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Everything posted by Tyger

  1. A distinguished young woman on a flight from Switzerland asked the Priest beside her, "Father, may I ask a favor?" "Of course. What may I do for you?" "Well, I bought an expensive woman's electronic hair dryer for my mother's birthday that is unopened and well over the Customs limits, and I'm afraid they'll confiscate it. Is there any way you could carry it through Customs for me? Under your robes perhaps?" "I would love to help you, dear, but I must warn you: I will not lie." "With your honest face, Father, no one will question you." When they got to Customs, she let the priest go ahead of her. The official asked, "Father, do you have anything to declare?" "From the top of my head down to my waist, I have nothing to declare." The official thought this answer strange, so asked, "And what do you have to declare from your waist to the floor?" "I have a marvelous instrument designed to be used on a woman, but which is, to date, unused." Roaring with laughter, the official said, "Go ahead, Father." Next!
  2. OK, then HAPPY 38th ANNIVERSARY of your 21st birthday!!
  3. OMG!!! #4 made me laugh SOOO hard!!! Thanks for that luvie, I needed it!!!!
  4. I still like MY science of measuring cocks, horribly unoriginal, but it works: Small Medium and, of course OH MY GOD!!!!
  5. Some family doctors are a bit uncomfortable with talking about sexual issues, cuz they're use to dealing with the flu, shots, scrapes, follow ups, and so on. Sad, but, in my experience, true. I would suggest that you talk with the doctor that is treating your Fibromialga, or your GYNO about it. They hear it all!! From STD's, period issues, smells, bacterial, and the dreaded ANUAL EXAMS. So, that doctor should be able to get you information directly FROM studies pertaining to their specialty faster, and without any discomfort on either side.
  6. Happy birthday *imagine that said in my most sexiest Maraline Monroe voice*
  7. Welcome to the forum!! I love seeing all the new people coming in here!! How fun! New "blooooood"! Well, I reviewed one Dual Action Rabbit, but it definitely was NOT quiet. However, I remember Mikayla reviewing one not too long ago, and she said that hers was fairly quiet.......here's the link to the review for ya: Dual action review by Mikayla Now, there are several items that are dual actions out there. If you're in the market...go up to the little box up at the top right side, where it says Enter Product Search Here....and type in Dual Action. You will get lots of choices!!! Good luck!
  8. Now, mind you, I am posting MY opinions, from MY past experiences, ok? Well, if you've truly done all you can do in your relationship (I'm assuming that ALL YOU CAN DO includes marriage counseling as well), and he's just NOT getting it, it's called TRIAL SEPERATION. Sometimes they work, showing the couple what they've been missing. When in a relationship for a long time, things can get monotonous, and people take each other for granted. Other times, a trial seperation shows the couple that it's just time for the relationship to end, exposing aspects of life that you may have forgotten is out there. It's a hard thing to do, and hard thing to actually face. Begging. pleading, talking until you're blue in the face, crying, demanding, bitching, frantic sex, witholding sex, huffing, puffing, and practically blowing the house down.....well, there's gotta be a line drawn in the sand somewhere, even if you have kids, where you need to put your foot down and tell him and yourself that you deserve better. You deserve to be treated the way you want to be treated, not how he feels you're just OK with. I did so with my ex. He just didn't see that not only was he taking advantage of a substantial inheritance I'd recieved, or that I was extremely tolerant of him and his slacker ways, and that I deserved to have his full attention AND support. At first, I had booted him out due to lack of responsibility to finances. Then I dug deeper, and found overwhelming evidence as to WHY he wasn't paying a lot of attention to me, but lots of cybering on the internet. I knew he wouldn't change, no matter how much we talked. We'd talked A LOT while dating, and even when we were engaged. I told him that I was too old, even in my mid-20's, to play games. He knew from the get-go That I would NOT tolerate cheating, using, or neglecting. He did all 3. He just didn't care about how *I* wanted to be treated. He just cared about a roof over his head, a trophy wife to take to town every so often, and food in the kitchen. Oh hell no......I was doing everything else on my own. I felt, by the time I kicked him out, that he was just taking up space that I could use! And it would cost less financially as well as emotionally. Now, I am not at all saying that your hubby is cheating. This was MY experience. I set boundries a long time ago, that I still adhere to today. Maybe I am a bit overly assertive, (some say a bitch ) but I know what I want, and HOW I will accept being treated. Communication is key. But so is comprehension and actively showing your partner you are willing to give what they want a go, change for the good of the relationship. He may SAY he understands, and he probably DOES understand. But if there's no effort, there's no relationship.
