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Everything posted by nosleepnmesa

  1. My husband actually thought of this one, so being his loving wife I said I would post it and see what happens. Most of us know that communication is huge in letting our partner know what we like, don't like and what feels good and doesn't. So how do you strike up the conversation with your partner? When I first met my husband of course we talked about alot of everyday things, we hit the sex talk a little to, I think that is because I have never been a shy type of person. The first time we were ever in bed he was the one that actually said, "babe where do you want me to start" I sort of giggled about it and then told him to start at my neck gently sucking and kissing it and lets see where it goes. Let me tell ya it sure went Here we are years later still trying new things and testing them out on each other. I know when I tell him what I think would feel better to me or this is what I found I like better I do it in a sexy kinda of way if in the heat of passion. Sometimes I know I make him laugh and him me. So just curious on the how you talk to you partner.
  2. Hey Tyger I couldn't agree with you more. I watched it actually in the wee hours this morning. She wasn't I would say a favorite of mine but let me tell ya she sure has gained my respect. That story struck many different emotions to.
  3. Had to post another idea, this one isn't mine though, it is actually my husbands. Since he has read alot here to, he thought maybe an article on the basic 101 communication with your partner. An article that maybe will help couples to commincate what they like and dislike in bed without feeling embarassed or scared. Like maybe a stepping stone for those couples who really don't communicate, or maybe don't know how to. Oh well just his thought.
  4. I want the Ipod vibe. Hey Alfie buy me one There are some toys out there that sure have made me say WTF. I have seen the HUGE Dildo that I swear is prolly 3 feet tall and the girth bigger then any babies head I have ever seen. Lets see I have also seen a blow up horse, yes you heard me right instead of a blow up sheep a horse I swear I almost died right there it was just as you entered the store. Where some of this stuff comes from I don't think I really want to know.
  5. Hi, and I completely agree with Mikayla here. Also what do you mean she will MAKE YOU return it? I mean you are the adult, sorry I don't mean to sound harsh or rude hun. I just can't imagine it that is all. When I first got married to my first husband and we lived with my mom for about a month just tell our house was built I would recieved toys etc.. In fact my mother walked in before didn't knock or anything and got an eye full. She got over it to. She relized that I am an adult and although we don't see eye to eye on alot of things what I like to do or not do she can't control. I guess my question is really this how can she make you? I mean would she threaten to throw you out of the house? Good luck Hun and I hope I didn't sound rude or anything it wasn't ment that way just a little curious if that is what she would really do or not. You know also don't feel embarassed or uncomfortable if she does ever happen to find it. I mean you are an adult and adults enjoy sex. Take care!
  6. Well since I have had a 3some before in the past. I also know my husband would love one now I honestly can say this is not a fantasy I want to come true with him, unless of course you are talking one of those awesome realistic expensive blow up dolls . Another fantasy is two be with two men at the same time, one of course being my husband, have been there before to in the past but would not want it to come true now.
  7. I noticed one pretty interesting post. The poster asked what should I be doing in bed? I just lay there. Of course we all gave excellent advice on it. I honestly think this would be a great topic in the education area. I know Mikayla our "writing slave" sry kidding of course already knows of this topic and I believe she is going to be writing a article on it. I feel it would be great for all those couples out there and women that really aren't sure what they should be doing in different positons.
  8. RAISES HAND HIGH!!!! I Love the bunny, hehe and with a remote sounds like my kind of toy, LOL On my list!
  9. Glad to hear you reach the big O. I am also sorry to hear that you spent your holiday in the hospital with your grandpa, that can be rough. The articles here that Mikayla has written are great and helpful in many ways. I am glad to hear though that you finally reach it. Everyday life and stress can make it difficult at times. As far as for the shipping here there are different types to choose from. I live in Arizona and I have had some things ship overnight since I just couldn't wait there is also the 3 to 5 day I think it is and the standard 8 to 10. My packages have never really taken over 5days if I ordered it on Monday and picked the cheapest shipping I had it by Friday. I know that they are great on getting the orders out immediatley. If you really have any questions regarding the shipping you can call the office, I have always had them quicker then I expected it to arrive. If you order it Thursday then make sure you pick the right shipping so it will arrive to you on the 2nd. Also once an order is made you, you will recieve an email and be able to track your package. I am very glad to hear of your O. Also there are lots and lots of toys here so if you aren't sure on what to get read the reviews and if you still have any questions I am sure all of us here will be glad to tell you are favorites and what we think you might like. Keep thoses Os coming Have to love them. Good Luck to you!!!
