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Everything posted by nosleepnmesa

  1. I have a sample of this. What I did was massage my hubby with the "wet" on his chest, and neck area. Yes he stated it did have a little warming affect, but it was just enough to be HIGHLY enjoyable. I then licked and sucked it off of him. The taste wasn't very over powering at all and in fact tasted pretty good. Most products that are FLAVORED are edible. That is pretty much a key there. I do agree with TYger I sure wouldn't go eating the bottle. Anyway try it on his neck and chest, it is great and I can assure you my Husband and I had a great time. There are some great products if you want to use while giving a blow job etc.. There is Good Head oral gel that comes in numerous flavors, just to name one of the top of my head.
  2. THis is fun!!! The Neverending Vagina Sweet Home Vagina Cheaper By the Vagina Vagina Inc. Freaky Vagina The Vagina Little Red Riding Vagina OMG this is way to addicting!!!!
  3. I have been working on a hard core fantasy story for a long time. I will post it once I have it all revised. LOL By the time I actually got done with all the details it was 15pages a little much and my husband is trying to full fill it since he is in debt. The one I post though will be the first story I am actually written so make sure you are gentle.
  4. I agree with Tyger!!! HELL NO!!!! You know I had a neighbor where I use to live, she wasn't married or anything but had a live in boyfriend. They were having money problems and she decided after talking with her boyfriend that she was going to do a one night call-girl thing. She had I guess talk to someone before about it. Anyway to make a really long story short, she did it and made 300.00 dollars for a quick screw or whatever all was involved she try to tell me the details and no thank you it about made me sick just thinking about it. Needless to say about a month after that, all hell broke lose over there. I mean after that day you could sure tell something was going on between them and it wasn't good. Now On the other issues I agree with Mikayla and meg. If someone willing goes into those professions then that is there choice and they aren't exploiting themselves. I know that in this life there seems to be more and more runaways and those runaways I believe run out of places to go and a pimp more then likey picks them up and treats them at first with respect and kindness ect tell they feel comfortable and then yes I think they are forced into this type of business, and are beatin and raped and money taken from them and yes they are know forced to maintain this type of lifestyle and by the time they are adults they know nothing else but hooking. What a sad situtation. I could type for hours on my opinion on this type of subject but now I am just rambling. LOL but to the original question NO WAY!!! HELL NO!!!
  5. Okay well I had made a few appointments to get one done. I finally was able to get it done. I thought I would chicken out since we all know, or at least I think we do what that is. Well actually I must say it honestly didn't hurt much, and I know this is gonna sound extremely strange but it was almost a turn on. Just let me say my "cochy" is smooth and I mean really smooth. I kinda cheated though before I went in, I shaved with the "Cooochy" cream the night before. That stuff is AWESOME. I will write a little review on it. So there it is no reason to be scared of the Brazilians!!!
  6. Someone say "Cherry"... Great review!! I think though if i used it my hubby better have me a cherry slush by the hot tub or bed or something. I think I would be craving cherries.
  7. Well I everyone has given you great advice. I agree with most of them. This situtation is hard I think I am going to give you advice that Howard had given my sister date him again. I mean take a vacation with him or make plans at least once a week and go out on a date with no children. I also believe that counseling would do alot of good. You though honestly have to decide what you really want in life. Letting go is very hard to do after a long period of time I know I have done it. I will tell you though that my X and are still have our little aurgements now and then but all and all we are pretty good friends. I also agree that sometimes seperation can make the heart grow founder but in my opinion it is risky to, and like Mikayla said could back fire on you. Another suggestion that I can come up with is honestly look at yourself, I mean firgue out what you want in life and what will make you happy and the conseguences of each choice you may have to make to reach what you want in life. I know that prolly sounds a little harsh but it isnt ment to. I think I would try the vacation, dating and seriously I would highly look into a 3rd party. I posted not to long ago about my sister and her situtation she has been going to counseling because her husband refused to, but guess what he finally went to and there was more going on then what really meets the eye sort of speak. Neither of them is cheating but alot of emotional things, stress, everyday life, kids, school stuff with them and never finding time. Her situtation is alot different in alot of ways. Keep us posted!! Good luck to you!!!
  8. Welcome to the forum!!! I agree with Mikayla totally, they do have toys to make up for the well endowed man-hood as you say. I know I own a few but I am also married. As a women I can tell you this don't settle on taking someone back because you are lonely or you miss his man-hood. If you need to make of list of all the good qualities and the bad qualities he has, think about why you broke up with him, and why you might "cave" in and take him back. If "man-hood" is the only reason don't close out your options. Welcome again!!! Keep your chin up!! Keep posting and read away there is alot of great information here.
  9. LOL Tyger!! Well here is a couple funnies I heard yesterday. Just to clarify that not all women perfer them this way but I had to laugh. Why do women perfer circumcised penises? Because they can't refuse something that is 10percent off. Why is Laura Bush always on top when she and George Bush make love? Because George can only F$%^ up! Okay one more! A husband bought his wife a mood ring so he could monitor her emtional swings. After a week of her wearing the ring, he discovered that when she was in a good mood the stone turned green. But when she was in a bed mood, it left a big f$%^ing red mark on his forhead.
  10. Great Review!!! These sound like fun, I might have to try them hehe when my husband is sleeping, slowly wake him up writting sexual comments on his back to see if he could firgue them out, and if he does he wins, and if he doesnt then we keep going tell he does sounds like loads of fun to me.
  11. This sounds like a film I need to order. Thanks Tyger great review!!!!!
  12. Well I will say the Hustler Rock It, and the Sparkling egg. There are many that I love and are very strong. Here is a link to the Egg http://shop.tootimid.com/index.asp?PageAct...amp;ProdID=4998 and it is only $ 14.95. I hope these helps some but The Hustler Rock it is great and waterproof also.
