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Everything posted by nosleepnmesa

  1. I have to tend to lean a little on Howards last post. I am a mother of five children and 1 being extremely asthmatic and I am up numerous times during the night with him and his breathing treatments ect.... The morning shower thing works well but upon the advice of Howard and Makayla my sex life is better. My hubby has to get up at 3am every morning to go to work. I dont get to bed tell sometimes as late as 11pm then I am up at 2am giving my son his meds. I also have graves disease a thyroid disorder which I have had a complete Tyroidectomy.I have to agree with Howard me being married for 7 yrs and having five children and not getting alot of sleep when I wake up to get the little one his meds and I am horney as usual sense I seem to be that way all the time. I do kiss around his cock ect and get him aroused. HE wakes up and he is great. I feel that when I do get back to sleep I fall asleep much faster. Learning I have had five children and needless to say I had a little bit of a problem after my first letting my SO go down on me. I think the reason at the time was I was sore and didnt feel very sexy at the time in fact it took almost a year for me to allow him to again, but that of course was after my first child. After that and long talks I LOVE HIM TO !!!! My hubby will first start at my tummy and kiss, nibble his way down and caress me with his hands ect, rubbing my clit with his thumb. He does all this to relax me since we talked about. Then he works his way down, at times when he is licking and sucking on my glit he will insert a finger or if I ask a toy. Good luck and keep us informed. This site and all the people hear have sure help me in ways that have spark my sex life. Good luck to you Katprr
  2. Sweet James, yes the things we do for love!
  3. I totally agree with Luvsdolphins..... IF that makes you a Nympho I am in HUGE trouble I do it before I make breakfast and the kids wake up, I masturbate when I take my shower or bath in the morning... I do it again at nap time... and that is how I go to sleep. Heck sometimes when I am really horney and I am driving I do it. Heck I think I do it even more then that and just lost count So no I dont think it makes you a nympho at all, we know how to pleasure are selfs and what are we supose to do when we get horney and our SO is out????Let it build up and drive us nuts tell they get home. NO WAY
  4. Just a question I had to ask others. I know sometimes my hubby and I will watch porn, I cant lie though and say we make it all the way threw, infact I dont think I ever seen an entire porn movie I become to involved with my hb to care about what the hell is going on, on the TV. So mean do you find watching porn with your SO is helpful or not and Women do you find it exciting to and why ? I wanted to make a poll out of this but couldnt firgue it out.
  5. Well Gabby, In alot of ways I have to agree with Makayla and the others. War is a very as you know tramanic thing whethe you are on the front line or your love one is away. I know that you have stated that you gave him a counselor number and he said he would call and didnt. What if you called and made a appointment would he go or would he just get upset? I have to say that I do believe that anyone that has been sent overseas to war once they return should seek some type of counseling just do to the stress of deployment things that were going on around them ect.. I could be way off base here, but my brother has been a Navy Seal for years in fact this is his last year THANK GOD, I know that everytime he came back him and his wife went to counseling whether their was a problem or not. Even if my brother wont go my sister in law would. Just a suggestion, I know you have tired everything you can possibely try but if he wont go maybe you should go just to get the extra help. I am at a loss of words and I am sorry but I hope things do get better. I just felt like I had to response to you last post, you sure have tried alot and you sure can tell that you love him alot. Sounds heartbreaking and sad to me.Keep us posted and I wish you the best of luck , I am very sorry I couldnt be more helpful. If you ever need a person to vent on or anything just like hrnychick has mentioned please feel free to pm me and vent all you would like.
  6. Sexy boots, Nice jeans or even a low ride skirt. A women dressed nice and maybe a little showing just enough to make your mind wonder is woohooo. But I have to say high heels and boots are very sexy Tatoos Love them, I have a few.