  9. I know I have several items on mine!!! I'm not sure how many yet....I will get back to ya on that though!!
  10. Club Jenna does it again, with another collection of scenes from various Jenna movies. Most of the clips in this one are from, what I like to call “the many Loves of Jenna”. In other words, the most of the titles starts with “Jenna Loves…” Jenna Jameson is a favorite of mine. She just KNOWS how to get down and dirty with men AND women. And, if you LOOOOVE seeing women get it on, and don’t care for any dialog, this DVD is for you! There are a couple of clips with Jenna and a man, but there are more masturbation and woman on woman scenes in this DVD. Me likey! And if you likey too, let me recommend scenes #3 & 10! 2 blonde bombshells getting freaky by a fountain, using mouths and toys in scene 3, and scene 10, Jenna and Nikita get dirty in more ways than one. And, let me just peak your curiosity a bit more by saying that they have a really good use for a power drill! I also liked the scene selection menu. There are 10 scenes, and then you can choose 1 of 3 shots from those scenes to view. This makes finding a favorite scene even that much more easier now. Different angles, and shots. You gotta love having choices!! The blooper clips are cute too. They just seem like they’re having a lot of fun (who wouldn’t!!), and, for me, makes them a bit more on the real side. There’s no dialog in the main part, so it’s not confusing or distracting either. Jazzy and techno music mostly fills the audio space up. I really liked that part. Especially where this is a collection of clips. So, if you like busty women, and a few well-endowed men, steamy sex, and horniness abound, well this film is a must have!! I know that this one will get plenty of viewing. It really got MY juices flowing!!! You'll Love Jenna Too
  11. So, how many of you own blow up dolls? What one(s)? Do you like it? Do tell!
  12. I hope you have a GREAT birthday!!
  13. Welcome!! Many women have this problem. IME, it's largely due to us women not communicating with our partners what we do and don't like. Sometimes its fear of hurting his feelings/ego, other times, it may just be because we don't know HOW to communicate our desires. Verbal and non-verbal cues (like if he's doing something REALLY good with his tongue, grabbing a handful of hair, and pushing him down harder) are important. A good lover for YOU is not born, he is made. Each woman is different in what they like and dislike sexually. Also, relaxation is important as well. If you're stressing or constantly thinking "I can't orgasm this way.....I can't orgasm this way...." is too much like work. It takes time and patience to teach your mind to just shut up! Also, read the article Howard suggested. It's very very helpful!!
  14. Well, it depends on what you want & like. There are SOOO many choices now, that just saying you want to get a vibrator really gives to broad of a spectrim. Check out the site. Searching can be just as much fun as the actual toy! More and more products are getting reviewed, so you may see what one of our Review Team members has experienced with a toy. Also, I have never come across any company willing to back the products they sell in the adult toy industry, for a full year, as they do here at TooTimid! So, not only are you getting a growing selection, adult forums, but backing of products that normally don't have guarantees after about 10 days! Are you looking for a lot of clit stimulation as well as vaginal? If so, there are dual action vibrators. G-spot? Bullets? Anal stimulation as well as vaginal? Large, small, realistic looking, well, the list goes on and on!! Let us know what you like, then maybe we can help a bit more.
  15. Ok, so curiousity, and wanting to understand what you're going thru made me look up Aspergers. You didn't tell us his degree of this either. I read that there are many degrees of this, and for those who are curious: Qualitative impairment in social interaction, as manifested by at least two of the following: (1) marked impairment in the use of multiple nonverbal behaviors such as eye-to-eye gaze, facial expression, body postures, and gestures to regulate social interaction (2) failure to develop peer relationships appropriate to developmental level (3) a lack of spontaneous seeking to share enjoyment, interests, or achievements with other people (e.g., by a lack of showing, bringing, or pointing out objects of interest to other people) (4) lack of social or emotional reciprocity Asperger's Disorder may not be the only psychological condition affecting a certain individual. In fact, it is frequently together with other problems such as: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD) Depression (Major Depressive Disorder or Adjustment Disorder with Depressed Mood) Bipolar Disorder Generalized Anxiety Disorder Obsessive Compulsive Disorder By no means am I saying that I am now an expert, but I do see a bit more clearly what you are probably experiencing. This is the website I got the info from, for anyone interested in taking more of a look-see too. Aspergers Link
  16. Well, THAT bit of information is a MAJOR revelation. Speaking for myself, and most likely for Howard too, our posts were based on a healthy, "normal" male, so to speak, no offense. In this case, I am assuming you have probably spoken to his doctor about his condition? Possible ways of trying to get him to try different things? I'm not familiar with autism in general, never having experienced anyone close that's dealt with, or had it, so I am not sure exactly what your husband is capable of handling, and what he just CAN'T do. You are probably aware of all of those things, however. You have some serious questions you need to ask yourself. Autism doesn't get better. That I do know. It's sad that you've had to deal with this. But if he just can't help it, there are only a few options for you. Either stay with him, because you really do love him and possibly helping yourself out with some more "self-love" aka masturbation, with toys and such, or, leave him, and find someone you can fully connect with on a more emotional and sexual level. I wish you all the best, and hope you find a solution that is best for everyone.
