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Everything posted by froggystyle1977

  1. Yes we will definetely be thinking of you!! Just post when you feel safe enough too!! Hugs!!
  2. OK I found it!! Heres his website!!! Penis tattoo
  3. Well then wheres my watermelon knife!! "OH honey here you go have some watermelon its really good for you."
  4. Woohooo!! Hopefully that green light is all you need. enjoy your new toy!!
  5. Great review!! Thanks for the info.
  6. Definetely going to have to look into this stuff!! Thanks for the tip!!
  7. Congratulations on finally coming out and being yourself. I do hope he comes around but he may not, some poeple are just ingrained with this homomphobia and can't get over it. Try not to let it get to you (easier said then done I am sure) Keep being you!!
  8. Agreeing with Kat here, noone here would laugh at you. No question I have ever read on this forum has been laughed at and noone ridicules others. Its one of the reasons I love coming here!!
  9. Well the barn is good, but then so is a grove of trees, A hilltop, powerline roads, dirt roads, field of corn, and well I don't know what the terrain is like but I recommend carrying a blanket!!!! LOL Have fun
  10. I agree with Mikayla it doesn't sound as though this shift was just because of a dream it sounds more like she found someone to talk to and connect with and they (be it male or female) Made her think what you were doing was wrong. I would just talk to her, Remind her that sex toys are an enhancement and not a replacement, they are thier for both your pleasure. GOOD LUCK
  11. Have a great time!!! Country sex is good sex too!! I am sure you will find many ways to amuse yourself!!
  12. Thank you all for your support!! I promise to find something else to wear to the funeral. I don't have much that fits anymore, can't afford anything new. hmmm oh well I am sure I will find something respectable. As far as replanning our night well who knows it was a fluke to get a sitter and hubby actually getting the night off work. next week is his vacation so I can hope, though my son has summer school and well timing is everything.
  13. Thanks for the details, Glad it was wonderful for you!!
  14. Awww WOW you guys are great!!!! Can't wait to read all about how well things go!!!!
  15. I have seen that before he actually has a website that explains the whole thing. Looks painful to me!!!!!!!!
  16. So thursday is mine and hubbys 4th anniversary, Not once have we actually spent time together on our annniversary. We did go out one year and that was a nightmare (see my post in mikayla's pass out one) So this year hubby made sure to get the night off and I got a sitter for all 3 kids. I was thinkin a nice dinner mabye watch a movie have some fun in the bedroom. Mostly though just time for us. Hubbys granddad passed away yesterday and he tells me this morning the funeral is thursday at 10 am, since hubby has to work weds night this ruins our plans can't have him trying to stay up 24 hours. I know I am being selfish but damnit I wanted time just for us on our anniversary!!!!!!! this really truly sucks now the cute little black dress I bought for our anniversary may need to be worn to a funeral. NOTHING EVER WORKS OUT FOR ME!!!!!!!! Now to try to find someone to watch my kids during the day, since my original sitter has to work during the day!!!!!
  17. Welcome!! There is a wealth of information here and alot of really fabulous poeple good luck with making things hot again!!!
  18. This brings back memories!!! I think it was our 1st anniversary bro in law took us out to a nice dinner and then we went to two different bars, Bro in law also got us a hotel room for the night, was sometihng I was definetely looking foward too!! Ahhh the ride home, Hubbby was so drunk he puked all over the side of my van. We ended up needing to go home rather then the hotel room since he passed out!! It was a very disappointing night!! Dirty dancing to him being really sick!!!
  19. Welcome to TOO TIMID!!
  20. Thanks Mikayla and FuncplinKY, Now to get hubby to watch them have to wait till he has a night off!!!
  21. Wow sounds like you guys have alot of fun. Hubby and I haven't done this though he does love looking at costumes with me at halloween sadly most of the ones we like are either way to expensive or I just don't have the body for them.
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