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Everything posted by Tyger

  1. Absolutely!! Check out my added review on the Thumbilina! I experienced the OMG, where'd the world go? feeling with that too!
  2. The razor that I've found that works the best on my stubborn hair (which sux as a woman to have such stubborn hair), is the vibrating Venus Vibrance. Yes, it's expensive, and the refills are murder on the wallet too, but they're SOOO worth it! After shaving for over 16yrs down there, that's the best razor I've ever found. I believe the afore mention Gillette one is the man's version of the Vibrance, so that may work just as well. As far as seeing the little hairs under the skin, there's really nothing you can do about that. If you're like I am, and have dark pubic hair, no matter what you do, you'll always see the roots under the skin. Howard's correct, the only permanent way to get rid of all that is electrolisis. Temporary removal of hair AND root is waxing, and, where I do like a little pain, I don't think I could do that (and I've had a child, been pierced, and have tattoos!!). RIIIIIIIIIIP, um, no thank you. LOL
  3. OK, I guess I'll add my 2 cents, such as it is, since I consider myself a "professional coochie shaver", having shaved myself bald *down there* for 16 yrs. *Yes, no matter HOW long you've been shaving, if you don't keep up with it according to how fast your hair grows, MOST people will experience itching when the hair starts growing back. That's not something that just goes away with time. I get really itchy if I don't shave at least every other day. *Yes you should find a quality razor and some kind of cream to shave with (I LOVE Coochie Cream!!). Each person's skin tones and reactions are different, so results may vary. *Shaving can be done as a surprise. However, if someone is of the "Oh hell no" persuation, or simply doesn't like it, then they should NOT be guilted, forced, or convinced to do otherwise. EVERYONE should try something ONCE, unless it's against their moral beliefs. First times can be thrilling, scary, and full of "what if's", but at least you can say you TRIED it. But, I agree with Brandy, everyone should be comfortable. Giving and receiving is great, but there is a point where selfishness can really ruin things. *Bumps can and do occur. Sometimes more than others. There are creams, gels, lotions that all claim to prevent these. I have sensitive skin. I have been shaving for 16 yrs. I've tried them all! I still get bumps here and there. I found that when using a 4+blade new razor, these are minimized. I soak in a tub, allowing the skin and hairs to soften. If I get a chill (goosebumps), I get raw. Some lotions really STING after I shave, giving me a slight razor burn rash. *Be careful what you use on your skin. This is a trial and error process. Shampoos and conditioners also contain perfumes, which can irritate the skin. I've found that extra moisturizing conditioner, Tressemme' preferrably, works the best FOR ME. Shaving not only gets rid of unwanted hairs, but can strip the surface of your skin's natural oils that help protect it. Find something that works with YOUR body chemistry, doesn't hurt, and makes you feel silky smooth! Good luck!
  4. ALOHA!! I hope you enjoy the forums and the shopping area!!
  5. Reminded you of medical tubing? Could it have been the nurse on the front of the box that helped with that reminder? When I read the beginning of your review with all the shapes and sizes you have, I was thinking of the story of the 3 Bears (this one's too BIG, this one's too SMALL, this one's juuuuuuuust right!). All joking aside, I loved the review, and now I'm curious as to that "thing Mikayla does".......
