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Everything posted by nosleepnmesa

  1. Even though I can have multiple, I found your this article extremely informative, gave me a few new ideas to. Thank you Mikayla very well written.
  2. Okay at 330am this morning I completed my own task, since I wanted to tie up my hubby anyway. I teased him to no end, used my bullet on him and lightly sucked on him and then when he thought he was going to get a Bj I went up to his neck and nippled on it. I teased my hubby for about 30minutes.
  3. I have a party to go to so I will post the next task as soon as I get back. My mind will be working at a good one and CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL COUPLES. THis is fun fun fun!!!! Okay while I am here is the next TASK: You must restrain your partner and tease them for at least 15minutes. Good Luck to all. Remember noon tomorrow!
  4. Hiya Crazygurl. I myself had a UTI but only once in my life. Drinking lots of cranberry juice helps, but why you are getting another one so soon I can't tell you unless of course the medication they gave you for it only made the symptoms go away but actually did it clear it all the way. I would think that just the constant pressure from the UTI would make it hard to have a Oragism. I would talk to my doctor my doctor though. Make sure when you do urinate you empty your bladder all the way. Try not to hold it for long perionds of time, since we do get busy we have all held it until we just couldn't anymore. So try not to hold your urination if you have to go, go. That will help to so you don't continue to get UTIs. Keep us posted
  5. Mission completed at 830pm Strawberries and whip cream woohoo. A little sticky on us both but well worth it. He lick and ate it off my body and my pussy. I did the same to him then we ended in the shower with some hot fun.
  6. I would have to take "Jenny" she is hot. Awesome site but ouch ouch on the price. I think it would be so worth it. I need to win the lottery.
  7. Mission completed at 1:00pm this afternoon. Hubby came home from work took a shower, then went to the closet butt naked to get some clothes, well when he turned around I was on my knees and his penis was right there and I sucked him into my mouth. Little one was sleeping still and the others were at school. So mission accomplished. My hubby is trying to figure out what got into me. I am not telling
  8. I am only 37% pure. Mikayla that test was a hoot I agree but I am only 37% pure,Hmmmm I agree with all the other posters here. I would talk to my pastor etc about it. Every Religion is different.
  9. I would do the threesome thing with a doll. You know the more I have thought about it I know my hubby would agree with you Mike I think he would like either a male or female doll. He knows I love the DP alot and he loves watching me give a blowjob, I can just see him enjoying himself if I was on a doll. The women doll though I think I would enjoy most since my past threesomes have been with women. I must say though I think we are game for either to tell ya the truth.
  10. Well According to Alan77 the order goes Coupleofmanics then them and then me. I am so up for another Task or dare. What is funny is my hubby has no idea what is going on I dont think I am going to tell him either tell the end of the game...
  11. OH my Mikayla task completed and in fact I have the bites to prove it. Gotta love mosquitoes!!! My husband was wondering what I was up to after the kids went to bed last. I went out to the yard and lit candles around our table and hot-tub. I then got in my robe nothing underneath of course, yelled for my honey. He came out and I was sitting in the lawn chair, with my robe open. He was in shock, he immediatley went down on me and next thing I knew I was falling out of my chair. Of course he got his to about that time they hot tub was bubbling away and off we went for a little hot-sex in the tub. It was well worth all the mosquito bites my poor ass got. Completed at 1030pm last night. THanks for that dare it was FUN FUN FUN !!!! LOL Tyger I can see them to!!!!
  12. This is for sure Reality I have done it a few times myself, bed is soaked we are soaked. SO no it is just not some made up porn stuff. Just wanted to add to this to let you know that their are women who can squirt and in fact there is a post here on the forum regarding squirting.
  13. This is coming from my husband and me both at the same time. At first my husband said NO WAY THAT IS EXIT ONLY. Well one day while I was giving him a Bj my hand accidently wondered off course. Well it found its way to his anus and I bearly with my finger put a little pressure on it and man oh man did he come in my mouth. My husband said for a man and why he thinks alot of men including himself can't imagine anything going there or even the though of it is because to them it makes them seem gay. Now mind you my husband loves it now, and doesn't think that way anymore. He believes alot of it has to do with society and their opinions, if more men would relize how GREAT it felt and didn't worry about what others think they would prolly do it to.
