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Everything posted by Tyger

  1. Welcome and have fun! I hope you like it here.
  2. Welcome, learn, and have fun with us!!!
  3. I would tell him that you need to hear it from HER. Have him make her call you. And, again, I would talk with her, and ask why she changed the rules all of a sudden. If there are rules, they should be followed by ALL of the players. Worth repeating: if they have issues in their marriage, it's not your fault. THEY were the ones that INVITED YOU in. Their issues are things you have no control over and were probably in play before the 3-some. The only way you can blame yourself, is if you sneak around have have sex with either him OR even her, without the other's personal consent. As for his feelings for you, maybe he was caught up in the moment, maybe not. Either way, it's not your problem. Those are something HE needs to address. He's an ex for a reason, and he is married to someone else, so, emotionally, he should be off limits.
  4. Of course she should not have lied to you. However, you are making a big deal out of really nothing. She probably told you that because, from your tone, and what you wrote, I have a feeling you blew up at her, making a huge issue out of plastic and jelly. She wanted to make you feel better. HOwever, again, she should NOT have lied to you. What she should have said is "grow up, I'm keeping them, too bad". It's not like she was hiding "Sven" in the closet, feeding him, and having him come out while you were gone. Sex toys are made to be sexual enhancements in the bedroom, not replacing you. Do you think she considers it cheating when you jack off in the shower? Same exact thing. To say you've been cheated on is a bit on the immature side. I'm not trying to be disrespectful or insulting to you here either. But, cheating is when someone in a relationship, and they either have sex or start another romantic relationship with another HUMAN BEING. Sex toys are great, but they can't offer companionship, love, affection, and friendship. Nothing ever replaces the feel of skin-on-skin contact. I guess it could kinda be compared to a man and his workshop. He has tons of tools in it, all for different things. But, unless he uses his workshop on a daily basis, why is it that he keeps adding tools? Because they bring him pleasure. He likes them, and loves to see the results. I know that that comparison is not sexually based, but I hope you can kinda get the idea what I mean? My husband was very much like you. His whole attitude, when we first got together was that, if you're having great sex, why do you NEED sex toys? I told him that I don't NEED them, but I do enjoy using them, and I was keeping what I had. He could either learn to use them, or not. His choice. Now, he's one of the first ones to say "What do you want to use tonight?" She's having fun exploring, learning how to please herself, and have fun, which, in the long-run, you reap the benefits of. As suggested, try using them WITH her, or let her show you how she loves to use them. You WILL learn something!! And, that's what sex is all about!! Teaching and being taught how to please each other! And always keeping it interesting & fun!
  5. As Thurasis pointed out, trying small simple things is best. Not pressuring her, or pestering her is also very important. If you keep asking or pestering, she will feel more stress and probably bad about not wanting sex more, which, will make it even harder for her to want it and enjoy it. Sex is adult play. That is what people need to remember. Both sexes. It's not meant to be a chore, or a duty. It's suppose to be a fun, loving, connecting act between 2 people. Don't just do sweet things for her to get a piece of action, do so because you want too. Women can tell if you're being sweet because you want to or just so you'll get a piece of ass, trust me. Also, you didn't say how often you do have sex? Men and women, individually, have a different opinion of how much sex is enough. Some women are happy with once a week, as well as some men. Other men, especially younger men (and women), usually want more sex. More and more. Once a relationship has ended the infamous "Honeymoon Stage", things inevidably calm down, there is a comfort level, and sex isn't so "desperate", if you know what I mean? You know, when you're first dating and having a lot of sex, affirming yourself as a couple, staking a claim. There has to be a reasonable amount of sex in a relationship, but, if one person thinks more, and another thinks less, then, of course, this needs to be addressed. If it's like once a month, well, then, something needs to be said, in a nice way. Teasing, taunting, comparing, or beating around the bush (so to speak) isn't the way to have open-ended communications. I love sex. however, if my hubby is being an ass about not getting some, due to either some medical issue I'm dealing with, or even Aunt Flow, well, then it makes me not want to give it up in any way for him. Doing things together, as a couple, with no sexual overtones is also important. Going to the movies, going for just a walk, holding hands, sitting on the couch, just to snuggle, with no pressure for sex, or even just taking a nice country drive all can be bonding, stimulate conversations, and, may, but shouldn't be meant to do so, create the opportunity to have some really nice mind-blowing encounters. I hope that this helps.
