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Everything posted by Tyger

  1. 12, it's great that you're aware (now) of how things went wrong with this relationship. Live & learn! I'm sure it was VERY hard to take such a deep look inside yourself. The first way to avoid possible future mistakes is to recognize and be aware of them, and, of course to learn from them. Where we can't change WHO we are inside, and what makes us, well, US as individuals, learning how to curb the worst parts of you, as well as trying to retrain yourself into being a better person, will make the future SO of yours the partner of a new, improved YOU!! Best wishes!!
  2. An older gentleman had an appointment to see the urologist who shared offices with several other doctors. The waiting room was filled with patients. As he approached the receptionist's desk, he noticed that she was a large unfriendly woman who looked like a Sumo wrestler. He gave her his name. In a very loud voice, the receptionist said, 'YES, I HAVE YOUR NAME HERE; YOU WANT TO SEE THE DOCTOR ABOUT IMPOTENCE, RIGHT?' All the patients in the waiting room snapped their heads around to look at the very embarrassed man. He recovered quickly, and in an equally loud voice replied, 'NO, I'VE COME TO INQUIRE ABOUT A SEX CHANGE OPERATION, BUT I DON'T WANT THE SAME DOCTOR THAT DID YOURS.' DON'T MESS WITH OLD FOLKS!
  3. How To Install A Home Security System In The South ============ ========= ========= ========= ========= === 1. Go to a second-hand store and buy a pair of men's used size 14-16 work boots. 2. Place them on your front porch, along with a copy of Guns and Ammo Magazine. 3. Put a few giant dog dishes next to the boots and magazines. 4. Leave a note on your door that reads: Hey Bubba, Me, Big Jim, Duke and Slim went for more ammunition. Back in an hour. Don't mess with the pit bulls - they attacked the mailman this morning and messed him up real bad. I don't think Killer took part in it but it was hard to tell from all the blood. Anyway, I locked all four of 'em in the house. Better wait outside. "Cooter"
  4. Well, hubby violates this one, but I hate farting!! LMAO Unless one of us (parental units) is in the bedroom, DD isn't allowed to play in there by herself. As far as sexually, well, I hafta agree, the spitting thing is a no-no. I know it's sorta popular in porn, but there is no way I'm gonna let a man SLAP my pussy lips. LOL No screaming another person's name! If I say (or he says) that I don't wanna do something, we don't do it, and nobody pressures each other to do it either. No comparing old lovers with each other. We do talk about what we've experimented with, but we don't give details. There's a toy rule too: If YOU use it, YOU clean it! Hubby has a favorite anal toy, and I told him that I don't care if he uses it (it was one of my fave dildos), but, if HE uses it, HE has to clean it!!! No hogging toys or porn. No hiding them either. If he gets new magazines to look at, I have made it clear that I don't care if he looks, but I want to know where the mags are too. Hey, I like to look too! This way, I also know what he's looking at!
  5. It's no doubt that you are confused. And, since you're still in love with Nymph, you would feel protective. Just please remember that responses are made from WHAT YOU posted. We can't delve in and see everything else that's between the lines. It's just not possible here on a website. Also, please try and understand, that, although we value ALL of our members, Nymph has been a long-time member here and has posted a lot more than you. Even if she did PM one of us with any sort of info, well, a PM is PRIVATE message. So I doubt that anyone would divulge what was said. You could always peruse the site to see what she's written, however, I don't recall any posts of her saying anything specific about troubles in the marriage or feelings of doubt. I could be wrong though. I understand that you're trying hard to save a marriage that you want to keep, and am going thru almost any lengths to do it. But, iha's assessment is correct in how he said you were appearing. Again, it's hard to take a tone's meaning online. No matter what, we're all trying to be helpful, in one extent or another. Best wishes with whatever has to happen!
