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Everything posted by Tyger

  1. OMG!! Thur, are you reading my mind!!!? Did you KNOW I was having a Sam's craving? Not nice! I guess mine would hhave to be for mint chocolate chip ice cream flavored. Specifically Bryer's.
  2. “Sell Your Soul To The Gods Of Porn”. That’s the intro to this Vivid Entertainment Signature Series DVD starring Lori Michaels. Also in this compilation, are Lauren Montgomery, T.J.Hart, Tia Bella, Peter North, and more! All Expenses Paid, Bad Girls 7, Cheap Shot, Conflict, The Kiss, Portraits in Blue, Shooter, & Stardust are the films that the scenes are taken from. You have your choice from the first more romantic scene, then a bathroom “glory hole” scene, but involving a man and a woman, and boy!! Does she have some MAAAAD oral talent! Then you can feel like you’re a teenager again and doing it in the back of someone’s van. To some HOT all-female action, to…to….to! I will give you a hint, there’s kind of a whacky “techno” scene too, that if you don’t LOL at it, you have some serious issues!! And, you may never look at pink cotton candy the same way ever again! Many body styles, fashion, and a variety of scenes here, & no plots to have to bother with. You can even go to the main menu & just go to your favorite scene. Then, you have all the other extras, like a photo gallery, bonus rooms, & so on. This particular collection really does do a great job showing a lot of oral sex, up close, and personal! Everyone really seems to be having a really good time here! I believe this DVD would appeal to many people. It has romantic feels, some naughty, and some nice too, but not a lot of words to mix everything up with, or plots to worry about. Just some great sex! FEB 2008 DVD of the Month Sign on the dotted line.
  3. “Sell Your Soul To The Gods Of Porn”. That’s the intro to this Vivid Entertainment Signature Series DVD starring Lori Michaels. Also in this compilation, are Lauren Montgomery, T.J.Hart, Tia Bella, Peter North, and more! All Expenses Paid, Bad Girls 7, Cheap Shot, Conflict, The Kiss, Portraits in Blue, Shooter, & Stardust are the films that the scenes are taken from. You have your choice from the first more romantic scene, then a bathroom “glory hole” scene, but involving a man and a woman, and boy!! Does she have some MAAAAD oral talent! Then you can feel like you’re a teenager again and doing it in the back of someone’s van. To some HOT all-female action, to…to….to! I will give you a hint, there’s kind of a whacky “techno” scene too, that if you don’t LOL at it, you have some serious issues!! And, you may never look at pink cotton candy the same way ever again! Many body styles, fashion, and a variety of scenes here, & no plots to have to bother with. You can even go to the main menu & just go to your favorite scene. Then, you have all the other extras, like a photo gallery, bonus rooms, & so on. This particular collection really does do a great job showing a lot of oral sex, up close, and personal! Everyone really seems to be having a really good time here! I believe this DVD would appeal to many people. It has romantic feels, some naughty, and some nice too, but not a lot of words to mix everything up with, or plots to worry about. Just some great sex! FEB 2008 DVD of the Month Sign on the dotted line.
  4. Both of these men are absolutely correct! Also, what takes some women a LONG time to realize, is, just because a man may kiss you, flirt with your, perform/recieve oral sex from you, and even sleep with you, does NOT make him an automatic boyfriend! Some men will go as far as they want with you, and then just stop calling. They got what they wanted, or found a new conquest. If any of these are the cases, then you're a LOT better off without them. Now, building a quality relationship takes time and effort. If you're hanging out with a guy and his friends, listen to how they joke with him. Of course, guys have to give their friends a bit of shit, but, if many of them insinuate, or come right out and call him a dog, player, or something along that lines, and/or if you hear from other girls/people that this guy really goes from girl to girl, then don't be at all surprised that you're the next notch in his bedpost. Most men will give you SOME fort of sign that they consider themselves exclusive with you. It also depends on the type of guy they are. Whether it be coming right out and saying that you're "his girl", officially "ask you out/steady", tell people that your his girlfriend, or something along those lines. If they don't, then he doesn't consider you a couple. I usually didn't even bother with waiting, (when I was single). After about a dozen dates or so, I'd come right out and ask, if the subject hadn't come up by that time. What girls need to remember, is that, unless it's stated, just because you THINK that you're a couple, doesn't automatically make it true. Also, if you ask a guy what your "status" is, and he just says that you're a friend, or something NOT a girlfriend, it's up to you how you want to handle that. Dump him, keep seeing him, whatever. But, you really can't get mad at him if he doesn't want to commit, and is pretty honest about that too. If you stay with him, that's YOUR choice, but at least you know where you stand. My step-sister use to SWEAR that she KNEW a guy in a matter of 2 weeks, and was ready to declare him her ever-lasting love. She continues to do this to this day (and she's 34). She's had more "ever-lasting loves" than I can count! I think Gene Simmons (of KISS) has a rival of the female persuation when it comes to her. She can't, or won't, see that since she's overly "easy", and doesn't REALLY take the time to get to know someone before moving in in 2 weeks. She honestly gets SHOCKED each and every time they cheat, use, abuse, or dump her. She has a low self-esteem, and wants guys to like her and take care of her, so she won't have too. And when a man "breaks out of her charms", she is utterly shocked!! So, don't beat around the bush. Have fun, date, flirt, hell, if you want to sleep with a few of them, by all means, go ahead (but use CONDOMS!!!), but don't sit around waiting for a guy that won't say "yes she is MINE". Best wishes!!