  6. I took a friend of mine to 2 today, that she'd never been too. We had a blast going thru, seeing what they had, and even compared what TT has, to what they did. TooTimid has a majority of what we saw at them!!! Anyway, it's a great way to open up, ask questions with each other, and have some great girl bonding time! What fun!! Not bad for an "Old Married Gal"! LMAO I would LOVE to go into those places with a pin on that say "Sex Toy Reviewer"!! LMAO
  7. A chicken farmer went to a local bar, sat next to a woman and ordered a glass of champagne. The woman perks up and says, "How about that? I just ordered a glass of champagne, too!" "What a coincidence," the farmer says, "This is a special day for me, and I'm celebrating." "This is a special day for me too, I'm also celebrating", says the woman. "What a coincidence" says the man and as they clinked glasses the farmer asked, "What are you celebrating?" "My husband and I have been trying to have a child, and today my gynecologist told me that I'm pregnant!" she told him. "What a coincidence," says the man ... "I'm a chicken farmer and for years all my hens were infertile, but today they're finally laying fertilized eggs!" "That's great!" says the woman, "How did your chickens become fertile?" "I used a different cock," he replied. The woman smiled and said, "What a coincidence!"
  8. Who is the most popular guy at the nudist colony? The guy who can carry a cup of coffee in each hand and a dozen donuts. ____________________________________________ Who is the most popular girl at the nudist colony? The one who can eat that last donut
  9. At the risk of repeating what's already been said, and also coming FROM a woman that loves to watch porn, don't feel bad, guilty, or upset at not liking porn. To each their own. You may like to watch reality TV, soap operas, talk shows, or QVC, your hubby may not. Do you think he feels guilty about not sharing those interests? Probably not. It may not be on the same scale, but, in the grand scheme of things, it kinda is too. Part of porn, and the porn industry, is, for the most part, being geared toward the male populis, and the way that they are stimulated: visually. What many people misunderstand, especially young & inexperienced people, is that it's fantasy. It's literally "Fucking Fantasy". I don't know too many people that dress like a porn star, get screwed, at say, the library, by a perfect stranger, then, beat the bad-guys in a cheesy fight, and then goes off to save the world from Dr. Dick and his dasterdly deeds of exploding breasts. However, men love the idea of it. Most men, not all. Each man is different as to what they like, but I hope you get the idea. Normal, everyday couples don't usually have sex like that. Now, every once in a while, dressing up, role playing, and always having fun, well, that's wonderful. But, like with most TV shows and movies, things in porn are exaggerated, and shouldn't be used as educational. Plus, what's in porn is fucking, not making love, like loving couples should be doing. Nobody likes being decieved or lied too. He should NOT have done that. He may have done so, knowing your severe distaste for porn. He didn't want to disappoint you, or disgust you. And, of course, you're probably wondering what else he could've lied to you about. What I recommend that you do, is take porn for what it is, entertainment. If he can still make love with you, and not replace you with porn or needs it to make love with you, and it's just occassionally, well, then, it's really not a huge deal, if you think about it. Try not to get so upset. At least not bad enough where you get all upset and sick by it. Don't make it such a huge issue. He doesn't try to force you to watch it, and, he sounds like he's been trying to be discreet about watching it too. But, I would talk to him too. Explain to him that you know he watches it, and that, even though you don't like it, you respect the fact that everyone's tastes, even married couples can vary. Just ask him not to lie to you about it. You may not like it, but, he shouldn't lie to you, and you would appreciate honesty when you ask him about it (just don't harp on him about it, or make more of it than it is). Making more of it than really is necassary is probably making it worse than the porn itself. In no way am I downplaying your feelings. But, IMO, there are so many other things for couples to be worried about and fight about than a man watching the occassional legalized porn. *Hugs*
  10. Looks great!! If you ever want to open something up down here in Texas, in the Houston or Huntsville area, lemme know!! I am a retail goddess, with 16 yrs experience, including management!! That would be a dream!!!! Anyway, great looking shop! I wish I could get there!!
