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Everything posted by Tyger

  1. Glad to have helped!
  2. Please remember, that I mean this in the nicest and most respectful ways possible. I too am a survivor of being raped. So, I say this with understanding. You were assaulted for sure. Drunk or not, he had no right to continue if you said no. However, and, yes, you've taken responsibility for your actions, but, after saying NO, you went a little further, stripping, letting him lay down with you, and hinting that you could be horny, well, it's no wonder he kept trying. Once NO is said, and he persisted, you should have slapped him, slammed him in the face, screamed at him, or whatever. There was someone else in the apartment for you to run too, and you were very lucky for that. I'm sure if you had screamed HELP, that other guy would've come running to find out what was happening. Keeping the NO still in play. Allowing him to push further, even with no responses, definitely gives a mixed signal that many women play as "games" to tease and get their lovers excited. He may have thought you were playing with him, from the sounds of it. You were teasing him. He may have been a bit more persistent because he was drunk, but the excuse of not remembering....well if he was that insistent, he remembers. Say NO, stand firm, mean it. Don't put yourself in these sorts of situations and then wonder WTF happened. Just because this guy may be one that hangs out with your group of friends, don't assume that he's like them, responds like them, and has the same POVs as them. Everyone's different. Don't automatically give a lot of trust to anyone you just meet. From your friend's response, it sounds like he (the one that assaulted you) has been accused of this before. Now, if your friend was a real friend, he would've forwarned you about that ahead of time. However, guys try to stick together, and get the notches on their belts (not all though). Sounds like you need to tell your friend that one time of being accused can be a mistake, 2 is too much of a coincidence and that he should rethink where his loyalties lay, in case HE gets accused as well. Being drunk is NO excuse. He assaulted you. Flirting is fun, however, once a line's been crossed, don't allow an inch, cuz some guys will try to force a mile.
  3. OWIE!! OK, that's a bit too extreme for me. My ex had a piercing, but, to be honest, it wasn't all that great. But, to each their own. As long as the piercee is happy with their choices, it's not for us to say.
  4. Don't forget the cherry on top.....of something.....
  5. Great review. I would suggest that, if you think a toy is loud, duck it under the covers, ON high, and go outside the bedroom. See if you can really hear it, or if you have to strain to do so. Most people may not even hear it, but where you're right in the bedroom, it seems uber loud. I've had some toys that sound like I've got a blender going on in my room. Thankfully, we have our own house, so even if we have overnight guests, they KNOW what I do, and I don't care if they hear the toys! LMAO
  6. Oh yes, on top of everything else, I started my period today. Oh well, that was to be expected. But, I was up til 3 am this morning, treating & cleaning. I combed her hair this morning with the special comb, and I didn't see anything. I'm going to wash my hair again. I think it's phsycho-sematic, cuz I'm itching like crazy. LOL Even though I treated myself last night.
  7. It's great to read about couples/spouses trying new things!! Welcome!
  8. And, whatever you get either Mikayla or me, I'm sure we'll love it!!!! JK!!!
  9. Also keep in mind, that usually, a woman looses her virginity rather "young", like in her teens. So, the experienced lover hasn't usually come yet (no pun intended). Even with best intentions, it usually disappoints the woman. It's either too quick, not as romantic and "dreamy" as she fantasized, or she had too high of expectations. However, your fiancee' is a very lucky woman that you are looking into making sure that her first time will be as pleasurable as possible. Make sure she knows what exactly to expect (hesitence, awkwardness, some slight pain not even as bad as getting your ears pierced, and learning how to move), and that you wish to go slow and please her as best you can. If you've done everything but have sex, use the experiences to make it more pleasurable. Best wishes!!
