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Everything posted by Tyger

  1. I guess I can answer my own question now!! Top Cat has great ideas when it comes to the adult toy industry, and these wipes are no exception. The wipes come in baseball card package sized wrappers, with a cute catty cartoon woman on it, so, at a quick glance, one may think they are comic cards, or something similar. Sex toys are an investment into pleasure, and, with investing in items, one must take care to keep them fully functional AND clean. Alcohol free and non-irritating, it’s safe to use on toys, and, if you have to, on yourself as well! I’m not a germ-a-phobe, but I do like my toys to be clean. Who doesn’t? When it comes to personal hygiene, one can never be too careful. I get several of the individual wipes, and decide to try them out. Opening the wrapper was a breeze, since the plastic is a bit easier to tear, and there is a small cut in each wrapper at the top, so you don’t have to worry about trying to open them with your teeth. I notice a nice fresh, clean scent, similar to a baby wipe, upon opening the wrapper. Very nice. They’re also about the same size as baby wipe, just a tad smaller. It’s also very stretchy & soft, which is great for those toys with a bit of different shapes and curves on it. I used it on one of my new toys, I made sure to clean thoroughly, and the wipe held together well, and stayed moist. This impressed me because I used it on a silicone toy with ridges. It left no linty film on the toy either. I left it out for 15 minutes, and the wipe still was moist. Again, I was impressed. These are even safe to use on your skin. They contain aloe, so it’s good for your skin. The wrapper says you can use it on toys before and after use, and to clean yourself up, when soap & water aren’t available. Bonus! This is a must for any toy care kit. Great for those toys you may have tucked away in your purse or briefcase, for those moments when you want that release. Just wipe, and go! Clean them up!
  2. Birthday Reminder This week we celebrate a special birthday. Monica Lewinsky turned 31. Can you believe it? It seems like only yesterday she was crawling around the White House on her hands and knees, and putting everything in her mouth. They grow up so fast, don't they?
  3. I have to agree again with Mikayla. Women really do have a hard time seperating themselves between the differences between sex and love. It's the way we are genetically wired. Does that mean it's impossible? No. Women can do it. I've done it before. But, if you decide to have sex with the same person, even if you're telling yourself & them, over & over, that you don't want to get emotionally involved, you will. Women develop a bond with those she has sex with. I had a FWB, that I thought I could seperate myself from, and ended up breaking it off cuz I was beginning to be emotionally involved with him. I broke my own heart, and, I am beginning to see that he may have had feelings growing too, but, due to our stubborness to actually face facts, we ended up loosing part of our friendship. If you're going to have a one-night-stand, of course, be safe, insist on condoms. Bring some with you wherever you go. It's a neccesity nowadays. But, if you choose to have sex with multiple partners, you will be trying to fill a void that you somehow need filled (and I'm not being sarcastic when I say that). Plus, the damage to your reputation is permanent. It WILL follow you. Guys won't take you seriously, thing of you as just the "Fucking Girl", and it will be extremely hard for you to find a QUALITY relationship. I'm not trying to sound preachy or parental. But I guess I am too. I've been there, done that, have the t-shirt. You and your boyfriend broke up, and that is a painful thing to go thru. You are now sleeping with another guy, repeatedly, and, maybe, just maybe, you are ready to begin anew, and look into the possibility into a relationship with this guy? If you don't think that you're ready to take another plunge into a relationship, stop sleeping with this guy, and just go out and DATE. There is NOTHING wrong with going out to dinner, or a movie, with a guy, and NOT sleep with him afterwards, whether he pays, or you go dutch. Have fun, be SAFE, and get happy. The only way to happiness, is finding out what kind of person YOU are, and what kind of person you would LIKE to be, and make it so. It sounds cliche', but it's true: you can only truly love someone, and have someone truly love you, when you learn to love yourself.
  4. Tyger


    This DVD sounds awesome!!! I have an adult film (on VHS tough), that is also has the story line about a porn star in the business, and it's one of my faves too.
  5. Whiskey, I don't think medevil stuff is silly, or dragons either. LOL I would vote for the coffee pot......although, if you don't wanna get outta bed in the morning for your coffee, that's pretty handy....
  6. Welcome back! I've missed seeing your reviews & chatting with you too. Take some time, catch up on the board, relax, and post when you can. I'm glad you're OK!! *HUGS & SMOOCHES*
  7. Welcome to the forum! I hope you take the time to read a lot of the posts. You will find that you're not the only one dealing with the same thing. Lots of women, myself included, have a hard time getting out of "Mommy Mode" after we have kids. Depending on a bunch of stuff, especially if the mother stays home with the kids, it's hard to relax, and stay awake, after the kids go to bed. Even when both parents are working, it is still hard, but not impossible. It just takes some extra effort. One thing that my hubby has been trying to do, each time he's back from his week-long shift, is have a "date night" with me. It's a wonderful reconnection time for the both of us, and we try very hard not to talk about our daughter (for the most part). And it makes us feel a bit closer. Always a bonus for those times where you want to feel more intimate. Happy reading & posting!
