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Everything posted by nosleepnmesa

  1. OMG ROFLMAO!!!! Hmm maybe I should try that one I would prolly heal faster.
  2. Welcome!! The bullets are my favorite toys. There are alot of different ones but I have yet to find one I didn't like. There are lots and lots of reviews on bullets. They are easy to use, conceal, and are wonderful. I have had many many Os from bullets, in fact I use alot of my bullets when I am not using a dual action. My husband also loves bullets very much. They are not just for women. Congratulations on your purchase and I am sure you will be well pleased!!!
  3. Please keep us posted Sexygranny and let us know what you did since we all love updates!!
  4. My husband is always bad. I am gonna be in need of a good spanking by the time I heal and so is he for all his teasing me.
  5. Although I have not had PMS in years thanks to a wonderful hysterectomy. When I use to have them and I would cramp, making myself have an O sure did help alot. Over the years though I developed some problems after having my 5 children and they had to remove everything. It isn't an old wives tell. Mikayla is correct for exsample my sister has endimetriosis extremely bad and she gets horrible cramps, when she starts she is curled up in a bed in tears she has tried to make herself have a O but it didn't help at all. It all depends on what is the cause of the cramps. It is sure worth a try though. I will have to admit though I sure don't miss them.
  6. There is a ungoing joke about that around my house and has been for many years. I love to give my Husband a blow job, remember I said blow-job *hehe*. Sometimes he will even ask for one and well I blow on him and we kinda giggle about it. Why they call it that I will never know. I will say though it sure does sound better then a suck job to me.
  7. SO = your significant other aka hubby etc..... they Dh hmm sounds famaliar but I just cant think of the meaning right now. Thank my pain meds for that one. I know someone will post you all the others, sorry the only one I can remember right now.
  8. Yes I have to agree with Tyger! Trust me I feel the pain of losing a toy. I take the batteries out and throw it away in my trash can. Then I go on a search for a better one. LOL but I will admit I still haven't forgiven my hubby for breaking one of my bullets. He will pay for that one for a long time to come. My Condolences to!!!
  9. I was expecting it say they have boobs, and bootie!!!!
  10. I have never been to one and to be brutely honest I would never attend one. I mean my husband can come on my chest, face etc... and I will be more then happy to clean it off. But to be honest I find something like this to be repulsive but that is just my opinion. To each their own! I sure would like to know from someone that has been involved what satisfaction or what motivated them to be involved this subject sure does bring up alot of curiosity.
  11. I have never believed that a lap dance was "cheating". My husband likes to go to the "HIGH" class strip clubs every now and then. In fact for his birthday I have taken him to a "HIGH" class club where it cost a 40dollar cover charge. This wasn't just a topless club a full nude club. I still to this day am not sure who had more fun him or me. He got what the called a couch dance and so did I. We layed on the couches and WOW by the time we left I think I was more horney then him. If it bothers you or makes you worry have you ever thought of going with him ? Or maybe even trying making your own type of strip club in your bedroom? I have done that my husband has come home to find our bedroom with chairs and a table up in the room along with me in dancing on the bed like a stripper with the pole from one of my childrens outside toys. I made him pay for the lap dances and all. Anyway all the strip clubs that my husband and I have gone to the women have been fabulous. In fact one of them would come around every now and then and ask me if the ladies were being nice to me and if I was comfortable and of course if I needed anything to let her know. I have never found anything to be wrong about strip clubs nor have I ever considered it to be cheating I mean my husband doesn't sleep with them he sleeps with me and loves me.
  13. My opinion is if your are concearned I would get tested just to be on the save side and clear your mind and worries. I have never had a STD, but I know there are many signs to them rash, smell etc. The best advice that I can give you is just to be on the save side is to go to the DR and get a quick test done, better to be save then sorry in my book.
  14. Sounds like alot of fun for me!! Great review, I think it is great to that they have little rose petals hmm maybe I will have to order this when I have all my strength back. THis would be a wonderful way I think to catch up.
  15. Well besides making sure you are totally relaxed, breathing deeply is a great one. I do agree with the other posters here. I also have a few questions. Have you spent time like about an hr to explore your entire body ? or are you just heading straight to that special spot? The reason why I ask is it sounds like you are getting there but then trying to hard. If you can maybe take a warm bath with bubbles and relax, then explore every inch of your body slowly, before even heading in that direction. Mikayla has written a wonderful article on this issue there are also alot of post regarding this, Read the article and give yourself alot of time to explore your body and get your self worked up before you actually head to the special areas of your body. Wish you the best!!