  6. Yeah, once I go in, they realize what sort of bitch they're dealing with. When I walked in to get the speakers done, the service manager knew my name and asked how the car was running!! LOL Oh, he knows if it wasn't running right he'd have gotten a not-so-nice call from me prior to that visit!! LOL He now knows that this is one "broad" that you can't snow-job. Damnit, I'm a YANKEE to boot!! LOL Archer, would if I could darlin'! LOL Pappy!!! That car deserves to be restored! Those things ran really well!! I loved my Tempo. Though that was the car I traded for the Firebird, I got a GREAT trade-in value, cuz I used the dealer's words against them, and got an extra $2500 out of them that they had offered before. I'm tricky that way. LMAO
  7. Good for you TN. Whatever may happen, I hope things work out of the best for you both.
  8. No references required!! LMAO Though, there would be an extensive trial period....
  9. Needing a new DVD for my collection, I ordered My Sex Kitten. I liked the cover on the site, and, admittedly, I didn’t really read the DVD’s description, because, when I viewed it with my hubby, all I could do was go “HUH?” This is what you’d call a “virtual interactive” DVD. My bad, I didn’t pay attention. LOL I would definitely say that this particular DVD is mostly geared for a man. Anyway, Jenna Haze “stars” in this film, and you only see the lower half of a man, here and there, adding to the illusion, that you, the viewer, are really there, “fucking” her. I’m not a huge Jenna Haze fan. She looks and sounds too young for my tastes, though, they clearly state that she is of legal age to be in such films. For me it’s really hard to take her seriously, with her high baby-ish voice. I almost expect to see her at the local mall, cheerleading, or blowing bubble-gum. She is cute though. She’s very skinny, and small-chested, but cute. No plots to worry about, or fancy sets in this DVD. All the focus is on Jenna paying all of her attention to her virtual lover (you). Do you want to see the Good Kitty, or Naughty Kitty? PS2 & X-Box compatible, you can view this DVD on many varieties of machines. You get several options of viewing for her: Teasing (teasing herself with her breasts, ass, or pussy), Masturbation (with a finger, vibe, or dildo), Foreplay (seeing a man’s hand tease her pussy, using a vibrator on her, at an angle that would suggest the viewer is licking her, or her giving the viewer a BJ in which you see a real dick at an angle where the viewer is looking down on her sucking “his” dick), Sex (missionary position, doggie, cowgirl & reverse cowgirl. All of which you see “your dick” pounding away at her.). At least where there’s a real dick involved, “you” practice safe sex! Each scene is between a little over a minute, to 30 seconds, depending on which scene you choose. Each has their good and bad angles. Plus with each, you can hear her talk “Nice, Naughty, or Cumming”. Nice is descriptive, yet not “vulgar”. Naughty is when she gets down and can make a sailor blush, and the Cumming, well, is of her cumming. You can also see slides of Jenna, Behind The Scenes, & the credits. Hubby wasn’t awfully impressed with this one, and neither was I. In most scenes, she'd ask you if you wanted to .......and then she'd giggle, or say, "well, OK", like she was an innocent or something. It got a bit annoying to us. Plus, she just wasn’t our type that we preferred to watch, nor was this the sort of DVD that we were expecting, so we just weren’t thrilled with this one. I tried viewing it again, and though I was impressed with the angles and everything, the DVD just wasn't my sort of thing. I'd give it 1 out of 4 Tyger Paws, just to be nice. Meow for you?
  10. Gotta love quality lubes!!!
  11. Ok, I wanted to see your response, after reading your original post before I responded. Your first post you said that you're BOTH not comfortable with sex, and it seems like you're BOTH no really into it, with each other. I honestly don't think this is just HER issue. I think it's the BOTH of you. You both seem to find sex a chore, with each other. Chances are it's because neither of you are really trying to enjoy it. It's something couples do, have sex, and so that's what you're BOTH doing, because it's expected of you. YOu said yourself that with her, you count every minute, where with other lovers, you had time fly on you! She use to be extremely sexual with others, and now isn't with you. So this shows us, and should you as well, that it's a relationship thing between the 2 of you, and probably not an internal issue emotionally. OF COURSE she isn't going to want to have sex more often. If she 1) can't orgasm, 2) senses that you're really not into it (just going thru the motions), and 3) doesn't love you or feel love back from you. One, or a combination of things, will definitely hinder BOTH of you enjoying sex. You even said that it's really no fun for you because you just feel you're being serviced. Most women can't get off, with a lover, if there's an emotional connection. In none of your posts do I see that you love each other. I have to agree with Mikayla here, it's a GOOD thing that y'all aren't married! From the tones of your posts, it sounds like, and I could be wrong here, that you are staying together, just so you both won't be alone, and since you portray yourself as a couple to the outside world, then you're just going thru a series relationship-motions, including physically having sex. Emotionally, it sounds as if you BOTH are lacking in that area. You're having sex, but you are NOT making love. With lovers and people in trusting, loving relationships, yes, you will have ups and downs, but NOT be emotionally detatched, as you stated that the both of you are in this relationship. IMHO, your relationship sounds like a stepping stone, or even a "rebound" type situation. Only the BOTH of you can either fix it, or move on to better things. But, this sort of situation won't go away or get better on its own. Good luck.