  10. It seems as though when it rains, it pours!! OK, so, the ex SIL wanted to go out and party this weekend. So, her only real option for a sitter is my MIL. She HATES the MIL, but I guess partying comes first (esp. with a fatal diagnosed disease sure to kill you in about 8 yrs tops). I get to see my niece & nephew that I haven't seen in almost 2 years!!! It was soooooo nice to see them!! I really missed the little girl, cuz she was always such a sweetheart. The boy is now 8, girl is almost 5. The boy, who use to be a terror, was very nice, and behaved very well. The little girl was pretty solemn, and reserved.....soooo not like what I remember. Anyway, they spent the night here on Friday night, left late Saturday morning, back to the IL's house. Ex SIL went into the hospital due to possible kidney failure (for like the 20th time). So, what was going to be just 4 days, so far, is looking to be at least a week. Well, I told MIL that they could come over tomorrow and play for the day. I know they're bored over there, cuz, after the whole SIL drama, they didn't think they'd see the kids til they turned 18. So they got rid of everything. I don't blame them. By the time the kids came back, all the toys that were there, they'd outgrown anyway. And, with the wasy SIL is, you never know what will happen, so until it's a sure-thing, they don't really want to spend the $$ they really don't have on stuff that will be used a couple of times. Plus, SIL moved 2 hrs away. So, it's not like they'd see them much anyway. I get a call tonight, about 6:30 p.m. They have head lice. When MIL found it, she said something, and the boy said, "Oh, yeah, Mom told me to tell you that we had that and to get medicine". Are you FUCKING KIDDING ME??????? What the fuck kind of parent sends their KIDS to a house, with NO medicine, NO heads-up (no pun intended there), knowing that the chances of them coming in contact with others (especially my daughter which she had to know that they'd see and play with) was HIGH!!!!!???? And who in the HELL relies on an 8 yr old boy to relay that sort of message??? Never having it, seeing it, or ever having to deal with it, I frantically call several people, and look it up. I look at her head, and don't see anything that I was told looks like a "nit". I got lots of great advice, blasted to Wal*Mart at about mach 10 in my Subaru, get the treatment stuff for my daughter (who can almost sit on her hair), and the other stuff recommended by a pharmacist, get home, and start to treat the house, my daughter, me, the pets, car, the bedding, beds, and putting my daughter's stuffies into solitary confinement for 2 weeks+! Febreeze, Lysol, vacuuming, washing machines, and lots of hot water are getting a great workout tonight!! I even bug-bombed the bedrooms for good measure. I now am airing the bedrooms out. DD's room was aired out with 3 fans going for over an hour before she went to bed. She stayed up 2.5 hours past her bedtime, but she was GREAT! She only whined when I was rinsing out her hair. I have a fucking killer stress headache too. It was down to a dull throbbing before all this happened. I'm like on Code RED of pissed off. I've been letting a lot of things go lately, and trying very hard to forgive people for being so freakin' stupid, but this really fried my ass, not just for me, but the audacity of her to put me, my pets, and especially my DD in possible trouble. Treatable, and inconvenient, but still!!!!!!!!! I really am usually a fun and nice person. Can't tell from my last 2 rants though!! LMAO Ok....I think I'm done......
  11. I would recommend that you check out the cyberskin dildos. Some are longer and thicker than others, some have vibes, but, with cyberskin, they feel as close to the real thing as I've ever had. They are firm, yet supple, like a real cock. Good luck!
  12. Tight jeans.....that's it.....or maybe add his chaps & a cowboy hat........
  13. If I lived in your area, I'd help you hunt him down, and plaster his truck with posters, spray paint, and whatever else that said "I ram school buses for fun." & "I'm a dumbass"". I'm SOOOOO glad that the kids are OK, and I hope the bus driver heals soon. What a bad thing to happen, but, thankfully, it wasn't as bad as it could've been.
  14. Thanks all. I have about 3 really close friends. Several casual friends, & a few online "close" friends (as close as you can get for not meeting IRL).
  15. OK, well, this girl that I had THOUGHT was a friend really has proven to be a royal PITA bitch. Thankfully, I found this out a year ago, and have since ended my friendship with her. I found her to be a liar, drama queen, user, and a looser. She has lied blatantly to my face about several things, used my IL's for the rental house they had (used ME to get in there) and then stopped paying rent, used the guy that we board our horses at (never paying him back, her horses DESTROYED a stall that she said she'd fix but hasn't, or finishing off paying for a horse), and NOW I've found out she's been lying (again) about a couple of things. The first one happened a while ago, when a friend of ourse was dating her, but he smartened up. She told him that my husband backed her up to the wall at a party we were all at, at HER house, and tried to have sex with her. First off, she is SOOO not his type, Second, at this party, I WAS there, and he wasn't out of my site for more than a few minutes when he went to the bathroom. Either, or, I was always able to see either one of them or both. Thankfully, I trust my husband enough to know that he wouldn't even try that anyway. I may bitch about him sometimes, but I know he wouldn't cheat. The most recent is that she just up and quit her job, and told her boss that she had been talking to my husband saying that her ex (our friend who also works at the same company) has it in for her. Well, she has NOT been speaking to my DH, he dislikes her to the extreme, and I don't appreciate the lies. She is always a victim, everyone's after her, and nobody trusts her. She up and quit her job (she lives with her parents with her 2, count 'em, 2 kids) cuz our friend reported to their boss several instances of her blatantly going against him about company vehicle policies. So, she tried making it sound like she just "couldn't work under those conditions". Why? Cuz you got busted for doing shit you're not suppose too? Deal with it. What's sad, is that she's only about a month older than I. I thought high school was over a long time ago! The few things I expect from my friends is: 1) Don't lie to me. Be honest. Own up to your mistakes, but don't lie about them. Everyone does crap they're not proud of, but that's life. Live & learn. 