  11. This sounds like a great beginner's film, or for those who are just turned off by the hardcore/slut/lesbain sex. Someone that wants to experiement and try new stuff without being shocked into it! Thanks for the great review!
  12. Also mentioned in the articles, but worth repeating, make sure that you start off small, like with toys, either in her or you, or your fingers, slowly progressing up to larger toys, and then your cock. Don't just think that wham! The cock will be overly comfortable the first try, cuz it's not. Anal sex is a bit uncomfortable when you FIRST start it, but it progressively gets better and more pleasurable. You need to learn to relax, breathe, and relax your anal muscles, so they won't push out what you're trying to push in. Hence why it's a bit uncomfortable at first. It should NEVER hurt. People often confuse the discomfort for pain, which, if you think about it, it's totally different. Remember to use plenty, and I do mean PLENTY of lube!! There can never be too much lube. Astroglide makes "shooters" which is specifically for anal play.
  13. Tyger


    Welcome! Congrats and have fun!!!
  14. Again, different people like different things. Like, I like the color purple, and a friend of mine can't stand it. Neither can my hubby. OK, whatever. My point is, that everyone likes different things. But, there can be similar interests too. Like, I also like green, so does my friend. My hubby loves horses and all animals, So do I! Some men like to find a woman that is easier to control. They think it's less hassle, drama, and effort on their part to have a woman that will cow down to their every whim. Belittling these types of women make them feel better about their pitiful selves. They can't HANDLE a strong woman. You can be the most drop-dead gorgeous woman on the block. But, if you don't put forth a confident attitude, you won't attract a life-long mate. You will, most likely, attract users and abusers who look for women to dominate, boost their ego, cheat on, and put down, just so they can feel "manly" & tough. These immature men don't realize that they look brutish and stupid, not manly and tough. A man of quality will want someone they can share experiences with, learn, and have fun with, someone to teach their interests and be willing to learn other people's interests as well. Flirting, fun, and friendship all lead to love, eventually. A man of quality will be willing to wait to have sex, not pressure you into going at it when you're not ready. He will want to enjoy the experience, as well as bring you pleasure, not be selfish and only get his nut off, and to hell with your desires. He will be willing to talk about himself, as well as LISTEN to you too. Your friend explained that you went thru a lot. Which, everyone goes thru some bad points. Live, learn, and grow from them. Be proud of your accomplishments. You're a mother! Be proud of that!! You made it out of a bad relationship! Be proud of that! You keep yourself in shape, and are probably a lot healthier than some of your friends! Be proud of that!! There is nothing wrong with being proud of yourself. It doesn't make you arrogant at all. What makes a person arrogant, is them bragging all over the place about themselves, and putting others down, again, to make themselves look better. Nobody can "make you happy". People choose to react to other people in a certain way, to a major degree. You can choose to either believe compliments with grace, or second guess them (what DID they mean by that??"). You have to learn what makes you happy. What kind of person do you want to be? What kind of friends and lovers you want in your life. All of those are your CHOICE. But, you need to sit and really think about all of that, learn from your mistakes. Delve deep inside yourself, see what all the bad men in your life have had in common, and then, steer clear of it. And, if you find yourself in a bad situation with a man, he's doing something you don't like, VOICE it, get rid of him, stand up for yourself! In no way does this make you a bitch, or bad person. A confident woman stands up for herself. There is NOTHING wrong with doing so!!!! Weak men, that love to be contollers, make a big fuss out of women who stand up for themselves (which, I am assuming your exes have done), and do so to keep their women in control. I was with a controlling BF for 2 yrs in High School. He liked to degrade me, keep tabs on me, and hit me a couple of times. I'm not the type to usually put up with that, but, after 2 yrs of it almost being constant (except in the very beginning), I started to believe it. As skinny as I'd starve myself, I was still fat. Ask Valntyn, I was far from fat in high school! LOL At one point, he told me I was too tall! HUH?? It's not like I wasn't tall when we got together. I started to believe him still.......Until the last time he hit me. I had forwarned him NEVER to hit me again, cuz I'd make him a woman. He did, and I grabbed a hold of his shoulders and jumped, as hard as I could, with my knee up, and connected with his groin. Then I told him to get the fuck outta my house. I felt liberated!!! And, I