  13. WEll I went MIA. Anyway I went to go visit a friend and then I went to my sisters. She is seeing a counselor today so I am very excited for her. Today will be her first session, I am hoping it helps her marriage. I also wanted to let you all know that I printed the replys and the post I made and gave them to her while i was down there. I hope you all were okay with that, sorry I didn't get a chance to ask first. Anyway I will keep you updated thank you all.
  14. Hey Tyger so since I have 3 teenagers I have 3 adnormalities hmm what about husband does he count and my daughter LMAO Very cute !!!
  15. Welcome, Please do stick around and read and post there is alot of very helpful information here.
  16. Well I have not had a 3some since I have been married. I have had a few when I was dating. I have been with a women and my boyfriend at the time and in fact also had my boyfriend, another man, and me. I will admit that having another women was more fun to me then having another man. Now my boyfriend and I stayed togeather for 2 years after a few threesomes and things honestly our break up had nothing to do with the threesomes we just were younger and grew up and decided our goals in life were different. They girl and I are still great friends and have been for many years. Yes we still talk about our threesome and laugh about certain things to which I think both our husbands get a kick out of.
  17. Hello and Welcome!!! Congratulations on your recent marriage!!! Mikayla has writtten some great articles regarding the Big O. They are packed full of information. I know this sounds funny to but you can try to hard to reach the big one to, and of course everyday life stress can get in the way. Read these articles first and see if they help if not post back and I am more then sure that we can all come up with numerous tips and advice. Here is a link to themhttp://www.tootimid.com/sex_education/misc/06/how_to_have_orgasm.htm http://www.tootimid.com/sex_education/misc...spot_orgasm.htm http://www.tootimid.com/sex_education/misc...iple_orgasm.htm Welcome again and Congratulations!!!
  18. Well I am posting this for my sister. I have given her advice but her husband just doesn't seem to want to listen, and since I have been part of this board for almost a year now I know that you all will be able to help me give her more ideas. Here is a little bit of their backround. They have been married for 9years almost. Like every marriage it has had its up and downs. Tell about 2 to 3 years ago they had a wonderful sex life. I don't want to sound like I am blaming my bro-in -law for everything, within the last few years there has been not only alot of stress but some very hurtful words in their relationship. First off my sister has NO sex drive anymore, she says it is due to stress, she stays home with her 3 kids all day, cleans and does the everyday housewife stuff. My brother-in -law works. They don't even sleep in the same bed anymore and haven't now for almost 3 years, she says that her husband says it is to hot in the bedroom for him to sleep in the room. My sister has stated numerous times that when her husband has tried to attempt to have sex with her it makes her cringe. She said she has marked it on the calander and it seems like the same week every month that he is attempting this. She said she has tried to talk to him about their issuse, now mind you that my sister has told him things like, why is it the same week of every month that you try to have sex with me? He says to her I want it all the time, but your like a cold fish. Now I can tell you that their have been harshier words between them, I suggested that they go to marriage counseling but my brother in law wont go, and actually kind of laughs it off. She has tried to state the way she feels and he just tells her that isnt true. She says she doesnt even have a sex drive at all anymore. My sister feels that every time her husband touches her it is because he wants sex. She has stated to me also that numerous times she has woken up in the middle of the night to find her husband staring at her, along with when she goes to bed he will stand at the end of the bed and stare at her tell she says something to him. So can anyone help to give me any more suggestions for her.She said about a month and half ago she finally got sick of his,, as she put it "begging and constant nagging" and just as she says "bit her tongue" tell he was done. She is soo shy that she will not post here or even come to a forum like this one, but I did tell her I was going to post her story and see what kind of advice others had for her.
  19. Welcome!!!! Glad to hear that your sex life is great, I think everyones sex life changes with lifes up and downs. I also agree that noone ever NEEDS sex toys, but I can tell ya that they have greatly ehanced my husband's and I sex life over the years. As far as oils, and lubes though they are also a great enhancement. I think every couple should own a few good lubes regardless. Once again welcome to the forum!!!
  20. The Jelly was great easy to get in no problems didn't bend unless I bent it. It was just right even for advanced anal players like myself. I enjoyed it and my husband loved it to.
  21. Okay so I am just curious cause I know I am not the only one out there that has caused their partner to get a hard on, or wet from just sitting down at the dinner table and eating. I want to know how many of you have eaten your dinner in a erotic way and caused your partner to become very arroused. One night when my husband and I went out to eat at a mexican food restruant, they bring chips and salsa to your table before you even get a chance to look at the menu. Well I took my corn chip, dipped it into the salsa and slowly used my tongue to lick of the salsa in a very erotic way. When my dinner showed up, I took one of my taguitos and dipped it into the sour cream and then slowly eased it into my mouth while sucking on it. I thought my husband was going to drop his pants right there in the restraunt and attack me. I have done numerous things, eating a simple dinner you can tease and arrouse your partner. Well needless to say we had to sit there after dinner for a little while so his erection could go down. This sure did make for a fun ride home. So how many of you have done this??
  22. Well not I!! I honestly can say I would NEVER allow someone to suck my toes nor would I suck on my husbands toes. Uggg. Now I do love to have my feet rubbed and it does turn into a fun loving night. I have never been into a foot thing though and niether has my husband.
  23. Well I am not new but decided that I would share. I am a mother and married. I found this forum as I was searching for something new for my husband and I, since our sex life was extremely boring, so thing night after night. Although we owned toys he was just stuck I guess in a rut. I remember my first post here and all the advice that I recieved and let me tell ya that it sure did put a HUGE spark back into our sex life. Then I became part of the review team here and let me tell you our sex life is FAR from boring. Just the simple little advice and honesty that I recieved here from the members when I first came was amazing.
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