  17. Just one man, huh? Wow. Have you discussed these things with him? OK, well, I'll do this numerically too. 1) Most likely, you're getting clitorial manual stimulation from his hand, and probably a bit more attention the sensitive nerves withing the first 3" or so inside you. There is nothing wrong with using lubrication to aide in his insertion. Is your hubby well-endowed (big)? The bigger they are, sometimes the more difficult it is to get his penis in. Does he have difficulty getting his penis inside you in every position? Just because you have to use lube, doesn't mean you're not excited. I can NEVER stress this enough!! It also could be the way your vaginal canal is shaped too. Some women are more tipped than others. There is nothing wrong with that, every woman is different. 2) The time it takes to put his penis inside you, with lube or natural wetness varies per lovemaking session. Sometimes it just slips right in, real slick. Other times, the man can tease you by putting it in torturously slow. If there is pain, even after you use lubrication, talk to your OB/GYN about it. Right after I had my daughter, I had a spot right inside of my vagina that stayed dry, and ripped each and every time we had sex. Even with the use of lube (but it did help). I can't remember what my GYN told me it was, but there is a cream that they can prescribe to help clear that up. Sex shouldn't be painful. And I would also suggest that you relax when it's time for him to enter you. After all these years, you're probably tensing up, knowing that it's gonna hurt, and that can also be part of your problem. Just give yourself over to the feelings of his stimulation and love. And, try to get into the habit of slow, deep breathing. It really does help. 3) There is no typical time limit to having sex, IMO. It depends on the mood. Sometimes quickies can be boom boom Aaaaaaahhhh, that quick. I've had sex sessions lasting up to 10 hours (with a few breaks after cuming in between). The man has to learn to control his cumming. This takes practice to do. It sounds like your husband hasn't practiced that at all. He should be able to go for longer than that. If he can't, he should be able to get it back up.......leading us to: 4)Men can have more than one orgasm. How hard and fast can vary depending on age, stress, physical condition....lots of things can make a difference. The older a man gets, it can take him a little longer to "regroup" so to speak, but after a few minutes of relaxing, maybe some oral lovin', he should be able to get his soldier to stand at attention, though it may not be as hard as it was the first time, but close. As far as what you read in erotica. Sometimes it can be how they describe. Authors also have a tendancy to use many adjectives, trying to excite and captivate their readers. I don't think I've ever heard of someone loosing their virginity as explosive, easy, and simple as I have read in romance novels. However, I have experienced the racing pulse, heavy breathing, muscle spasms....and yes, the heaving bossom. Each person reacts differently to sex, though the workings & parts are basically the same. It sounds to me, like you and your hubby need to take some long needed time to explore each other, finding out what truly excites you. On a woman, the clit is the major "Magic Button" that usually sends her off into Orgasm Land. I get off very easily by clitorial stimulation. I really really get off by having strong clit action and a full feeling, whether it be my hubby's large penis, or a large dildo/vibrator. Stimulation of other body parts vary by person. Some women like to have their anus stimulated, or having something put in it, some don't...that sort of thing. Men also can vary in what they like. Nipple nibbling, ball tickling/sucking/licking have (usually) been the things I've come to understand they like. They key to adult sex is to know that it's adult play, not a chore, not something that should hurt, but FUN!! Spontanaety, variety, fun, experimentation, all help in making sex fun! Honest communication is HOW to make sex really work for you. Being honest, and always trying to be kind, is also very important. After all, if he doesn't know he's doing something wrong, or just NOT doing anything for you, how can you expect it to change?
