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Everything posted by ladylove

  1. Figuring out the 'why' isn't as important, sometimes, as figuring out the solution.
  2. Sunday, very sexy. BooBoo, I read a person who is dominant in life likes to give up control in the bedroom. Sooner or later you may end up lovin' the dominant role. Keep us posted. I'll also say most women I know like the man to dominate. It makes them feel feminine.
  3. ( that sounds like it came right out of a harlequin romance novel) You make a good point. Yes, there are men I would love to have sex with but won't.
  4. OK.... I can only answer for myself so... Yes. I'm married and would never do anything to jeopardize or hurt my relationship so yes I can find a man completely sexy and alluring and say no sex. However, if I wasn't married I know if I found a man sexy it's because he is sexually attractive to me and yes I would want to have sex with him However, that in no way means I would jump into bed with him sooner than I was ready to. To me sex is about expressing the way one cares for another and not simply a recreational activity. Sexy is just the initial attraction that draws you to someone. A visual sexy as in I think Pierce Bronson is the sexist man ever.... who knows I never met him, I'll let you know when I do. Make sense?
  5. So are you a self proclaimed sapiosexual?
  6. False face must hide what the false heart doth know. Shakespeare
  7. .... see sexy is subjective. Thanks for knowing I was trying to be glib, and not taking it offensively.
  8. What's Sexy to you? It could be you find a women with at mustache sexy, or a man wearing a dress sexy .... Seriously, this is a discussion on what you find sexy not what makes you want to get naked and just screw; It's about the quiet allure of sexy.
  9. Love All, Trust Few, Do wrong to none ~ Shakespeare
  10. Are you or have you picked up the book by Jose Rodriguez? It's called 'Hard Measures: How Aggressive CIA Actions after 9/11 saved American Lives'? He is the former Chief of the CIA's clandestine services.
  11. Having difficulty with the pictures, will do when able to.
  12. Vibrating Support Plus - Enhance System boasts about being the worlds first patented support system with added flexibility and comfort... sounds great! Also it has a duel stainless steel (SS) semicircle at the base and 3 strategically placed SS beads up the sides for her. The vibration can be either contact or continuous by flipping a small switch. Batteries are included. We have used several different types of cock rings in the past, we both love the buzz. When I received the Vibrating Support Plus Wireless Enhancement System I was both curious and excited to use it. This was not the easiest toy to use. Your man needs to be fully erect and you'll need to lubricate him and the inside of the ring then stretch it over and down his 'joy stick'. Also, decide if you want to have a continuous or contact vibes ahead of time, it's difficult switch once it's on and in place. We placed the small buzz forward for clitoral stimulation then turn it around for some buzzin' on his boys and delicious anal stimulation for me. The metal ring at the base and small metal balls up the sides enhances the vibrations for both... The cage itself added extra stimulation for me but DH took it off to have his O. We both enjoyed the 'Vibrating Support Plus - Enhance System' and will be used from time to time. If your Man has an extra thick penis, or is are less than 4 inches full erect this is not the toy for you. This is a great toy for the experienced cock ring user who is of average width and not under four inches in length fully erect. We award this a 3 out of 5 hearts. http://www.tootimid....nce-system.html
  13. False TPBM - has had a hectic week?
  14. ladylove


    Welcome Back! I look forward to your input.
  15. Funny, some things never change. I remember when one of my daughters read "Speak" and loved it. I know I read it with her, but for the life of me can't remember what it was about. I'll have to google. As far as Fifty shades of Grey, LOTS of sex! Fun to read, now written great, but better character development in the second book. I'm on the third book, it's good, but I have a feeling the second book will be the star of the trio. Honestly some of the stuff in the book is not a turn on, but interesting in another way.
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