  14. Mikayla I agree with the waterbed thing. My hubby and I had sex on an air matress while we were camping and you are right it sure does remind me of the waterbed. Now I have to tell you all a funny story, of course it is funny now but then it was uggggg. My husband and I about 5years ago owned a waterbed. We were having wild,rough, crazy sex. Not rough as in anyone getting hurt just hard fun all out sex. Toys were in use of course. Well needless to say we still have yet to firgue out what happened or caused this, but in the middle of it all water started pouring out of the matress, needless to say we stopped and was like OMG. If you knew how much a king size matress full of water held, lets just say it FLOODED my room and the stairs going down. YEs I laughed when it happened, but the mess was OMW. So we haven't firgued it out yet but a word of advice waterbeds are great, but make sure you just don't get the standard regular matress you know the cheapy one, you may be in for a surprise.
  15. Wait I want to play. So who starts? I know my hubby would be interested and I am extremely interested in playing.
  16. Valerie, to be honest I love anal sex. I know that sometimes I think I am relaxed enough and I am not. I totally agree with Howard on this one. Start small and work your way up to accept your husband. Anal sex shouldn't be painful. What I do before we even have anal sex is make sure I am extremely horney and lots of foreplay. Once I am this way it is very difficult for me to tense up. Please read Mikayla's article and invest in some small anal toys. The review I did on the beads I think would help you perfectly since they do start off small and slowly enlarge. Here is a link to them to. Although I am advanced in anal play I still enjoy this when I am looking for a little DP and hubby isn't around. Here is a link to them. http://shop.tootimid.com/index.asp?PageAct...ROD&ProdID=4587 Hope this helps and please keep us updated. Yes and lots and lots of lube.
  17. Well the name of this toy caught my attention right off the bat. Passion vibe, who wouldn't want a little passion in their life? I decided that after a long week I wasn't going to wait to play till hubby got home. I wanted to play with this alone and see how much passion I could get from this vibrator. I opened the package and found this vibe has little buttons all over it. Not only is it purple, my favorite color, but it also has a hint of glitter threw out the vibe. This passion toy is made of a jelly type material and is firm but I noticed is flexible. Since it is jelly, a little antibacterial soap will due just fine to clean it. Here is a little of the basics; like I said there are numerous buttons all over this toy. I did notice that towards the base of it, there are two protruding ends, what I will call fingers. WOW! Well I knew one had to be for clitoral stimulation and the other had to be for anal. I started thinking to myself this could be a little difficult since they do sit low on the base. Normally with dual action type vibrators there is a little bunny with ears. I was really skeptical about this product but I can't knock something tell I try it. One of the fingers does look a little shorter then the other, also one is a little lower then the other on the base. I went to go get the 2AA batteries to see what this vibe had. I insert the 2AA batteries, which were very easy to insert. I will tell you though to make sure you tighten the cap on all the way. I thought I had it tight enough and I didn't since when I went to turn it on it went on then right off. I then retighten the cap and it buzzed like a charm. I noticed this vibe is EXTREMLY quiet, I found that to be a huge plus. I have a few 2AA battery toys and they sure aren't quiet like this. I then grabbed my lube to test this out. I rushed off to my bed. I noticed that I would have to insert the vibe completely to get the stimulators to reach. I inserted the vibe and couldn't quite get the stimulators to reach my clitoral region. Well I am not the type of gal to give up. So then I bended the vibe a little bit since it is flexible and wow I got the clitoral stimulator to hit me just right. Well with a little rocking of this vibe back and forth, I could almost get the other stimulator to reach my anus but not quite, I did get it close enough to tease me. Make sure that you are careful, I know I marked the side that was close to my anus. I am clean person but I don't like to take risk. So just to be on the save side I marked my vibe with a purple permanent marker at the base of it so I would remember which one of the stimulators went towards my anus. I noticed that this vibe didn't quite have the power in the stimulators as much as I like, but that doesn't mean it isn't enough stimulation for YOU. I will say the little buttons all over this vibe brought me great pleasure. The shaft of the vibe does have a little more power to it then the stimulators. I am just a gal who likes a lot of clitoral stimulation, or shall I say medium to high-powered stimulation. This vibe does provide just enough stimulation to tease me, but hey everyone is different, it just wasn't quit right for me, that doesn't mean that it won't be right for YOU. http://shop.tootimid.com/index.asp?PageAct...ROD&ProdID=5049 Happy Playing!
