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Everything posted by nosleepnmesa

  1. Great Review!!! I sure do think the kit is really cute. I am sure though I would come free and hurt my neck. LOL
  2. LMAO Tyger!!! Cheep cheep here birdie birdie!!
  3. I am really glad to hear that the male freebie was such a good hit. Glad to see that the men are the board are enjoying them. Hmm I may have to get the next free male toy for the new man in my life. LOL
  4. Omg I love the way it looks!! I am such a HUGE glass fan. Great reviews!!
  5. LOL!!! That was cute!!Damn I wish the one my hubby cheated with was originally names Nick instead of Nykki LMAO.
  6. Angel if you don't get any foreplay at all, I would sure be talking to your man.
  7. I agree and yes you are a lucky man. Hey Ak I am jealous, you didnt invite me!! LOL
  8. Sorry this flower didn't work for ya. Although it does look quit interesting. I may have to see if I could try it out and see if it does anything for me.
  9. Rev it up! This looks a little like a rocket, and has the power of one to. This is not only thin with a light bulb tip, but has 10, not 3, 5, or even 8, but 10 wonderful vibration speeds. Along with the different vibrating speeds, you are able to control the functions. Located on the vibe is the “On” button which when pressed changes the speed, below the “Off” button is a button mark with an “F” which when pressed causes the vibe to “rev like engine ” threw the 10 different speeds, first starting at 1 and slowly moving up to 10. This has 4 functions, which when pressed again actually speeds up how quickly it “revs” threw the speeds. Which during my playtime was a wonderful and intense teasing. This product is made of hard plastic, and is also see-thru. It takes 3AA batteries, which are very easy to install. There are ridges going down the shaft, which were very pleasurable also. This little “rocket like” product revved me right up to have multi-orgasms. I would recommend this product to beginners and advanced players. It is not overwhelming at all in size. So why not "rev" yourself up to! https://shop.tootimid.com/index.asp?PageAct...amp;ProdID=6274
  10. LMAO Mikayla!!!! Yes I did wear the push-up bra. I know I am such a bad, bad , bad Kitty. Does that mean I get punished by the Teacher?????
  11. LMAO!! hmm makes you wonder what someone was actually thinking about when they created that character. LOL
  12. I have heard a similair story in fact soo similair it is scarey. As we all know it doesn't take but a quick look away. Code Adam has been in effect now for quit a few years, which that is what they call it here. Where they lock all the doors etc. People are sick and the sad thing is this world isn't getting any safer.
  13. Hi Angel. Well I do agree fully with my feeling posters here. Communication is the key to a great relationship. I do have a few questions though, if you don't mind. How long have you been married or with your SO, and how long has this lack of communication been going on? Have you tried, for instance you said, " He has had a bit of an attitude for awhile, and you let it slide because he is beat." that statement alone will make communication hard. He is worn out, tired, short fused etc.. So here is an idea, I don't know if he likes baths, but I know that my X did. Since you know he is worn out, tired and short fused, this may help start the communication back up. Make him a candle lit dinner, something that is his favorite meal, set the table, light some candles and turn off the lights. This may help him relax a little, setting a pleasant calm mood. I wouldn't during this time talk about anything that may cause anymore stress, but maybe some chit chat here and there. Let him know that you know he is exhausted, tired etc..., and that you miss him. During dinner you may want to ask him if he would like after dinner for you to start him a shower or bath if he hasn't had one already from after work. You may if his routine is to come home and take a shower first , then start that for him then go finish dinner. This of course it just to try to get him to relax and make the mood calm. Then maybe move to the porch and talk with him a little nothing to serious, you may want to say, "hon I know you are exhausted and stressed out, is there anything I can do to help? This is just a idea. If the mood doesn't seem right to ask him that then dont. Just have a relaxing dinner, with little chit chat here and there, then maybe move to the porch and sit next to him, hold his hand etc.... Also do you all have any children? This is just my opinion, I know over the course of my marriage, there were times where communication would not be there. Life alone is enough to stress somebody out. Good Luck to you and keep us posted!
