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Everything posted by Tyger

  1. Sometimes you feel like a nut…sometimes ya don’t.. Sorry, I couldn’t resist. But that’s exactly what I thought when I pulled out my newest fuschia dildo made by Penthouse! Made with a smooth gelatin rubber, and has an E-Z Bend feature, allowing the shaft of this toy to be bent in a variety of angles for the ultimate O. You can have the regular straight shaft, or make it into a G-Spot toy, or give it just a slight curve to it. And it’s really easy to bend. It’s also water friendly! It also has a handy-dandy wrist strap, so you don’t have to worry about dropping your slippery friend. This toy is NOT for beginners! It even looks intimidating there in the package The total length is 9”, however, please take into consideration the shaft that goes inside you is only 5.5”. The rest is handle. But it is 1.50’ in diameter. It has mounds all along the main shaft too. More stimulation....promising! Washing it off, the rubbery odor went almost away, it wasn’t bad for my overly sensitive sense of smell. And it wasn’t overly tacky after washing it either. Very cool! So, while hubby’s away, me & the Mounds will play! I bend it into a g-spot toy at first, lubed it up, put the band around my wrist, and started teasing myself with it. Adding to the benefits, the mounds really feel good against my lips & clit. Shortly, I slowly ease it inside of me, feeling each mound going in, and the sensation was awesome! I used it as a g-spot toy, but, if you push against the curve/bend you add to this toy, it does bend back slightly, so you can’t really push hard against your g-spot, if that’s what you like & need. So I straightened it just a bit, and kept thrusting. This toy is big enough for me to feel very full. And we all know that I just LOVE feeling full! Plus, the way the base is made, it’s very easy to hang on to, and easy to thrust as well. No worrying about loosing my rhythm by dropping or loosing my grip! Another bonus in my book! And the pliable rubbery material feels SO good!! So good, in fact, that, with minimal clit stimulation, the mounds, fullness, and feeling I got when using this toy, I was cumming in very little time! I was pretty impressed with this toy. Though, it didn't have the pressure I need to have a G-spot O, the fullness and mounds of this toy make it a great addition to moderate-expert level toy users, and I will definitely be using this one again! Can you handle Mounds of Joy? UPDATE: Last night, hubby was home and looking at the array of toys, and decided to use the Mounds Of Joy on me. He LOVED playing with the different positions that it bent into, that it was so basic, didn't have to worry about knobs, buttons, or anything else. & loved watching it go in and out of me, seeing each mound slowly thrust in & out. He also liked the ease that it went in as well. In fact, he drove me crazy using that, and his tongue to bring me over the edge more than once!!
  2. I shave every other day or so. My hair tends to grow rapidly too (damnit), and could stand to be shaved everyday. But I like to give my skin some time to replenish some oils so my skin won't totally dry out. Though, today, after using the Coochy Cream, I don't feel dry!! Howard was right on when he said to get at least a triple blade razor, don't press down hard, and don't try getting all the hair off in one swipe. Think of it as leveling...go slow, but steady. I usually use some moisturizing conditioner (yes, for hair on the head) when I shave, and I use it on my legs, as well as my "coochy". It softens it, and helps moisturize my skin as well.
  3. So far, one of the oddest fetishes I've heard of, is when people dress up in like mascot costumes, and "mate" like the animal that they are. I've heard of gross ones too, but I just don't wanna go there!
  4. Yes, it can be a nice ego boost/power trip knowing your breasts can have so much power over your man!! My man is a breast man, and he loves doing that. He's never gonna meet Mikayla! Just kidding hon!!
