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Everything posted by Tyger

  1. Welcome, welcome! I can tell by your post that this has been bothering you for quite a while now, as well it should. Many couples, finding the day-to-day stresses of life in general, find that sex sometimes takes a back burner. And many couples are not on the same "sex schedule". So, you aren't alone. However, him falling asleep because "he's just so comfortable with you" while you're obviously making an effort to Get It On, isn't a good thing, and that's a load of BS for an excuse, IMO. And him just laying there, and not showing any effort in pleasing you, basically being a live dildo, isn't a good thing either. It's very hard to confront anyone with problems in the bedroom. Especially those of which who are gifted in the art of making the other person feel responsible. That person tries to make themselves feel and look better by turning everything around on the actual person getting hurt. And, it's unfair. It's also hard to try and have a constructive conversation with such a person. Such a person is a control freak, and likes to have things done on their terms, on their time. And if it's inconvenient to them, they WILL let you know, in any way possible. Usually, the most hurtful. But, if you truly care for this guy, and want to make the relationship work, then an effort has to be made. You have one step-up than a lot of others. You are aware of the type of person he really is. You know what will get him into that mode. So, as such, you need to create a dialogue that will fit his style of thinking, and twisting. Write it down if you have too. Put your thoughts and feelings down on paper. Have that with you as you speak to him. That way, you can stay focused and on track. Making him feel less attacked is going to be tricky. But using general statements, such as "I've noticed that we haven't...." Or, "why hasn't this happened?" Now sticking with not saying "you" is almost impossible, and takes effort. But he should also be aware of what he's doing that makes you feel bad. As well as you fully acknowledging your faults as well. Try not to dwell on one particular issue. State your case, what you've thought of as a solution, and move on. It may take several conversations, or you may just want to lay all of your cards out on the table. I hope this has helped a bit. Good luck to you!
  2. (I got some Viva cream in with one of the TT toys, and it was awesome!!) OK, as for me, I have always been pretty forthcoming (imagine that) when it comes to me liking toys. My 4th boyfriend ever, decided he wanted to give me something fun, and gave me one of those basic vibrators, my first ever, and I've been hooked ever since. I usually broach the subject by "jokingly" pointing out sex shops, and then getting them to go in (usually I am driving, and KNOW I am going to go in, but they have no clue where I truly intend to go). We end up buying something, a toy or video. Then, it progresses from there.
  3. You can always squat on your man, like a frog, and bounce up and down that way. It takes a lot of leg muscle control (great work out too!).
  4. How awesome!! I bet you never, in your wildest dreams, thought you'd do that!! Hmm.....I may need to go do some more shopping.....
  5. Maybe a bit of both would help?
  6. Like I said in your first review post, welcome finally!! It's great to hear a man's POV when it comes to all sorts of sex toys, whether they be for the woman, or for the man. In some cases, for both! With your obvious writing eloquence, you'll be a much enjoyed, and probably envied, member & contributor!
  7. Here comes lithe, limber, little Vivid Girl, Tawny, in a story of a porn star (who’s name, ironically, is Tawny), that tries to find happiness, but can never seem to seal the deal, well, at least marriage wise! She meets up with a big fan (in more ways than one), and they get all the way to the altar, but he walks out on her. And, to make herself feel better, she has sex, sex, and more sex! She just couldn’t seem to get enough, and neither could her friends, either. They all just seem to go crazy for sex, anytime, anywhere. They literally have their cake & eat it too! During one steamy scene, involving Tawny and another girl, her fiance’ seems to be off in another world, as the 2 girls get it on orally, with fingers, and the use of a very cool looking dual-action vibe!! He seems unimpressed, bored, and just blah, where they’re having tons of exciting action! I must admit that the limo scene is my fave! The plot is loosely followed, but the steamy action surely makes up for that! There are several different angles, and different positions to choose from, so choosing a fav and then going back to it over and over again, is easy with your DVD remote. Lots of famous bodies are in this film, and, as always, give great performances! Plus, all of the other extras on this DVD will prove to be entertaining, as well as exciting, over and over again! Will Tawny ever find happiness? Or just a good fuck? You decide…. Is she Unlovable?Find out if she truly IS Unlovable
  8. Welcome to the forum!! I must say that this is an opposite post for a man! Usually, it's how to get a man to last longer! Well, there are some questions that should be answered before we can really give you a good possible answer. Like, do you and your wife use condoms? Or desensitizing creams? Or any sort of birth control? If it's "male" birth control (condoms), that could be some of it. When she's getting sore, and probably dry, do y'all use lube? I strongly recommend using lube whenever possible. There's nothing wrong with using it. It also may help make your penis feel a bit more. Sometimes smokers, having more constricted blood vessels, have a bit more trouble orgasming, or so I've read. Diet, exercise, and over all health also contributes to orgasm potential. You also may just be concentrating so much on either maintaining an erection, not hurting & pleasing your wife (which is NOT a bad thing), and not relaxing, that your body blocks your ability to orgasm readily. Remember to keep it fun. Laugh, enjoy the sensations. And, maybe one night, tell her that you want to be able to "get yours" to see if you can cum quicker, without having to worry about hurting her. Maybe masturbate infront of her, or have her orally stimulate (BJ) you until you cum. If it's truly an issue, then I would suggest talking with a urologist. They may be able to give you more educated answers. I hope this helps a bit.