  5. It's kind of a good idea with health, but, then again, there may be a whole can of worms that could be opened from something like that. I guess a HUGE disclaimer would be needed on that one.
  6. Bullets should be in every woman’s sex toy, hands down! And, thanks to TooTimid, I’ve discovered a GREAT vibe of the bullet variety, called the Silk Touch Egg Vibe! As you can see it's very pretty! Lavender in color, this vibe is compact and powerful! The bullet’s cord is similar to the old corded phones (spiral flexi-cord), and is a jackpin type (can be unplugged for easy cleaning.). The “egg” does NOT appear to be waterproof. And it kind of reminds me of something the Michelin Man may design for his woman. Or one of those honey despenser things that you drizzle your honey with, over something. It has 3 big humps that tapers up & out from the base, then, at the end, is a narrower bump, which is smaller for more direct stimulation. The last large bumps have slight nubbies around it, but, the material being so soft, it seems as though they were an after-thought. The bullet also has the satin-soft feel to it, so, even though it’s plastic, it doesn’t feel hard. I prefer this sort of plastic, myself. And, because the part that the cord comes out of, is tapered narrowly, it was very easy to hang on to as well. The controller takes 3 AAA batteries (not included), and the back comes off easily. On the front there are only 2 controls, so it’s overly simple. The big silver button turns it on, and controls which of the 6 variations you like: from steady, to pulsating, and combos in between. I'd almost swear that a Morse Code Operator designed the patterns for this toy! Then there’s the dial under the silver button. That controls the intensity of the vibes. I DEMAND a strong vibe, and at the mid to highest setting, this item DELIVERS for me! Below the dial are 6 lights that tell you which setting the vibes are on. You do need to go thru all of them to get it to shut off. I turned it on, and had lots of fun using this toy on my clit during some solo play one night. This toy is kinda loud, especially on it’s highest vibe setting. But, trust me, this one will remain at the TOP of my toy box, cuz this bullet really hit the mark for me! I loved it on my clit, and being just around 2" or so long, it felt great just inside my lips too. The bumps of the bullet were wonderfully noticable, however, the nubbies were not. This is a great toy for beginners to experienced toy users alike! Simple, easy to use, powerful, pretty, and versatile, this thing really does the trick. Oh baby that's what I like!
  7. Most of the nicer, STRONGER bullets take the batteries you're looking for. I would check the Sex Toy Reviews forum & see which bullets worked for members & reviewers alike. In fact, I am writing a review on one right now, which I hope to get up in the next day or so. Look for details such as shape, size, materials, and if it's waterproof. Also if volume is an issue, most of us try and tell how loud/quiet the toy is. Good luck in your search!
  8. Welcome to the fourms! Being in California, you're in the PERFECT spot to find a company that will do this! I don't know about Cali's geography, so, I don't know how far it would be for you to go to the San Fernado Valley, but that is the porn capital of the US, so you may want to try there. Or if you know anyone in film school, have them set up about 3 cameras, and then you can help splice together a movie since they'll have the Know-How, and they wouldn't really need to be there.
  9. I've got a few: "Dalton" from the movie Roadhouse "Louis" from Anne Rice's Interview With a Vampire "Wolverine" (played by Hugh Jackman of course!!) "Johnny" from Ghost Rider (I LOVE Nicolas Cage anyway! And I bet this guy has a permanent "Boner". Sorry, couldn't resist" "Johnny" from Dirty Dancing (maybe it's the Patrick Swayze....) "Sweetness" from Roll Bounce (hear the name like 'Sweeeeeeeeeeeeeetneeeeeeeeeeeeeeessssss!') "Sirius Black" from Harry Potter (yes really) If she was up for it "Catwoman" Hally or Michelle, either one!! LOL At the risk of "dating" myself, the character that Andrew McCarthy played on Pretty In Pink, Blain (though I don't think I'd scream the name LMAO) And I have to agree with "Wil Turner" on POTC!!!
