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Everything posted by nosleepnmesa

  1. Hiya, Communication is golden!!! I agree with the other posters here, you really need to ask her and also make a safe word that has nothing to do with sex, in case she or you get uncomfortable. Just remember that communication is the best thing. Good Luck!
  2. I love the Ultimate Thrusting Rabbit!!! The ears are firm and not flimsy at all. The Ivibe is also a great one to. I love the Ultimate Thrusting Rabbit since it really did do all the work for me. If you are looking for a dual action that thrust to then I would difinately go with the Thrusting Rabbit. The Clitoral Stimulating ears are great they are seperated and firm, they also produce alot of stimulation. Just my opinion on it though. Good Luck!
  3. Hello bstein, I saw this post and decided to put in my 2cents worth too. First off great job at being a little tricky. There are great beginning vibrating anal beads to to help, I will post a link to them to when I am finished. The key of course is lots and lots of lube I know you have heard this in the other post. Slowly working up is the best thing. You did great my the thumb to start with. The first time I had anal sex my partner was very tricky to, just as I was beginning to O he stuck his finger in. I loved it so much that we talked and he continued to add a finger tell I was getting use to something bigger being in there. Communication is a wonderful tool to, talk with her, make sure she lets you know that she is doing okay, or ask her. I love anal sex now and half the time don't think I can get enough. Here is a link to some beginning vibrating beads that are not intimidating at all and are very easy to use. http://shop.tootimid.com/index.asp?PageAct...amp;ProdID=4719 http://shop.tootimid.com/index.asp?PageAct...amp;ProdID=5171 http://shop.tootimid.com/index.asp?PageAct...amp;ProdID=3496 http://shop.tootimid.com/index.asp?PageAct...amp;ProdID=5081 Here is a link to a few beginning toys that you and your wife can read about and discuss. Great job and keep us posted on how things are going.
  4. I asked my husband opinion on this for you, he stated "no having a small or large labia really didn't phase him one way or another." He asked a few of the guys at work to and they stated,"it didn't really matter to them either." My opinion is that if you are comfortable as Mikayla would say ,"In your own skin" then I really don't a man is going to turn you down, walk out of the room ect.. You really need to be comfortable with who you are, labia very from women to women. This just goes to show the generation we live in. I know that I never worried about what my labia looked like when I was younger nor did this thought ever cross my mind. Bluelight, I wouldn't worry about it I think honest that is the last thing men are going to judge a women on. Wish you the best.
  5. Here is what I do if I am looking for a new bullet, or product that I have not reviewed but I am thinking about buying. I type in the search bullets, then it will list all the bullets and you can read the reviews on the ones that have been reviewed. Just like you can for all the different products here. In my opinion I trying to do that in the review tab would be alot of work. The review tab is set up, which I am sure you already noticed by the dates the products were reviewed. Have a good day!! Just a thought.
  6. Well he has a pawn ticket out still on my bullet but I have yet to see it returned!!! Coming up with a HUGE fine will let you know when I have come up with one, I am open to ideas
  7. Great Idea Tyger!!! I printed off a bunch of pawn tickets last night. I left them laying on the bed for him. He said hun what are this, I said well dear if you want to borrow a toy you have to fill this out, and well when you return it you have to fullfill my reguest written on the bottom. Yes Tyger I also did type on the bottom that this is only a 24hr ticket if product is not returned with in the time the Toy Police will be called.
  8. Hey Tyger, watch out you might end up having to call the TOY POLICE on your huby to one day!!!! LIke I had to do mine, you are going to wake up one morning and find one of your bullets missing. WHen you do send me a PM I have the direct 711 number to the toy police and know a great detectives to since I had to call them already once. I think it is wonderful that your husband is coming more and more out of his shell, sort of speak. Sorry I so couldn't resist!! Great post and thanks for sharing with us!!! Take care!
  9. Woot!! I think I need one, I do my kegals all the time, but I think this could be a more fun way to them, might have to try to do them with this with a bullet on my clit! Great product I think, and excellent information as always Mikayla. TY
  10. EXCELLENT Bondagejunkie!! WOOT talk about a story to make you hot. IF it is okay with you I would like to print it off and have my hubby read it. Let me know I am gonna send you a pm, maybe it will give him a few more ideas. Thanks!!
  11. I think it would be a good choice, the butterfly that I tried was insertion also and I loved it, but wasn't wireless. Mikayla listed some of the wireless ones on her post here, although I haven't personally tried those ones, so I really couldn't tell you how quiet it was. Some butterflies give more stimulation then others to. Read some of the reviews here on alot of the wireless products and that will prolly help you to decided also. Some of us here are butterflies fans and some aren't. I will admit I love giving my hubby the controls though.
  12. WOW!! That other story sounds really interesting to. You did a fabulous job writing the one here. I will be honest with you when I was a virgin, the first time I had sex I was with a man you was just as caring and loving. He always made sure that I was okay and comfortable. Your story reminded me of him, which isn't a bad thing at all. It was a very impressive story, you are very talented it seems in the writing area. The story you just told me about that you are writing regarding the Detective sounds like the book I read at night. I read alot of murder mystery books along with what I like to call hotty books. Great job, on your story, and Good luck to you!!! Your fantasy is very well written and though out!
  13. WOW!! That other story sounds really interesting to. You did a fabulous job writing the one here. I will be honest with you when I was a virgin, the first time I had sex I was with a man you was just as caring and loving. He always made sure that I was okay and comfortable. Your story reminded me of him, which isn't a bad thing at all. It was a very impressive story, you are very talented it seems in the writing area. The story you just told me about that you are writing regarding the Detective sounds like the book I read at night. I read alot of murder mystery books along with what I like to call hotty books. Great job, on your story, and Good luck to you!!! Your fantasy is very well written and though out!
