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Everything posted by Tyger

  1. No, you are NOT over-reacting at all! In fact, you should tell your employer that there is an uncomfortable history, that could cause some serious issues, including sexual harrassment on his part, should he be hired on. This behavior is very close, if not actual stalking. He obviously KNEW you were saying NO, and didn't care. He's NOT a nice guy....he's a manipulator. He puts forth the "nice guy" act so girls will fall for him, he can get what he wants, and be on his merry way. And then, nobody would actually BELIEVE that HE could be capable of such a horrific thing as terrorizing a woman! The thing with you is, I believe he thinks you're playing hard to get. It's a challenge to him. Him staying in/around your car, as you declined a gift, and trying to keep kissing you, until you had to SCREAM is NOT ok, and, with his behavior and apparrent obsession, it seems to me that this could escalade into something more dangerous, like rape. So PLEASE don't ever be alone, or just with a couple of people around this guy. If you have too, leave. But don't risk it, he's not worthy of ANY trust. And also, don't ever second-guess yourself. If your instincts are screaming "DANGER", don't brush it off, and think you're making too big of a deal about something. That's how a lot of women either become victims, or STAY victims!
  2. The Economy Is So Bad... CEO's are now playing miniature golf. Jewish women are marrying for love. Even people who have nothing to do with the Obama administration aren't paying their taxes.* Hotwheels and Matchbox stocks are trading higher than GM. Obama met with small businesses to discuss the Stimulus Package: GE, Pfizer and Citigroup. McDonalds is selling the 1/4 ouncer Parents in Beverly Hills fired their nannies and learned their children's names. A truckload of Americans got caught sneaking into Mexico . The most highly-paid job is now jury duty. People in Africa are donating money to Americans. Motel Six won't leave the light on. (Now, this is serious) The Mafia is laying off judges. And finally... Congress says they are looking into this Bernard Madoff scandal. Hey, neat...the guy who made $50 billion disappear is being investigated by the people who made $750 billion disappear.
  3. A middle-aged woman seemed sheepish as she visited her gynecologist. 'Come now,' coaxed the doctor, 'you've been seeing me for years. There's nothing you can't tell me.' 'This one's kind of strange...' 'Let me be the judge of that,' The doctor replied. 'Well,' she said, 'yesterday I went to the bathroom in the morning and heard a plink-plink-plink in the toilet and when I looked down, the water was full of pennies.' 'I see.' 'That afternoon I went to the bathroom again and, plink-plink-plink, there were nickels in the bowl.' 'That night,' she went on, 'I went again, Plink-plink-plink, and there were dimes and this morning there were quarters! You've got to tell me what's wrong with me!' she implored. 'I'm scared out of my wits!' The gynecologist put a comforting hand on her shoulder. 'There, there, it's nothing to be scared about.' You're simply going through the change! DON'T BLAME ME. I JUST FORWARD THE JOKES, I DON'T WRITE THEM!!!
  4. Tyger

    Why Lie?

    I think that many people have hit the nails right on the head: Fear, ego (saving face), & low-self-esteem. I also think that many people lie to either make themselves feel superior (low self esteem), but also to put others down and make them feel bad. Also, nobody LIKES to be wrong, however, some people embrace it better than others. Liars think that they are NEVER wrong, it's "everyone else". I don't think everyone lies. Well, I have lied....you know, those Christmas gift lies. However, people that know me personally know that, if you don't want an honestly blunt answer.....don't ask me the question or ask my opinion!! LMAO I have tried very hard to be tactful & not hurt people with my honesty, so I ask them, do you want me to gauge it, or just put it all out there. LMAO There's a way to be honest, and to the point without hurting anyone. However, if someone lies, when the lie comes to light, there's no "easy" way to deal with it. A lie is hurtful.