  10. Don't even GET me thstarted on her! I could do a whole dialog of her, but I wouldn't want you to wet yourthelf.
  11. Are you a Sex Goddess? My Results: The Sex Goddess You're the valedictorian of Sex School! You need a few crucial characteristics to be good in bed, and you get an A+ in every area. You're knowledgeable and you have a good understanding of how your body works. Plus, your communication skills are excellent: You have no qualms about telling your partner what you need and want. Most importantly though, you have the right attitude. You're able to let go of inhibitions, you're open to new ideas, you're non-judgmental and you're not too hung up on what you look like. You'll try most things once, you're playful, you take responsibility for your own pleasure and you make a lot of effort to keep your sex life healthy and active. You also accept that things do go wrong and laugh off any embarrassments; after all, people aren't machines. My only advice to you is… keep up the good work!
  12. I LOVE it when a man makes noises letting me know that I am driving him absolutely nuts!! (IN a good way). Although I was with this one guy, that LITERALLY screamed like a girl when he came. THAT was "unsexy".
  13. Yes, you really do need a break! I'm sorry you're going thru all this. I would recommend that, if your outlets are over the internet, that you find a Miscarriage/Cancer site as well. They're out there, and there will be many people there to help you thru this. Also, it sounds like you're getting some conflicting info from your doctor. Such as: you can't have kids due to scar tissue due to a rape. But, you WERE pregnant AFTER the rape, yes? I would definitely get a second opinion. And, there are lots of women out there that have had kids AFTER they've had cancer. Unless you have a lot of cancer that needs to be removed (again, I don't know your full medical history), get treated ASAP, and then, later on, when you're fully ready to have kids, go to a fertility specialist and see what THAT doctor says. The doctor treating you cancer will give you a good idea, but the human body is resilliant and a wonderous thing! You never know what it will do! Best wishes!
  14. I got confused cuz the review's topic is "Furry Handcuffs", and this is a furry BLINDFOLD! Oh well, I guess the best of us can make mistakes! LOL I still love you. I have a furry blindfold that came with a set, so it's not this particular one, but we both LOVE it!! Soft, fuzzy, and the fuzz makes it even more difficult to try and PEEK. If you want to try light bondage and sub/dom stuff, a blindfold is a GREAT staple for this!
  15. *bends over* I've been very naughty!! LOL I want one!!!!!!
  16. Welcome to the forums. You have some great advise here, so I'll try not to repeat. The porn comment kinda caught my attention, as well as the pain issue. About the pain, IF you've gone and seen a gynocologist, and (s)he said that you're fine (which, if your sexually active, you should have a yearly exam anyway). It could be a mix of mental and physical issues. You're nervous that it's going to hurt. You've never experiences sex that wasn't painful in some way, so your muscles are constricing, naturally, to protect you. It's my experience that most young men don't really take enough time to excite their lover. They just want to get it on NOW. So you're not able to self-lubricate. THAT'S another thing!! Lubrication!!! Do or have you tried using some bottled lubes? There is NOTHING wrong with using lubes!!! Sometimes women may need a little help. If your body is "normal", and your doctor has cleared you for regular sex, then, using lubes can create the wetness that will allow the penis/toys to go in smoothly, and not create painful friction in your vagina. Added slickness really does help! Some men get all offended if you bring it out, cuz they're "Not exiciting you enough". Well, sometimes they need an extra bit of help getting excited, why shouldn't we?? It's not personal, it's pleasure. And those men that think like what I mentioned, need to grow up. About the porn. Again, most of those positions, unless they include harness, or obvious acrobats, are normal. If you're a bit stiff, stretch out, limber up a bit. Not only will you feel good about yourself, you'll be able to get into a few positions that you weren't able to before. Adding to the fun and adventure sex is suppose to be! If a position hurts for some reason, change it. Guys also have to realize (and so do many young women just starting to have sex and see porn and go "WTF?") that porn is a visual fantasy. It's NOT REAL sex. The way that those women look are not the "norm". Some women aren't as verbal as porn stars. Porn can be used as a guide, but I wouldn't say "sexual role model" for actual, real life sex all the time. some fun adult DVDs are the instructional "How to have/do" series for couples (usually), though there ARE DVDs for masturbation and things like that too. Many of those show REAL couples, with REAL bodies, having REAL sex. Best wishes!
  17. Usually, there is also a phone number on a website, catalog, pamplet, to go with the company. If you have a confirmation number, get that, the date of your e-mail and CALL them. Even if you don't have that, your name and addie will be enough (and probably your phone number you gave on the order form). If they've already billed your credit card, you have EVERY right to find out where your merchandise is. If the person on the line can't seem to help, demand to speak with a supervisor. And, if for some reason, you can't understand the operator, due to a heavy accent, ask to speak with someone else, and why. I'm all for bi/multi-lingual operators, but they have to be understood, especially in business. It's YOUR money, you have a RIGHT to find out where it's going.
