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Everything posted by pappyld04

  1. Funny, they have gone through the BS motions of suing, in the interest of smokers everywhere mind you, then they want more chemicals inserted! For those who cry about secondhand smoke, go fire up the SUV and take your kids to the soccer field, Mow your yard every 3-4 days, don't forget to water it every day so it grows faster, fart, breathe, then cry me a river!!! Funny how the people who pay for the studies, with our tax dollars, always get the resuls they wanted isn't it?
  2. Right on TC! There is a lot of country in this area! Good to see you are still here! (If my guess is proper that is!)
  3. The defense to defamation is truth! I would never sweat that if I knew the facts! Your state of mind is at present, similar to my own just not for the same reasons. IDK you personally other than a few things I have read and I really don't get a read of a man that could/would be able to physically assault someone. Even under these circumstances! I may have that wrong, but that is my read on you! And don't take that in the wrong way! No offense is intended here. Your safety is my main concern. These people are taught that no means yes, they can have any woman they choose, etc.. They have PISS POOR role models leading them down this path! In this instance, I would apply your concerns to your SO!!! Help her all you can through her pain! She is not over this!
  4. Sorry I'm late on welcoming you to the board!
  5. Pappy is afraid of heights pandora's! I am nowhere near that ballsy!
  6. I thank all who have offered but this has turned in a direction I didn't even see. Mama found a bruised hand print on baby's back and others elsewhere. DHS is in it now, (not my doing). I did not step out with baby and my gf to talk with DHS but the stories I hear run chills up my spine! My gf is in court as I type. Not charged, but looking for visits! The daughters bf has been beating the boys with a belt and hand, there is sexual allegations that I heard with Sissy, and when our daughter spoke up she was beaten with a stick of some sort! He ias been hiding with a lot of the same people that I have grown up with thinking they can protect him or at least help. I do hope they try! No mercy! He will be a victim!
  7. Our girl has pins and such from the knee down on one side. They did surgery to rebuild her other ankle, snapped in 2 places. Baby boy has stitches all across his forehead. They kept him in case of internal injuries and the depth of his head wounds. We've got the oldest boy, and my gf's sister took the youngest for now. We have to figure out where to put our girl when they release her. She may take a minute to recover enough to take care of herself and the kids!
  8. In a way I get his side of this! My gf just let the shit pile up until it was do or die. I'm not talking about her feelings either. She stopped doing some of her own part also. After a day or so of that it becomes an eyesore that I cannot tolerate either!!!
  9. To be honest very few men understand themselves. Even fewer that could understand women!
  10. Look at the top link hon! "Beast in the attic" is only one of our beloved monikers!
  11. Put that young man on the phone! - From one man to another I understand the fantasy thing. Women are more secretive in this area so it normally comes off as fake regardless of the answer when it is thrown about in a vindictive way. With that said, his texting is improper no matter which way he sums it up! I won't venture a guess here as to how improper but IT IS! Had you known, approved of the conversations, or even started them it may be different. Granted this may be a fantasy thing carried too far. That is not the feeling I get from the original post though! I wouldn't say "jet his ass" with only one side, but this needs to be discussed at length without giving him any easy answers!
  12. Now a glimpse into the roughneck life! Sorry Tyger but most here would never understand that side. I'll reserve my comments on your post for a later post! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- First a view from the "Beast in the attic!" The new school of pansy assed roughnecks and top drive equipment - Howz about some old school chain hand action - The follwing 2 links come from rigs I have worked on - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lYEm5SA-bDY...feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X8qBvi3lfSQ...feature=related Here is a taste of derrick hands - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6n18L4hEZ_k...feature=related Now the danger of complacency -
  13. I see the two on almost the same level! I will go there for my babies also! Just not in the same manner!
  14. Not to take from your OP Tyger, but I am curious! How many of us hug our friends, same sex or otherwise? My friends are very special to me, and held in the same regard as family!
  15. IMHO, this is a multi-staged question. Love has varying depths, it is a matter of which part you seek here! If you are talking about our SO, then it is all about where a person draws a line in the sand. Unquestionable love is when you will go anywhere, do anything to assure that their needs are met and in some rare cases, exceeded!!!
  16. I guess we are never alone in this world! I met my exact twin in basic! The cook couldn't tell us apart on KP, so he threw the old Jesse and Jerome monikers on us!
  17. That would be our middle girl!
  18. Dont take this the wrong way chuck. Your offer is much appreciated, but, this pot has been boiling for some time now. I have taken you, by your posts, to be a stand up, straight up man who deals with things as they present themselves! I think you and I are very much alike in this respect! Thanks for the well wishes!
  19. It looks like I need to get arrested now to get a bite of that ass! Mama just went to get our youngest grandson from the hospital. She brought the other one home last night. He has a 3-4" gash under his lip where he either bit through it or was cut with glass, I'm not sure. Our girl has been in surgery all morning. I'll update as I find out some facts!
  20. Bear with me if I go to the left here! My gf got a call at work an hour ago. Our oldest and 2 grandbabies were in a car wreck and are on the way to the hospital! Mama found the wreck by following the ambulance right to our old house at the river. She found cops, fire dept. and daughters bf. What I know so far is the grandbabies are at one hospital and their mama is ar St. Anthonys in the city in questionable condition. Bf, has not a one scratch on his ass. YET!!! He didn't want to ride to the hospital, more worried about blaming her according to my gf. If I turn up absent for a minute, I just wanted to say it's been fun!!!!!!!!!!
  21. I smell it too chuck! Too much horseshit in the ask 1 answer 1, and TPBM and little else!
  22. I've been with my girl for just short of 15 now. She has been married twice, me once. Her last(a real piece of shit), widowed her in seperation. Before he died there was talk of divorce until we/she got something new, then it was all about his half. We have decided that, my mind was already there, we shall not marry until we actually like each other!!!!!!!
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