  16. Only one??? Well that is hard but I would have to say the bullet, I honestly can't live without one. Maybe that is why I own sooo many of them. In case I wear one out, I always have another even with money being no object that is my ultimate favorite, strong vibrations, convient and easly concealed.
  17. LMAO!!!! I needed a good laugh today!!
  18. My husband and I have done costumes numerous times. I remember one night I decided to have my room be just like a strip club, pole and all. My children were out for the day and my husband had come home from work and heard music upstairs, I had a few chairs and in fact even brought in the lawn table from outside. He walked into the room and found me dancing on the pole and things. Of course he had to pay for the lap dance etc. He was double for a table dance. Costumes are fun, I think it is a wonderful idea. I have dressed up in one of my nursing uniforms from when I use to work as an RN before and he was my patient. What a good patient he was to. SInce my husband builds million dollar costume homes I have gone out to his job site before at quitting time after everyone else has left and he was just finishing up a few things, I was dressed as a hooker and let me tell you we put a whole new meaning to jobsite. Roleplaying and costumes are all part of Adult play. I think it would be great idea, whether the cheerleading outfit or even a line-backer one and tackle him to the bed. Maybe find a way also to make the bed be the football field. If you have a comforter or something or even a sheet that you arent worried about get a marker and mark the field. Just a few ideas. Let us know what you do and how he likes it. Take care!
  19. Great Review!! Sounds like loads of fun to me! Think I might just have to make my hubby buy it for us. But he prolly wont for a little while since I am grounded but doing better. I think I might have to go look but Mikayla maybe you know if they carry a complete BDSM type video or a bondage educational video, since I have noticed on the forum more and more are getting interested in it. I know we play with it sometimes but a video may help my hubby out to be a little more dom.
  20. The Free product they are offering is AWESOME!! It is one of my favorites. Also as I was reading the post I came across Leia. Leia you are 21yrs old according to your information. I guess I just have a hard time understanding being weirded out by your parents asking what was in the box. I know everyone has different backgrounds and aren't as comfortable as some of us talking to our parents or letting our parents know what is in a box that arrives etc... Maybe I am just a little weird anytime I have ordered a new sex toy from here, granted I haven't lived or stayed with my parents in years, and a box arrives I am so excited that I seem to always call my father. My father and mother know that I do reviews for products here and that I highly enjoy doing it. When I was growing up though we had a very open door type policy. I have that same type of policy with my children. I know that there are numerous post about this type of situation but sex is okay and owning sex toys is okay too, I just wanted to let you know that you should never be ashamed or embarassed by what you enjoy. Okay I am just rambling again. Mystrykitten I hope you highly enjoy your free toy and keep posting sometimes you will notice some contest here to that are fun to participate in and the prizes are just as fun.
  21. Welcome to the Forum!! I personally like bald, I shave everyday now my husband he is perfect just the way he is. I have gotten a brazilian wax before since I am a girl that likes to be bald there and smooth, those can get a little expensive though, so instead I shave everyday there is a great product here called Coochy cream it is awesome. I use a triple blade razor and when I use it once in that area it is retired off to my legs ect.. Coochy cream leaves you feeling smooth and no rash nothing. It is part of my everyday routine when I shower that I shave there whether it really needs it or not call it habit since I have been doing it since I was 14. In fact I know there is a few reviews on Coochy cream, also alot of information on the forum here about shaving and tips etc.. Good lUck and Welcome!
  22. The weirdest I am not so sure I would call it the sillest thing in my room but...........You know those HUGE I mean the HUGE Dildos that stand on the floor and about go to your wait and are about as big around as a babies head. Well why I bought this years ago I dont know but it sits on my night stand and holds some of my necklaces, my husband swears he is going to hallow it out one day and make a light of it but I highly see that happening it we have had it for about 5 years now. Other then that I think our room is pretty boring, stuff animals that glow in the dark and alot of other stuff.
  23. Good one Tyger!!!! Roflmao!!!
  24. Welcome to the forum!! There is lots of great information here.
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