  5. Well, I've been shaving my "coochy" (gotta love that word!!), for about 14 yrs now, so I am pretty experienced when it comes to manuvering a razor around there. Did I cut myself in the beginning, yes, but not badly. I suggest you either take a warm bath or hot shower, allowing your hair to soften before trying. Using something like this, which is specially designed for that area, is a good idea. I have sensitive/dry skin, so I've tried hundreds of products out there!! You do have to be careful, and not afraid to move some parts around. But, using some sort of lotion or shaving cream is best (not soap, it tends to try your skin out, and that can cause bumps). The first few times you shave, expect some blood (probably like the first time you shaved your legs). And a cool feeling after you shave. The skin there is use to being covered with hair, so the exposure will feel different. You may get bumbs the first few times, or, you may not. Both are normal. If I use a duller razor, I still get bumps! Or I will nick myself. Which does sting, but pretty much like a nick on your legs. Especially after you get use to shaving, it's really no big deal. Just be careful, and use lots of lotion the first few times!
  6. Yes, yes I do like the word "coochy".
  7. Wow! I just found a new shaving cream that is on my “Gotta Have” list!! I got the small sample size from one of the contests that TooTimid was having, and I just had to try this stuff out. I got the Pear Berry scent, 1 oz sample size. I know this was a freebie, and I didn't HAFTA review it, but I really wanted too! I drew myself a nice hot bath, got a new razor ready, and soaked for a bit. I shaved my legs first, letting the hair on my “coochy” to soften more. I applied this stuff all over my “coochy”. A little goes a long way! Anyway, the scent wasn’t overpowering at all, and it felt satiny soft on my skin. My razor glided smoothly over my skin, and felt really good. After I had gotten all the nooks and crannies, I rinsed off, and got out of the tub. Pat-drying, I touched my “coochy” and it was sooo soft! No nicks or cuts either! It was awesome! I can’t wait to have my hubby feel my smooth & soft “coochy”! Get a soft Coochy
  8. I would also suggest that whomever is going to be the recipient of the anal play, try and go to the bathroom before hand. Maybe wait a few hours before engaging in anal play. I know you can't always "go" when you want, but I would try. Most likely, there will be some slight "residue" on whatever you use to insert up into your anus. That's normal. It's not like it gets coated with it (unless you haven't gone to the bathroom for a while) or anything. Remember, never "double-dip", aka put a toy, finger, or penis up in your anus, and then insert it vaginally, unless it's washed before it goes into the vagina, or the condom is removed from the toy. You don't want to get a bacterial infection. And, as always: USE LOTS OF LUBE!!
  9. Tyger

    So Funny...

    OMG!! I loved the ultimate rejection/masturbation one!!!
  10. The first time I did this, I was kinda like "is this REALLY getting him off?" Then splut splut splut all over my chest and face. Yep, sure did. And I got off knowing my breasts had that much affect on him! Now, I know how to do this rather well. Use lube, squeeze your breasts together a bit tighter, licking nipples, men LOVE it.
  11. My husband has pretty much said, verbatum, what Mikayla said. Sometimes, he'll masturbate in the shower (about the only private place around between our daughter and pet's eyes!! LOL), just for that quick release. Even while I'm awake!! If it continues to be a trend, and he becomes more neglectful, then I would talk to him about it. Otherwise, most men do masturbate, even if they have a willing partner.
  12. Wow? All I will add to this, is that the Kama Sutra originates from India, and that it's been around for centuries, and compiled in the 4th century. The U.S is a relatively "young" country, only being around for a few hundred years, so, U.S. prostitutes probably haven't come up with many original sexual ideas. The timeline favors the K.S.
  13. Bonus!! In one of your favorite colors too!! Was there a strong smell to it? Was it tacky after washing? Just curious....