  14. Well this is the first in my house. My wonderful little sparkling vibrating bullet was MIA!! I went to get it yesterday to have a little relaxation time while the kids were off being kids. I thought to myself since the teens are busy and my daughter is playing with her karokee machine, I could have a little time for me and a quick oragism to. Well I went to grab my bullet and it was gone!! My first thought was "OH NO" I left it out or put it in a drawer and my wonderful loving cats picked it up by the wire and carried it away, or one of my kids found it. So after a complete search almost to a panic, I still couldn't find it. I gave up and grabbed my waterproof twister vibe instead and went to take a quick bath and relax a little. Once I was done, I did another search of the place and no where to be found. I asked the kids if they have seen anything laying around that looked like a little egg, they said no. Okay so now I am really wondering what the hell happened to it. I pick up the phone and call my husband at work, explained what was going on around here, the tone of his voice and the little giggle here and there made me begin to wonder if he knew something about it although he was telling me , "no hunny I haven't seen it" Well after about 5minutes of talking to him, he said let me walk away from these people and head to the truck, once he got to the truck he said listen to this. All I could hear was something vibrating. He came back on the phone and said,"Hun is that what your missing". I said," well yes hun it is ." He started laughing, I said that is it!! I am calling in the toy police." of course he just laughed harder. I couldn't believe that he stole my bullet, had it down his pants vibrating himself all day. You know if you are gonna steal a toy can you tell ya wife about it!! Well needless to say once he got home he was punished for it. I was a little in shock though, this just goes to show that men you can enjoy bullets just as much as us women, he has always enjoyed my bullets with me but wow to steal it without my knowledge or shall I say borrow it for the day. Just thought I would share that about the toy theif in my house.
  15. Awwwww!! I have been bucked off a horse before and ouch! Have hubby spoil you rotten and rub you some more, draw a nice warm bath, then have him kiss all your soreness away or try to at least . As far as the cold thing I have had it for almost 3 weeks, it does kick your ass and just when you think it is going away, I will be damned if it isn't. Take care hun!!!!!Sorry hope you get better soon!!
  16. Welcome Free at last!!!! I myself just recently experianced an orgasm just with nipple play. I would always get excited of course when my husband played with my nipples. This time however, I was playing alone with the new turbo vibrating nipples clamps and they brought me to have an orgasim. This was the first time I have experianced. So yes it is normal, since then my husband has played with my nipples longer and sucked on the harder etc... And he was able to make me have an orgasim just by sucking and playing with them, along with the talking he was doing to.
  17. Very good Story!!!! I loved it!
  18. Here is a link to a pretty interesting post http://forums.tootimid.com/index.php?showtopic=2190
  19. I completely understand, my husband that I have been with for many years, use to be extremely hairy I think he was worse then bigfoot I loved him though and it took me awhile to talk him into shaving, he would leave hair in the top on the shower walls and god when we had sex I was left at times looking like bigfoot. I talked with him numerous times about it, one day he came to me and said ,"Hun I think your right I am tired of cleaning up all this hair, and we went and he got his back waxed. He still has hair but nothing like he was. Becareful how you talk to him, I know I started talking to my husband about it kinda with little jokes that really weren't jokes here and there. It took alot of time but he worked and he reliazed how much I enjoyed him more without all the hair. Good Luck!
  20. Hey Tyger, Yes I have gotten a few of those from different names of the posters. Also I have been called things from the basic Bitch to things that are not only disgusting to horrible names. You know I guess what really just annoys me about people like this is, if you don't like the site then just leave, it is sad that alot of people in this world aren't happy unless the are trying to make other miserable. Hopefully now this will go away and we can get back to the topics we like to talk about. I also just thought of a question, when we recieve this pms is there anyway to forward them to you Rob, or anyone in admin,so that way you have more evidance if ever needed? Just a question and a thought.
  21. I knew something wasn't right about Likapus and some of the comments seemed a little to familiar.
  22. Tyger depends on what head your beating! Sorry had to say it. Some times you crack me right up.
  23. Hey Tyger sorry to hear. I think it is tis the season to be sick. I know that my daughter came down with a cold or something. Well since she loves me soooo much she shared I know the feeling and it is even harder when the kids are sick to. We can't stop being a mommy and sometimes we need a to be baby to....*hands Tyger some chicken noodle soup* Hope you get better soon.
  24. You know believe it or not I still love the scent of Old Spice. When a man is wearing that or Stetson yummmy!!! Howard when I was younger my father would smoke that type of tobacco in his pipe and you know I loved it, he would also smoke alot of different types but I still love the smell of a pipe smoking with a good tobacco in it.
  25. Tyger, I am with you on this one and wanted to let you know you did a great job. I also want people to know that I also just post my opinion in the nicest most respectful way. I think alot of times people will ask a question, and then kinda get taken back by the reponsives they get, even though we are just trying to help and stating opinions. People post in all types of different ways, I know that at one time or another we had to have a beginning point whether we were searching the web for a new toy or searching the web to get help in our relationship and found this site that is full of information and help. We all have different ways of posting, this board works to help others. I also just want everyone to know that we are here to try to help in the best way we can. I to if I get issulted or angry to, there will be NO question. You know though I have seen spats here and there but you know what people are people and I am sure there is nothing intentional about it. There is a little golden rule in life that I live by and also have taught my children, DON"T assume that someone is offended, insulted or angry, or that someone is out to get you, per say. For when you assume you make an ass out of U and ME. I love being a member of this board, and would like everyone to know that yes we all are different i the way we type but I will assure you that if any of us (other posters) was to get angry you would know it. Best wishes!!!
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