  9. So, did you sneak in that trusty little bullet? Did you let them "catch" you with your fav dildo? Did you introduce them, and let them get aquainted? Did you give it as a gift? Tell us, how'd ya do it?
  10. Welcome to the forum, and you sure have a lot of issues with your GF! I agree with Mikayla, in that you seem a bit more vested in this relationship that your GF is. And disagree with your GF. Someone has either hurt her (which she may not even remember), or she's lying about possible hurt/abuse. And, to me, she seems some what manipulative, if she starts crying when confronted with anything negative, or if someone is trying to help her. She avoids the issues, that only she knows about. I'm assuming she's about your age? If so, she still seems like she has a lot of growing up to do. She is holding herself back as a normal adult, and she's also holding you back as well. Her refusal to try counselling with you is not a good sign. She needs to figure out what is wrong with her, since, you've obviously put so much time & effort to try and please her, and help her, to no avail. She can't heal if she won't face up to the problem. And only SHE can do that. Only SHE can truly WANT to do so. If she doesn't, then things will continue to be in this sexually frustrating circle. True sexual satisfaction comes from both partners willing to share themselves completely, learn and teach sexually, and have fun!! It sounds like she doesn't even want sex!! And if she's frustrated cuz she can't orgasm, well, it IS really because she can't relax and see it as adult play! Sex should never ever be a chore. I am not suggesting that you leave her either, but, to be fair to yourself, you need to ask yourself, how much more are you going to do? What more CAN you do? Are there things you haven't tried? You are really holding yourself back, and she isn't helping herself, so I guess what you really need to do, is figure out how much more the both of you are going to take. Some kind of action needs to be done. It depends on what KIND of action though. Think about what's best for YOU AND for HER. Best wishes to the both of you.
  11. HOSPITAL CHART BLOOPERS (Actual writings from hospital charts) 1. The patient refused autopsy. 2. The patient has no previous history of suicides. 3. Patient has left white blood cells at another hospital. 4. She has no rigors or shaking chills, but her husband states she was very hot in bed last night. 5. Patient has chest pain if she lies on her left side for over a year. 6. On the second day the knee was better and on the third day it disappeared. 7. The patient is tearful and crying constantly. She also appears to be depressed. 8. The patient has been depressed since she began seeing me in 1993. 9. Discharge status: Alive but without permission. 10. Healthy appearing decrepit 69-year old male, mentally alert but forgetful. 11. Patient had waffles for breakfast and anorexia for lunch. 12. She is numb from her toes down. 13. While in ER, she was examined, x-rated and sent home. 14. The skin was moist and dry. 15. Occasional, constant infrequent headaches. 16. Patient was alert and unresponsive. 17. Rectal examination revealed a normal size thyroid. 18. She stated that she had been constipated for most of her life, until she got a divorce. 19. I saw your patient today, who is still under our car for physical therapy. 20. Both breasts are equal and reactive to light and accommodation. 21. Examination of genitalia reveals that he is circus sized. 22. The lab test indicated abnormal lover function. 23. Skin: somewhat pale but present. 24. The pelvic exam will be done later on the floor. 25. Patient has two teenage children, but no other abnormalities
  12. Anything going in & out of your mouth can create some irritation, no matter if it's smooth or not. There can be several explanations as to the burning. Some of which include the suggestions already given. Also, if your man ate something that you're allergic too, that may cause a slight allergic reaction. Also, if you're starting to get a cold or sore throat, the salt in the semen may cause it to burn a bit. Give yourself a rest, and let your throat fully heal, then try try try again!
  13. Tyger


    Yes, I have noticed this, and am also worried, though, also, not for myself, since I know better, but for those who are young, and are also trying anal play out for the first time.
  14. The ones I tried (also years ago) had a funny taste to them, and also left a residue on my skin, as well as an after-taste, was this the case here too?
  15. Great review!! My hubby has a Pleasure Pal, which is probably a step or 2 below what you got, but he seems to like it well enough. IT does the job at least!! I love your little "Dill Doe" BTW!! LMAO! And, I am one of those blessed with an extremely warped sense of humor and imagination, and I can just see the "disembodied pussy" kinda floating around like a ghost! Sorry, that's just me, a sick and twisted kinda gal, that loves every warped minute of her insanity! LMAO~ Also, it's great to get a man's opinion on toys as well. As of right now, I think you are now the 3rd guy here as a reviewer! Though, most adult toys are women oriented, it's great to hear how a couple or even a male sex toy works, and how the MAN enjoyed (or not) a certain toy. So, welcome, and I'm looking forward to seeing more reviews!
