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Everything posted by nosleepnmesa

  1. Hi, well since I don't know which product you got I can try my best to help you out. I purchased the John Holmes awhile back since curiousity was killing me. I had to hard time with this one but it is also very big. I can say that alot of foreplay is always best, if you are playing alone make sure you get yourself extremely aroused, wet. Also make sure you use alot of lube. Since I am also not sure what type of products you are use to, I wanted to let you know that you need to slowly work yourself up to the bigger toys. Although the vaginal walls are ment to stretch, with any type of new toy that you purchase that may be a little to much for you always try to work yourself up. Make sure you are aroused completely, use another toy first to help stretch out the vaginal walls, relax, take your time, don't force the toy. I hope this will help you. The main key is lots of lube, relaxation and don't force the toy, slowly work up to it, even if that means you have to start with one finger then two and so on. Good Luck to you!!!
  2. When I received this product I was a little skeptical, since I have seen many products from perfumes to the Spanish fly. Although I have never tried any of these products before, I was a little excited to try this one. I have been known to light candles, burn in scents and wear different perfumes to set the mood in our bedroom. I have lured him upstairs a few times with him wondering what I am doing. I have also worn a new perfume to grab his attention and make his mind wonder. Lure for her, is suppose to send out silent subconscious scent signals to the opposite sex, that naturally will trigger romantic feelings. This product is a pheromone-based fragrance. Like most perfumes the scent depends on your specific body chemistry. Since not all people have the same chemistry what smells good on one person may have a totally different scent on another. I wanted to surprise my husband before he got home from work. So I took a shower got into something that was semi-sexy, since the children were still up. After my shower I squirted a small amount of “Lure” on the upper part of my chest. WOW, just one little squirt caused my eyes to water, this cologne is very STRONG. So I opened up the windows in my room, about the time I opened the bedroom window my husband was walking in the front door. He immediately smelled “Lure”, he said, “ Hon what is that smell, and what are you doing up there.” Well of course I wasn't going to say anything. My husband headed up the stairs to see what was going on. When he got up stairs he asked, “ What is with the overwhelming smell of baby powder?” I showed him the bottle of “Lure”. He said, “ That is doesn't smell bad but that it is extremely overwhelming.” So if your wondering did it work? Well yes it “Lured” him up the stairs but other then that it was way to strong for both our taste. Although this product's scent didn't work for us and was way to potent for our taste, this doesn't mean that it will overwhelm you to. “Lure” didn't smell bad at all and since everybody's chemistry is different it may work better for you then it did for us, so why not try something new?? Happy Shopping!! http://shop.tootimid.com/index.asp?PageAct...amp;ProdID=5259
  3. Hello and welcome!! I have also reviewed a cock ring that also had a clitoral stimulator for her to. Yes it did help lots and my husband found it to be very comfortable and he also enjoyed the vibration. Here is a link to it. http://shop.tootimid.com/index.asp?PageAct...amp;ProdID=5033 As far as how to use one, you put the cock ring on while semi-erect, the ring should fit around not only his cock but his package to and should not be to tight or uncomfortable in anyway. Another great ring for beginners or first time users is the velcro cock ring which is really easy to use and adjust to comfort, the ring should be snug but not to tight. Here is a link to the velcro one to, which my husband and I have used and he found it to be very comfortable and soft. Also very inexpensive we have both the clit buddy one and this one and love them both. Hope this helps you some. Good Luck http://shop.tootimid.com/index.asp?PageAct...amp;ProdID=3488
  4. I have to say NO here to. I was caught by my dad at the age of 13, I was caught with my fingers. My father walked in and didn't say a word and walked out. I think he was just as shocked as me to tell you the truth. I was embarassed when I came out, my step mother said she would like to talk to me. I said I rather talk to my dad, she said that is fine and my father and I sat down and had a great conversation about masturbation and sex and all. He told me next time to hang a sign on the door that said, "Do not disturb." So no guilt here it is normal and healthy,
  5. Hope you like the new shift and hope that everything settles down for you. Make sure to make a little time for you
  6. Yes I have!!! In fact I took my husband on his birthday to a total nude strip club a few years back. I enjoyed it I think more then him, or maybe just as much . I think women are gorgeous, yes it turns me on to, reminds me of a few experiances in my life. I agree that it is harmless fun and loads of fun to. It really is a trust thing in my book, if you trust your husband or your partner then it can be loads of fun. As far as what he was thinking I really didn't care since I knew he was coming home to me, heck if he got as turned on as me and we went home and had loads of fun.
  7. Hi Notsotimid! Well I have gotten some toys that just weren't right for me, didn't stimulate me enough in one area or another. As far as a bad toy I don't think there really is one. Read the reviews here since we all give our honest opinion on them, and remember that if they just didn't have enough stimulation, or vibration for one of us it doesn't mean it won't for you. Some of the ones that didn't quit have enough punch for me I tried different positions with it and always seemed to find a way for it to get me to the big O. Guess I am a little selfish in that area I will always find a way to reach the O. Search the site some and read the reviews here, plus make sure you keep in mind what you both like and what stimulates you both the most. I agree with Tyger on the fact that searching for that special toy is just as fun as using it!! Happy Shopping!!