  10. Hey Mikayla, actually another poster asked this question and I thought wow this would be an awesome article for you to write. The poster asked "What am I suppose to be doing in bed? I mean I rub my hands on him ect but other then that I lay still. I answered her the best I could as far as grinding her hips and thrusting when he does and staying in rythm. I also suggested her getting on top etc.. But I thought hmm this would be a great article for education and who better then our "writing slave" kidding. Mikayla!!!!!!!! What women should do in bed, I know alot of us know but I think it would help the newer posters who aren't sure what they should be doing. Just a thought!
  11. Well to answer your question, to be honest I am hardly ever on my back, when I am my hips are grinding and I am thrusting right along with him. I love doggie style and alot of other postitions to in doggie, I am in rythum with him. I mean my hips are grinding and sometimes he will stop moving so I can grind on him harder. I have never been one to lay still. I am sure others here will be able to answer you alot better but, I mean you can move with him thrust with him, move your hips and grind against him. Also you can always ask your partner what he would like you to do ? I mean communication is a wonderful thing during sex. I do what makes me feel good and him and makes us both reach our Os. I know at times it might be hard to not get embarassed but I sex and sexual questions are nothing to be embarassed about, Society and others I know make it hard. Try other postions to I mean you can put him on his back, and go reverse cowgirl with him, where you have control. Trust me when I do that position with my hubby he is moving right along with me. I don't think either of us have actually been still. Even when I am alone and with my toys I am moving. Hope this helps you some!
  12. Looking for a vibe that is not overwhelming? Looks like glass, but is jelly? Then I have the product for you. This product looks like glass, but it is really jelly, a beautiful blue crystal like color. I noticed right away it had very small ridges on the shaft itself, with little nubs at each ridge. Although it is jelly, it is very sleek, slim, and a little flexible, but firm. This product is very slim and in my opinion not overwhelming at all. The package says for vaginal or anal play. This also has a little rabbit for clitoral stimulation. I went to get the 1AAA battery. In fact my husband loved the way it looked. We decided to play together with this one. The battery insertion was easy. I then washed the toy with antibacterial soap and water. I grabbed our Tootimid lube ran to my husband. This product is multi-speed and EXTREMELY quiet. We could barely hear it. As I laid back on the couch, my husband rubbed it against my clit. He then inserted it and the rabbit ears hit right but I really couldn't feel any vibration coming from them. I am sure there is but really just not enough for me to feel. The vibe itself once inserted was amazing. I could feel all little ridges. Since this vibe is so slim I asked my husband to insert it into my anus. Remember that once a vibe is used for anal play, don't reinsert it into your vagina. He added more lube and slowly started to insert it, as I was bent over the couch. WOW, as he inserted it I thought I was going to climax right then and there. The ears hit just on the skin there between my anus and vagina, but still didn't really seem to stimulate me. As my husband worked the vibe in and out I played with my clit. Just when I thought this vibe wasn't going to do it. BAM I had a wonderful full filling orgasm. This toy also would be extremely easy to conceal. Although the rabbit ears weren't very stimulating for me the toy itself is a great product in my book and was wonderful for anal play. http://shop.tootimid.com/index.asp?PageAct...amp;ProdID=5174
  13. Mikayla I just got done reading your new article, Start the New year with a bang. I just wanted to let you know I loved it, in fact it made me smile, very nice job. I think the phrase "toys for tots" was not only a great interest striker but made me laugh To all of you who haven't read that article yet it is really tought out well and very well written. As most of us already know Mikayla does wonderful on her articles and they are PACKED FULL of great information. GREAT JOB and a WONDERFUL Idea for an article Mikayla.
  14. Thanks Tyger same to you and yes SANTA was good to me with my new Snowman vibe, where he found it I have no idea. Hopeyou have a wonderful NEW YEAR TOO!
  15. Well this is gonna sound bad I was 15yrs old. I stayed with him for 5yrs and it was not a bad experiance at all. We are still great friends to this day. There is a huge story behind it but to make it a short one I wad emanicipated by the state at this age and was with someone older he was not a teen he was 20. Yes I was a little young I will say.He was very gentle and talked threw the whole thing in fact he told me it might hurt a little and everything else he was very good and always ask if I was okay or umcomfortable.
