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Everything posted by nosleepnmesa

  1. Great Review and funny to!!!
  2. Glad to hear you got your first review done!!! Awesome job!!!
  3. Very well written and highly information!!!!*HUGS*
  4. I love it. Guess I will have to do the purrs!!!!!
  5. I love my bullets. They are very easy to use and can be used in alot of different ways, clitoral stimulation, balls, nipples all over the body stimulation. Most are actually very quiet and not intimidating at all. They are one of our favorite toys. Alot of people thing they are just for women let me assure you they aren't a while back I thought that I got careless with one of my toys since it was no where to be found, come to find out my hubby took my favorite bullet to work and broke it, lets say he was vibrating his balls all day. and burned the motor up. LOVE LOVE LOVE my bullets!!!
  6. I love that movie. I am actually a semi, lifetime movie fan.
  7. Welcome to the Forum!!!!
  8. Omg that is hilarous I can soo see them.
  9. You know he is a very pretty color, the spiders we get out here are ugly as sin. I need to move again. LOL
  10. Awesome!! Well my hubby is gonna have to hurry up and fulfil my wish list since he just got alot bigger!
  11. Update the insurance adjuster found the my motor mounts are broke to and the engine is turned. I have to love my insurance company they gave my one of their lawyers who is handling all this civil ticket stuff. They told me just to worry about my family and not about anything else regarding this accident. They did come out and take pictures of her skid marks a little bit ago. I am still pretty shaken up and call me a 2yr old I am afraid to drive . I am sure that will get better in time though. LOL Thank you all !!
  12. My husband knows all about this forum I don't hide it. In fact he has posted on here when I was going threw a really hard time. Everyone here was very helpful to him and helped us both. This forum is wonderful for both. In fact when I first came here he read the post I made and all the replies to it.
  13. Well yesterday at 219pm I was pullin into my driveway with the kids in the back seat of the car. The front end of my car was in the driveway when a neighbor flew down the street and smacked into my car. We are all okay for the exception of a bruises on my shin. Her car has a tiny dent in the front clip and my whole frame of my car is twisted and the insurance company may just total it out. What I cant understand is why when my front end was in my driveway why I got a ticket. I have NEVER In my life EVER had a ticket of any kind nor an accident, so confused. I guess in the state of Arizona it doesnt matter I am so mad it isnt funny. My hubby is even mader. Everyone including my adjuster said that with the damage to my vehicle there is no way she could have been doing 25mph she had to be doing at least 40 to twist my car up like that. So why did I get the ticket? Why did the officer not take a picture of the skid marks I did and the damage and the placement of the cars. Not sure if I should just wait for court and fight it or goto school? uggggggg
  14. Well Tyger I think I am now going to move in with you, so tell your hubby move over Those are very pretty I feel so spoiled with the ones you sent me.
  15. Manofherdreams, I must say that was a very sweet thing to say. I am glad to see a man say that I love her for who she is and sex is just the icing on the cake!
  16. I like just the natural taste of my husbands manhood. A few questions I thought of though while reading. How many ozs is in this product, was it sticky? Also what did your husband thing of it. I know that some of the blowjob flavor enhancers once applied sometimes have a tinkling sensation, do he say? Good job!!
  17. Valntyn very well put and you hit it right on the spot!!(pun intended)
  18. The best advice I can give you is to relax, go with the sensations that you feel. Also let him know what is feeling good and what is not. He should also communicate to you what you are doing feels good to him or what he feels he likes better. Dont try to over think it all. THere are some great articles here in the education section, my suggestion is to read some of those to they will help alot. Relax, have fun and communicate what is feeling good and what isnt feeling so good. Keep us posted!!
  19. I have looked at this kit numerous times. Nice review. Since all the bondage things I have are black or purple I thought a nice Vanilla shade would be great!! Did it all go back into the container nicely?
  20. I have raised teens and in fact still am raising 2. My oldest is 18,17,15 those are just the teens. As far as sex is concearned I have always been VERY straight forward with them. In my home it is an open door policy, my children have come to me and talked sexed etc...We have discussed everything from foreplay to self pleasure to sex. Although I was not raised with this type of open door policy when I was young. I have always told my children that when they felt like or they had the need for sex or questions that I would be here for them and would not judge them or lecture them but would be upfront and honest with them on any issue they wanted to discuss. I have an 11yr old daughter and in fact we have discussed alot about sex, I guess I am very lucky that my children are comfortable with me enough to talk about sex and things with me. It helps alot to not only be your childs parent but to let your children know that it is safe to come with any issue to you and that you will try your best to answer their questions without having that "parental lecture" always ready at hand.
  21. I am very direct with my SO I tell him "Fuck me Now", or if I want it rough "Spank me". There is never any questions what I want.
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