  8. It's a definitely interesting looking toy. I'm glad it worked for you! Thanks for the great review!!
  9. I would LOVE to get a tubal. People think I'm crazy for only wanting one child (especially here in the south). Having chronic bouts of sistitus, which is a severe form of a bladder infection, having a herpes break out every darn month, and then I had a sem-hard time with my recouperation time after delivering our daughter via c-section. I didn't have an overly HARD pregnancy, in comparison to some other women I know, but it was very uncomfortable. I really couldn't ENJOY it much. It took me literally 6 weeks to be able to sit up on my own, out of bed. Until that time, I had to sleep in a recliner. I did try very hard to get up and move around, but I had slightly tore some of my internal stitching near the surface, and it caused me great pain. Personally, I don't want to go thru that, breast feeding, or doing most of it alone (hubby worked long hours, so I am not criticizing him at all. This allowed me to stay home with her). My husband has a death-fear of needles. Plus, he had to have surgery on his penis as a child, so he absolutely refuses to go have a vascectomy. I think he personally has a slight wish for me to change my mind, but I won't. Everyone's like, "Oh, just wait a couple of years. When your child goes to school, you'll want another one". Well, it's coming time for our daughter to go to Pre-K, and I am looking forward to going back to work, having some well-desevered ME time. Plus, I am thoroughly enjoying spending some time with our daughter, teaching her, and seeing her grow. Being able to expand what we're able to do more and more with her. Please don't misunderstand, our daughter was very planned, we love her very much, and I don't regret having her at any time. I just know my limits, and ONE child is mine. I am a big enough woman to admit that. When we get signed up for health insurance, I plan on getting an IUD. Hubby doesn't really want me too, but, I am tired of using condoms and foam all the time, and I truly believe that fear of pregnancy is a deep reason why my sex drive isn't overly high. If it's something you really want to do, for whatever reason, then I would say go for it. It's a basic, every day procedure, that is really safe, so I would say then you should do what you want to do.
  10. Welcome to the forum. I hope you're able to find some useful information here. Cruise the forums, read away, there's lots of helpful tips, opinions, and even some good clean debating going on. Best Wishes.
  11. So, what is the silliest thing you have in your bedroom? I have several "silly" things, which are slowly getting weeded out, phased out, passed on, or moved somewhere else. I have an honest to goodness disco ball (on my side of the room) just to tease hubby with, since he says I am stuck in the 80's. I also added another tease~a lava lamp, but not just ANY lava lamp, one from Spencer's. They just have THE BEST lava lamps!! I also have my Lion King & Catwoman collection in there as well. Plus, about 10-15 stuffed animals that I just CAN"T seem to part with. I had more, but my daughter has slowly kidnapped them.
  12. It looks as if the bullet powering the vibe is in the tip of the toy, am I right? So, there are strong vibes in it? Did it give you a "swirly", in a good way?
  13. My hubby loves seeing me eat bananas and popsicles. I know, terribly unoriginal, but he's working on it. I dunno why he shudders when I eat a full pickle though!
  14. Sounds very interesting. Thanks!!
  15. You can almost be guaranteed that anything Jenna Jameson puts her name on WILL work! I'm glad this toy worked for you. NasToys seem to use a universal type controller too. That lil bullet may plug into other types of controllers. Which is GREAT if one dies on ya! Great review!!
  16. Val, you do usually get my little puns......
  17. Yes, I broke a metal bed, and not with my weight, I broke the weld on one of those foldable futon bed thingies. I was, um.....having a REALLY good time. Hubby brags about it still.
  18. There's a section for Adult DVD Reviews in this section too. Please post DVD reviews there, and, again, link and pics are always helpful. You'll get use to it all. Ice man? Hmmmm, very intriguing!! I love variety in the porn that I watch, thanks for the great info!
  19. Unfortunately, those things happen with anything electronic. Contact Meg, and she can send you a replacement to retry. Thankfully, a lot of sleeves can be used on different vibrators, or, if you have a toy with the same type of bullet, you can just switch it to the other one that works. But, you're right, if you're looking for something new that doesn't work, then it's best to get something that will. Thanks for the info! I had been looking at this item myself.
  20. Great review. Just a tip, please post the link to the item, as well as a picture of it on the review, so that other readers can see what the item looks like, and can get to the Product Page for easy ordering. Thanks!
  21. There are several items that fit that description, would you be able to narrow it down so somebody could find it? We'd love to know what worked for you!
  22. I love the beads!!!!! Great review! Thanks for the info!
  23. OMG Patty! Your Avatar made me do a double take (I'm sure that was the intention)!!! I love it!! Great review!!! I love the color of the vibe too. Interesting....like a peacock...
  24. I got the pic on here for ya. Maybe the toy wasn't long or firm enough for you? It looks cute at least. Sorry it didn't work out.
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