  16. Well I got a new toy, I have no idea what shop in this town had it or even where my hubby found it. Although he didn't get me anything on my wish list here I sent him. He did find me a snowman vibe. Yes I said it a snowman vibe. He looks just like frosty, his nose has a small little orange nub, and nub black eyes. It starts off with a small round head then a little bigger ball for his middle, then a large ball. It is really neat, it takes 3 C batteries the down fall was it was NOSEY. There is a little button on the bottom of it and when I pushed I swear I laughed my ass off, it sang Xmas music. He still won't tell me where he found it but I must say I loved it. I also must give the man a little credit it wrapped it awesome and set it on the bed. He wrapped it in a huge box, I opened the box to find a new teddy well inside the teddy was something wrapped and there it was. I say give him a little credit because he I was thinking it was the new stereo I wanted. LOL He did great.
  17. Hi Niah, just a frw questions. In your opinion was this toy quiet? Also is it just one speed or multi- speed? Just curious thanks!
  18. Well Tyger to me it doesn't really matter. I feel as long as the toy, brings pleasure to our bedroom it really doesn't matter.
  19. Just curious, Does it have some of the positions that are in your article to? I also agree that it is always good to learn new things.
  20. I would have to say yes and no. Here is why, the way it is packaged really doesn't matter to me, but now the discribition of what it does or doesn't do helps a little. Myself I really look at the toy, since most of the packaging I know here at our adult stores, you are able to see the product to. Now when I asked my Husband this question, he said that when he use to go into the adult stores the packaging helped him alot. Since of course he read the describtion of the product, but if the product was in a really cool looking box he said it help him with his choice easier. I think that is kinda typical though in a sense when your other half goes to try to find you a gift or something. They aren't always sure what you want or may or may not like. Here though you get the details and all which is why I love this place. Good Question Tyger!
  21. Hey Tyger that Swiss Navy Captain is mine. Had to make a comment since you raised your hand first. Anyway, Natalie yes get a good lube, they really aren't very expensive and they are better on the body and made for the intention of insertion. I would highly recommend staying away from butter, and lotions. I do understand though that at times you use whatever is at hand. Swiss Navy I have heard great things about, although I have never tried it the two main lubes I use are Tootimids which is AWESOME and Astroglide although I am going to try the Swiss Navy one. In my opinion I would rather use something that is made specifically to enter the body, butter was ment for being eaten on something not for insertion. Lotion on the other hand I am going to agree with Tyger on I wouldn't want to take the risk of having some of the lotion go from my anus to my vagina in the heat of passion. It could really cause a infection that is why also any toy once used anally should, even after being clean, never go vaginal again. I have label toys for anal play and others for vaginal. Get a good lube, there are some great reviews here about the lubes here and they are at a great price and work well. I am not a huge fan of Ky but your local store would carry it. Good luck!
  22. This one is an easy one, mouth, inside of me, chest back, in my ass etc... How about where ever his little heart desires at the time.
  23. Niah, me I want to try a female sex doll with my hubby but not a cheap one LOL I love the really expensive ones but I haven't won the lottery. I think it would be great and exciting.
  24. When I purchased the John Holmes I thought my hubby was gonna have a heart attack, when I told him. But he didn't he took it is stride what a good guy. In fact he was just as excited as I was with it, and we tried it out that night. So I think no matter what I want to try my husband is game for it, and no matter the size of it etc... I honestly don't think my husband will feel like he isn't good enough.
  25. Hi Natalie, In my opinion I think it would be better to just get a bottle of lube. I can tell you that the Tootimid lube is great for anal play. I myself have never tried lotion, I would think though that a scented lotion would cause some form of irritation, but then again I am really not sure. I also think that using lotion on a product (toy) would cause the toy to not last as long since there are alot of different chemicals in lotion verus lubes. I am sure that others here will be alot more helpful, and have a little more information for you. I don't think I would run the risk if there is one and to be honest lube really is alot for you and your toys. I know to there are alot of different lubes I personally have tried the Tootimid and LOVE it and Astroglide. I am going to try the swiss navy one to. IF you toy is silicone though make sure you don't use a silicone lube on a silicone product it will destroy your toy. Best of Luck to you!!!
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