  8. Wow! You ordered a whole load of fun Let me know how the coupon book is I was thinking of getting on. I love the way the shipment comes to. Love the bubble wrap, toys for the adults and bubble wrap for the kids.
  9. I have never heard about toys actually like that either. I have heard of people making their own type of shocking device. Learn something new here everyday. Good Luck and play safe!
  10. WOW!!! I live in the southern part of Arizona in Mesa, it doesn't snow here well it didn't tell the other night. What strange weather we are having. The last time it snowed in Mesa was 22years ago. We have had 3 days of rain, well the other night as I was up here on the computer it sounded like rocks hitting the house. I went out and of course it was hail, once the hail stopped it was big snowflakes coming down, of course we didn't get much snow since it is really rare for it to snow here, the next morning we woke up to two inches of snow. WOW!!! So of course the as I was driving the kids to school threw the slush and snow the people here built snowman on the hoods of their cars and were driving down the road. I am still amazed that it snowed here. The northern part of Arizona of course gets snow but not in 22years here. Hope all is well during this time with all the strange weather, I admit that I live in Arizona for a reason I love the snow but only when I feel like going up to see it I sure don't miss living in it though. Of course all of us non snow people looked like a bunch of little kids down the blocked throwing snow balls and freezing the kids loved it. The snow stayed only for about half the day but still was pretty cool for all the kids around here and us adults to. Take care and keep well!!!
  11. Welcome to Too Timid!!! First of please make sure you check with your DR to make sure that it is still okay by him to have sex. As a mother of 5 children and each pregnancy being different in their own ways. I can tell you that when the baby seem to be sitting low I would turn on my left side with a pillow tucked under my stomach and let him enter me from behind. That seemed to be the best position for awhile. Doggy Style was great to if I tuck a pillow under my tummy for support. Congratulations!! Wish you the best with your new baby.
  12. It isn't how it looks or the shape, it really is how you use it. I have been with a guy you had a curved penis and my husband now who's isn't that curved. Let me tell you my husband that I have had for many years now can sure do alot better then anyone I have ever been with. Listen to your lover, talk to each other.
  13. 1) Ever been to a strip club ? Yes, in fact I took my husband there for his birthday 2) Ever been to a bar? Of course 3) Ever been kicked out of a bar or a club? Yes! 4) Ever been so drunk you had to be carried out of somewhere? No, I have walked out sometimes not very straight though LOL.. 5) Kissed someone of the same sex? Yes 6) Thrown up from drinking too much? Yes 7) Had sex in a car? Yes 8) Had sex at the beach? Yes 9) Had sex in a movie theater? Yes 10) Had sex in a bathroom? Yes 11) Had sex at work? yes 12) Have you ever been in an "adult" store? Of course!! 13) Bought something from an adult store? Yes!!! 14) Have you spent over $100.00 in one visit to the adult store? Yes!! 16) Is there anyone on your friends list you would ever consider? Yes even though I am married. 17) Have you been caught having sex? Yes 18) Are your breasts real? Yes 19) Have you ever kissed a stranger? Yes 20) Does anyone have naughty pics of you? YEs
  14. My husband and I discussed alot of things while we were dating, before we were married. Since we also talked about sex, I asked him what he thought about toys in a relationship. He said he loved them. We had them on our honeymoon night and all.
  15. hmm I have been thinking about getting my hubby a new one. Might have to surprise him hehe.
  16. Welcome, I must of missed this post. I am very glad to hear that he has opened up to the idea of allowing toys. I have a dual bullet and my husband loves it. In fact he stole my regular bullet, or shall I say borrowed it without asking. I paniced and though one of my children found it, and low and behold he had it buzzy away at work. I love bullets and dual bullets. I am sure your SO will find a bullet just as enjoyable as you. Take care and Welcome again!
  17. I am waiting to for a new contest, maybe one around Valentine's day.
  18. Well Tyger here in AZ I don't know what happened. I don't live in the northern part where it snows but we had a hell of a cold front here and OMG I am freezing my booty off. Everyone is staying well but me, I seem to catch the colds when the wind blows. In fact this is like the third time I can remeber snow flakes falling out of the sky instead of rain, it snows up north but not here in the valley. I can't wait tell the 115 to 123 dry heat comes.