  6. Welcome to the forum! It's great that you're wanting to explore this with her, since she has told you that she's done this before & enjoyed it. Many women brush off what they have liked with past lovers, to make the new lover feel more comfortable. To me, this is sad, since, if you enjoyed it, then you probably want to do it again, and why not teach your current lover how to please you? You are totally correct!! You should never put anything in her vagina after it's been in her anus, ever. You can go from vagina to anus, but not the other way around. Bacterial infections can occur, and then everyone's fun stops for a while! If she's enjoyed anal sex, I'm sure she knows how to clean herself well before engaging in it. Maybe join her in the shower, and sexily suggest that she get ready for some anal play, so she can clean herself appropriately. Ask to help her too. Some people like to do that in private, others love the help. There is usually some sort of residue from anal play, and that's totally normal, no matter how clean you are. So, always have some wipes or a wet wash cloth handy for clean up. You can always use condoms for anal play too, that way, you can just slip that off with minimal interferance. Use LOTS of lube too. If you do use condoms, make sure that you use condom compatable lubes. Condoms can always be used with water-based lubes, but you really have to be careful with silicone based lubes and condoms. Silicone lubes break down latex and silicone based toys too, and that can be extremely messy and uncomfortable. I mentioned this, because many people prefer silicone based lubes when engaging in anal sex. It tends to be more slick, and lasts a bit longer than water-based lubes. Read the anal sex section of this site in depth, have fun, and good luck! Also, be sure to ask her questions as to how she likes it, and so on. The best way to please her, is to listen and learn from her!
  7. Let me echo the welcomes and thank you's here too!! I hope you find lots of stuff that is helpful to y'all!!
  8. Well, I don't know about y'all, but *I* still use the word "icky". Though not about sex, but I still use that word, even when my daughter's not around, I use it. It may not be a technical or scientific word, but, everyone knows what it means, and it gets the point across! LOL I don't think it's a "bad" or immature thing to not want sex while on your/she's having her period. It's a personal choice. Some people just can't tolerate the thought. They may have some sort of fear of blood, or know too much about it to really be able to get past it. People have different tolerance levels. I can clean up almost anything. However, unless it's our daughter's, I can NOT clean up human vomit. I just can't. Another example: a friend of mine had NO clue that women had a period. He grew up in th 60's, his mother is Spanish, his father is American, and they met when his father was stationed in Spain. His mother always hid her menstrating "impliments" so to speak. She was very prim & proper. You just don't discuss those things, especially with the opposite sex, even if they are your kids. It wasn't until YEARS later, when he was MARRIED, that he saw part of a pad in the trash, and asked his wife she was OK, thinking she'd cut herself badly, and when she figured out why he was asking, and she explained it to him, he was appalled that women did that! I guess it was kinda normal for men to find out about that in that way, though I think he was a bit late in doing so. Shockingly, he has 4 kids!! Now women talk about their periods more than they do their jobs sometimes!
  9. Questions are GREAT, and we love answering them, so ask ask ask away! This is a GREAT example of people needing to learn about how their bodies work. Either thru books, or internet. Best still is asking your doctor. A man's cock has a valve in it, that, when he's sexually excited, shuts off the flow of urine. However, if his bladder is full, you've almost got double blockage there, where the bladder is also choking off your uretha, so you'll have difficulty cumming and going to the bathroom. It's always best to go to the bathroom first anyway, to avoid any sort of bacterial or bladder infections. Yes, men can get them too. Go with the recommendations of going to the bathroom, and relieving your bladder FIRST. Then go back and have your fun. Most people wake up having to pee, so, this isn't a wierd thing, or something she should view as "bad" or insulting at all.
  10. No offense to Howard, but, I think he's forgotten what it's like to be "new" and 19. At 19, you can't expect to be "all grown up". Maybe physically you look like a man, but mentally, you have a ways to go. I'm not meaning that in a bad or negative way in the least. The woman that you're with is probably well aware that you have a lot of growing AND learning to do. Now, as far as her past goes, well, that is up to YOU. Try and remember that her past lovers are just that, in the PAST. If she wanted to be with one of them, she would be, and not with you. So, just try and keep that in mind. Don't dwell on things like that, because, in all honesty, all that does is waste energy you could be channelling elsewhere.
