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Everything posted by synirr

  1. synirr


    Mine, definitely.
  2. I know what you mean Em, I'm a 32 A and have been for years... good luck finding any cute bras . They certainly never got any bigger from BC.
  3. "It's always the quiet ones," eh? I've always been a very quiet person, and IMO quiet people are always thinking about something... not necessarily sex though! In my case I'm usually thinking about tropical fish
  4. As with any medication, the side-effects of birth control are going to vary person-to-person as our bodies react differently to it. I think the key is finding a brand that works for you... if you try something and it DOES cause weight gain, get your doctor to switch you to something else, keeping in mind that it takes at least a couple of months for your body to really get used to each new brand of birth control. Yasmin is the one that has been reported to cause weight loss in a lot of cases... maybe you could start from there in your search for BC that is right for you
  5. Relationships are hard work, and if a couple is in a slump simply because they've forgotten that they need to work together as a team, then there's a good chance that relationship can be saved with a lot of effort and possibly some counseling. However, sometimes people can grow apart over time and happiness together as a couple becomes difficult, if not impossible, to obtain. When that's the case I don't think any amount of work will produce the desired results.
  6. I'll say it again Em... IMO, you need new friends. Maybe some that are actually friends and care about you?
  7. Prayer time is completely legal as long as they call it "quiet time" or something like that so that students of non-Christian faiths (or of no faith) don't feel left out of the group. It's even perfectly fine if a group of students wants to form a prayer circle or something and pray out loud during this time, so long as they are not bothering other students. It's also legal to form a Christian student group that meets before/after classes, so yes, those "Meet You at the Pole" groups have every legal right to meet on school groups. They never took prayer out of schools, all they did is say it can't be mandatory, nor any particular religion promoted by the school itself. I completely support the right of students of ANY religion to pray during school hours if they like (and so does the law,) so I don't think I'm wrong for thinking that my right NOT to pray should also be protected and supported.
  8. LOL Tyger, that second story was a hoot!
  9. What DADT said! I wouldn't worry about it for a second, if I were you.
  10. It makes me so glad to see these states standing up for what is right
  11. Personally I don't like KY products, period, so I haven't tried this. I recently tried their "moisture enhancing" Silk-E lube, which was kind of sticky after it dried just like all the other KY product I've tried. I won't be buying any more KY, there's WAY better stuff out there.
  12. I have a long-haired chihuahua named Gypsy. Here she is looking unhappy in my new aquarium before I set it up ...And eating a Ritz cracker she was not supposed to have Petri the parrotlet Diva Mia. They are sisters. Goldfish. Oscar + midas. I have tons of other aquariums and fish too, these are just the ones I think of more as "pets". They're quite friendly!
  13. It's pretty standard to do a HPV test nowadays even if the PAP comes back normal, so I doubt I had it beforehand, but who knows.
  14. Honestly Em, I think you just need to find a new group of people to run with. There's not a single guy I know personally who would try to "convert" a lesbian or even think it's possible. I grew up in a small town in east Texas, I know what it's like to be surrounded by small-minded backwards people, and I was a pessimist when I was younger too. Now I live in a city full of people I can relate to, and my entire outlook on life has changed. It can be better for you.
  15. Best advice I can give you, Em, is not to rush anything, but be open to possibilities. Some people never enter into a serious relationship, and if your life is fulfilling and you're happy then I don't think there's anything wrong with that. That said, I NEVER thought I would find someone I get along with as well as I get along with my BF, and being in a serious relationship for the first time has been (and continues to be) a wonderful experience, and I've learned a lot about myself and others. Sex or no sex, I can guarantee you there's someone out there for you... and hell, there's probably even someone out there who has the potential to change your mind about sex, you just haven't met him yet. You don't ever have to actively search for him if you don't want, but if you happen to meet him, I hope you'll give him a chance
  16. See.... to me it's not really funny, just sad I truly hope you find someone some day who can show you what it's like to be loved.
  17. Em, I agree... everything you've said is true in general. Now, is any of that true for me personally? Not really. I don't surround myself with people who feel that way about women. The only people whose opinions are important to me are those who have won my respect, and those people don't think of anyone as an inferior person because of their gender. I'm very open about my sexuality (hell, my coworkers know I go to sex shops... it has come up in conversation,) I have a job where I'm handling "icky" stuff all day like stinky dead snails and live worms, I'm not planning on having kids and everybody knows it, I'm a biology major who isn't pre-med, my hair is short, my boobs are small, I rarely wear makeup, I curse like a sailor, I have a lot of body mods... and I'm comfortable with that. I'm not trying to be a girly girl, I'm just one of a variety of types of people in the world. I realize I'm not everyone's cup of tea so I don't really take offense on the rare occasion someone says something negative about me or my interests, because I like myself and I'm proud of who I am. If the people around you are expecting you to be someone you're not... fuck 'em. You need to surround yourself with some new people, ones who appareciate you for who you are.
  18. I've probably already had it for a little over a year, my last exam was right before I got together with the current BF and that one was clean, so I know it had to have come from him. Either way, as long as it's just colposcopies and PAPs I can deal with that!
  19. He gave me a foot rub after sex last night. That's right, AFTER! The sex was fantastic too, BTW
  20. I was with a guy who apparently thought just pounding away, as hard and deep as possible and without much rhythm, was what women want. He'd seen one too many bad pornos, methinks. What made it particularly unpleasant was that he was pretty hung... thanks for bruising my cervix, guy.
  21. I think a lot of getting your fair share in the workplace, as a woman, has to do with attitude. I am basically the only female employee at my workplace right now (there's another girl who only works one day a week, for 6 hours,) and I've learned a few somewhat unpleasant truths about being a woman in a male-dominated workplace... like that sometimes customers don't trust my advice as much as the advice of a male coworker, or that being a cute girl probably had almost just as much to do with my getting the job as my application did (my other female coworker's application? Not so good.) I never think about that though. I don't use my gender as an excuse. I've been able to keep this job and earn the trust of customers and coworkers because I have a wealth of experience and knowledge, and I am good at what I do. I expect to be treated as such.
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