  7. Thank you all very much We are back on track and I am getting MINE TO WOOHOOO Call me spoiled a little it is getting WAY better and not BORING now thanks to the wonderful tips from you all. WEll since things are going so well I think I am going to wait a little bit before i get my clitorus pierced because things are looking up and with that I cant have sex for a little while So it will have to wait, Sex is more fun anyway right now THank you all so much
  8. I have done it a few times and yes I like it. I have to highly agree with Curvacious lust IT IS ALL GOOD
  9. Thanks Gabby I just got more educated thanks to your questions. I dont know much about it but thanks to your question and the posts. I just learned something new. I have to say it looks VERY SEXY bug very complicated. Just had to say thanks.
  10. Well Gabby I can relate in some aspects of it I have 5kids and have been married seven years but my problem was that my husband was getting boring in bed and just ugggg. But with the help of people here things are gettting better. I have to comment on Crazy post though I have to say I do agree, and find it interesting. Here is some advice I was given from Makayla and Howard and some others. When he is watching a porn on either TV or the computer, have you tried to straddle him? what would he do ? Naked though of course. Sounds to me like he needs to find out what he likes and get back in touch with you. There was of course something (LOVE) that brought you all togeather and pleasing each other of course since you do have children. Let me tell you something I use to in a way be kinda like your husband with my X. We were married for 5 years and had 3 kids togeather and there came a point in our relationship that he wanted sex and he was all into and I was just like hurry up and get it over with. So I was like worthless to him in a sense. Once I started thinking about why I was doing this I relized other things were playing a factor. Exsample-stress, kids, life, my friends at the time and what they thought of our relationship. I have to say though this is not YOUR problem he did ask you to find out things about you and you did. I do also have to agree with sexykitty there is a big talk that needs to take place , Maybe over a nice candlelite dinner, once the kids go to bed. Also a date with just him and you, find a sister go to a nice dinner then a movie or something you all use to love doing. I know when basically I was acting like your husband in some aspects with my X. We did have a talk it wasnt an easy one and I seemed to be the one always saying there is nothing wrong and I dont want to talk about it . It came though when he found a sitter without me knowing about and I came home from work and he was dressed up and sitting on the couch, we had a nice dinner and came home and starting talking about all the things that were bothering me and why I was feeling this way and he asked me what I thought would help with our sex life. IT took alot of time and patients on his end and alot of jacking off but things eventually got better. Our divorce though had nothing to do with this problem. I think you all need to rekindle the fire since he has been gone awhile.Also the military can put alot of stress on a relationship. He may have some things bothering him from overseas or where ever he was that maybe he isnt even aware. Try talking or having a date. Good luck and keep us posted
  11. I personally have taken my hb for his birthday to a nice classy all nude club. He got a few lap dances and also the couch dance as they called I dont see how a lap dance can be cheating at all! There is no kissing, no penetration, you cant touch them in the clubs here anyway. Not sure about anywhere else. So how could it be consider cheating. Heck if my hb didnt look at other women I think I would think he was gay. Heck in fact I help him look, I know that sounds weird but if their is a really hot women walking down the road I will say to him and of course my teenagers laugh about it but say Hey honey isnt she fine I wish I had a butt or whatever like her. I also agree with sexykitty that maybe you should invite her along or at least see how she would feel. I have to say that I enjoyed it and the women at this club were very nice, in fact a few of them came up to me and asked if I was comfortable and if everyone was treating me well. I think alot of the clubs can have a different atmospere this one I took him to though was a little pricing but a high class place and the women were very friendly and very concerned about everyones comfort level. I would talk to her and if she has never gone maybe if she sees for herself that their is no sexual touching or anything going on she may fill more comfortable about it. Good luck and Keep us posted but my opion is no it is not cheating
  12. I have in numerous places so I will list the most recent. In the back of our Titian in a grocery store parking lot.
  13. Enjoy sex LOVE IT!!! I have to say though I have never been the quiet type although at times I have to TRY to be quiet by putting pillows over my face, I have never actually intentional been quiet. As far as Os love them to but then again who doesnt. Now that you have given me idea I think I am going to TRY to be quiet to see what happens. Telecom now I have a question for you and all men out there. Do men like it when their women is quiet or when she is not? Just curious now.
