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Everything posted by Tyger

  1. Cute puppy!!! Hey!! No blood stains on the birdhouse!! WTG!!!
  2. So, let’s go “break in” to the neighbor’s apartment, steal some cash, and other stuff, and, oh…what’s this? Videos tapes? Hmmm, could be interesting. Watch, as we see Diesel and his girlfriend, Risi go find other girls to fuck, fondle, and have fellatio with! They cruise South Florida’s beaches and shops, looking for fun-looking & sexy girls to join in their “private” fun. At first, all the girls seem weirded out by the camera, but they quickly become at ease when they find out that this is for personal use only. They first meet Reese, a sexy petite brunette with a great sense of humor, tits, & “travel sized pussy”. Then there’s Sabree, who’s a blonde that seems a bit more on the shy side…at first, but she definitely comes around!. My favorite gal is Victoria, a tall, leggy brunette that they meet at the bikini store. She seems a lot of fun, free, and very realistic body shape-wise. Then there’s Jackie, who Risi brings home on her own first, and they all get down and dirty. Last, but certainly not least, is Robyn, whom they meet at a nice hotel, and, after a few drinks, have a lot of fun with too. Now, as far as looking like home movies, they do. The film quality is a bit better than you’d expect, but you really do get the feeling of having stolen someone’s private treasure of personal porn. You get to see Diesel’s POV of seeing his GF lick, suck, and fuck her way to orgasm after orgasm with the other girls, as well as with him. You also get to see a bit of Risi’s POV, but it’s mostly about seeing the girls with girls, more realistic bodies (blemishes and so on visible), and Diesel’s POV, just like it would with someone’s personal, private porn. I loved all of the girl-on-girl action, and how fun this all seemed! The one thing I didn’t like is the lack of condoms that was apparent. If you’re going to engage in casual sex, condoms are a MUST, no matter what, in my opinion. Other than that, this film was over 3 hours of free-feelin’ fun! I definitely liked this one better than most of the amateur ones I’ve seen in the past. I'd give this 3 out of 4 Tyger Paws. Do you like to watch? September's DVD of the Month 2008
  3. So, let’s go “break in” to the neighbor’s apartment, steal some cash, and other stuff, and, oh…what’s this? Videos tapes? Hmmm, could be interesting. Watch, as we see Diesel and his girlfriend, Risi go find other girls to fuck, fondle, and have fellatio with! They cruise South Florida’s beaches and shops, looking for fun-looking & sexy girls to join in their “private” fun. At first, all the girls seem weirded out by the camera, but they quickly become at ease when they find out that this is for personal use only. They first meet Reese, a sexy petite brunette with a great sense of humor, tits, & “travel sized pussy”. Then there’s Sabree, who’s a blonde that seems a bit more on the shy side…at first, but she definitely comes around!. My favorite gal is Victoria, a tall, leggy brunette that they meet at the bikini store. She seems a lot of fun, free, and very realistic body shape-wise. Then there’s Jackie, who Risi brings home on her own first, and they all get down and dirty. Last, but certainly not least, is Robyn, whom they meet at a nice hotel, and, after a few drinks, have a lot of fun with too. Now, as far as looking like home movies, they do. The film quality is a bit better than you’d expect, but you really do get the feeling of having stolen someone’s private treasure of personal porn. You get to see Diesel’s POV of seeing his GF lick, suck, and fuck her way to orgasm after orgasm with the other girls, as well as with him. You also get to see a bit of Risi’s POV, but it’s mostly about seeing the girls with girls, more realistic bodies (blemishes and so on visible), and Diesel’s POV, just like it would with someone’s personal, private porn. I loved all of the girl-on-girl action, and how fun this all seemed! The one thing I didn’t like is the lack of condoms that was apparent. If you’re going to engage in casual sex, condoms are a MUST, no matter what, in my opinion. Other than that, this film was over 3 hours of free-feelin’ fun! I definitely liked this one better than most of the amateur ones I’ve seen in the past. I'd give this 3 out of 4 Tyger Paws. Do you like to watch? September's DVD of the Month 2008
  4. You're welcome. Try Googling birth control methods to see what else is out there. If you're REALLY not wanting children, it NEVER hurts to double up at all. It may be a bit "mood killing", but so is the fear of getting pregnant! I double up still cuz I know of a few children that were "Pill Babies", and a couple that were still concieved with the use of condoms.