  18. I would have to say I have my limits. Now I like a little light bondage but a fucking machine, hmm depending on the size would be my decision on that. I have to admit although I find alot of things extremely interesting in the heavy bondage department and I think they look really neat I have my limit there. Swings and things are okay but to tie me up tight and hang me I could do that. Although I have thought about it. No extremely fisting here, either I would have to draw the line. I think as far as the full body bags I would not do that either, I want to have fun and love to please my partner in everyway possible but that is WAY to extreme for me. The rope play interest me but some of the pics I have seen were the women is extremely tied and hung, I just couldn't do it. So yes I have my limits, or maybe fears on some things. I know it takes total trust when it comes to bondage but to go to some of the extremes I have seen although they fasinate me I myself couldn't go to that extreme.
  19. Thank You ROB!! I highly aprreciate it. I feel save here and comfortable here.
  20. Glad to hear Telecom. I agree most women when the C word is brought up relize that the pussy word sure does sound alot better and not that bad. I am glad to hear that everything is working out.
  21. Hiya Telecom, I am not on any pills but my best friend of 15years is on Prozac and has been for about 8years. I can tell you that before she was taking Prozac her sex drive and having O was not a problem at all. I asked her about this due to your post this morning, it made me call her. She said,"after about the first 3years of taking Prozac she was still having great Os, not anymore though, if she does have them, it is very hard for her to. It takes alot of stimulation,(clitoral stimulation). She believes that Prozac is the cause of her not having Os like she use to, but with her husband and alot of foreplay she is able to still have them. They just seem dont seem to be as good as they use to be. Since every womens body is different, people are going to respond differently to the medication then others will. Could be maybe the dose is to high? Not sure to tell you the truth but your g/f is not alone I am sure on this issue. My best friend has talked to her Dr about it and that is one of the side effects to any AD drug. I would have her talk to her Dr and see what he has to say about it. There are other Ad medications yes but like my best friend your g/f swears by that pill. I hope this helps a little and keep us posted!
  22. HI, I agree with the other post on that aweful C word. That is about the only word that can get my goat. Now with that out the way. I am curious if you have talk to her yet on the pussy word, Tyger has a great point. My hubby when he is flirting around will say babe is your kitty feeling lonely. I will admit though my husband when we are having wild sex, or talking nasty will say hun your pussy is so hot. Also it is great that she is starting to open up to you. I think I would double check though on that whole pussy word and make sure it doesnt seriously offend her. Keep us posted.
  23. Well Hrnychick, I have to say no I have never withheld sex from my hubby because I was mad. My hubby still gets it but let me tell you it is a little bit on the rough side. I wouldn't call it love making or anything just blame out sex. I will admit when I am mad at him, I like to take total control and I like what I call angry sex, it is not painful or mean but aggresive. I agess with MIkayla why withhold sex when it is something that you both enjoy, aren't you then in return hurting your self in a way, I mean you can get pleasure with toys and things but me I rather take it out on him and control the bed.
  24. I think I found a new movie for my hubby and I to watch. Thanks Mikayla I have been wondering about the movies here but being that I don't know to much about them I haven't tried. GREAT REVIEW thanks and now that you said she is hot hmmmm sounds like a good night for hubby and I.
  25. I believe he is more then likely hitting your cervix. I also just wanted to post the link to a article here that was written on this subject there are as Howard as stated alot of post here I will see if I can also find the link for those for you to. For now here is a article link http://www.tootimid.com/sex_education/just...ejaculation.htm Good Luck.
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