  5. Hi there! I have had many a-bullet. Let me tell ya, sometimes the cheaper bullets really stink! Sometimes they don't. It all depends on the company that makes them for one. I like California Exotics & Doc Johnson myself. If she is constantly having wires break, I would think that, possibly, she is winding the wires around the controller to keep the wire mess down, and trying to prevent tangling. This is good for the neat-freak, but not so much for the bullet's wires. Just like any other kind of electrical device, if the wires get too much wrapping action, on top of being used, unwound, rewound, well, the wires in those are small, and will fray/break easily. So, if she wants to keep the wires neat, she should fold them up, how they came, and use one of those ties (like it came with), to bundle it up, but not crush the wires to flatten them, if you know what I mean. We have many bullets here that are fantastic. One of my faves is: Hannah Harper's Lil Wabbit vibrator I love it because the rabbit's ears can really stimulate my clit really well!!!
  6. Hi there! Welcome!! First off, know that you are NOT alone. Most women need clitoral stimulation to achieve orgasm. The common statistic is a whoppin 85%!!! However, I think it's even HIGHER than that. But that's not here nor there. As far as a vaginal orgasm, let me recommend that, whatever you choose (read our review section, and peruse the options on the shopping site to get ideas), that you use your bullet or other clit stimulator WITH the vibrator! There's no rule saying you hafta use one toy at a time!!!! I'll ask these questions, so that we can help you find a more specific toy: *What material do you like? (This is asked because of caring for your toys, some materials require more care than others.) *What would you prefer, phallic (looking like a penis), or not? *Large or small? Short or long? *Would a dildo be an option? *Do you have a price range? OK, I hope we can help!!!
  7. I had to go to the ER today (bladder infection), and I shook the hand of an Air Force Veteran, and told him "Happy Memorial Day to you sir". He was very appreciative, and shook my hand, told me thank you and "Same to you young lady". The smile on his face was worth it!
  8. Of the favorites in your collection, which one do you watch the most? If there's more than one, name the top 3, by title, and if you got it here (or if it's on here), please include the link.
  9. For the longest time, my hubby shied away from anal sex, because of the stigma men have put on it: " If you like anal sex, you ARE gay." This is simply not true. Once he realized that, he really began enjoying it, even using some of my more phallic toys to get pleasure from anal play. And he wasn't using the phallic toys because he wanted a real dick, it was because he liked the way they felt. He once asked me if I thought he may be gay cuz he likes anal sex. So, I put it to him bluntly: "would you rather it be a real man's penis penetrating you, or just the toys?" He was appalled and said "JUST THE TOYS!!". I said "so, you are NOT gay". It sounds to me like you are bi-curious. You want to know what it's like to pleasure your own gender, and that is totally normal. If the thought of being with a man turns you on that more than actually beingwith a woman, then you may want to rethink your being a "totally straight man". You say you're getting married soon, but here's the thought, if you get married, do you think that the thoughts you're having now, will affect your future marriage? Do you think that you can resist the urge to try it? Because, once you're married, you're suppose to stay true to your spouse. Feelings of denial and even some resentment can happen if you don't persue some things that you really want to try, or the confusion you have may also hurt the marriage too, and that wouldn't be fair to you, or your future wife. There are many women that are pretty closed-minded when it comes to that. You're either gay, or not. Telling her NOW, would be less hurtful than if you were married her, since you've always come across to her as "totally straight". If you married her, THEN told her, she would feel betrayed & lied too, even if you hadn't done anything at that point. As for the masturbation, it sounds like your body is use to being able to cum with the use of your hand only. Most men have a firm grasp when they're masturbating, much tighter than a natural vagina can ever hope to squeeze all the time. If you don't want to always cum like this, then you need to try and taper off the masturbation with the hand, so that your cock feels, well, a little neglected, (aka more sensitive), so that you can cum from vaginal sex too. Best wishes!!!
  10. Thank you very much! DD told me that she was still upset with me for giving the puppy away, and that it wasn't a good decision, but I keep stressing how better off she will be in a home that can give her more attention. Sticking to your guns is important. Though I also tell her that it's OK for her to be mad at me, and I was fine with that, so long as she keeps it respectful, and that she had the right to be mad at me.
  11. Remember that potato chip commercial? "Rrrruffles have rrrrridges?"
  12. I don't think this is man-bashing at all. Men do have a "possessive ego" to some degree (many men do), and some men can't get past it. True, it is an emotional thing too, but for women, it's more emotionally damaging when she finds out the man she loves is having an affair, I believe. At least that's been MY experience.