had done it myself. He called me every name in the book. And I just kept agreeing with him. Sure, I am a fucking bitch. But, I'm the fucking bitch that brought you to your knees, so shut up. After that, he begged and begged me to come back. I just looked at him, and told him that HE was the weaker one, and he could kiss my ass. I stood firm. It felt great! I also knew that he'd go back to the way he had treated me before. Men like that hardly EVER change. Just because a man shows interest in you, doesn't mean you HAVE to go out with him. Be gracious, and kind in a refusal, but firm too. "Thank you, but I don't think so." No excuses, no lame reasons, just short, sweet, and to the point. Never get desperate for company! Don't settle for anything but who you want in your life. Show your son how a woman really should be: caring yet strong, and willing to do whatever it takes. Showing him this, will also make him a better man to his woman, when he finds her. There's a lot of personal growth and discovery to be had, if you choose to do so. But, as with everything, it's your choice. Best wishes to you!
  15. LMAO!! I loved the Star Trek crack!! Thanks for the great review!
  16. I had this great answer, all done, and it got lost in cyber-space somewhere.....grrrrrr!! OK, here I try again!! I'm all for porn-watching. I love porn. However, I don't NEED porn to help get me off. I don't NEED sex toys to get me off. Porn and sex toys are sexual aides, not total replacements for human contact and excitement. I LOVE using porn and toys as added bonuses to our sex lives. I encourage people to play and have fun. Most women need a little help getting off, and toys are great aides, but still, the need for sexual person-to-person contact is important. Porn can be addictive. This problem can grow and grow, and, I'm not sure of the name for it, but many men can develop issues from watching too much porn, so they can't have sex with real, live women, only the fantasy in the porns will do. Is your BF headed there? Hard to say, but it sounds like that. There are many sites out there that can help see whether or not there may be a problem. Many are religiously based, which is just BS, IMO only! I don't think it's a sin to watch porn. But that's another topic altogether. Of course, not having that problem, and being female, I don't fully "understand that", since, again, I haven't walked in someone's shoes that has that problem. Why can't a guy get off to his woman either in lingerie, or naked, writhing under or on top of him? Especially where men are general more sexually stimulated by what they SEE? Anyway, best wishes!
  17. I have a friend that I've known for 23 years (omg!!), and when I got divorced, and he split with his GF, we were finally able to turn to each other. It was wild, fun, and no commitments. However, knowing about us, I knew that there could really be nothing but either friendship or fucking, cuz we both were waaaaaaaaaay too independant, and not willing to conceed to each other at all. Plus, knowing him the way I do, I knew I'd be setting myself up for heartache, if I did decide to try and hang onto him. He never stays faithful to anyone. I say all this, cuz, as you being this man's friend, you probably KNOW him a bit more. He has probably just "hung" out with you as friends before ( I would hope). If he's a true friend, if you decided tomorrow, to stop sleeping with him, he'd still remain friends, AND respect your wishes to just be friends. Do YOU think you're sleeping with him cuz it's "taboo"? Can you 2 get alone without any sexual undertones? Are there more interests there than just sex? Being a partner in life, you need to have some similar interests, other than in the bedroom, to keep it interesting. Now, as far as your questions go, why do you need an excuse to leave a bad marriage? Life's too short. If you're not happy, do something about it. Having an affair is a pretty good clue that you're not happy at all. Why do you stay with your husband, even if you are thinking your friend may not be available to you? Because, let's be honest, he's not free, and niether are you. You can't FULLY and TRULY be with someone if they belong to someone else. That's unfair, not only to you, but to your spouses as well. Another question, IF he left his wife, and you left your husband, got together, and all that jazz, would you trust him? Would he trust you? Or would either of you question the other's loyalty, since you cheated on your spouses before. Woud either of you wonder about any other opposite-sex friends? With the "age thing", I've had lovers that have been only a year younger, and up to a mere 5 yrs older than I am. So, I'm not overly experienced as far as huge age differences, though, you didn't give us the age difference, age is a matter of your mind, and age really doesn't matter in the matters of the heart. At least IMO. It depends on their, and your, maturity level and how you approach/handle things. I'm sure I'm not saying anything that you haven't thought about. You have some serious questions that you need to be honest with yourself, to be happy. I wish you all of the best!
