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Everything posted by nosleepnmesa

  1. I need that one !! Great review!! Aiden LL said it perfect. The vaginal walls do stretch, alot of foreplay helps and slowly working your way up to it.
  2. I agree with all the other posters. Myself being at one time the women "who could live without it" at one point in my life, due to numerous things, kids, stress, life just alone can cause a sex drive to go away. Thank her and hug her just dont overwhelm her with all your emotions and excitement. Although in your own way let her know how you feel, that you enjoy it, love it etc.... I am very glad to hear that she came out a little per say.
  3. Good review!! Sorry it didn't work for ya.
  4. What a wonderful review!!! WOW these seem like a great tool for couples just getting into bondage.
  5. Great Reviews!! Gotta love the glass!!
  6. Great Review!!I wonder if these would be safe for me to wear around!!!
  7. Welcome and I wish you the best threw your divorce, I know they can be very difficult. This place is filled with lots of information, we all here keep open minds and learn from each and our experiances.
  8. You may just like the others said need to get a bigger set of them. I have both the bigger ones and the small ones I must just be different I havent had a problem with either of them.
  9. Welcome to TT!! There is lots to of information here learn and enjoy,
  10. A nun with a vibe sure why not!!! You know alot of professional people say, counselors etc.... That if you look back at some of your previous relationships you will find something in common with them. For exsample; my first boyfriend to my first husband the similair trait in them were they were all babies of the family. I then tried to break that "cycle". My husband this time wasn't the baby of the family but the older sibling. Well I thought that I had broke the "cycle" but when looking at other traits of the past all of them were also the only male sibling of the family, or a "mommy's boy" I guess what I am trying to say before you "give up" is take a long look of any other relationships you have had, and see if you can find what is common in them. Then try to break that "cycle" This last one was needy, and using you for the things you had and could help him with. Anyway, I wish you the best, don't give up hope. You are young and the world is full of good men, just be more picky and find one that is different from what you are use to.
  11. This looks like loads of fun. Thanks for the information and I am glad to know you are putting it to good use.
  12. Sorry to hear, but life is full of experiances just chalk this up as a hard lessoned learned. I am soo sorry!! You did though let this go on to long. Please don't take this the wrong way, I noticed that you are a bit younger to, I was young once I think. LOL Anyway there are some great men out there you just have to be alot more "picky" Don't allow them to walk over you, I think that when he said, "you are not my normal type of girl." I personally would have rethinked this dating thing or asked him what he ment. Also there are females that can be just as big of "assholes" per say as men can be. I have noticed though that women can be a little more vicious in some ways too. Don't give up and keep your chin high, for you did nothing wrong. The only thing you are guilty of is being his carpet to walk on. As far as the work situation that is very much sexual harassment and if it continues I think I would file it. Mikayla brought up a very good point to. I would do everything in my power to ignore him, sounds like he likes to cause trouble and is very good at. If your co-workers can't see the real you then screw them. I wish you the best!!!
  13. Yes! Actually my X taped us togeather and in fact he still has it. We use to hide it in our toy box with our toys. I have asked him about it, and yes he still has it. In fact he and his new wife have watched it of course with my permission. Why she would want to see it I don't know, but I guess (according to my x) it has opened her up to different things.
  14. Great Review!! Although I think it looks like a spoon!! Sounds like fun to!!
  15. I wouldn't think so, since it is hard sealed plastic.
  16. Sorry to hear it didn't work for ya. I am curious to find out how well it does for anal though.
  17. Sounds like this is one I need. Bet I can't hurt myself with this one. Or you never know maybe I can.
  18. Very beautiful women!! Who would laugh at that you are hot with a beautiful face!!!
  19. Glad to have you back and awesome pic!!
  20. Very Nice!! So where did you get it and how much was it?? Curiosity killed the kat but satisfaction brought her back. LOL
  21. Mine when I did have a period, got swollen a little but not to much. I havent had one in years though, gotta love the hysterectomy!!
  22. Lock it up!!! This product I found to be really neat. There is a plus side to this and a little bit of a down side. This kit not only has it’s own little holding container but also has a cute little lock and key. The massage oil has a little wild orchard scent to it, I opened it up and put some on my hands then rub it up an down my legs, chest, etc. The scent is not overwhelming at all, but very relaxing. I felt like I was lying in the middle of an orchard. This is not greasy at all nor does it stain. The vibe is a basic sleek powerful vibe, which takes 2C batteries, which are very easy to install. I then decided to test the lock, I pulled the plastic out of the bottom of the container, so the products would fit nicely and the container would close. The lock took a little bit of force to close it around the hoops. The container is of strong plastic; although the lock isn’t the best it did do its job. This comes with 2small keys, which are plastic so be careful with them. I then tried to force the container open, as if I was one of my children, the lock held perfectly. I found a comfortable place to relax; I was enjoying the slight scent of the massage oil, while the powerful vibe was rubbing up and down my body, teasing me. The vibe is multi-speed with a dial on the bottom of it. Even on low this carries extremely strong vibrations, also it isn’t very quiet so you may want to turn on a radio or something. In all honestly, this kit is perfect for couples and playing alone. Whether you are a beginner or advanced player. So why not lock it up, and unlock it when you’re ready to be swept away to an orchard of heaven! http://shop.tootimid.com/index.asp?PageAct...amp;ProdID=6040
  23. Good review!! Sounds like the lube I need for this 110degree weather.
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