  16. Makes ya wanna be bad!
  17. I had my daughter (via c-section) 4 yrs ago, and they told me 6-8 weeks for healing time. But my OB/GYN had told me before we knew I needed a c-section that we should wait 6 weeks before having intercourse, to allow the female body to fully recoup. I don't know of many mothers (IME) that have actually waited that long, but I would strongly suggest that new mothers listen to their doctor for things like that. I was told no driving for that time too, but that was with a c-section. So, as far as driving goes, I think so long as you can get up and pee on your own, and have your reflexes, I think they say you can drive. But that I'm not sure about.
  18. She was in the kitchen preparing to boil eggs for breakfast. He walked in. She turned and said, "You've got to make love to me this very moment." His eyes lit up and he thought, "This is my lucky day." Not wanting to lose the moment, he embraced her and then gave it his all, right there on the kitchen table. Afterwards she said,"Thanks," and returned to the stove. More than a little puzzled, he asked,"What was that all about?" She explained, "The egg timer's broken."
  19. OMG!! Thanks for sharing those!! Some of those really made me LOL!!! I love Barbara Bush's, and always love Robin Williams. Rod Steward's solution is very cute too!!
  20. Congrats!! I wish you little morning sickness (even though you're probably passed that stage), no stretch marks, and many empty calories!! And, of course, a healthy baby boy!!
  21. *sung as Elvis* I wann-ah be you-r Teddy Bear!! Thank ya, thank ya very muuuuch!!! Wow, great review!! It was a dial controller, right?
  22. First off, welcome, and know that there ARE NO dumb questions! Having never dissected a vibe, and not knowing about the full anatomy of a vibrator, but some, I will try and answer your question. As for the cords, well, they are tiny, but usually molded INTO the toy, plus have a rubbery or plastic coating around the cords, to give it a bit more strenth to it. Plus, a lot of toys are water-proof, so the molding is key there as well. I personally have never had a cord pop out on any of my toys. If anything happens, causing the untimely death, it's usually due to worn/faulty mechanisms, not the cord. Understand that the cord is not really meant to be the "handle" of the toy. Yes, you can place a bullet up inside a woman (or rectum of either sex), and that is usually pretty stationary, for the most part, then you can slowly ease it out using the cord, until you see the toy, then grabbing a hold of the toy, and removing it the rest of the way. As for other toys, like vibrating dildos and such, those are usually meant to be grabbed at the base of the toy itself. NOT by the cord. Think of it as a regular power cord to a lamp, or other appliance. You've always been told never to yank the cord, same goes for sex toys. But the cords are fairly sturdy, and are designed to have some tugging done. I just wouldn't recommend it too much. Toy manufacturers get out of any sort of liability, whether it be cords or whatever, just by printing "SOLD AS NOVELTY ONLY". So far, I haven't heard of a sex toy actually causing pain, or getting accidentally lodged somewhere that it can't be retrieved from. Though it's probable it has happened, but rare. The battery power of a toy with a cord, if the cord comes loose or broken, would stop the current, so shock, however slight it would be, probably wouldn't happen. A little bit of awareness should be used when using toys. Checking for frayed cords (if any are frayed, throw the toy away), battery health (no oxidaton or leaky batteries), and making sure that the casing, if there is any, on the toy, is still OK (no rips, tears, or holes). If you find anything wrong with a toy, for safety sake, just throw it away. I hope this helps.
  23. WOOT!! I love glass dildos!!! This one looks waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay desireable!!!!
  24. One of the reasons that *most* cockrings take watch batteries is for the weight placed on the cock & that the bullets on/in them aren't that big. As with all toys that take batteries, battery life depends on the length of time used, type of battery (cheap usually don't last as long) and size of the battery. Plus, the actual bullet used to make it vibrate. Some drain the power faster than others. If you're worried about finding the batteries, in my experience, they take one of the most common watch/toy (like children's toy) batteries, and easy to find. Just take the batteries out, take them with you, in a baggie or something, and match the size. Or write down the battery code on the "base" of the battery. Nobody is going to know what you're looking for batteries for, so not to worry. As for the length of time, well, putting on a cockring, for easiest slip-on, you want to put it on before he gets rock hard. Especially if the cockring is a bit snug. I would suggest using a little lube on the ring itself, for easier sliding. If he gets too uncomfortable, or it becomes painful, remove it ASAP. They shouldn't hurt. It is a different feeling that, if he's never had one on, he may find odd, but not painful. Val's right, about 20-30 min is ideal, as far as lenght of time, from my experience. Enjoy and have fun!!!
  25. I was skeptical at how well this toy would hold its shape, but I'm glad to hear that it does! Even with thrusting and such. How hard was it to bend in place? Glad to hear it worked so well!!!
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