  14. Two women having sex HOT HOT HOT. Myself have been with a women and my X and HOT HOT HOT. Now as far as two men hmmmmmmmmmmmm. I never really got into that but to each there own I do have to agree with the others post though that society does have alot to do with it to I think. I think that women have beautiful bodys and are just extremely sexy togeather. Men have mascular bodies and not saying they arent sexy cause woohoo some men are to hot for their own good. It is the weird thing though I could handle watching my x screw my gf anally and I love to watch him do it to me to Thank God for mirrors, But the thought of a man on a man just doesnt seem sexy to me, or turn me on. Just a thought I had to post
  15. Miss Chrissy Welcome . ALthough I am still new here myself and I have boughted a few products here hopefully this will help. I am sure some other the other members may be more helpful, but I hope this helps some. Since you are new to vibrators dont start with one that is big because it may hurt and make sure you use lots of lub and you are relaxed. I did recheck the shopping here just to see if they had my first vibrator I got when I started. They name isnt the same as when it was when I got it but it looks and sounds the same as far as the quietness to this one I am not sure since I dont have that one.As far as life like though the ones I have thicker and longer. It is called the Aerotech classic Vibrator it is not to thick and also not to long but make sure to use lube and make sure you are relaxed. Here is a few things I do to get me relaxed, I lay on my bed and beginning just rubbing my body playing with my nipples, clitorous ect. When I do turn on my vibrator I like to slowly tease myself in a sense with it I rub it on and around my nipples on my clitoris up and down before I even insert it and once I am getting hot I then apply the lube and slowly insert a little bit and then pull out some and slowly insert in deeper. I saw Slowly because I am also teasing myself in a sense and just in case it is alittle bigger then what i am use to it allows my vagina to adjust to it. Good luck and I hope this helped some I am sure others here will be alot more helpful. Also if you read the toy reviews they will give you alot of information on each one since there are alot to choose from. I hope this helps some I am sure once others see this they can help you more. Good luck and keep me posted
  16. I would have to say no. No matter how mad I got after the breakup or not matter how terrible it was I could never post pics of my x on the web for revenage. I have never been a revenageful person though.I have known somebody who did that though to their X and I cant say that I didnt laugh but I feel something like that would be cruel. Just my thoughts though. What is your favorite toy and why and for the men what is your favorite toy you like to use on your partner and why?
  17. Well myself also being a child from divorced parents. My parents divorced when I was 16. I honestly believe that you really need to sit down and talk with them, Like the others have mentioned. I know that when my mom found a new that she would hang pictures of them togeather on the walls ect. I do have to say though she always keep a picture of my dad and her on the bookshelve in the living room. She talked to me and at first I was a little upset but once she stated she would leave the one picture of him on the bookshelve it was easier for me to accept the other relationship. Needless to say we sat down and had a wonderful talk and she was honest ect... She didnt tell me all the details of the divorce but minor ones here and there like exsample:we as you know where aurging alot and didnt think that it was healthy on you children and you will still have a relationship with your father ect.... But I do have to say it is YOUR house and YOU can hang anything you like I am not sure of the whole situtaion but as far as the pictures talk with you kids and if it helps maybe for the ones who are still living at home just a small 5by7 picture on the bookshelve or something of you and your xwife if there isnt one already and if there is then they are just going to have to learn that they cant control your home and tell you what you can and cant hang on the walls. But I have to say if you dont already have a picture of you and your xwife on the bookshelve or coffee table somewhere and it is okay of course with your new then it is at least worth a try. Good luck
  18. WOW Cool thanks for the FYI. I am going to have to watch it with hubby if he is still awake. Thanks for the info.
  19. Makayla Your reviews are RIGHTON ! Well since I have gotten my Jessicas strobing probe OMW it is wonderful and your review hit it dead on. I have never had a g-spot vibrator nor one with lights But the affect was WOOHOO. Cant even discribe the pleasure I got from it. Thank you so much for your review if it wasnt for your review I would have never gotten it. Oh yes and the Viva cream I just had to try to and I am not into creams really at all but this one was wonderful Wow , once i rubbed it on my clitoris about 30secs later wow it was a feeling i couldnt explain Thank you
  20. WAY TO GO ! I have to say that I am a firm believer in what a man eats affects his the way he taste. Thank goodness my man likes to eat alot of fruits and sweets although at times his coffee intake is a little high and can make a bitter taste so I found a solution for that Flavored coffee. Glad to hear!