  14. I had a semi-difficult after-math from giving birth to our daughter. I had her via c-section, and I was also breastfeeding. I took a loooooong time to heal (I think I pulled at a stitch or something). So sex, for us, was held off for about 4 months!! Then I had another health issue, making sex painful. I am one of those extreme cases! LOL It was very hard for us to reconnect. What made me feel more open to my hubby was when he took over baby duty for me for even just the shortest time. Allowing me some time to take a shower alone, or better yet, a hot bath with my tub spa thing.....ah.....it was so nice!! Showing your GF that you care about her as a person that may need some time for herself, and trying to make time for you too, is a great way to try and reconnect. Maybe even allowing her to go to the store by herself, and spending some Daddy time with the baby, will probably make her feel a bit warmer to you. I know it does me (still). Or even a good back/shoulder/foot rub, just to show her that you want her to feel comfortable. A lot of men have a tendancy to feel almost jealous of their child after (s)he is born. It may sound silly, but the guy does get left behind a bit, since the mother now has to tend to the needs of a little person that can't take care of themselves at all. It's common and perfectly natural to feel that way too. Date night sounds fun. I'm sure the grandparents would be willing to spend a couple of hours alone with the new grand-baby. Good luck, and I hope that you're able to have some fun together, whether it involves sex or not.
  15. Welcome and I hope you have fun with the site!!
  16. Ok, I just don't really understand that at all....could you be a bit clearer please?
  17. Welcome! I'm glad you found the site so interesting, and look forward to reading some of your responses and experiences!
  18. I, personally, like this lube. We use it often, when we have it. I use this, and Astroglide as well. I've never had much of a problem with it evaporating as quickly, but I am generous with any lube I use. But, I will agree that the bottle needs a little more "give" to it. The bottle being as small as it is, is probably one of the reasons that it's so stiff. Or the cap, I'm not sure. But it's hard to get out, and the cap's hole doesn't seem to have the opening it needs to get out in a reasonable amount, without some serious squeezing either. I hope you're able to have better results! But, with every person, comes different preferences. P.S. BTW this was my 1000th post!!!!
  19. Now, I'm just going by MY past experience, but, yes, it feels very good for a man to have his perenium (sp) rubbed, and pressed against. But it's not the same as having you stimulate him anally. That's just what I've experienced with a few lovers.
  20. It could be many things. Such as diet. Fruits & veggies tend to make some people a bit more gassy. In others, it's red meat. Dairy can be a culprit too. It depends on how your body processes food. Have you noticed a pattern in your gass-iness? Is there pain? The pressure of you being on top, and his penis inside you, pressing against some of your insides may just push the gas out. If this is getting bothersome, you could try some anti-gas stuff before your meals that you think may be causing the gas. Like Bean-o. Or, modifying your diet, seeing which food does what. Chances are, he's noticed, and is being nice about it. Who says chivalry is dead? Usually, I am all for honesty in the bedroom, but, in this case, if he isn't saying anything, I wouldn't either. Just try to find out what makes you more gassy, and either eliminate it, or limit its consumption.
  21. Sorry to hear that these were a Wipe Out. I couldn't resist!!
  22. So, for the men or women, do you like looking/reading at adult magazines, including the "girlie" ones? I love looking at "girlie" mags, as well as read those "Forum Letters" ones. I keep telling hubby to go and get some new "girlie" mags, since I can't usually, cuz I have our 4 yr old daughter with me the majority of the time!!
  23. I have to agree with the other posters. If your hubby doesn't know that you're finding affection elsewhere, then yes, it is cheating. However, your husband and your friend (which, IMO is a BIIIIIG no-no, flirting, cybering, or anything else sexual for that matter, with a friend's SO) know about it, & they don't seem to let it bother them, then it's not cheating.
  24. How does this grab you? HELL NO!!! I don't want my husband going ANYWHERE else for any sort of sexual release, especially to another woman! And, if I want to learn new/different sexual techniques, I will come here! Actually, for those women who are scared of the internet, or coming to a "sex site", there are also lots of books out there. Plus, friends can be fun to quiz. Talking about sex is almost (I said almost) as fun as having sex!! Think of all the info, and laughs you could have! IMO, and from some prostitutes I have spoken with, their sexual repoirte' so to speak, is mostly to get the guy off as quickly as they can, so they can get it over with, and then off to another john. Where's the fun in learning that? Plus, why waste the money on a hooker, when you can go to almost any bar, and pick up someone for a quickie, or one night stand....for free? I mean, there's the same amount of risk, and that is LEGAL.
  25. OMG!! Ball scratcher!! My husband would burn several of those out!!!!!
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