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Everything posted by Tyger

  1. Some men think that they need to "take care" of women, since we're suppose to be the "weaker" sex, so to speak (though we all know that's BS). Which is why he may have said (or you came up with) the father-daughter relationship. I had a friend, that I moved with (as a FWBs), and he's 3 yrs older than I am. Although we were having sex, but not in a relationship, he felt like he had to "watch out for me", and that I answered to him. I finally got good and pissed off enough by it one day and said "My father died in '98, and I don't seem to recollect him bequeathing me to you, so knock it off". He still feels protective of me, since we've known each other 23 years (OMG), but he's laid off trying to control me like that. Back to your BF, he may have several issues. Like, if he is in sports at school, he may be tired, physically, more. Or, his studies are intense, and he is mentally tired. Is he taking medicines for anything? Even simple allergy medications can lower one's sex drive. He could have a lower testosterone level, or, he could be a guy that just doesn't feel the "need" to have sex as much. It's not a freaky thing, it does happen, but, for his best bet, he should go see his doctor and find out exactly what he is. No need to break out the psychologists yet. See if he has some medical issues, such as medications, sleep deprivation, or whatnot, before you say that he needs mental help.
  2. Maybe rice, beans and chicken should be your "In The Mood Food"!!! LOL Glad that everything went so well, and you had a great night!! Laughing and sharing laughter is wonderful, not only good for you and relaxing, but it helps bond people as well. Keeping things light, and no pressure really helped. Best wishes for continued successes!
  3. Glad you found the site and enjoy it. Please remember though, sex toys should be used to enhance the sexual experience, not to replace real-life sex with a real-life partner when one is available.
  4. Tyger

    New Bed

    If possible, get some new bedding too. Some sexy, yet subtle bedding. That is always nice to bounce in a new bed on new sheets. Tethers for the safety of the wood: nylon, cotton, rubber, silk, satin, (robe ties are GREAT, BTW) or, if you need to do so, wrap the area that will be rubbed with a towel or something first. Best to go with soft materials though. The newer height will be nice, and, you will have a bit of extra closeness now that you have a queen sized bed, instead of the king you're use too. Congrats on the new bed!!
  5. No, unfortunately, it wasn't me, but a joke I thought I'd pass on. But this IS a typical thing that I probably WOULD do though!!!
  6. Yes, it's true that the anal canal bends and turns, however, there are variences as far as how much. Most men usually don't put their entire cock up your anus. Anal toys are usually short, or, if they're longer, they are very bendy, for that reason. Start off small, like with small toys, bendy toys, and fingers. Stretching the anal canal takes a little time, and patience, and always always always use lube!!!
  7. This morning, I was in a huge hurry and on my way to work. I was preoccupied with what my day held and I rear-ended a car at a stop light because I was not really paying attention. I had hot coffee in my lap and was running late. "Great, just great" I muttered. The driver opened his door.........leaned out of his car and stared at me. He was a dwarf. He got out, studied the damage on his bumper, and walked towards me as I rolled down my window. He said "I'm not happy"......... To which I replied, "Well........which one are you then?" I know..........I'm going to hell......
  8. I am so srry for your loss due to SIDS. I can understand how scary having anymore children would be for the both of you. Just remember that SIDS is an unknown, and that it's nobody's fault. I must agree with Howard very strongly on his suggesting Grief Counselling. Loosing a child, no matter how, or at what age they are, is hard for any marriage to withstand. If you belong to a church, the priest/minister can help you thru it, or help direct you to places that can help out. Your husband sounds like he has taken you for granted, as far as just being there, and both of you kind of cohabitating. Please correct me if I'm wrong, but that's really how I see it. Although, the purchase of some toys is a great start!! Working 2 jobs can be tiresome, and also adding in him trying to be at home, pay attention to the kids, and you, as well as grab some "down-time", it sounds as if he may be overstretching himself. Working 1 job can be hard, 2 jobs is very very hard, especially depending on the times he works. With depression, and the loss of a child, he may not have even really grieved long enough. It's really hard to tell. Again, I hope you both go into counselling, together. Good luck to the both of you.