  18. The major question that I don't see an answer for, is that "Have you ever HAD a G-Spot orgasm?" If you have in the past (which you can tell, it feels different, and many women "squirt" when they have one), you may be a little too dry, going thru menopause, not hitting the spot correctly, or something like that. But you weren't clear if you have ever done so. Nor have you said if you've ever had a "regular" orgasm? You said that your vaginal area has never been overly sensitive? This is possible for many reasons as well. Although, I don't know your medical history or status. Many women need clit stimulation as WELL as G-Spot stimulation to have the G-O. Have you tried this? Contrary to many men's beliefs, there ARE women out there that simply don't have G-Spot orgasms (due to under-developed nerves, scar tissue, damage during birthing, sexual abuse, accidents, or some other physical issue), or don't have the correct amount of nerve endings AT the G-Spot and are unable to have one. I guess more info is needed before we can delve deeper, IMO.
  19. Didn't you say you had a vibrator, (red and white swirly one) that looks similar to a penis, shape wise? Is that one not doing it for you anymore either? A vibrator can be both a vibrator OR a dildo. Just because it has a vibrator in it doesn't mean you always have to turn it on. It sounds like this bullet is giving you the commonly craved clit stimulation that many of us women need to get off. Have you tried using BOTH toys at the same time? As far as "Small dildos", there are a variety of sizes, colors and shapes to choose from. For us, it's been trial and error to discover what works for each person individually. The Sex Toy Reviews are helpful, of course. Read them, find one that sounds similar to what you LIKE, and go from there. What I like is more of a "fuller feel". I DID to a review just about a week ago on the Tantus Echo. THAT was AWESOME!! Plus, if you read my current reviews on Glass Dildos, those things ROCK!!! Why couldn't an anal toy be used vaginally? It's not like some alarm will go off if the item isn't used for it's specific purpose! Although anal toys tend to be more tapered and thus, not as "fulfilling", IMO.
  20. Oh yeah, I mean, I LOVE watching porn, don't get me wrong, and I DO love to hear dirty talk. However, it's kinda hard to take a woman seriously when she says "Thmack that asth! Look at her curveth. Isthn't she just scthrumptiouths? I wanna thsuck your cock." Yep, I just can't help laughing my asth off.
  21. Adam & Eve bring you yet another Thomas Paine film, A Winter’s Passion. This film is “porn with a plot”, so you can enjoy a slight story-line.Shayla LaVeaux, Rebecca Lord, Johnnie Black, and John Decker are to name but a few that appear in this film. Poor, lonely, buff, hung, and cute Andrew Stone; the excited, overly-talented photographer, yet a quite, reserved person in the “real world”. He can make every shot count! Many girls try to delve in and meet him, and try to get him to open up, but he keeps his mysterious persona active during the winter, and is “refreshed” in the spring, creatively, that is. He makes love to Jenny, a girl he shoots on the beach before his seclusion, and she leaves a note, asking him not to forget her while he “rebirths”. Beautiful ocean scenery treats your eyes, as the story of winter’s passion progresses. Andrew’s friend comes to down, with a “treat he found on an island”, Morgana, a dark and mysterious lil’ devil that says she will seduce Andrew & steal his soul. She succeeded on seducing him and screwing his brains out, none too quietly I might add. But the fight is not over for Andrew’s soul. Then there’s a 3-some that reminds me of the old comedy black and white acts, where all you see is speedy movements, and a piano playing in the background. I LOVE this one, especially when they did all the whistles. This was a riot! The music for this film is very cheesy, and some of the shots are great, where others are not so hot. Variety of shots will please almost anyone, 3-somes, orgies, M-F. This film was OK for me. Not bad, but not the best either. I'd say in the middle for my tastes. The big question is, will Andrew choose the dark, and erotic pleasures of the soul stealer, or his fair angel waiting to rescue him from his winter seclusion? I'll let you find out. Will this warm you up?
  22. GREAT article! I've heard a few adult film stars pretty much say the same things about work, getting paid, and all that. Personally, I don't mind the whole MILF aspect, though seeing "older" women is NOT my preference. I like what she does and all. But, with my quirky sense of humor, the one instructional DVD I have of hers, well, if you've never heard her talk, she has a strong lisp. And, when I hear an adult try to say the word "sexy", and it sounds like "thexy", well, I bust out in giggles. I'm not trying to poke fun at anyone with speech impediments by no means, but, with Nina, I'd rather see than hear her if I had the choice. She's just not one of my faves.
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