  13. So, you're looking for what they call "Triple Action" vibrators. More & more people are becoming more interested in anal sex, so the sex toys companies are producing more & more toys just for that fun. Here's what I was able to find as a search, when I typed in the SEARCH bar "triple action": Triple action search results
  14. Tera Patrick & Jenna Jameson. There are others, but I don't know their names (and I can't go look them up right now since the kiddo is awake LOL).
  15. Great news!! I found the puppy a home!! DD isn't overly happy, but, I told her that 3 dogs is enough, and I'd been telling her that we needed to find this dog a home, every day, since we got her. So, I am happy!! And hopefully the puppy will be too. DD will be upset for a while, but, along with trying to teach her empathy, I also want to teach her responsible pet-ownership, and overwhelming yourself with too many pets isn't responsible.
  16. OMFG.....people are in too much of a hurry to get married, IMHO.
  17. Where we are, we have deed restrictions, and that limits 4 dogs, per lot. We own 3 lots. However, even if we had 115 dogs, they haven't enforced the deed restrictions in over 25 yrs, so they'd be hard pressed to do so now! Don't take this as excuses, or excusing dumpers, cuz it pisses me off to NO end, but, in this area, as well as many across the country, it's a poor area. People can't afford to take their animals to the vet, and, all of the programs for cheap/free animal neutering/spaying are contantly broke! A lot of the people around here are soft-hearted, and have the best intentions, then their pets get pregnant, usually on accident, and thus, the problem compounds. The one dog that is not fixed here, I plan to breed (herding dog, very popular), and sell to responsible and ranching people. I will be picky of to whom I sell my dogs too. The local SPCA is begging for foster homes, and has to euthenize more animals than they are able to place! They will actually say "we just don't have the room for that", and the other animal shelter in town, had to shut down due to lack of funds to repair the building that they were in (right behind the Sheriff's dept!!!) The one lady that does do rescue around here, keeps the dogs at her house (in our subdivision), and her house/yard isn't really safe or secure for the animals she has care of. Plus, she chooses fosters that don't care or can afford much to help out (one family has had puppies there with parvo, and the rescue lady KNOWS this and STILL Drops off puppies to her!!!). Plus, even if you DO want to drop of an animal to her, she won't call you back! Unless you tell her "I have $$$ for you, or pet food for you", nope, no call backs....trust me! I had rescued a pitbull pup (female), and this lady had said she'd take her. I told her I didn't have the time or energy to take care of a puppy, and nor did I want a pitbull at my house. I had a small child to worry about more. 3 days later, I still had the dog, after those past 2 days of her promising to get the dog. I finally crated the puppy up, and brought it to her house. It was cool outside, so I had no worries about it baking to death, or freezing to death. I donated the crate it was in, left a note on the top of it, made sure she had food & water in the cage, and left her at the front door. I hated to do that, but the woman wouldn't help me at all. I was just trying to make sure that that dog didn't get shot, poisoned, or bit by a snake. So, it's very very frustrating how people just SAY that they want to help, but then won't follow thru with it!!!
  18. Tyger


    Welcome, & thanks!
  19. Oh, it's more than that!!! (With the new dog) 4 dogs, (with the new colt) 5 horses, 4 cats, and 5 newborn kittens!!!!! I could call it the Looney BARN!!
  20. So, a few days ago, I saw this dog, looking to be a puppy, run across our yard. I tried to get its attention, but it was skittish. It looked rather plump, so I thought it just took off from its house. Then, a few days after that, DH brings in the same dog, yes, she is a puppy, looking to be a beagle, or having strong beagle genes, still has her milk teeth, but eats hard food, sweet, good with kids, dogs, and adjusting to cats being present. LOL She is well-socialized, since she LOVES people. The first night she was here, she snuggled right up next to me, and if she could've attached herself to me somehow, she would've. So, how is it, that such a sweet little dog, could be dumped? Someone would LOVE to have such a sweetie.....I would think. We have 3 dogs now, as it is. So, I've posted a "FREE DOG TO A GOOD HOME" on the local message board. Unfortunately, this problem is a rampant one around here, so she is not a rare case, nor easy to place into another home, since there are just SOOO many of them. I hope to find her a good home, but I have a feeling we just got another dog.......
