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Everything posted by nosleepnmesa

  1. I have to say I have never had that happen to me, the custumer service here at tootimid is EXCELLENT. DON'T be afraid to call them. I am sorry to hear this has happened but please call the office desireinme, and just say that you recieved your shipment with this product missing if you are worried about saying the product just say the product number. Trust me they are great!!! If not I am sure that Rob or someone will see this post. It has never happened to me though, but I have had to call the office before and the staff is great, and custumer service is WONDERFUL here.
  2. I heard this one today and thought it was cute. Two married buddies were at a bar one night when one turned to the other and said," Whenever I go out drinking I park around the corner from my house and try to sneak in the backdoor, but I always seem to wake up my wife. Then she yells at me for being out so late." "You're taking the wrong approach," the other guy said. "I screech into the driveway, slam the front door and yell to my wife that I am want a blowjob. By the time I get upstairs she's sound asleep.
  3. Welcome D Luv!!! There have been alot of post I believe on this, I will try to find and post the links. Also if you are stressed and trying it may be hard to get to that big O. Sounds like you are almost there and then you you stop. You have to breath threw it and relax. If there is something bothering you it will be hard for you to have a O. As far as a toy, they always help and I don't think that you will like it better then the real thing. Clitoral stimulation is great when masturbating. Here is a link I hope will help http://www.tootimid.com/sex_education/fema...information.htm here is a few articles just click the link then chose which topic would help you best. I am still looking for the other links to this, I hope this links helps.
  4. I have some and LOVE them. Mikayla is correct it takes patients and FYI make sure you were underwear and that your PC muscles are in good shape. I use them while I read sometimes and sit in my rocker talk about a good time. Everyone women is different though, what works for some might not work for others. Took a little time but I think this is the link Mikayla is talking about... http://forums.tootimid.com/index.php?showtopic=619
  5. I Agree!!! I came to this site looking for a new toy and found this forum, at that time my sex life was soooooooo boring and I was at the end of my rope. Thanks to everyone here, my sex life is beyond track it has hit massive overboard!!! Just the advice that was given back on June 1 by everyone my bedroom play is no longer play , it is way far beyond that.
  6. Amethyst I hope it does to. I decided that since all I paid for was shipping that my other toys need my immediate attention and that I am not to worried about mine dying. I hope yours works for you and you have no problems. Good Luck
  7. Well Cyclone, I agree with the other post, There is nothing wrong in masturbation heck I do it alot and so does my hubby and he loves to help and watch, and I love to watch him. Even when he isn't at home I do it. Since you both were virgins when you met I would have to say in time I think things will change. I wouldn't stop and I also wouldn't tell unless I am asked, I tell my hubby when he calls and knows the kids are sleeping he will ask me what I am doing and I say playing with myself, he tells me to make sure that their is some left for him to play with when he gets home. I think that alot of communication when possible will help to.Don't feel GUILTY! Masturbation is a healthy normal habit.
  8. Welcome RRR!!! Well here is a few links to some products, also as she tried sucking on a mint, a piece of candy at the same time. This is just a thought. Also I from experiance a couple years ago, my hubby was into that and he loved to watch, the jelly type have no taste to them or after taste at all. Have you tried those? Here is a link to a couple of the products here although I have not personally tried them the have great reviews. I am not sure if they are safe on the product, but I don't see why they wouldn't be. http://shop.tootimid.com/index.asp?PageAct...ROD&ProdID=3169 http://shop.tootimid.com/index.asp?PageAct...ROD&ProdID=3102 Hope this helps. Keep us posted and Welcome again!!
