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Everything posted by ladylove

  1. How long have you been married? and why are you still married to him. To me no intimacy no marriage.
  2. Yes, you must get over your embarrassment and spill... Leaning forward, sitting on the edge of seat, hands in lap, eager to listen......
  3. No you didn't miss anything. I don't post pictures, but I tease about it some.
  4. hungrily (smile, chuckle, shake head.....)
  5. hahaha! watch very closely now...
  6. interesting ..... such little information for a huge diagnosis. (And BTW Even thought Asperges is a form of Autism, It has been declassified and is now considered Autism)
  7. ... sometimes it all about feel
  8. I don't think it's superficial..... If you don't like the way someone smells (pheromones) you be turned off. First impressions are intrinsic to attraction, period. Not Shallow.
  9. No TPBM want's to share what their last adventure was?
  10. Do you know why he initially stopped touching you? I think that's where you should start.
  11. Welcome to the forum Ublvnme. I've been married 27yrs and look forward to your point of view.
  12. I'm going to make it easy.... It's more than one orgasm to your one during a single session.
  13. Cute, it's the name of your college stuffed mammal ... As far as g-spot orgasms, I believe you should experiment to find it yourself first. How do you feel about that?
  14. (I'm a mind reader ) Not really. TPBM love travel?
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