  18. I may have to ge me one of those!!!!!
  19. First, I'm sorry you're having to go thru all of this. But, you aren't alone. Many a woman has been thru this, as have I in the past. I'm going to answer as honestly as I can going from what was posted. First, a question: is he distant from you in other ways too? Does his own thing, doesn't care about what YOU want. does what HE wants, your wants and desires be damned? Does he treat you well, or just as the woman that cleans, cooks, and takes care of things? Your husband is veryselfish. And, he's controlling. He's not willing to listen to you, and gets his way by the Guilt Trips he obviously puts on you. You're feeling unfullfilled because you ARE missing something important to a marriage, feeling connected to your spouse. Feeling loved and treasured. He just wants a Wham-Bam-Thank-You-Ma'am right now. That's not a marriage. That's not healthy for your relationship at all. Of course, liking a good "fuck" every once in a while is normal. Everything doesn't always have to be romantic or planned. It feels good to be naughty and raunchy. But if you're talking in a marriage, and all of the time, no, you're definitely not being treated right at all! It sounds like he HAS trained his body AND mind to like sex one way, HIS. He isn't treating you like his wife, but more like a prostitute, or a one-night stand, IMO. The first step into getting back into the MARRIAGE bed, and not just the fucking bed, is communication. Honest, upfront communication. AWAY from the bedroom. Tell him that you want to talk to him one night. Shut the TV off, radio, kids are in bed-asleep, comfy clothes are on, low lighting-all calming things and no distractions. And tell him your concerns in the most neutral way possible. Don't do the Shame & Blame thing. Using terminology like "I've noticed that we" Use WE a lot. For, I'm sure he has concerns too. Do not be insulting (name calling-that sort of thing). Remind him of how you were when you first got together. Stay calm. If you get all hysterical, it just won't do anyone any good. There will probably be tears. From what I got in your post, at least the tone, your heart is hurting. You feel distanced from him, and you don't like it. Ask him his feelings. "How do you feel about this?" "What can WE do to change this?" If he is unwilling to even listen to your feelings and concerns, then there are some very serious issues, and problems in the marriage that can't be fixed if only one person is willing to try and change. I'm sure this is hard to read, and the thoughts of possible outcomes are scary. But everyone deserves to be happy. I wish you the best of luck.
  20. Tyger


    Well, I asked that question, because, as hard as it may be to hear, his feelings may have changed. As a general rule (to which, I'm sure there are exceptions), humans are a "touchy-feely" species. Touch is almost as important as food and water. Yes, sexual preference changes do occur over time in some people. But that is a major biggie. I don't know of any guys that have loved having their nipples and chest kissed and nibbled on, only not to like it later in life. Unless, of course, he has body image issues, or is trying to hide a possible "gut". but, I guess there is that possibility. I am skeptical, but that's me. I would suggest possibly adding some spontanaiety into your sex life. Instead of doing your normal morning routine, maybe jump in the shower with him. Or, at night, skip the laundry or the dishes, go into your bedroom, put on a nightie, or even one of his big shirts, and teasing him by trying to do some housework that requires A LOT of bending over (letting him see you're either comando, or have a lacey thong on). Hopefully, he'll get the clue, and you'll both have a little more housework to do the next day. But so what?
  21. I do fantasize about one guy when I am masturbating, sometimes. He was also a good friend, still is. But when I'm with hubby, I'm WITH hubby.
  22. So, I got to thinking about this. I was curious to see how many people have told lovers this, and actually MEAN it. I mean, I've said that a couple of times to the men I've been involved with, and, at the time, I meant it. Of course, as time passes, hopefully, lovers gain a better understanding of how their partners react, like, and dislike. They gain experience with being a good lover, so long as their lovers are being honest with them. I have had a few lovers tell me that I was the best, at that time, and the ones that have said this, I knew for a while, and had also known some of their past lovers. I believed them. So, are you telling lovers this? If so, are you being honest, or trying to talk dirty to them. I promise not to *roast* you if you're just saying that. :P
  23. Tyger


    One thing you didn't say, has he always been like this? Or has this developed over time?
  24. Howard is right on that point too. My friend and her husband, that I mentioned, have had a couple of their lovers want to have a bit more than what they're willing to give. Before going into another lover's arms, they are totally honest with the third person in telling them that this is just for some recreational fun. It is the third person that usually wants a bit more. They have never had a situation where they felt they wanted to leave their marriage for the other person. Nor have they ever hid t he fact of what they were doing from the other person. They have 6 kids between them, ages 18yrs- 4mos old, and keep this side of their life very private, which is VERY hard to do!! Most of their friends aren't aware of their lifestyle either. I'm sorry if you got irritated by my answer. I post to what my reactions are to what is posted. None of us can see what you're really going thru, so we post accordingly, our personal take on it. Please don't get irritated when you ask a question, we answer, and you haven't given us things you think we should already know. I did take the time and read some of your other posts, before responding, including the one you referred to located in Ask A Sexpert. My response to you not having a very strong marriage stems from your statement that you're not attracted to your husband anymore. That, in itself, is a big issue. We also respond to each individual post. We may know the poster's situation, but for some of the other readers, and newbies, they probably don't, and are looking for specific subjects to read about. Therefore, we can answer, and probably repeat at times, each subject. It is good that you refer to another posting, so that others can kinda follow up though. That was very helpful, & great for other readers too.
  25. Tyger


    Do they make you go crazy? I love my husband's southern draaaawwwwwllll!! I'm from Maine originally. I have a couple of friends that love to hear "My accent" too. I would love to have Sean Connery just talk to me too! Hubba hubba!! Oh, and who can ever resist ANTONIO BANDERAS!!!! Si, me amigo!
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