  21. Well this is just again my opion I have worked with adults and teens with these disorders and although each person handles them differently they are alike. I am not sure if this helps clear some of the questions Makayla because I of course am not her. This is just what I have learned since I use to work with people with these disorders. Yes you are correct that they are normally extremely camara shy, but when it come to the internet they feel save in knowing that yes people can not get to them nor really find out alot of information on them. In alot of ways also it helps to raise their self esteem knowing that they can show themselves and in alot of ways (deadxflower please dont take this the wrong way it is just what I have learned with working with people with these types of disorders)it is exciting and also stimulating to them they feel safe, secure and are able to express themselves and feeling threw pictures instead of words and when people are unable to per say get to them and actually get to know them the internet is a wonderful tool for them to use to help build there self esteem and commicate with others in the outside world without the fear of being judge in person ect... DeadXflower you are a beautiful women and have alot going for you although you have certain disorders you are still a beautiful women and I think you are doing a wonderful job in expressing yourself. take are and keep posting
  22. I am not sure as to whether that works or not, but I have to agree with you on the whole SEX smell I hate that smell. I normally not only take a shower afterwards but I know douching helps that smell. I am a very clean person and I hate that smell. I have seen the commerial for what you are talking about have you asked your ob/gyn his or her opion on it ? Just curious but heck my opion is I would try it and see how it works or not and then I think i would problem post my results here to let other women know. I do know that(although I have never had a yeast infection, must be luck i guess or what i eat)that when it heats up women are more prone to them but I drink alot of juice and believe it or not alot of yogurt and I have never had one. So maybe for that aspect try eating yogurt or something like that during the summer and more juices. But if you do try the new product let me know I am very interested in the results of it. I am sure this doesnt help much sry. Keep me posted though curiosity is kills the cat but satisfaction brings him back
  23. Yes I rub myself breast, nipples and I also stroke his hair.
  24. I have to say I completely understand. I found this site and have gotten the best advice and helpful information on how to spice up a relationship. My sex life was getting so boring that I believe if I hadnt had found this site that I would prolly be having an affair. Like I have learned in a short amount of time from numerous people here on this site that there are all kinds of ways to not only but the ZING back into your sex. Some advice I have gotten from Howard and others and Makayla try setting the alarm clock early and meet him in the shower, wash him ect but do not suck him or anything just massage him, it worked for me I tried it one morning and the next thing I knew he was carring me out of the shower soaking wet and OMG eating me like never before. Another Tip that I was given.When he is watching tv ect... go and put your robe on and nothing on underneath and sit on his lap and start sucking on his neck ect... That will give him a wake up call to . I have also recently when he was sleeping took out my vibrator and turned it on (hoping it wouldnt back fire and he wouldnt get mad) I started kissing his chest and sucking ect and running my vibrator overs his cock and balls ect and Omw did it drive him a little crazy I would first though talk to him ect and see what he wants to and what he is willing to try ect, becareful though like i have been told some things may backfire if you dont talk about them first. Anyway not sure if this will help at all but there are people here with great advice and help and I am still new but those are some of the things I tried to put more Zing in our sex life. Good luck to you and keep posting and let me know how it goes.
  25. I have never cheated in person that is but then again I dont think that web cam sex is really cheating but I guess it could be. Although before I found this site and got some advice I was seriously thinking about cheating since my husband was so boring and only taking care of him and not me. I have though before I found this site met someone online that had a web cam and I was extremely horney at the time. Although my toys could get me off extremely well it does get lonely always having to get yourself off alone. I dont know how many of you classify web cam sex as cheating or not cheating
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