  9. Hi cyclone, well with you will have to sit down with her and talk about it. Not all women enjoy anal sex and not all women are acceptable to it, different strokes for different folks. As far as her thinking it is gay, it isn't I myself enjoy anal sex alot. There may be other factors to, was she raised in a religious home? Have you tried to talk to her about it gently? You can't force or make anyone do something they are not comfortable doing. After talking with her and she still will not allow it, then I am not sure on advice to give you. I can give you links to Mikaylas articles but if she is still dead set on not allowing it or being open to it there is not much you can do. Here are the links if you would like and maybe you two can sit down togeather and read them and discuss them, be gentle though about this discussion with her. http://www.tootimid.com/sex_education/anal...to_anal_sex.htm http://www.tootimid.com/sex_education/anal...-experience.htm the first article is the basics and the second is anal experiances. Hope these help some and good luck.
  10. Awwwwwwwwwwwww Valntyn must not be your week. I have to call today and let them know my poor rock-it is dead. Although I have others I have to say I loved this little rock-it.
  11. Whiskeywomsn, I agree they should have gave us all remotes for our children and the dam owners manual. when we got pregnant. I understand were you are coming from and you are correct in saying that every family and situtation is different. It is true to that parents are reponsible for teaching their children about sex education in the best way they can. Also I started this post because curiousity was getting the best of me and I wanted to see what other adults thought about this issue. I know that not alot of people have the open door policy, also every family is different and has different believes. Although my children and I talk about everything and anything you gave me an idea I think I am going to buy my kids journals, even thoug they tell me everything all the time since, I know I will catch a little grief on this comment from someone I am sure, am not only their parent but their friend when they need one. The journal thing is a wonderful idea.
  12. Welcome Hotmomaof3!!!! I have traveled with my toys numerous times. I checked my bags threw sercurity and never had any problems at the airport. They were not carry-on though since they had my toys in them. That actually is a good question, I have never had any problems but as a carry-on I am not to sure, I mean the worst case scernio would be that it goes threw the scanner and the person running it might see what it is, but as far as them saying anything I doubt it, but I personally have traveled with my toys on a plane but have always checked them in to go into the cargo area. Good question. I am sure someone on this board has more then likely had a carry on with a toy, and prolly will be able to help you more. Have a wonderful trip, everyone deserves a vacation with no kids!!! I am still waiting for mine. I hope you have a safe and fun filled trip. Let us know. We love feed back.
  13. Welcome bobrich!!!!! There are many things feathers and such are a great start I can try to help a little on what I have done to my husband, I am sure Mikayla will have many many more helpful suggestions for you. I have tied my hubby up and have tortured/pleasured him with my bullets(vibrator). I have used my bullet right underneath his balls the vibration gave him a heck of a heart on and a hell of a tease. I have also taken a feather and have gently touched him while wiggling the feather around his penis, balls, entire body ect.... By the way I want you to know that no question is stupid here, nor should you feel stupid this is a wonderful helpful site with loads of people to give opinions and suggestions. Here is the link to one of the bullets I have teased him with,not only under his balls but nipples ect... He loved it. http://shop.tootimid.com/index.asp?PageAct...ROD&ProdID=4998 Hope this helps some. Keep us posted!!!!!
  14. Sorry to hear yep mine has the same problem but it quit working and filled with water. Guess my Head Twister is gonna get more time now. hehehe bad Hustler we can grief togeather.
  15. The best advice I can give you and maybe a suggestion is, you have to talk him threw it, or you could have him lay on his back and you get on top of him and insert his penis in you at the rate you want nice and slow. Sometimes we women have to take control of the situtation since men get so carried away at times. Keep us posted!
  16. Okay I am a HUGE fan of this toy, but I am wondering if anyone has noticed that when it is submerged in the water(like the tub), which is where I use mine, it gets water in it. Yes I do have it closed all the way I have looked for cracks, which there are none. There isn't alot of water, but enough that it no longer works. I was having a great time in the tub this morning and now it is broken, thank goodness I have other tub toys. So I am wondering who has noticed this with theirs????
  17. Putting this one on my wish list. Since hubby loves lights and woohoo it's waterproof. Thanks Mikayla.
  18. Mikayla, just a question since I have never used rope before, would a regular pair of household scissors work well to cut the rope? Since I have heard alot about that type of rope I was wondering. Also I know that there is a really cool, I think it is a japanese bondage tech. that I was reseaching one day that involves rope, but can't seem to remember the name of it either, or the webpage for it since I thought it was extremely sexy. Thanks!
