  14. Tiger, Tiger, burning bright, in my bedroom late at night….OK William Blake I’m not, but this toy deserved a classy semi-plagiarized intro. I saw this toy on the site a couple of months ago, and I’m not ashamed to admit that I begged Meg to let me try this one out. To my glee, she put it in this latest shipment. I love that woman! I’m happy to report that this “Tyger” was pleased by the Fun Factory silicone Tiger Dildo! Black in color, it adds a nice contrast to the other toys I have. The “stripes” are raised, smooth, and thick, so they don’t hurt when the Tiger’s thrusting in and out, and they’re raised enough where you can truly feel them. Being that the whole toy is smooth, insertion is easy, and only a small amount of water-based lube was needed to help really get my kitty purrin’! (Remember to always use water-based lubes with silicone toys unless they specifically state you can use other lubes with them.) My Tiger is curved a bit, to try and reach the G-Spot, but I wasn’t trying to have a G-Spot O either. I was just enjoying the feeling of this thick, long dildo. It’s 7” long, and 1.25” in diameter, plenty to give you that full feeling. It’s also got the phallic head to it, that adds to your pleasure. Me-ow! To be honest, I didn’t think that the slight indent at the bottom of the base, which is advertised as a suction cup, was going to work really well, being such a shallow dip in it. To my amazement, that sucker stuck hard!! I also love the base, how it’s a triangular, slight bulbous shape, and very easy to hang on to, especially when vigorously thrusting my ferocious Tiger in and out of me. I have to say that this Tiger is GRRREAT! 4 paws way up in the air and twitchin' all over the place, coupled with a loud, satisfying purrrrr!! TIGERS are a girl's best friend!
  15. *Said with a classic “stoner accent”*: Shaaaa dudes! This dream is one of the most lucid ones I’ve had in a loooong time! Fer real! This awesome vibrator is perfectly designed for my g-spot, and lemme tell ya, that after adding the 2 AA batteries from my stash, this thing has some major adjustable power with the turn of the dial on the bottom! I loooved the awesome purple color & it’s kinda cool, how you can see thru some of the vibe, trippy, ya know? The wicked bullet is right at the head, man, and it was really quiet, which surprised me, as big as the bullet is. The shape reminded me of a golf club, the way the head’s tilted like that….very cool. But I don’t think my old man will be putting this club in his golf bag! Oh yeah, and it’s waterproof! Loved the style of the box, which kinda reminded me of the 60’s graffiti style. The box had this sticker on it, that said it was an award winner vibe, which is cool. (Special Sex Awards Issue of ‘Women’s Health’; winner of the Best Maxi Vibe 2007.) After using this baby, I can fully understand why! Sex toys in an “everyday” mag, far out! The thick head, and the way that it’s shaped is perfect for hitting my special spot, and with the vibes at the head, adding that extra oomph & firmness that is sometimes needed, I only needed a little clit stimulation to really get a’gushin! It was like, far out! Yeah baby! I felt full, stimulated, and totally on another plane, man! If you're lookin' to really get a great ride, you gotta try this toy! They weren't kidding when they said that this toy is SURREAL! Peace! This baby gets 4 outta 4 paws, a tail swish, back arch, and loud purrrrrrr!! Have a wonderfully lucid orgasm!!
  16. The kit that I reviewed, if I am remembering correctly, was 3 minutes. But, it starts to harden almost immediately, so not too long. The extra time is to make sure that it keeps it's shape.
  17. Be kinda cute in a bride's "first night" basket as a bridal shower gift or something. Sorry it was high on the EW Factor!
  18. Oh, I already spoke with him about it. He's fine with it. Besides, he's snuck in a few large purchases without even consulting me, so he really can't say anything. Besides, my car's in my name only, just like his truck's in his name only. I always have insisted on that. Now, if there was a car payment involved, I would DEFINITELY take his side into consideration.
  19. Yeah, the more I think about it, the more I am leaning towards going for it!! LOL
  20. Thanks Ginger! Yes, read my review, cuz we did the "Penis mold" one. And, be SURE to follow the instructions and timings carefully! When they give specific times......they MEAN them!! It was a lot of fun!
  21. Thanks! (Admit it, you sung it too, didn't ya?)
  22. Read this to the tune of “Here She Comes Just a’Walkin’ Down the Street”: Here it comes, just a buzzin’ in your hand, sayin’ buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz! It’s the one touch bunny, and it’s totally waterproof! Buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz! It’s really so cute, and it comes with batteries, it goes buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz! It looks cute! It works well!! The ears rock! The bullet’s strong! It had me cummin’ really strong! Yes, this little rabbit does it all. It’s small, compact, comes with batteries, and provides the strong vibes this gal loves. Plus, the ears are strong enough to give me that wonderfully direct clit stimulation that I really crave to make my leg all a-twitchy! I also loved the finger “ring” that slips over your preferred finger, so you don’t have to worry about dropping it either. Very nice! Putting the bunny on the bullet was a bit tricky, but, you can either use a dollop of lube to slide it on, or, you can turn the bunny almost inside out and kinda roll it on like you would a condom. Either way works well. So, if you’re looking for some cute, simple fun, that will be discreet, quiet, and un-intimidating, go grab a bunny! A bunny clit stimulator that is! It gets 4 out of Tyger 4 paws! Hop To It!
  23. Aw, sorry it didn't work. What a bummer!
  24. I'm wrestling Val? OK, I'll tag team...........Synrr!!!
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