  9. OK, reading the fantasy thread on "Outdoors", I thought it would be fun to see WHERE outdoors you've done IT. For me, I've done it at the beach (ocean sand, and in a lake), outside on a deck, in tents, in the woods a few times (one being on a college campus, near a heavily travelled trail, watching people go to and from classes while getting it from behind), in a pool, in a Jeep with the top down during a storm, underneath a truck bed cover (the hard shell ones), and, not sure if this counts, but in a truck, with him outside,with the door open (and it was winter, snow and very cold!!).
  10. Tyger


    Nectar Entertainment and director Marty Zion bring you Liquid, a wonderful sensory delight in Liquid. There’s no dialog or plot, however the theme of this film is, you guessed it, Liquid. There is water in every colorful scene. Enjoy an array of winged beauties, with almost all natural, yet curvy bodies, and mostly bare snatches, great sets, and pretty cool techno/New Age type music. 3 M/f scenes, 2 g/g scenes tease and treat your eyes with soft lighting, watery scenery, and a lot of eye contact from the stars, making you feel as though you’re right there, watching them. Chapters Bubbles, Heaven Swings, Everglades, Adrift, and Liquid are very sensual, & exiting for many viewers. Scenes flash back and forth, creating teasing and exciting bits here and there, as the scenes to deeper and deeper, in more ways than one! Each fairly lengthy chapter starts out with the girls looking simply yummy, with different colored wings, staring into your eyes, as they strut, pose, and show all of their heavenly wet gifts, then they tease you further by touching and pleasuring themselves first, then along comes someone to share in the fun! But make no mistake, these angels are not only wet wet wet, but they’re in charge, and ready to please and be pleased! This is not "old school" porn! No cheesy sets, music, costumes, or bad acting, just a lot of beautiful girls (and some pretty hot guys too) showing off some mad oral, fingering, and fucking skills! I loved this film! Daring, different, and a visual treat, this film will be moving to a spot on my top 5 list!! *Dive in, Get Wet*
  11. When reading this, I too thought "why wouldn't you?" I know some mundane boring things get lost, because they're not important. However, as was mentioned before, if you are going to go away for a day, even if it's a business trip, you should always let your SO's know where you will be. Especially in cases of emergencies. I'm not sure which situation you're in, but, I am thinking you're not the one being secretive, but the one being kept in the dark? I could be wrong.... If you feel that you just need to go away for a day, for some personal time, tell your SO, nicely, that you want some YOU time, and let them know where you will be. If you start keeping things from each other, then doubts and accusations can and WILL form, and if there's no trust in any relationship, then there is NO relationship. The key to maintaing trust is honest and OPEN communication. Whether you or your SO is staying hush hush, then, there are probably some issues there, IMO. Just because something goes on "outside" the home you share, doesn't mean that you shouldn't let them know, especially in cases where you'll be absent from where you usually are. Planning vacations should encorporate the both of you (if you're living together or even in a "going steady" situation). I mean, vacations are for relaxing and spending some time together. You also have to take into consideration cut off dates for vacation windows, and what may be going on in your life, to possibly take advantage of vacation time, such as a wedding out of state, or a visiting relative. You know when you have vacation time acrued, and when the cut off/black out dates are, so there really is no reason for "OMG!! I need to make a decision on my vacation NOW!!" situation. Your SO should always be kept informed of what's going on, since it affects them too.
  12. "Second LIfe" internet sex program stirs up lawsuit What do you think of all of this? I've never heard of it, but it brings up a great point of how you really SHOULD be careful, and that you CAN be sued for things, even over the internet when causing trouble.
  13. Noisy flower power, huh? Well, I'm glad it worked for you. Did you leave the paper instructions in the controller, or did you take it out? Is the whining in the bullet, or the controller itself? Great review, honest, and informative.