  5. I hafta agree with everyone else here. To me, it sounds as if he may have ED, which COULD be brought on by her over-controlling ways, long-term boring/routine sex, and his lack of really giving a shit anymore. I mean, why should he bother? When couples project how PERFECT they are, there's usually some underlaying issues. Well, there are always problems in every relationship. However, the MORE perfect they try and come across, the deeper the issues run, I've found. It's hard for a person to really find their OWN faults. As a perfectionist myself, I've been working on seeing myself, faults AND good points. I'm trying to work on both aspects, making them better. It's very hard to do!!! People can point out faults of someone's until the cows come home, however, until YOU see YOUR faults for yourself, there's nothing anyone else can do to help. You're a good friend to try and find out stuff for her. It's sad that she probably wouldn't do that for herself. And, please don't confuse having an opinion of something with judging someone. EVERYONE has an opinion about stuff that they encounter. JUDGING is totally different. I hope your friend can try and get help for her marriage. Best wishes!!
  6. My biggest negative with this item, is that, in addition to having to spend, what I'm sure is a lot of money, on the rabbit, but then you have to spend more money to get it to work. Great for those couples that cyber, or even singles that cyber regularly, but not my cup of tea. What will they think of next?
  7. I love the look of this toy, and am glad to hear that it works as well as it looks!!
  8. Yes, I've had days like that too!! LMAO
  9. Thank y'all! Everything's fine. Just a lot of heavy breezes which I can't even really consider WIND. We had a downpour last night, and probably will have one today, from the looks of it. But, we really dodged a bullet this time!
  10. Condom breakage and/or slippage is ALWAYS a possibility. It's GREAT that he is soooo concerned and responsible enough to do all of that. Many guys HATE the condoms, and will fight them. Condoms have come a long way (no pun intended), and ARE a lot tougher than they use to be, but they still can break, and slipping down/off is also a concern. Here's what me and hubby did for 5 yrs (til I got tired of it). We used condoms with spermicide AND Spermicidal FOAM. The foam goes up inside you (with the use of an applicator). You have to put this in AFTER any oral sex has been performed on you (don't let him eat it at all). It kills any spermy critters that may escape. And, if you do this, you can have him cum inside of you with little-to no worries!! There's also a vaginal film you can use, that may be less messy. We used this way for 5 yrs after the birth of our daughter! No problems whatsoever! Or, if he's really worried, go on the Pill, and use condoms. The Pill is 99% effective. With condom usage, I really don't see any worrying necassary. I'm on the Pill NOW, and, after we're done, I put foam up inside of me, just to be on the safe side (I REALLY don't want another child, TYVM!!).
  11. A couple of questions: What is the LP made of? Did the suction cup work well? How firm was this toy? Thanks!
  12. It's hard for me to be positive today. My daughter's got a bad cold, which kept me up all night long. I was super-tired to begin with, so you can imagine my state now! LOL I just wish this storm would hurry up and do its thing, cuz I HATE waiting!
  13. What a great reason to brag!!! Good for you!!
  14. Roll Bounce The 40 Yr Old Virgin A Fish Named Wanda The 7 Year Itch Herbie Reloaded Honey Disturbed City of Angels Flubber The Pacifier Any movie that has the word "uncut" after it!
  15. Not sure what the whole Hurricane Gustav will bring, but I wanted to say that!!
  16. It definitely sounds like he was becoming addicted to porn. I'm glad he's been able to stop. You also brought up a great point. Many men think that the more women they sleep with, the more "manly/macho" they are. This is SO not the case. Any man can fuck, but it takes a true gentleman to make love. Just because you have a lot of "notches" on the belt, doesn't make you a better lover either. The more you're willing to learn and listen to your lovers, the better you will ever be than a man that's slept with a thousand women!! Please don't ever think that just because you have a different opinion, that you should keep it to yourself. If YOU find it important, and forum appropriate, then POST AWAY darlin'!!
  17. I got a sample of the Viva Stimulating Cream for Women, and I always love trying out stimulating cream. The ingredients of this product are: Propylene glycol, cetyl hydroxyethylcellulose, water, tromethamine, menthol, niacin, mentha piperita (peppermint) oil, methylparaben, and arginine. This product is enhanced with MINT, so if you have any allergies or sensitivities to mint, this is not the product for you. I loved the fact that the sample came in a small card, with, not only the ingredients and product blurb, but also directions AND a diagram of female genitalia, so you know where to put this stuff. The sample packet is the perfect size to test this out for your own. Having some time alone, I decided to use some of this along with a new toy. So, I tore open the tip of the packet, applied a generous dab, and found out rather quickly that it really only takes a small amount to work well. I rubbed the clear gel all around and over my clit, and felt a nice, warm yet also cool, tingling start up. My clit definitely appreciated the stimulation of the gel and my rubbing! I was really squirming with pleasure during my masturbation session, as well as afterwards too. This stuff lasts a long time! I gently washed myself off with a warm, soapy washcloth, and although I could still feel some stimulation, it cleaned off well, and didn’t leave me all sticky. I give this 4 out of 4 Tyger Paws and a really loud purr!!