  11. Let me add that I like a realistic SHAPE for my vibrators and dildos usually, but not like flesh toned colored.
  12. Pretty, Petite, and Purple! What else can you say about the Thumbilina? How about PERFECT, Precise, and Powerful? Absolutely! This toy works! This was an item I’ve been eyeballing on the site for a while, and for the holidays, I treated myself to a little fairy tale toy. Packaged very prettily in a floral printed box, and wrapped up in another box inside the first one, as well as a plastic bag around it, to keep the toy from drying out, I was ready to feel the difference! My first one didn't work, so, thanks to Meaghan, (I love you girl!) I got my replacement FAST, and hassle-free. This was an ORDER, so I was treated as a customer, not a Reviewer. So, technically, I don't even have to write a review on it, but, this item is so awesome, I HAD to share, brag, boast, and really promote this toy!!! Thankfully, this one worked correctly, and I was in heaven. 100% elastomer phthalate-free, this toy is great for those with allergies to latex, yet still porous and comfortable to use. Vibratex has designed some really nice products that have been influenced by women so that every bump, groove, ridge, and curve maximizes YOUR pleasure. The whole toy length is 8.5” long, but about 4” of that is actually INSERTABLE length. The bullet is 3” long, including the little “thumb”, and as I found out, all of this is the perfect lengths for g-spot AND clit stimulating, all at once!! Thumbilina has a bulbous, nubbied-ridged head for reaching that special g-spot, that reminds me of an oval club, as well as a larger bullet for the clit stimulation. The clit stimulator has larger nubbies as well as a “thumb” protrusion at the end for more direct stimulation. I’m a direct kinda gal, and so I can really appreciate this thumb! The base is hard plastic, and takes 4 AAA batteries. That’s right the triple A’s, not the usual double A’s, so ladies, be prepared, cuz I know that one of the few household items that takes AAA’s is the TV remote, and though my hubby loves toys, he loves his remote too, and, well, I don’t want to clash over batteries. Thankfully, I had some on hand. There are 2 slide controlling buttons on the “front” of the toy. One controls the 2 bullet speeds (on bullet in the clit stimulator, & one in the head of the toy). One thing that makes THIS dual action a bit different, besides being the perfect g-spot, is that the head doesn’t spin in the middle, like many “rabbits” do, it actually twirls around and ‘round at the very end!! That’s what the other sliding control button controls: the speed of the spinning of the head. Yes indeedy! This baby goes all out in fun and excitement! You also can have just the vibes on, or just the twirling, or, how I loved it, BOTH going on full blast. There were only 2 downsides to this toy that I found: 1) Thumbilina is NOT waterproof, since the battery compartment is at the base, and definitely NOT sealed against water. 2) This toy has a lot going on, and either setting is kinda loud. Although, with a TV or stereo going low, it may be ok to use behind closed doors and others around. So, I get ready to use my latest treat by settling in with a good porn (yes, they exist too). I turn the vibes on first, and both parts that vibrate really excited me, and my clit, nicely. Insertion was a breeze, and, as I put it in, the strength of the vibes, which were strong enough for this girl’s addiction to STRONG vibes, I also started the twirling head. Let me say that I’ve never, ever found a dual action that has set me off to O-O Land almost instantly….until NOW!! The twirling head caressed my g-spot immediately, and with the clit stimulation, well, I wet the chair I was in, and it took me a few minutes to come down from my strong orgasms. Yes, I said orgasms. If you’re looking for a non-complicated dual action that will give results, get Thumbilina. This toy is proof that good things CAN come in small packages! Live The Fairytale!
  13. This question has been answered, but please let me repeat one thing: Each woman is shaped differently, same as each man has a different shape to his genitals too. If you watch porn, if just for the sheer curiosity of it, really take a LOOK at the women's labia. You'll see some have really large/small "lips", clits, and overall shape. Some women even look as if they don't have any labia lips. You'll also notice that each man has a different curve/no curve, shape, and size to their penis. There's really no "standard".
  14. Opinions? Thoughts? Oh my. Other than what's been said, I truly can't understand WHY y'all thought this was a necassary thing to do. If your wife wanted your brother, then she should've dated your brother. If either one of you truly wanted to bring someone else in, 1) it shouldn't have been a relative, and 2) you never should've gotten married in the first place. WHY y'all have the need to keep all this "in the family" is wierd to me, as well as the thoughts of NO forms of BC. Not only are you risking everyone's health here (past and future lovers), but a possible baby being brought in the mix, well, for me, this just screams WRONG. But, again, that's me.