2) Don't use me. I am happy to help out, however, there WILL come a point where I will start saying HELL NO if you get too demanding. I am now known as a bitch cuz I've been able to say NO & mean it. 3) If you have a problem with me, shut the f*ck up to everyone else, tell ME about it, so I can either explain it, fix it, or tell you to get over it. If I don't know there's a problem, then it's not MY problem. 4)I'm here for you. But there will be times that I will need someone too. Hence the term "friendship". It's not a one-way street, darlin'. 5)Leave the drama at your high school. Why make it up??? Life is dramatic enough at times, especially with kids & single parents. Why make it more?? Grow the F up! I guess maybe for a lot of people, that's just a helluva lot to ask. Unfortunately, now, especially with many of the people in this particular area, I've learned that you can't trust most people to do as they say they will, don't trust 75% of what's said, and don't loan stuff out or allow people to make payments cuz you'll never see it. I won't speak up for anyone, recommend anyone for anything, loan stuff out, or offer to help out if it's going to cause me the least bit of inconvenience (unless you're one of my older friends that is). Took me 4 yrs here to learn that. Which is sad, cuz, most Texans are really nice & sweet, just not so much in this particular area. I say that cuz it's the "poorest" counties in TX, and, with that, comes the infamous "Welfare Mentality" where many (but certainly not all) of the poorer people think that they are entitled to everything they can get for the sole reason that they are poor and they shouldn't have to work for anything. They're gonna take advantage of what they can, who they can, and whenever they can. Hell, we're not "poor", but our bills are paid, we have food in the cupboard, but we don't have a lot of "play money" either. We work hard for what we have, and don't expect help. I got suckered in a few times cuz I am a bit (or was) too trusting and nice. Well, not anymore. I don't appreciate people lying about me or my DH. Marriage is hard enough without the idiots around adding drama and making it harder. It's a good thing I do trust him and know what kind of person he is. If I wasn't secure as I am with him, things could've gotten ugly! Sorry for the long rant.....
  16. Sharina, If your computer is running slow, you have a lot more than just Spyware going on. If you up/download a lot of pics and/or music, those files take up A LOT of space. I recommend to all my friends, that, as soon as they have enough, burn the pics/music to CDs and then delete them off your computer. That way, it frees up a lot more space. Also, after a major amount of deleting and at least once a week, you should do a ScanDisk and then Defragment your computer to make sure it is able to access files more efficiently. I usually go thru the pics I have gotten off my camera within a couple of days of uploading them, delete the ones that I don't even want to print off, due to some reason or another, and I only keep the songs on the computer that I am really wanting to listen too. Everything else gets burned. I burn pics to one disk, music files to another.
  17. This is a popular sort of game on a couple other boards I belong too. Get creative. With each letter of the alphabet (in order) a person says something that has to do with the subject (this one being SEX TOYS), starting with the letter they get to choose. One person, one letter, TooTimid style!. Such as: A-Anal Starter Kit NEXT!!
  18. I agree. I don't think in ALL cases BOTH spouses can be held accountable for one spouse cheating. Now, if the marriage is a loveless one, that has little to no communication, and even less affection, then, yes, but, more often that not, in my experience, that's not usually the case. I know that I do NOT hold myself accountable for when my old BFs cheated, or when my ex husband cheated. It's not "my" dick that was wondering out of bounds, after all.
  19. LMAO I love the squirt bottle idea....like a bad puppy!! NO!! *squirt squirt* As far as "being raped", well, when you're engaging in bondage play, this is with a lover you uber-TRUST. Hopefully, all your lovers you trust, since you're sharing your body with them. Bondage takes a deeper kind of trust. One that says that the DOM will absolutely STOP when the safe word is uttered. If not, the play doesn't happen again, cuz the SUB NEEEEEEDS to feel a high level of trust to allow this to happen.
  20. Mikayla's Review on The Cone
  21. Christina, You will find here at TooTimid that we are very honest when it comes to our likes & dislikes when it comes to toys. In fact, you'll find that we have several items reviewed that were less than stellar, and why we felt that way. Usually, if an item doesn't go over well, they send it to another reviewer to try to see if it was just personal tastes/preferences that got in the way of someone liking a toy. And, yes, this company even posts the "bad" reviews on their shopping site as well. How's that for honesty! I will say that Rob (co-owner with Chad), Meaghan, & Emily, and everyone else there (that we don't have much to do with cuz they're behind the scenes) are very open-minded people and appreciate our candid and tactful honesty. So, when something is recommended, it's not "lip service" to sell more products. It's one of the few companies that I've found that really prides itself on that. And, no, I don't get paid for saying this stuff, or get bonuses.
  22. Tyger


    I'm sorry that she's done this to you. Please remember not all women are this bad. However, remember if this happens again with the next woman, and you break up, get your stuff out of there immediately. It saves you the hassle and inconvenience of loosing your stuff, and it gets it out of the ex's way so she's (or he) doesn't feel like a storage facility. If I'm remembering correctly, y'all have been split up for at least a month or so, which is plenty of time to get your things out of there. It's really hard to move on with another man's stuff in your house/apartment. No offense to the "younger" ladies on here, but you will find that the older a woman is, she's usually more mature about these sorts of things. Again, best to get all your stuff out right after the break up. Best wishes.
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