  14. Just goes to show that kids see a lot more than we realize!!! I think "sever" has a bird infatuation........
  15. You are in the middle of some kind of project around the house. Mowing the lawn, putting a new fence in, painting the living room, or whatever. You are hot and sweaty. Covered in dirt or paint. You have your old work clothes on. You know the outfit, shorts with the hole in crotch, old t-shirt with a stain from who knows what, and an old pair of tennis shoes. Right in the middle of this great home improvement project you realize you need to run to Wal-Mart to get something to help complete the job. Depending on your age you might do the following: In your 20's: Stop what you are doing. Shave, take a shower, blow dry your hair, brush your teeth, floss, and put on clean clothes. Check yourself in the mirror and flex. Add a dab of your favorite cologne because you never know, you just might meet some hot chick while standing in the checkout lane. You went to school with the pretty girl running the register. In your 30's: Stop what you are doing, put on clean shorts and shirt. Change shoes. You married the hot chick so no need for much else. Wash your hands and comb your hair. Check yourself in the mirror. Still got it. Add a shot of your favorite cologne to cover the smell. The cute girl running the register is the kid sister to someone you went to school with. In your 40's: Stop what you are doing. Put on a sweatshirt that is long enough to cover the hole in the crotch of your shorts. Put on different shoes and a hat. Wash your hands. Your bottle of Brute Cologne is almost empty so you don't want to waste any of it on a trip to Wal-Mart. Check yourself in the mirror and do more sucking in than flexing. The spicy young thing running the register is your daughter's age and you feel weird thinking she's spicy. In your 50's: Stop what you are doing. Put a hat on, wipe the dirt off your hands onto your shirt. Change shoes because you don't want to get dirt in your new sports car. Check yourself in the mirror and you swear not to wear that shirt anymore because it makes you look fat. The cutie running the register smiles when she sees you coming and you think you still have it. Then you remember the hat you have on is from your buddy's bait shop and it says, "I Got Worms". In your 60's: Stop what you are doing. No need for a hat anymore. Hose the dog crap off your shoes. The mirror was shattered when you were in your 50's. You hope you have underwear on so nothing hangs out the hole in your pants. The girl running the register may be cute but you don't have your glasses on so you're not sure. In your 70's: Stop what you are doing. Wait to go to Wal-Mart until they have your prescriptions ready too. Don't even notice the dog crap on your shoes. The young thing at the register smiles at you because you remind her of her grandfather. In your 80's: Stop what you are doing. Start again. Then stop again. Now you remember that you needed to go to Wal-Mart. Go to Wal-Mart and wander around trying to think what it is you are looking for. Fart out loud and you think someone called out your name. The old lady that greeted you at the front door went to school with you.
  16. Wow, some really unhappy experiences here. Well, mine is rather upbeat. Although he later became my ex husband (many years after), I was 16, and the boy I wanted to take my virginity was a high school sweetheart, age 17. I just sensed and KNEW that he would be gentle with me, and not hurt me. He was NOT a virgin, yet not overly experienced either. We had tried a couple of times, but either the timing wasn't right, or we got interrupted, so, one night, when we knew his roommate would be gone for the night, we planned it. Condoms at the ready, (I had told him straight out that IF this was going to happen, then we would use condoms) we went in on the bed, lights down low, whispering sweet nothings, and also comforting me, he was very slow and gentle. Not knowing any better, I thought he was HUGE. He may have been about 6 inches, tops. I was so nervous, and concentrating on the pain I knew would come, that I really didn't enjoy it much. I felt the tearing, but it didn't hurt that bad. We had had a lot of foreplay, so I was aroused, to a point, but I was also scared and worried. It wasn't the "dream" night that so many girls wish for, but it was with who I wanted, when I wanted. We even snuggled afterwards, and watched some TV. We had sex several times after that (not that night, I was pleasantly sore, but later on thru the course of the summer), and it was pretty good. But again, I was young and inexperienced. He wasn't an overly good teacher either. But I never regretted my choice, even after our bad relationship, lies, cheating, and divorce. That I could give that kind of pleasure and satisfaction was/is very empowering. I think I was more excited about becoming a "woman" than anything. I was worried that people could "tell" just by looking at me, just a bit, even though I knew that they couldn't see things like that. A couple of boyfriends after being with my first, thought that I would just put out at the drop of a hat since I was no longer a virgin. Needless to say, I had a few very disappointed guys.