  14. As most of you know I am in the process of a Divorce. Well Whiskeywomen, since we are good friends, told me that she knows a gentleman who lives not very far from me, and feels that him and I would be awesome togeather. We talked and hit it off right away. I felt like I have known him forever. Although it was kinds weird finding out that he is an officer, since most of you know that I have been visiting an inmate for many years. Well we decided to meet in Gila bend, which is about half way for both of us. Since he lives in Yuma, Az and I live in Mesa. So wensday night we decided to meet at a restraunt, there really isn't much to do in this little no mans land in the middle of nowhere. I arrived at the restraunt and he was already there waiting in his truck. Which wasn't hard to spot since there was only one other car in the parking lot. I pulled in next to him, walked over and said, Hello. He gave me a huge hug, of course I had to hug him back. He was alot beter looking in person then he was in his picture. We sat out side for a little bit and talked and held hands. Then decided to go in. The waitress sat us, sitting across from one another which was alright to begin with. I was not nervous at all and felt very comfortable with him. We had coffee and talked for a bit, when he sort of pointed to the seat next to him. I said, would you like me to sit next to you. He said," Yes please." So of course I moved in next to him in the booth. We spent about 2hrs just talking, the convesation was soo easy and we never ran out of things to talk about. Well we decided to go ahead and get a room there so we could have some privacy. (Okay all you preverts, I know your mind is wondering all over. LOL) He got us a room, Let me tell you all this man is a gentleman beyond believe, he opens every door, doesn't sit down tell you have sat, which is something I am honestly not use to put I am loving it. Once in the room, we sat down at the table to talk more, he brought his backgammon game, I opened the game and saw he had his handcuffs, and of course had to make a smart comment (Are you threatening me with a good time hon??) He giggled. Well after a few games of backgammon and great conversation, something took over us, we were so comfortable with each, we decided that we would play strip backgammon. Since we had talked about it, before we actually met. He was a little shy but not to bad and we talked during the game and laughed alot. I am sure you are wondering who lost all their clothes first, well it was really cute, I bumped knocked one of his pieces off and by this time all he has left was his binki undies, as soon as I put his piece on the bar, he said, " you want me to roll first then take it off, I said,"sure" well guess who just had her bra left and who's piece got bumped to the bar to." LOL so now we are both naked. I was on a little bit of a time crunch due to I had to be back home by 1130pm since my sitter had to leave for work at midnight. It was already about 730. Anyway we played another game, then he reached over and gently grabbed my hand since a show we both love CSI had come on. He asked if I was comfortable, I was extremely comfortable with him. Well we layed on the bed and I snuggled into him, his skin was soo soft like a babies. We layed next to each other naked just cuddled up for what seemed like forever. I turned over on my side and kissed him gently. He kissed me back, omg I felt like I was in heaven, we carassed each other, kissed etc.. Every now and then he would ask me if I was okay and if this was okay. I was in heaven. As I am sure you can firgue out one thing lead to another and it was AMAZING. THose details are coming soon since I am working on a story about it all. This is the first time in my life that I have done this with anyone. I have never had a one night stand, and I have never slept with anyone on the first date. I can tell you that this was no one night stand. We will be seeing each other alot more, and "dating". I had a wonderful, pleasant relaxing and incredible time. The whole night felt like we have known each other for a long time, conversation was easy and fun, laying in bed togeather "making out" was amazing and then the sex was INCREDIBLE. He is such a gentleman, I loved everything about it.
  15. You know just sitting here and reading alot of this, plus watching the news and hearing about all the crimes that are happening. Makes me just realize more and more about how screwed up our society is. Hell there is no reason for gas to be soo high, so if the oil companies can "rob" citizens, lie etc, then what do you think alot of society is going to do.
  16. I would like to see the Hustler pocket rocket again. It is nice to know also that the guys are taking advantage of their free item. I wasn't sure how that would work out but I am glad to see the men coming out.
  17. LMAO on his head is priceless!!!! I may have to play with this one to since sometimes I love the BIG BOYS!!!
  18. Sorry to hear! You take care of your family first, that is most important. We will all still be here when you get back darlin. Hugs to you!! Keep us informed. You and your family will be in my thoughts.
  19. Great writing!! I will be waiting impatiently for the next installment Very hot and Erotic.
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