  18. I would check out the Threesomes forum, if you already haven't. Things won't ever be the same once it happens. I won't say anymore than what's already said in that forum. It's very informative. It has the Good, The Bad, and The Ugly in it!
  19. None of that stuff works. I'm all for working out and eating right, don't get me wrong here, but, the more active you are, then the smaller your breasts usually are. Breast tissue is fatty tissue. If you loose weight, then, that's usually the first place you loose, and gain. Nothing short of surgery or bra-stuffing really works. I've seen many products out there, seen many try them, although not myself, and none of it worked for any of them. Love what you have. The more accepting you are of yourself, the more accepting others will be of you as well!
  20. Well, I can see BOTH sides of the coin here. Where I love giving BJs, and also love oral sex, it's hard for me to say "Yes, I can TOTALLY understand where she's coming from". Sex is adult play, but it has to be fun for the BOTH of you, not just one. I would agree with the other posters that say that you should talk with her, encourage her, and let her know when she's doing something TOTALLY right by your dick when it's in her mouth. Letting her know that what she's doing is blowing your.....er....mind....will give her a great ego boost. Truthful compliments are also extremely important. Not just shallow ones so that she'll go down on you. Allow her to give the blowjob how she feels comfortable, working your way to more things you like slowly. Sexily suggesting ideas ("tickle my balls baby") here and there, and letting her do them as she feels comfortable. Maybe, for some reason, she doesn't feel "right" about oral sex. Religious background? Abused? Insulted at one time? Hasn't had a lot of experience/compliments on her technique? Whatever the case may be, it should be addressed. In some cases, if she just CAN'T seem to get passed it, for whatever reason, it should be respected. Especially when every avenue has been explored (counselling, talking, sexual education). Most men would love MORE BJ's. If your wife doesn't know that you want more than she's giving, by directly telling her so, then you need to do so. Ever get mad at her for not being direct? Hinting instead of coming out and just saying what she means? Perfect example. It's hard to really give a GREAT answer here, since we're getting ONE side. Usually there's more to the story, the deeper we go. But, I hope the info and advise we have offered here will be helpful to you and your wife. Read the articles in the Sex Ed tab. Maybe print some out. But, be careful, you don't want to make her feel bad about her skills, whether they're lacking in talent, or just timing. Nobody likes a sexual ego bruising.
  21. Glad y'all enjoyed the review! I enjoyed bringing it to you!
  22. Hey there! Welcome and I hope you both enjoy the site!!!
  23. Wow! Thanks for the warning about that. It shouldn't surprise me about anything being inserted in porn, but yet, they still manage to do so every so often.
  24. Every person is different, when it comes to allergies. To be on the safe side, the most "safer" toys for those allergic to latex are the hard plastic ones, and glass ones. Glass ones may SOUND uncomfortable, cold, and unexciting.....but, trust me!!! They are some of the best toys out there!!!! At least IMO. Cyberskin can be tricky, cuz they require to be dusted with talc powder after usage, to protect and maintain the material. Talc powder can also be found on latex (like in latex gloves). Also, look for toys that, if they are questionable, they say on the packaging "hypo-allergenic". Knowing that there are a lot of allergy sufferers out there, more and more companies are trying to expand their toy lines for more options for those people that have such allergies. Also, always wash your toys before use, and after use, with antibacterial soap. Make sure you get all of the soap off too. When using lubes, make sure that they are safe for you. If you feel any itching or burning (or both) when using a new lube, discontinue use at once. Of course, this is also true for toys.
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