  21. Good for you!! My hubby went with our daughter, and let our daughter pick out a cake (which had toy horses on it that, for some reason, got put in daughter's toy drawer!! LMAO).
  22. I agree with some of the suggestions already mentioned. Keep the messages on your phone that you already have. Go to your boss, if you haven't already done so. Show them your harrassing incoming texts. The number should be either on the employer's list, or easy to verify anyway. You don't need to get into gory, in-depth details. What happened between y'all is y'all's business. What you can say is something like "there was a relationship with so-&-so, but it's over, and I would just like to get past all this, in peace, without all this drama". Ask them what the proceedure is for this, and how long it should take to get started with a resolution. Ask for a copy of their documentation of your meeting with them, for proof. They have to give that to you. Give your boss a few days to get their game-plan together, if they say it'll take a few days. After the dead-line's come & gone, go in, if they haven't called you back in, and ask about the progress. Let them know if the harassing texts continue, especially on Job-Time. If your boss doesn't resolve it to your liking, take the paperwork you have, and go to the police. Let the police know the steps you've taken to get this resolved, and let them make copies. Keep yours in a seperate file. Unfortunately, things like this need anal-like attention, to cover your ass. Also, if you have to go to the police, also call your BOSS'S BOSS. Sexual harassment is illegal and should NOT be tolerated at all, in any work place. Good luck to you. Keep us updated!!!
  23. Congratulations!! You've either bought your first sex toy, or have added another one to your collection!! Here, we've stressed over & over how important it is to keep your toys cleaned and santitary, AND of course, the best ways to use them. But one topic that I've seen here & there, but hasn't been covered a lot, is Sex Toy Storage. So, I'm here to help! Sex toys have come a LOOOONG way, baby! From the hard, cream colored, ribbed vibrators from Back In The Day, to now ones requiring powders, battery packs, plugs, and special lubes! It can be very, very confusing as to what to do with your sex toys. Back In The Day, all that was required was a strong arm (cuz you KNOW those cream colored straight vibes took C's), and a drawer to store them in. Yes, life was a tad simplier back then, but, how boring it was compared to NOW! It is VERY important to store your toys appropriately! With all of the new materials, your expensive play thing can turn to expensive puddles of mush if not propery used, cleaned, and stored. Personally, I like to keep the original packaging the toys come in. True, space is limited in many houses, including mine, but, with my ever-growing collection, I know the importance of proper storage! Some packaging is just impossible to reuse, where others, like the boxes, and molded plastics, are designed not only to display your toy in the stores, but to store them in your house, keeping their structural integrity intact. Structural integrity? Sex Toys? Yes, even sex toys. For example, with jelly & rubber toys (usually flexible, and has a strong rubbery odor to it), they usually come wrapped in plastic baggies, inside a box. Why? Because if jelly toys rested JUST in plastic baggies, against each other, the slightest temperature increase can make the jelly "dent", and therefore making your toy look like it got slammed into a door a few times. Humorous to think about, but not to have happen to one of your toys. Battery operated toys should ALWAYS have their batteries removed after each use. Why is that? Well, have you ever found a child's toy, or even a flashlight, say, under the couch, and you take of the cover to see what batteries you need to refill it, only to find that rust stuff oxidized onto the batteries and all over the inside of said item? Same thing can happen with sex toys. Plus, you wash them and USE them in wet areas. "Waterproof" or not, moisture is a possibility. I put "Waterproof" in quotes because, let's be honest, there is NO real such thing as WATERPROOF. Water-RESISTANT, yes, waterproof with things that unscrew? Not hardly. At a certain depth, things like this will leak. Though I am not going to go snorkling with my favorite battery operated dual action, bathtubs, hot tubs, and at the shallower parts of a pool, you should be ok. Be sure that your battery operated toy is COMPLETELY dry when storing it away. Again, condensation/water can corrode the workings. If the toy is covered in jelly, rubber, or silicone, these materials should be stored in their original packaging. Again, to prevent denting, warping, or melting onto another surface/toy. Cyberskin/UR3/RealSkin are all basically