  15. I'm going to assume that she's about your age, and probably not experienced much in the ways of sex (aka Adult Play). It took me a very long time to get use to the idea of a guy going down on me, and actually LIKING it (him and I). But, after a while, with many assurances that he actually LIKED how I tasted and smelled *down there*, I got more comfortable with it. If she feels "funny" about it, have her shower first, and get all clean, before you go down on her, and she may get use to the idea a bit more when she feels fresher. Let her know you like her natural smell and taste, and that, yes, guys REALLY like to lick, nibble, and suck down there. That you truly enjoy it, but don't overdo it. If you make a HUGE deal about it, you won't sound sincere or truthful. To feel comfortable, she needs to feel relaxed too. Massaging her all over, and maybe sneaking a lick her and there, while massaging her legs and feet, things like that. Teach her, and learn from her too. Best wishes!
  16. These are NOT too much, these are very very nice, tasteful, and teasing, thanks for sharing!!
  17. I'm glad y'all had a "good" breakup. Breaking up is hard to do (sorry to quote a song there), but, if it's done as best it can be, the less drama, the better it feels, IMO. I don't blame you for going out, having fun, feeling free, and getting affirmation that you're still attractive from another guy! Hell, that's what being single is all about! Good for you!
  18. Yes, Pappy, I forgot about the tattoo pic I posted. Duhhhhh But no "real" facial shots LOL I was a size 6 then when both pics were taken.
  19. Sex Toy triggers bomb scare There's not a lot of info, but I guess this makes a good case for NOT putting batteries in a sex toy while shipping!!
  20. I guess I should answer my own question! For me, it's also functionality over anything else. I too find a lot of the more "realistic" looking things a bit comical to a point. And the harder a company tries to make something look more real, the more obnoxious they look. I mean, I've never really seen a hard on that was flesh colored with a BLUSHY pink tip. Maybe I'm a freak! Anyway, so long as something does the job, I don't care if it looks real or not.
  21. Njoy, it's getting hot in here.......thanks for that!
  22. Thurasis is absolutely correct! Some medications (such as seizure meds), are absorbed not only in your blood, but also can deposit in "patches" in muscle tissues. I know that you didn't say he's on such medication, but, it does happen. Hormonal meds are the same way. Hence why OB/GYNs recommend that you wait a full month to try to get pregnant after stopping the birth control pills. Some people have had some adverse affects of being taken off some medications weeks later, when they shouldn't really experience anything, so, depending on one's metabolism, some medications can take longer than others to dissapate. I echo the advice that you should talk with his doctors, finding out when it's "normal" for those meds to go down to the desired levels. I'm sure it's frustrating, but the results will be worth the wait. Best wishes!
  23. Thurisas knows of what he speaks, having worked for years at a pharmacy. I would definitely coordinate something with both the pharmacist and your doctor. After all, not ALL drugs work for everyone, hence why there are different options. Some doctors just prescribe away, so that they get the pharmasutical (sp) kickback for doing so. I hope your hubby has seen a urologist to see why he would need Viagra, or any other ED medication. Good luck!
  24. I would definitely tell him, but I agree with Howard, wait until he's home to do it, so he can concentrate on his job wherever he is. Only you know your husband's views on this sort of thing. Some men don't think that a woman with a woman constitutes cheating. Others DO think of it as cheating. I guess whichever mindset he is, will determine how to tell him. If it's a one time thing, that shows that you did an oopie, those things happen, and it hasn't since. But, if it continues, then he will either feel betrayed or turned on. Maybe both. I also agree with iha. If you're able to remember all that other stuff, and were able to manage a 69 position, then you weren't completely out of control, but your inhibitions were knocked down to nothing. I would suggest that you not drink to that excess, since you shocked yourself this way, the next time may be flat out, no holds barred adultry with another man. Just be careful.
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