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Everything posted by square

  1. Haven't listened to Coast to Coast, but your description reminds me of a radio show I listened to in the night during my insomniatic youth, trying to get to sleep. They covered a lot of odd topics and had listeners call in with their experiences and theories. (40 years ago. Where does time fly to?) (I'm not usually up at 4 in the morning any more, but the stupid dog woke me up tonight and I can't get back to sleep.)
  2. A vibrator and a partner's finger, and lots of practice to work out the particulars.
  3. I think I would be put off by a comment like that, come up with a diplomatic and polite way to say "go F yourself," and then severe contact. To me, that is more than just some immaturity, it is indicative of a dickheaded personality that will always be dickheaded.
  4. Aggh, it's farging cold out there. Sure there are colder places, and it's been colder here at times, but this cold snap sure has been going on a long time and has another week to go, and the coldest is yet to come.
  5. Hmm ... there used to be a clink to lick ... der, uh, a link to click. I'm not seeing it now.
  6. Being socially awkward, mostly a dud with the ladies, and watching all my friends around me scoring while I still had my dick in my hand, I was mostly relieved just to get that check box checked. Otherwise, it was nice enough, not great, and in no way did it give me any feeling of, "Yeah, I'm a Man now."
  7. Not sure. I'd probably feel pretty glum. If only 6 mo. to live, I'd kind of expect to be feeling shitty enough not to be able to enjoy doing the things i like to do. If I can still work, I'd probably keep working -- still gotta feed the family. Maybe I'd try to visit a couple of my favorite places one last time. I'd try to keep in mind that sometimes people outlive doctors' predictions. Stephen Hawking was supposed to have died about 50 years ago.
  8. I have to laugh a little. I don't like being around negative people, yet I can be pretty negative. I'm trying to do better.
  9. Assuming it's a pretty good sized lottery, quit my job. Take a long and restful vacation. Maybe start a business or two, with the goal of them doing something to better the world in some way, and if they lose money, it won't matter. Give some away to worthy causes. Doing more of my own cooking and eating better, and getting more exercise. Spend more time outside doing things I enjoy.
  10. No pic. Is it gone, or is it something wrong on my end?
  11. Repair the basement window before winter. I've been putting it off for about five years. (part of the problem is I don't quite know how to go about it.)
  12. I wouldn't say depressed, but definitely some bluesiness. With the shorter days and cooler whether, I feel like I need more sleep, have less energy (mental more than physical), and my libido takes a hit.
  13. I don't think there is one I can think of. My wife has called me an asshole, but there is some accuracy to that.
  14. There is no shortage of dickheads who will try to see how far they can bend the rules, or flat out break them without getting caught, and then if they do get caught, have a knack for sweet talking there way out of it.
  15. Beer. Long Trail Ale. So i guess technically an ale, but I could never remember the difference between beer, ale, lager, porter, and whatever other flavor beer comes in. Except stout, I kinda have an idea what stout is. You should be able to stand a spoon up in a good stout . . .
  16. I think the admins can delete them, but not regular peeps.
  17. Why does the tip of almost every table knife in my kitchen drawer look like it's been used for a screwdriver?
  18. I musta missed this one also. I don't set aside particular days or evenings for self time. Self time just kind of works out naturally. After work I am usually pretty mentally spent, so I spend the evenings goofing off on the internet. The wife is off having her Facebook fights, so she keeps herself entertained. And now that the kids are teenagers, they don't want nuttin to do with the parents. On summer weekends I go for longish bike rides, which is more self time, plus plenty of yard work.
  19. square


    I don't know either, but it has been done in the past by others. Might need to contact a site administrator and make the request.
  20. I tried Viagra a couple of times (for low sex drive that seems to hit every winter). Gave me a hardon that didn't want to go away, but didn't make me horny in the least. Took me forever to come. It was more of a chore than a pleasure.
  21. Elated? No. Although I did vote for Trump (but my state went for Clinton so my vote didn't matter) and I was mildly pleased that he won despite all the predictions, I did not like either candidate. Both had a lot of strikes against them. I was undecided all the way up to the election. All of the third party candidates this year were Bozos. There were a lot of reasons that had me leaning one way or the other at various times. In the end, I thought Hillary was too deceitful. Plus as Obamacare kicked in, my health premiums spiked and my benefits shrunk. Hillary would guarantee more of that; with Trump, at least there is a teensy microscopic glimmer of hope for improvement. Time will tell what kind of president Trump will be. I am not expecting much to be elated about. And I keep telling myself, "Hillary would have been worse. I think."
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