  19. I agree with Mikayla my pussy and clit are the BEST place to lick and suck. I also like my neck sucked, not a little light sucked, but HARD, my hubby once sucked on my neck so hard it not only made a hickey but drew a little blood. My hubby loves to be teased with my mouth and tongue around his balls and for me to suck one in before I give him a BJ.
  20. This will fit both very small thighs and large ones. You know if your thighs are tiny like my daughters you can prolly fit both in one. The big loop goes as small as my daughters little thigh and she is extremely petite. I am a slim to medium build and just had to go try it and I can almost get both my thighs in one. LOL That was a very good question Mikayla thanks!
  21. Welcome Back Mikayla!!!!!!! Hey also thanks for the link to the site. I learned alot from it and wow I am amazed. Hmmmm thinking about one for hubby now. Thanks
  22. I love it when the hubby is out of town, we can have phone sex. Sometimes, since we have cell phones, I will be up in our bedroom and will block the house number, and call his cel phone while he is sitting in the living room, and tease him.Sometimes even turn one of my vibes on for him to hear it.
  23. After a few sessions. Sometimes I like it rough there depending on my mood, but not rough enough to hurt, if it hurts then something isn't being done right there. You should have him try some clitoral stimulation at the same time. Bullets work great for this to. Also here is the link to Mikaylas article on Anal sex. http://www.tootimid.com/sex_education/anal...to_anal_sex.htm http://www.tootimid.com/sex_education/anal...gasms-lubes.htm here are a few links you can find the rest under education and anal. Hopes these help. Good luck!
  24. LOL they must have gotten them on the site right after I wrote the review.=)
  25. This product is ABSOLUTELY AMAZING. Why they call it thigh cuffs, I will never know, there are so many options with these. Whether you are an advanced bondage person or like me just starting to get back into it. Maybe you have fantasized about it and everything looks to be overwhelming or too much of a restraint for you. This product is perfect; it is not too much and adds quite a bit of excitement to the bedroom. Here is just a little of the basics; the restraint is made of a sturdy yet soft feeling nylon. I had to get this package opened and play with them. The reason why I stated why would this be called thigh cuffs instead of tease me cuffs, I will never really know. I opened the package to see that they are velcro, which is a plus in my book, so if for any reason your sub wants out it is just a quick pull on the strap. There is one big loop and one small. I found that the smaller loop could be used for either the wrist or the ankles since these are completely adjustable and easy to use. The bigger loop, which is meant for your thigh, can also be used to cuff your partner to bedposts, chair, etc. The wrist/ankle cuff is lined with soft foam padding, so it is gentle on the wrist. Also another plus to this product is that they are easily washable with just a little soap and water and hung out to dry. Time to test this out. My hubby decided that he would use them as a thigh, to wrist restraint. He took the big loop, wrapped it around my thighs and tightened it. Then put my wrist into the wrist restraint, he did have to adjust the padding a little to fit just right around my wrist. I was very comfortable, I thought that since there wasn’t any padding around the bigger loop that it would be uncomfortable, but it wasn’t at all. My husband then took out a few of my favorite toys. He teased me with all of them, when he decided to go down on me and his tongue hit my clitoris, and I was unable to wrap my arms around him and hold him there, which I really enjoy doing, I grew more and more excited since I was unable to. I then decided to trap him there with my legs. Since I still had full movement of them, he was easily able to trap them back down. It is amazing just what a little restraint can do. He then turned me over, doggie style of course, and gave me even more pleasure with the great DP. I am highly impressed and have to say I will be looking into a little more bondage products now! These are wonderful for the beginner or advance player. I know I enjoyed the little bit of restraint that these provide. So if you are looking for something not to restraining or intimidating these are WONDERFUL! Have fun, I know I did! http://shop.tootimid.com/index.asp?PageAct...ROD&ProdID=3329
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