  19. Hey Telecom , First off let me say NO you are not out line or overreacting in anyway. I own a collie, I have had her since she was a puppy. Kim is right the dogs are being the leader of the pack, someone and it sounds like your gf really needs to get control over the dogs. My husband and I had this problem at first with our collie, it didn't effect our relationship only because I was getting sick of it to . I know trainers are a little expensive I paid 500.00 dollars for a personal trainer he came everyday to our house, not only did he train the dog but us to. Let me tell you that if I tell my dog to sit, she sits. If I tell her off ( if she is on us or the furniture) she gets off. It is all a tone in your voice that lets the dog know who is incharge. I say no to her in a firm voice and off in a happy voice, takes lots of patients ect. Our dog listens to everyone in the house and to new people coming, my 4yr old was able to tell her to do something and she would listen. Okay now that I am rambling let me get to the other issue at hand. The other issue that seems to bother me I shoud say is that you said, she has stated that the dogs will always win out in the relationship. My best friend has a dog and has recently gotten into a relationship sort of like you I mean they dated forever and he moved in with her. So the table is a little turned here. Anyway my gf has no children, and as also stated things like yours to her bf. One day I had to ask her how could you choice a dog over a man that loves you, cares for you, and will be there for you. She stated I don't know but my dog is like my child. Well in time after her boyfriend talked to her numerous times, I talked to her she finally reliazed that a human relationship provided sooo much more... I am not sure what to tell you except try to point out the good things to her in your relationship with her, let her know that you understand how she feels about her kids aka dogs. Also let her know how the dogs are making you feel etc.. The best thing I can think is to talk more to her. You also have to decided that if she isn't going to change about the dogs whether you are willing to get over it and continue this relationship or if it is time to move on. You need to think about what you really want in a sense if she isn't going to allow her dogs to be dogs and not let them run the humans. Try talking again hun.. Hope this helps, Wish you the best of Luck!
  20. Let me say Welcome first off! WOW well you haven't said how long you have been with your boyfriend to begin with. Also maybe it is just me, and this is just my opinion to let you know so please don't take offense to it. Why would you do that anyway? I mean you slept with your boyfriends brother! I am not here to judge you and I don't want you to think that I am. I really am just having a hard time understanding that. I mean my rule is you never sleep with your bf's family even when you are broke up no brothers ect... Anyway on to your question. First off, you have to be honest with him. He will prolly not only be extremely hurt and upset but communication is what needs to happen. How you tell him is really up to you. I will be really surprised if it doesn't cause a brother fight. I mean of course the brother is also at fault I don't want you to think that I am placing all the blame upon you, cause I am not. I would sit him down and tell him the truth, break it to him gentley. The guide to everything really is communication. Don't be surprised at his reaction either I mean it is his brother. He is going to prolly ask you why it happened, how it happened, and how you could do this to him. You should be prepared for those types of questions to. I mean exspecially since you had sex with him, and then shortly after him his brother. I also think you need to ask yourself those same questions in order to be able to answer them for him. I mean me not knowing the relationship you have with your bf, I am having a hard time understanding this myself. I can tell you from my stand point if I was in his shoes I would be extremely upset. Also are you sure that his brother wants to have a relationship with you? I also want to let you know that this could really back fire on you to on the other hand, the brothers work out their problem and neither one wants anything to do with you. Bloo is thicker then water! Another question I have is the brother knows that you are his brothers gf right? I am sure he does but want to make sure. The best advice I can give you is be honest, and be prepared. I don't know the type of relationship you have with your bf, but I will admit I would be furious. Also, I wanted to add to be honest with you from my stand point, size doesn't matter really if you love someone and care about them. You could have also have taught him your bf what you liked and disliked in bed. Again communication is key. Also if you are just judging a book by its size you may be in for a long heart breaking road. I wish you the best. Good Luck!
  21. Hi up and Down, Yes it is here on the site here is the link to it http://shop.tootimid.com/index.asp?PageAct...amp;ProdID=4680 the hustler Rock it Hope this helps!
  22. that was good. Okay I have to tell you a true story that happened just the other day at my sons school. My 16yr old can at times say things without thinking about what he says before he says it. They had an assembly that day, my son had no idea that his instructor was a seat away from him, sitting next to his friend at the assembly. The cheerleaders in their short skirts and white tops were dancing around as the lights went out and the black lights came on, my son said the only thing you could really see was there shirts and bras gowing in the black light. Well my son not thinking before he talks, yells out what is this???? Some kind of bad porn. His instructor of course heard him and called out his name, he did not get in trouble at all but I guess half the students in there heard him. He came home and told me this story and you know the first thing I did was laugh, I know bad mom but you know kids really do say the damnest things some times. As most of you know I talk to my children about everything, no my son doesn't watch porn to my knowledge but he is 16 so he knows about it. He also doesn't have access to ours it is under lock and key.
  23. Hey Sexyblonde, Mikayla is correct as usual! When I very first started playing with toys this would happen to me. In fact with some of the toys I could still feel it vibrating even though it was off. I thought at first when I started I vibrated myself numb and would never feel it again, this of course was years ago. Just wanted to let you know that your not alone, it has happened to me to but now it hasn't in a long time. Happy Playing!
  24. Tyger! Hehe sure makes me wonder what the people are doing. Thanks Tyger
  25. WOW you go Tyger!!!!!! I am very glad to hear that things are looking up. Hehe the whole pawn tickets are working great to, but he has late fees. LOL
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