the same thing. They're materials designed to feel like, well, real skin!! And, of course, most of the time, silicone lubes are NOT recommended for this sort of toy. Now, storing THESE in their packages is very important. This is because the silicone in the toys can react to each other, just like they would with silicone lubes, creating mush, dents, bubbles, and mutations of your toy. Not a pretty picture. PLUS, most will recommend using corn starch powder on them after use, to help keep them soft & supple. I found that great product called Cyberskin RENEW. This stuff is great, works, and is specially made FOR sex toys. Glass toys are solid, really sturdy (since they're usually made from Pyrex), easy to care for/clean, and bacterial-resistant, they CAN be placed in a drawer, not in their original packaging. Thankfully, many glass sex toys now come with either padded, or just a made out of a sheet of satin, with a drawstring, so you can keep it shiny, safe, and scratch-free. Though hard to do, you can scratch & even chip glass sex toys without proper care. After all, they ARE made of glass. Scratched glass sex toys can be dangerous due to harboring bacteria or causing cuts and/or abrassions up inside of you (OWIIIIIEEEE). So, it's best to find something to place your glass toys in. I've found those purple Crown Royal soft drawstring bags come in REAL handy for sex toys! They're soft, with the drawstring, kind of thick, and, of course my favorite: PURPLE!!! LOL Hard plastic toys ARE still around, are relatively inexpensive, and are getting more and more technical & fun. Placed in a drawer alone would be fine, but, again, scratching is possible, so it's best to store it into something. Before I was able to acquire some of the pouches, I got some of those cheap washclothes that come like 5 for $5 or something like that, and wrapped my toys in those. Some things I put into those plastic bags with zip closings at the top. You can also make your own drawstring pouches for your sex toys, to your taste. The hard plastic packages can usually have some of the top, where they have that lip that they can hang it up to display on a wall, trimmed down, which can help fit them into a drawer a lot better. Toys with cords and/or remotes can be tricky. What I have learned is to store each one individually, either in a baggie, or in a pouch. That way, I'm not fumbling around with cords. I usually don't end up getting them back in their original packaging, unless it's a small box, because of the cord. You can't wrap the cord around anything, because that can damage the wiring inside the cord. So, please try & store those seperately. As for WHAT to put your boxed/bagged/wrapped toys IN, well, that's up to you. A trunk, drawer, plastic covered container, sidetable-drawer, or sex toy box, they can go almost anywhere.....anywhere that's temperature controlled that is. Too cold an area isn't usually a problem (though can be quite shocking at first touch), however, places that get too cold, can also get too hot, and too much heat, no matter WHAT you've got your toys stored in, can cause many materials to melt. So, no leaving your bendable toys in the car during the heat of summer, or they could melt into something important. Imagine pulling out your registration & proof of insurance to a cop, with a melted vibrator on the top of it all! I HAD my toys stored in one of those 18 gal. sized storage tubs. But, as my collection grew, as did my knowledge on how to store them, and I sacrificed a small chest of drawers to my sex toys, as well as the covered storage tub. Now, I'm using the storage tub for something else, and I have 2 sets of drawers for all of my toys. I am a bit "OCD", where I have my sex toys not only stored in their packaging, but if it's the clear packaging, I will write the material they're made of, just so I won't mess up & use the wrong lube. I also have them organized by type (dual action, clit stimulators, glass and other dildos). But that's ME, and what I like to do. It does make finding a toy that much easier, if you have the room to do it. Going thru your toys is also important. If you DO come across one you forgot to take the batteries out, and there is corrossion on the inside, throw it away ASAP. Don't risk a painful burn due to battery acid coming in contact with your inner self! Also, if your toys are scratched, knicked, chipped, or even just cracked, whether it's your favorite or not, your health and safety should come first. Besides, you clear out a space for something NEW and sometimes even BETTER!!! So, please remember, your sex toys are there for YOUR pleasure. You've probably spent a lot of money, as well as TIME searching for the one(s) that work the best for your particular tastes. Don't they deserve to be stored with care?
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