  17. Glad you found us, and are starting to take care of yourself too. Welcome, and have fun!
  18. THE INDIAN WITH ONE TESTICLE There once was an Indian who had only one testicle, and whose given name was "One Stone". He hated that name and asked everyone not to call him One Stone. After years and years of torment, One Stone finally cracked and said, "If anyone calls me One Stone again, I will kill them!" The word got around and nobody called him that any more. Then one day a young woman named Blue Bird forgot and said, "Good morning, One Stone". He jumped up, grabbed her and took her deep into the forest where he made love to her all day and all night. He made love to her all the next day, until Blue Bird died from exhaustion. The word got around that One Stone meant what he promised he would do. Years went by and no one dared call him by his given name until a woman named Yellow Bird returned to the village after being away. Yellow Bird, who was Blue Bird's cousin, was overjoyed when she saw One Stone. She hugged him and said, "Good to see you, One Stone". One Stone grabbed her, took her deep into the forest, then he made love >>>>to her all day, made love to her all night, made love to her all the next day, made love to her all the next night, but Yellow Bird wouldn't die! What is the moral of this story????? Oh, come on! Take a guess! Think about it. And the moral is You can't kill two birds with one stone!!
  19. I would probably say that's right. You know, the thing that may turn him on in his fantasy, is such a GOOD fantasy because it's exactly how he wants it (in his mind). So, if the real thing happened, it would never live up to what's been created in his head. I guess it would kinda compare to how something is sooooo hyped up on the TV, or your friends, like the shoes that are just to DIE for! They're hot, cute, affordable, and in style. Everyone has some. You get a pair finally, and they are the most UNCOMFORTABLE pair of shoes ever to torture your fee. Or that restaurant that everyone goes to, cuz it's THE spot, and you hate the food. If he's said he has no interest in trying to make that one come to life, then, again, I would also back off. He also may just like SEEING it happen, but really no interest in FEELING or DOING it either. But, you can always try different things, and other ways of fulfilling other fantasies or new things.
  20. OK, so when did it all begin, your journey into your sexual self? Please, if you feel comfortable doing so, please share with us the story of your first time.
  21. Is it sold on here? I wasn't able to find it.....but that doesn't always mean anything.
  22. I LOVE having my nails painted. It depends on my mood as to what color I will wear. I just LOVE my nails!! I can grow them long, and when they get long, they start curving down a bit, like cat's claws. Meow.....And I shape them rounded. Square nails look funny on me. Probably cuz I'm not use to them. I love how having my nails done (which I do myself) makes my wedding ring look, as well as any other rings I put on that day. Today I painted my long nails a glittery bright red that kinda looks a little "slutty". I love it!!! Plus, I have a couple of coats of clear gloss, just for that shiny effect. They look HOT!! On other women, I love dark polish, or a french manicure with red polish/white tips, with some bling glued on even. Or a nice air-brushed design. Nail polish is one of my few "girlie" fetishes that I indulge. Some women love shoes, others love CLOTHES, I love nail polish!! Guess I'd be considered an "easy-keeper".
  23. LOL!! Just remember, that sex toys are suppose to be fun, as well as pleasurable. I think toy makers use animal shapes to not only make it cute, and appealing for some women that may be shy trying out a sex toy, but also to use the many shapes that these types of toys can give pleasure with. I mean, who can really be intimidated by a small bear, rabbit, or dolphin vibrating madly, just for you!
  24. Welcome!!! Enjoy the site, have fun, and give input too!
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