  12. Well, to update, last week, I took the car back, and got all the speakers replaced, which, thankfully, took less than an hour!. I asked the tech HOW these NEWER speakers could fail like that, and he said it's usually brought on by people blasting them. I told him, "look, I have a child in the car 9 out of 10 times I drive it. I never blast it when she's in there, cuz I don't want to damage her hearing." He shrugged, and couldn't explain how it happened then. Jeez! I had an '89 Firebird, and a 91' FORD TEMPO, BLASTED THEIR speakers, never had a problem. Both were used when I bought them too!!! Whatever. I got them replaced, at no cost to me!! Even got the car washed too. Bonus!
  13. Welcome! We always love the blunt ones!! LOL
  14. Hmmm, this one is on my wish list. Thanks for the review, guess I need to think about this one a bit, huh?
  15. So, the other night, we decide to use this again, and again, it works super well!! Well, we have a king-sized bed, complete with a headboard that has posts sticking up. So, Hubby decided that I was going to be tied up. Thankfully, I have long arms, so this wasn't uncomfortable, with me tethered to the bed with some of the Lover's Prisoner Kit straps/cuffs. It actually helped give me some great stabilization! Plus it was fun being the sub for a change. Seated, comfortable, AND strapped in!! WHOO-HOOOO!!! Then, he releases me, flips me and the seat over, and I grab the straps, and this was another fantastic way to hold myself steady, put me in a submissive state, and it was a LOT of fun!!!! I SOOOO LOVE this seat!!!!!
  16. I totally agree with that, but my hubby didn't think I'd dare pose this question. LOL Weird, you'd think he'd KNOW me a bit better than that after 7 yrs of being together!!
  17. If you're looking for something powerful, small, & fun, try the Thumbilina! That thing is AWESOME!!!
  18. I hope that you have plenty of candles, batteries (extra for toys), and supplies. I'm sure you'll be fine, since you've been thru all of this before. Stay safe!!
  19. OMG!! I gotta change my voicemail!!!!
  20. I'm really sorry that y'all are going thru this. Where I find it wonderful that you have devoted so much time & effort into the marriage, it scares me to hear that you're willing to give up your happiness. Remember, being true partners means not LOOSING yourself in it, but becoming stronger. Rest assured that you are not the only one that has lost a job (from my experience) and, that in itself is hard to deal with. It's a blow to your ego, self-esteem, and makes you question any & everything you did at that workplace, as well as in your homelife too. But, it happens, you brush yourself up, and move on. Now, where we all want this to work out for you, realistically, unless your wife starts talking, there's no chance of that happening at all. It takes TWO to make a marriage survive. No matter HOW HARD you try, how nice you are, and how much effort is being put forth, unless that is all being reciprocated, appreciated, and absorbed, then there's not a lot of hope. I hate sounding so pessimistic here, but I don't want to snowball you either. FORCED counselling rarely works, you are SOO right there. When counselling is forced, someone usually feels bitter, trapped, tricked, and resentful at this happening. Being FORCED to do anything usually has that affect on someone. Which brings me to another point: Your wife, MAY, and I say MAY because I am not sure (of course), but maybe your wife may feel a bit resentful at having to cut down on things due to your job loss. She may resent HAVING to work, though, most women like going out and making a living, don't get me wrong. But, when the pressure is ON for someone to HAVE to pick up the slack, for whatever reason, they may resent it. Though, she may not know why she's so mad, or may not want to admit that she sees it like that, because she knows how unfair it is for her to feel that way, she can't help feel that way. Do you think that this may have something to do with it? I only bring this up because it seems that all her distance was triggered by you loosing your job? Until she opens up, or is willing to do so, there's not a lot of power in a marriage, when only one of the 2 engines are working. It's listing to one side, and I hope she can help right it! Good luck & Best wishes.
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