  18. Nobody can have enough bullets, in my opinion, so I was glad that the latest box of mine had another one in it. Washing off the bullet, and allowing it to dry, I got 2 AA batteries (not incl.) into the controller, and turned it on. The heart-shaped slide-button allows the bullet to go from low to moderately high. There’s a power/indicator light that goes brighter when the vibes are stronger. Nothing on the packaging or bullet says that the bullet part is waterproof. I KNOW for a fact that the remote isn’t, however. The large (3.5” long, and 1.25” in diameter) bullet is coated with soft, purple cyberskin, which is soft and insulating, so the vibes are pretty quiet. Tipping off the bullet, is a little flicker/tail looking piece of cyberskin, that, when the bullet is on, wiggles & spins. At first, I was skeptical of the flicker, because my personal tastes, I like firm, direct stimulation on my clit. This piece looked to be rather weak. Plus, the vibes didn’t feel as strong as I usually like. However, once I took this toy to the bedroom, I realized that great things do come in small packages & pieces! I caressed and teased myself with the bullet all over first, not overly impressed with the tail tickling me. I loved the soft feel of the cyberskin though. Then it came time to get down to business, & I went right for my clit. I’m here to tell you that I was wrong about being skeptical with this bullet’s potential! The power & the tail of the bullet had enough stimulation even for my finicky tastes, & I was surprised when the orgasm that waved over me! Now I know why I love bullets so much! And if you love cyberskin, bullets, purple, and power, then you will love this Flicker! I give it 3.5 out of 4 Tyger Paws. Click to Flick
  19. So long as a lover is willing to make promises and honestly TRY to keep them, then yes, I think that most people should really try and let their lovers feel secure & loved. If they mess up, they should nicely say that they had a moment of weakness and admit to it. I'm sorry your husband had this problem, Sun. If he was replacing porn with real sex, then I can absolutely see why you would hate it. Porn CAN become an addiction, just like anything else. I'm glad that he was able to see that it was really causing a problem, and is taking steps to make sure that it's not a problem anymore. To answer your question, I've always been upfront & honest with my lovers about my liking porn, solo and with my lover. Plus my affection for toys. For a long time, my now-hubby didn't like the fact that I used toys, so I didn't WITH him, though he knew I still had some. I was very blatant that I wouldn't stop using them, and he accepted that. Early on, had he tried to control me by telling me he didn't want me using toys or watching porn, when I was alone, then, I would've viewed that AS a form of control, and not stayed with him. I'm not saying that toys/porn are more important that people, however, I put myself out there, told them what I liked, and I guess the type of men I am/was attracted too liked it too, because I was never once asked to stop. Now, if he asked me to stop now, I'd tell him to kiss my bootie, since it's been OK this whole time. But if I was replacing being intimate with him for the other stuff, then I'd reconsider how much I used it.
  20. I'm thankful I don't have a headache today, and I've gotten a lot done too!!!
  21. My condolences on your loss. I hope that the new one is just as good as the first one!
  22. I don't think that people here are VERY qualified to answer this question. Anyone with a pulse & desires are!!! Here's my view, such as it is: I agree with Chloe in many ways. Porn is usually blown out of proportion to many people due to insecurities and self-esteem issues. Porn is a TOOL, much like sex toys are a TOOL, in the bedroom, for fantasy, and fulfillment. Plus, I think many women take porn waaaaaaaaaay too personally. Think of it this way, though milder, if you have a crush on a movie star, like say, Johnny Depp, should your husband be concerned that you're more attracted to JP, than to you? Should your lover be worried if you read romance novels? Should he be worried if Fabio is on the cover, and you're intensely reading a book with him on it? Couples can benefit from watching porn, if they let themselves. So long as couples don't NEED to watch it to get turned on, then couples should be open to the possibilites of watching it, whether solo, or together. You can learn a few tricks, but always remember that porn isn't a guide to be followed. What about educational porn? Nina Hartley is famous for having put out some of the best educational/informative series of porn. You learn, AND you get to see the information in, um, action!! LOL It's not raunchy, down and dirty, or anything, but those videos are usually trying to make things more fun in lover's lives! I don't see porn as degrading to women, because, in all honesty, in the porn industry, the WOMEN usually have most of the control when it comes to scenes. They have things they will and will not do, just like in real life. They get paid for it because it's their chosen job. Many of which (like Tara Patrick), will tell you that in their personal lives, they're not as outgoing as they are in the movies just because porn is a FANTASY. Like watching a real life fantasy you came up with in your head. Now, those films that are illegal due to forced/maniplulated/underage issues, well, yes, those ARE degrading and stupid. But I don't think that's what we're talking about. I'm talking about regular, mainstream, legal porn. Men are visual creatures. Not saying that they're not as visual as women, but, they tend to get turned on more by what they SEE, again, this is why porn is geared a lot more towards men. And, porn is a lot like theater. You know how, in theater, make up is really dark, and if you're up close, it's almost comical? This is so the people waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay in the back can see them & get their affects of how the character's suppose to come across too. So everyone gets a good show. Well, porn's basically the same way. Except, the majority of males that seem to buy porn, love big breasts, shaved snatches, blonde hair, and so on. At this particular time, that is the "stigma/norm" of porn. The cosmetic surgery those women go thru seem extreme, but it's all for their chosen profession of being a sex symbol in the adult industry. It's to accentuate the female body. To, literally, make things POP out for all to see! Now, with all that said, if there is someone that is watching porn, after making a promise not to do so, well, I see that as a problem. Being in a relationship, there has to be give & take. Compromises, and efforts made on BOTH sides. If someone makes a promise to try hard to do/not do something, then they really should try, and NOT sneak. IMO, sneaking stuff is a form of lying. THAT instance is NOT porn's fault, it's the spouse that is breaking the promise. Would you blame the water for flooding the bathroom, or the person that forgot to shut off the faucet? Same difference! Honest efforts that WANT to be made are important. If you make a promise that you don't WANT to do, then why make it? If there's something that you don't want to do in a relationship, after trying it, or having experience with it, then you shouldn't be guilted into making any promise. If you LOVE someone, and want to make them happy, then you should WANT to do stuff, within reason. But any promises that are guilted, coerced, or demanded on, aren't worth making. Remember, you can't change a person. You can't change their likes and dislikes. Only THEY can, if they WANT too. Trying to guilt them into it, knowing how they are, well, you're asking for disappointment.
  23. I TOTALLY KWYM!!! I had a "friend" that was like that, and I stopped talking to her after she used me for stuff, anf screwed over our other friend too. There are players & users in both genders. Women seem to be more emotionally manipulative at times though! It's like this: BE HONEST and UPFRONT!
  24. I’m a super-freak, I’m super freakay! YOW! Ok, so I don’t have braided dreads, but I AM somewhat of a freak, so I was totally excited to have the G-Freak Dildo arrive in my newest box. Taking it out, I loved the pretty blue color, but didn’t like the overpowering “new jelly” smell of this dildo, and washing it twice didn’t do much good taking care of the smell either. I tried letting it air dry for a couple hours before use, to see if that would help, but all it did was make most of the house smell of “new dildo”! LOL But, I am about function, and so I tried ignoring to odor the best I could. If you have a super-sensitive sense of smell, you may want to steer clear of any jelly toy, because a strong smell is fairly common among them. Measuring at 6” long, and 1.5” diameter, the head of this dildo is tipped up at a severe angle, which is unnatural-looking (as is the blue color LOL), but intriguing too. The tipped up head is to help stimulate the G-Spot, so I was eager to see how true to its namesake it’d be. It even has blue-balls…no really, literally, blue balls. And a suction cup base that is fairly strong, but not really strong. Being jelly, it has a lot of give and pull, so it will also make the base more pliable and release easy. Be careful when using it, because jelly is porous, and can retain bacteria. Some people use condoms over their jelly toys just for that reason. And, being jelly, I was skeptical of it actually being able to push against my G-Spot as firmly as I personally need it to be. Using some water-based lube, as well as a new bullet, I was able to get myself pretty hot, and so inserting the G-Freak was very easy. The curved tip wasn’t uncomfortable, since it had a lot of give to it. Though I was correct that it really couldn’t stimulate MY G-Spot as firmly as I need, it did caress it pretty well, and for those with a very sensitive g-spot, this toy would work. Especially if you like feeling full with a g-spot toy, which I do. Feeling full is one of my favorite things, and, grabbing the suction cup base, thrusting it in & out of me, and using the bullet, the orgasm was intense, and the jelly dong took it like a….well, it was very nice, comfortable, and oh, so orgasmic! Please remember, when putting this toy away, to keep it in its own packaging, because jelly against other toys can have a "melty" effect on them! I'm keeping it in the plastic bag it came in, as well as in its box too. Plus, that will help keep the smell down, and lint/hair off of it in between use. I will give this dildo 3.5 paws (since it didn't hit my G-Spot). But I definitely will be using this again!!! Wanna be a G-Freak?
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